Magnificent Ruin (Everlasting Series Book 2)

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Magnificent Ruin (Everlasting Series Book 2) Page 2

by Alison Foster

  Tomas was kind enough to allow me to go along with him on this three-month vacation. He offered me the biggest of the bedrooms in the house, which is also the one with a view to the ocean. He didn’t have to do that but he did. I know it’s probably because of his connection to Nathan who adores Grace which I guess gives me, her BFF, extra points.

  Tomas has been nothing but a gentleman anyway, giving me space and privacy and offering companionship at the same time, while I’ve been judging him silently and constantly and now it seems like I’m going to hold him responsible for my own messed up dreams. Get a grip, Taylor.

  “Are you going to be cranky all day or is it just the morning?”

  No, no, no, he won’t make me cuss at him today. “I’m not cranky at all,” I offer with a smile.

  “Good. Then go get ready. We’ll go diving for pinnas at the pier.”

  What did he just say? “That sounds a lot like…”

  “Like what?” he says, staring into my eyes. “A penis?”

  I gulp down the rest of my coffee. “Is diving for penis kind of like bobbing for apples? Wouldn’t be a big hit at birthday parties, I don’t think.”

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” He winks as he gets closer to me, putting a tight white T-shirt on.

  “I’ve tried plenty,” I say with immediate regret.

  “It’s ham mussels,” he says as he pulls his head through the shirt’s neckline.

  “Ham mussels? I’m not as traveled as you, are Greek pigs into bodybuilding? Or have they mated with clams?”

  “You are strangely amusing today.”

  I stick my tongue out before I turn my back to him.

  “Just come along and we’ll uncover all the magical secrets of pinnas for you,” he says, following me. “It’d be cool.”

  I turn around to face him. “It would also be cool if we got the couch back from the cleaner’s tonight.”

  He smiles from ear-to-ear. “And it would be cool if we stuck are asses in the freezer. Are you coming or not, Tay?”

  “Your bedside manner sucks,” I say. “You’re lucky I’m bored and have no plans, so it’s a yes, I guess.”

  I see yet another grin on his face.

  “What?” I ask him.

  “It just hit me. I’ve never been bored a single day of my life. That’s not one of my gears. I’m fucking awesome.”

  Oh.My.God. “And so humble,” I say with a sigh. “Not!”

  “I have faults, but I’m into them. I embrace them,” he says.

  “I can see that,” I say acting disinterested in his charms. “Who else will be there?”

  “At the jetty? Probably Adrian and Demetris with some of the girls. Maybe Mario, too.”

  “So just locals?”

  “As far as I know. Why?”

  “Your English speaking friends are tedious.”

  Tomas scratches the back of his neck, squinting his eyes. “It seems to me you’re trying really hard not to have a good time. Have you tired of this whole arrangement? Do you want to go back to California?”

  “I have my own gears and not all of them are cheery,” I say with an exaggerated yawn. “It doesn’t mean you’re going to get rid of me.”

  “Why would I want to? You smell good and I like pissing you off. Let’s hit the beach. I’m bursting with energy today.”

  “I need twenty minutes,” I say, staring down at my legs. I haven’t shaved them in two days.

  “Twenty minutes? What are you going to do? Knit a bikini? No one cares about a little leg beard in Europe, Taylor. You look plenty fuckable. I’ll give you ten minutes.”

  I ignore him and head back to the house to work on my neglected skin. I take my girlie razors out of the cabinet and get in the shower. I really need to get some waxing going, I think, as I run hot water over my belly and thighs. I look around for my shaving cream but can’t locate it. I curse as I remember that I used it all up last time.

  “Well, fuck a duck,” I say, grabbing Tomas’s shaving cream off the rack. I use the lavish foam to gently massage the sensitive skin on my inner thighs.

  My eyes close as I inhale the steam and shut out the world. Somehow it gives me a buzz of satisfaction to know he will have to squeeze this very same tube to get the shaving cream out to slather onto his tan, arrogant face.

  I can be more dangerous thank you think, Tomas Keller.

  Chapter 3

  Demetris and Kelly stand on the wooden jetty in their swimming suits, gently shoving each other like two happy puppies. They’re a super cute couple. I love how relaxed and cool they act around each other. A moment later, they cover hastily the few feet to the edge of the jetty and jump into the water, screaming. Their heads disappear for a few heartbeats before they come up for air and a kiss.

  The Greek gang favors this beach because it’s isolated – no cafés or restaurants around, only a few hills in the distance and an old, abandoned sea salt reservoir that lurks to the west.

  Adrian gets off the jetty to come and meet us with small leaps, opening his arms wide to give Tomas a hug. Then he puts a finger behind my ear and swiftly produces a pink rose. Adrian likes to impress girls with his little magic tricks. So far, I’ve only witnessed three of them: the flower behind the ear, the disappearing coin and the feather that turns into a scarf. To hear his female friends talk about him, you’d think he’s the new Houdini.

  Sophia, Kelly’s younger sister by one year, sits on a beach towel near the water, paying no attention to us. She’s a twenty-two year old sexy petite thing with dark hair and even darker eyes and a seriously cute butt. She seems to be putting her foot in her mouth a lot when she’s around Tomas. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out she’s into him.

  Demetris and Adrian are both tall, muscular guys and they can be very funny even if it’s in a non-witty way. Adrian is the hottest among the two and versed enough in the art of flirting to get a lot of female attention with barely lifting a finger. It’s no surprise Tomas took an instant liking to Adrian. He probably sees a disciple or a younger version of himself in him.

  “Ready to dive?” Adrian asks me.

  I shake my head. “Not me,” I say. “I’ll have fun watching you guys do your thing.”

  Tomas quickly takes off his shirt and shorts before he gives me a reprimanding look. “What the hell have I been telling you? You need to commit to having more fun, bright eyes.”

  “Diving for ham mussels isn’t on the top of my fun list,” I say, indifferently. The truth is I feel a bit under the weather, but it’s nothing the warm sun and salty breeze can’t fix.

  “What hamsels is she talk about?” Adrian asks Tomas, shaking water drops off his delicious, golden upper body and brown hair.

  “It’s the same as pinnas, only longer,” Tomas answers, keeping his teasing eyes on me.

  “Go on, boys,” I say, shooing them away. “I’ll be fine here with Sophia.”

  Sophia turns to me when she hears her name. Her big, dark sunglasses make any attempt to read her mood impossible.

  “I’ll come back for you,” Tomas says as he runs off to the jetty.

  Adrian lingers behind. “Are you sure?” he says. “We no have to dive, just swim with me.”

  His squinting eyes are fixed on me, inviting, playful and hungry. His sculpted, tattooed pecs rise and fall with every breath he takes.

  “How old are you, Adrian?” I ask, honestly curious for the reply. He seems to be very young but at the same time too damn sure of himself.

  “Twenty-three,” he says with a pouty grin. “I grow older.”

  “Older than what?” I say, laughing.

  He looks at me confused. My meaning escapes him. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m your elder,” I say. “Twenty-four and a half.”

  His grin turns into a wide smile that reveals all his teeth. “I like older women.”

  Holy fuck. The asshole just called me old. I should punch that stupid grin off his face. “Well, I’m sorry I can�
�t be the Demi Moore to your Ashton Kutcher,” I say and enjoy the ever growing confusion on his face. For once I like it that his English isn’t good enough for him to grasp mockery.

  “I like that you are difficult,” he says, walking backward to the jetty with his eyes still on me.

  “That ain’t happening,” I mutter under my breath as I sit down next to Sophia. I’ve had one jerk too many in my life, thank you very much.

  Sophia lifts her sunglasses a smidge to reveal her almond-shaped eyes and offer me one of her sweetest smiles. “Not in the mood for swimming?”

  Among the four, Sophia is the most fluent in English thanks to a summer or two she spent in Oxford, England.

  “Nah, I just want to get a suntan,” I say, taking a bottle of sunscreen out of my bag. “Blondes can’t take that for granted.”

  “Do you need help with that?” Sophia says, pointing at my sunscreen.

  “You could do my back if you don’t mind. And then I can do yours.”

  Sophia chuckles. “You Americans speak so strange,” she says.

  “We don’t talk strange, we are strange,” I say. “You should watch our reality shows. Or have a long conversation with Tomas.”

  “Yeah, Tomas is a strange American.”

  “You know what? I’m not sure he’s American. An alien, maybe?”

  Sophia chuckles before she starts applying sunscreen on my back in slow, circular motions. “Like The Doctor,” she says.

  “What?” I say, totally confused.

  “Tomas. He’s an alien like The Doctor in Doctor Who.”

  Oh lord, she’s a nerd on top of everything. Guys love hot nerd girls.

  The sun beats down with more intensity as the mid-morning turns into midday. I put my wide-brimmed hat on, pulling my hair behind my ears.

  “This sunscreen makes you look like a ghost,” Sophia says. “I can’t get it to absorb in your skin.”

  “You’re not supposed to,” I say. “The main ingredient is a mineral, zinc oxide. It’s supposed to stay on top of your skin to protect it.”

  “Do you like it better?” Sophia says, handing me back the bottle.

  “It’s supposed to be safer for you,” I say. “Less chemicals go under your skin. Would you like me to apply it on you?”

  “Maybe later. I have my sunscreen on already.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I say, putting the cap back on the bottle and lying back on my towel.

  Sophia presses her palm to her temple as if she’s got a sudden headache.

  “Are you okay?” I say.

  “I’m fine,” she says with a weak smile on her perfectly plump, pink lips. Then, after a short pause, “How did you two meet?”

  “You mean Tomas and me?”

  Sophia nods, taking off her sunglasses and placing her hand on her forehead to shield her eyes from the sun. The expression on her lovely face gets uncannily serious.

  “His best friend, Nathan, fell in love with my best friend, Grace,” I say. “I know, cheesy, but that’s how we got to know each other.”

  Sophia nods again. It’s obvious she thinks Tomas and I share the same bed and I’m not sure I want to correct her. Keeping her away from the sexy, arrogant vulture that is Tomas Keller might be the ultimate favor I could do for her. I marvel at myself for being so level-headed. In all history of my existence on Earth, this could be the first time I’m not encouraging a woman to go after a hot guy who oozes sensuality and confidence. Grace would be proud of me.

  Sophia and I turn our attention to the wooden jetty as Kelly’s cries reach our ears. Demetris has picked her up and is spinning around like a dervish. Tomas springs up from a sitting position to push them both in the water.

  He stands tall at the edge of the jetty, his back totally straight. He lifts his head up to stare at the sky before squatting slightly, moving his knees upward and stretching his arms above his head as he leans forward to execute a perfect dive. Both Sophia and I swoon a little as we watch his body hit the water in a perfect angle. Barely a splash.

  Is there any physical skill he does not excel at?

  “Wow,” is all that Sophia says in her splendid accent.

  “How did you guys meet Adrian?” I ask her to change subjects and get myself out of the weird funk that’s been taking over my senses. “I know Demetris is dating your sister, but what about Adrian?”

  “We met him here on the island, three summers ago. We’ve been coming back every year since.”

  “Adrian was born on the island, right?”

  “Yes, but he’s a student of Medicine in Athens now.”

  I just about choke on my own spit. “Adrian is studying medicine?” I say in disbelief.

  Sophia nods. “Does that shock you?”

  “A bit,” I admit.

  “It’s okay. It shocked me, too, at first. He’s so, how do you say it?”


  “Unpredictable,” she corrects me.

  “You mean volatile?”

  “This means?”

  “It means he’s all over the place. He tries every angle.”

  “This can be a good thing,” Sophia says with devilish eyes.

  We both laugh until Tomas walks out of the water to the spot on the sand occupied by Sophia and me. He’s looming over us all tanned and dripping water, holding what must be a pinna in his hand.

  “So, you got your trophy,” I say as he plops down next to me, his powerful body glistening in the sun.

  “It’s your trophy,” he says. “This one’s for you. I have more on the pier.”

  He hands me the long shellfish with the rough, uneven surface. “This is a strange mussel,” I say. “It’s huge.”

  “Pinnas aren’t mussels,” Sophia says.

  “They’re a special kind of mussel,” I say. “Ham mussel.”

  Sophia looks at me, narrowing her eyes.

  “Yeah, about that,” Tomas says, rising to his feet. “I lied. There’s no such thing as a ham mussel.”

  “I knew it,” I yell, throwing the damned pinna at him. He catches it midair with an acrobatic leap. By the time I spring up to take it back, he darts for the jetty.

  “What a royal jackass,” I hiss through my teeth, half-smiling.

  “You’re not really mad, are you?” Sophia says, standing up herself.

  “No one is ever really mad at Tomas. He has that thing where everyone wants to hang out with him.”

  “Animal magnetism?” she says. “I have heard this term. It’s nice.”

  “Something like that,” I say. “And besides, he saved my life not that long ago.”

  Why am I telling her this? This will only make her want him more.

  Sophia’s eyes widen as she shifts her weight from hip to hip. “Tomas, did?” she says. “What happened?”

  “I’ll tell you some other time,” I say, realizing it’s almost impossible to get her to stop wanting him. I pick up my towel and bag and walk to the jetty to tell Tomas I want to go home. Adrian cuts me off as soon as I step on the pier.

  “For you, beautiful mermaid,” he says.

  “Wow, what do you know, another pinna,” I say, hoping my comment didn’t come off as too sarcastic.

  “Go out with me, kopelia,” he says. “Tonight.”

  I steal a glance at Tomas who’s watching from a few feet away. His piercing eyes force me to stare at him, undecided. I wonder if he’s heard Adrian’s invitation and if it would mean anything to him if I accepted.

  There’s an awkward moment of silence that’s broken by Kelly’s loud laughter. She and Demetris carry a big bucket full of pinnas to us.

  “Poor things,” I manage to say before turning my attention back to Adrian. “Not tonight,” I say. And then to Tomas, “Can you take me home? I’m a bit worn-out.”


  As the evening colors turn the sky a soft red above the waterline, Tomas returns home from wherever it is he’s been for the past three hours.

  He finds me sitting on a lounge
chair on the porch with a cup of lemon and ginger white tea in my hand and my cell phone in my lap. I tried calling Grace but then remembered it’s the middle of the night in LA so I hung up before the first ring. I could really use Grace’s calming voice right now.

  I just returned myself about half an hour ago from an excursion to the nearby village of Kalloni which ended up with me buying a map of Turkey. I’ve been waiting to tell Tomas I’d love to get on a boat to Turkey for a day or two. It’s so close, we can see its lacey shores on the horizon from certain vantage points up on the hills.

  “Hey,” I say, but never finish my thought. There’s something heavy and depressed about his face and even his gait. Something totally new. I swear, I’ve never seen Tomas in a bad or sour mood before. No matter what, he always seems to be enjoying life and the company of, well, himself.

  “You were right,” he says, taking a seat beside me. “My English speaking friends are total bores. Present company excluded.” I see a sparkle in his eyes which puts my mind at ease. I wouldn’t know how to treat a gloomy Tomas.

  “I’m always right,” I say, lying back on the chair. “You should have learned that by now.”

  “Are you going out with your boy toy?” he says out of the blue.

  “None of your business,” I say, closing my eyes. “And, boy toy? Eww.”

  “He’s hot for you and ripe like a summer Greek fig.”

  “Okay, that’s a bizarre image,” I say, trying to hide my amusement.

  I feel him fidget in his lounge chair for a moment before he decides to follow my example and lie back. “Will you do him?” he says.

  “Your interest in my love life is cute,” I say. “It really is. Why don’t we talk about yours for a moment?”

  “I don’t talk about things I’d rather be doing.”

  I sit up and open my eyes. “Let’s talk about Sophia. She likes you,” I say, staring down at the phone in my hands.

  “Whatever,” he says, taking a sip from my tea cup.

  “You might like her if you gave her a chance,” I insist.

  “How many times do I have to tell you, Taylor? Sophia wants a relationship. I don’t do relationships.”


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