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Owning Violet

Page 6

by Monica Murphy

  And Ryder McKay, with his obvious ambition and how quickly he’s moved up the ranks at Fleur, is the perfect choice for Rose. Just like Zachary was the perfect choice for me.

  “Always,” Ryder says, his dark gaze sliding to mine and staying there. I stare back, bringing the wineglass up to my lips and swallowing the rest quickly. Was that my third? Or my fourth? I blink slowly, my head swimming for the briefest moment, and I purse my lips, blowing out a shuddery breath. His smile falters and he takes a step closer, his head tilted toward me as he lowers his voice to ask, “Are you all right?”

  Startled, I blink up at him a few more times before I answer, “Yes. I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

  “You’re not a big drinker.” It’s a statement, not a question.

  “And you know this because?”

  His smile returns, softer this time, and I find myself helplessly entranced. “You might not think I’ve paid much attention, but I know a lot about you, Violet.”

  Alarm races through me at his words, leaving my skin chilled, and I look to my sister for support. But Rose is gone; I catch a glimpse of her retreating back as she moves into the crowd in the center of the room, her arm raised in greeting at someone she must know. Leaving me all alone.

  With Ryder.

  “I know you’re cautious. That you keep yourself under tight control whether at work or at social events such as this one.” He glances around before returning his attention to me. He leans in my direction and lowers his voice, almost as if we’re sharing intimate secrets and having a private discussion no one else is allowed to hear. “I know you’re not a big drinker and you don’t like it when Lawrence drinks too much. Which isn’t often, and you’re thankful for that.”

  I part my lips, ready to say something to defend myself, to defend Zachary, but Ryder cuts me off.

  “I know you tend to dress conservatively and the dress you have on tonight does cover you well. But it also just happens to be the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen you wear.” His gaze drops to my chest and I glance down as well, noticing how sheer the lace bodice is, how the tops of my breasts are on display. My skin warms at his blatant perusal. “The excessive drinking tipped me. You seem a little … off.” He reaches out and touches my arm lightly. “I’m concerned. Is something upsetting you?”

  “Why do you care?” I ask incredulously. I have no idea why he would. We’ve never really spoken beyond formal niceties in the past. Now we’re working together, had one official meeting so far, and he’s suddenly concerned? Oh, and we run into each other at a restaurant and now he’s my old friend? It makes no sense.

  “I’m upset, too, you know,” he says, his voice so low it’s my turn to lean into him to hear what he says next. “How obvious they’re being together.”

  Realization dawns and I take a step around him, his hand falling away from me. I stare at Zachary and Pilar across the room, all the air escaping my lungs at what I see. She’s got her hand on his arm and he’s bent forward a bit, so that she can whisper directly in his ear. Her splayed hand slides upward to rest on his shoulder, giving him a squeeze before she steps away.

  Anger burns inside of me. It tears at my gut, making my head spin. How dare he let her hang all over him. How dare he make such a fool of me in public.

  Lifting my chin, I keep my voice even and say, “It’s probably nothing.” I don’t take my gaze from them, though. It’s as if I can’t look away.

  “It doesn’t appear to be nothing,” Ryder drawls.

  I turn on him, my voice tight, my emotions barely reined in. I blame the alcohol for eliminating my normally cool head. I also blame Zachary for being so blatantly, arrogantly stupid. “Stop trying to cause trouble.”

  Ryder steps away from me as if I offended him. And maybe I did, but for once in my life, I really don’t care. “I’m not the one causing trouble, Violet. They are.”

  I return my attention to Zachary and Pilar. Big mistake. They’re talking and laughing as if they’re together. Another couple approaches them. I recognize the woman, a well-respected beauty editor with one of the top fashion magazines. Zachary introduces Pilar to the editor, and the calculating gleam in Pilar’s eyes is noticeable as she shakes the woman’s hand.

  Doesn’t he realize she’s just using him? Of course, he could be doing the same …

  “I can’t watch this anymore. I’ve seen enough.” I turn on my heel and start walking, not sure where I’m going, what I’m doing, what I’m even thinking. My mind is on fast forward, flipping through the endless possibilities, the scenarios that could play out tonight. I don’t know what to do, what to say, how to act.

  All I know is that I need to get away from Zachary. Get away from Pilar and Ryder and … all of them.

  I can’t take it.

  “Violet, wait.” I hear Ryder’s deep voice call after me but I don’t stop. His request actually makes me move faster as I stride through the crowd, not paying attention when someone calls my name, when another person waves. I don’t care. I just want to leave, to get some fresh air and clear my head. Right now it’s a jumble of confusion, of liquor, of arousal and irritation and hate and need.

  I spot the double doors that lead outside and I rush toward them, pushing both of them open so I walk through the center as they swing wide. I take in deep, gulping breaths of air as the cool spring night hits me. A few people are mingling outside and I glance around. Despite my irritation, I’m impressed with the lit rectangular pool in the center, the giant pots of overflowing colorful mixed flowers scattered about. It’s a gorgeous night, a gorgeous location, and I can’t believe the majority of us were stuck inside when we all could be out here, admiring the night sky, all the lit buildings, feel the refreshing breeze blow across our skin.

  “Violet.” I feel a warm hand clamp my shoulder, strong, assured fingers burning into my skin, and I close my eyes. His thumb traces the strap of my dress, slips beneath it for the briefest moment, and I hold my breath. Hating myself for wishing he would touch me more … but then his hand drops away and I’m left feeling more alone, more despondent than ever.

  “Please leave me alone,” I whisper harshly, not caring in the least if I’m offending him. I blame the alcohol. I’m usually so careful with my words, with my behavior. But Ryder? He struts around the building without a care, so really, why should I worry?

  “I upset you.” Ryder’s deep voice washes over me and I brace myself, not wanting to feel a thing except anger or irritation. But I feel something … different. Never, ever before has a man’s voice twisted me up inside and made me yearn. “I didn’t mean to do that. I’m just …”

  “You’re just what?” I ask, my voice small, my back still to him. I can’t face him. I’m afraid I’ll stare into his eyes and drink in all of those handsome, perfectly masculine features and do something stupid. Like throw myself at him. Beg him to take me out of here and make me forget.

  Warmth suffuses my body and I release another shuddery breath. This is definitely the wine talking.

  “Jealous. Worried.” Another pause, this one heavy with unspoken tension. “Pilar and I … we have an unusual relationship.”

  “Really.” A snort escapes me and I slap my hand over my mouth, embarrassed. I shouldn’t have reacted. I hate that I did.

  “It sounds ridiculous, I know. But she helped me when I was at my lowest point and I feel like I still owe her. We’ve had plenty of … understandings in the past, but she knows how I feel about Lawrence.”

  I finally risk turning around, angry because I already know how he’s going to answer my question. “And how do you feel about Zachary?”

  His lips thin and his nostrils flare the slightest bit. Even angry, he’s devastatingly gorgeous. “Isn’t it obvious?”

  Three words, so simple yet filled with passion. And not the good kind of passion, either. Hateful, deep, and abiding, that’s how they sound. Why he dislikes Zachary I’m not sure. They’re business rivals, but there’s so much hate, and it’s not one-sid
ed. “But why?”

  “He’s a conniving, underhanded asshole.” I glance down to see Ryder clenching his hands into fists. “I know he’s your fiancé, but I can’t help the way I feel. We’ve been in competition against each other for two years and he’s done some pretty underhanded things to me. My opinion of him is tainted by our work history.”

  “He’s not my fiancé,” I say.

  Ryder frowns. “What?”

  “Zachary. We’re not engaged.” I don’t know if we’re ever going to get engaged, but I don’t tell Ryder that.

  “Of course. I’m not surprised.” He’s practically fuming, he seems so mad, and I can’t help the tendrils of pleasure that curl through me at his words. “I can’t say I’m not glad he’s such a stupid fuck. And why would an intelligent woman like you waste so much time with that asshole?” He studies me, his anger fading into confusion. “What’s even more puzzling is why are you still talking to me?”

  My heart kicks up speed at the way he’s staring at me. “Wh-what do you mean?”

  He moves closer, intimidatingly so. I feel trapped. “We both know who I am. What I’m like.”

  I don’t really know much about him at all, but I don’t argue. “Really. So tell me, what are you like?”

  He smiles, and something deep within me begins to throb. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Frightened by the intensity in his eyes, the double meaning in his words, I walk away from Ryder without a backward glance, heading toward the railing so I can see the view of the city more clearly. Leaning against the metal bars that separate me from certain death, I tilt my head back and close my eyes, relishing the rush of the wind. It’s stronger here, closer to the edge. I can’t remember the last time I stood close to the edge, either figuratively or literally.

  Of course, Ryder follows me. He’s like a wild dog and I believe I’ve become his favorite bone. What a gruesome thought. “Are you upset over Lawrence wanting to go to London while you want marriage?”

  I hesitate. This conversation has become personal fast. I shouldn’t open up to him. Ryder McKay seems the type that would use my words against me to his advantage. “I don’t know if I want marriage. Not yet, anyway. But a commitment would go a long way in showing that he’s …” Invested. Why am I telling him this? “Not that it’s any of your business,” I add.

  “You’re one hundred percent right. It is none of my business. But I had hoped we could at least become … allies, Violet. We’re going to be working together very closely over the next few months.” I turn to find him watching me carefully, his arm overlapping the metal bar, the breeze tossing his hair carelessly about his head. It’s a good look for him. The elegant suit, that unruly mess of hair blowing, his gorgeous face, and all that pent-up anger still hanging onto him. Very sexy, dark, and dangerous. I’ve never been attracted to dark and dangerous. I dealt with that enough in my past. Fought against it and won.

  So why am I suddenly drawn to this man? And why does it feel like he’s also drawn to me?

  “I don’t dislike you,” I say. “We can have a professional relationship.”

  “But what about what’s happening now?” The pointed look he gives me is filled with unspoken meaning. Meaning I’m not sure I want to decipher.

  I go ahead and try, even though I’m nervous. “What exactly are you referring to?”

  “You know what I’m talking about, Violet.” His eyes never leave mine. “There’s more between Pilar and Lawrence. You know there is.” A pause, and his gaze darkens, if that’s possible. “And you know there’s something going on between you and me.”

  Chapter Six


  The plan came together faster than I thought. Considering we don’t have much time before Lawrence leaves for his test run in London, this is a good thing. Pilar has already worked her magic. Lawrence is practically mauling her in public, he’s so in lust with her. She told me they kissed last night in the office when everyone had left and she had her hand on his dick within seconds.

  But that’s all she told me, the conniving little witch. I know there must be more. Funny how she’s always digging at me for information but has become oddly tight-lipped when it comes to that utter douche in a suit.

  I don’t fucking get it. Not that I’m giving her much information in return. Not that I even have that much information to give her. I attended the meeting with Violet. Stopped by her office this morning with the excuse that I wanted to go over a few things regarding plans for the packaging but she blew me off, saying she had a meeting to go to and she was already late.

  She flew out of her office within seconds of my arrival, keeping her head down so we couldn’t make eye contact. Weird. I got the sense that I still make her uncomfortable, which is going to be a giant obstacle if she doesn’t get over that.

  Besides, women don’t blow me off, even for business matters. Arrogant but true.

  I knew tonight was my best chance to truly start working on her, getting into her head and filling it with doubt regarding her boyfriend and Pilar. Pilar and I had discussed it but hadn’t come up with a plan prior to arriving. Hell, we arrived separately because I knew that if something went down tonight, I wouldn’t want to leave with Pilar.

  It wouldn’t look right, not when I’m the one who’s supposed to be hurting and pissed at her.

  I hadn’t bargained on Violet looking so heartbreakingly beautiful, though, which was a mistake on my part. When I first saw her, she took my breath away, and I didn’t think that was possible, I’m such a callous asshole. But that dress, the way it reveals her creamy, smooth skin but not too much. A hint of sexiness mixed with those big, velvety eyes full of pain and wariness. She doesn’t trust me. Smart girl.

  She shouldn’t.

  “You believe Pilar and Zachary are …” She screwed up her mouth, those pouty, delectable lips covered in scarlet-red lipstick. “Involved?”

  “There’s a flirtation there. There has been for a while.” I step closer to her, our shoulders brushing. She’s still shorter than me, but the heels she has on tonight are incredibly high and incredibly hot. All that restrained elegance she wears as some sort of costume hides a very sexy woman just lingering beneath. “Did you see the way she clings to him?”

  Violet averts her head, a little sound escaping her that reminds me of a wounded animal. I’ve pushed her too far. She’ll probably cry and fall apart, and then what am I supposed to do? Cry along with her? I’m supposedly as wronged as she is in this situation.

  “This isn’t the first time,” she says, her voice cold yet steady.

  Shock races through me. Well, there’s a twist. I’ve heard murmurings of Lawrence’s indiscretions in the past, but I’ve had no real confirmation.

  I decide to play dumb. “Are you referring to Lawrence and Pilar?”

  “Please.” She waves a hand, dismissing my suggestion. “Well, maybe they have; I don’t know. I wouldn’t put it past him. But I do know for a fact that Zachary has been—unfaithful to me in the past.”

  So she is aware. The revelation blows my mind. “Yet you stay with him.”

  She stares at me with that pretty red mouth turned down. “We’ve been together a long time. We make a good team.” Her voice is flat. She sounds like a robot. Like someone fed her that information and she’s just regurgitating it.

  “I’m sure he agrees,” I say dryly. “He does whatever he wants and you put up with him. It’s a great deal.”

  Violet narrows her eyes. Anger flashes in their depths, brief but intense. I touched a nerve. “Please. You have no room to judge, considering your very—what did you call it? Your unusual relationship with Pilar? No one has any clue what to call you two. Are you together? Are you just friends? Is she your boss and your lover? Or just your boss?” She glances around guiltily. I’m sure she realized her voice rose with all of those interesting questions. It went to show that she thought about me. Wondered about Pilar and me, and what we mean to each other. I can’t deny that p
leases me.

  “Forget my questions,” she says hurriedly. “What you do during your private time is none of my business.”

  “For one thing, Pilar isn’t my boss any longer and she hasn’t been for a while,” I say. The blush on Violet’s cheeks is unmistakable. “And two, yes, we have been … involved. Sexually.” We tease each other still. But she’s been feeding her needs elsewhere and I’m not sure with whom. Not that I really care, since I’ve sought others to satisfy my needs as well.

  “Please. I don’t need any more details.” Violet shakes her head, holding up a hand, but I don’t want to stop. I may as well stem her curiosity.

  “It is what it is. There’s no clear definition. We’re both fairly open about it.” I shrug. I can never explain my relationship with Pilar properly because I barely understand it myself. “I don’t want to defend it and I’m guessing you don’t want to defend yours, either, so we’ll just leave our relationship statuses alone.”

  She stares at me for a long, quiet moment, her eyes focused solely on me. I take the opportunity to drink her in, study her every feature. The delicately pointed nose, the high cheekbones, those big, dark brown eyes. Her skin is flawless. Her lips the perfect red pout. So fucking beautiful it hurts.

  “Thank you,” she finally murmurs, ever polite, always proper. “I can’t begin to explain to people why I put up with certain things, especially to my sisters and particularly Rose. They can’t understand if they’ve never been in my position, you know?”

  I do know. More than she might realize. If I could, I would have shed Pilar long ago. But I owe her my success. At least, she tells me that constantly. Still, I figure that by now I’ve finally proved my worth, but according to Pilar, I’m moving up at Fleur because of her influence. Not because I’ve done a good job.


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