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Bloodfeather Page 7

by Linz Lenay

  “Ding dong, you've reached the morgue, are you looking for placement for yourself or someone else?” Which makes me laugh with glee.

  “Hey Cat, it's Dasia. Have you checked out any of the social media yet, today? I just ran across an image of Gaige and I. I'd like to be able to get ahead of them digging into me to figure out who I am. I can send you a couple photos we took from this weekend and write up something easy about myself, if that helps, but I figured you'd want to tag team it as much as I do.”

  “Dee! I'm so glad you called, though it sucks that this is the reason. I haven't gotten to Gaige's file this morning, because one of our guys had a hell of a weekend after Saturday's win. There's photos of him in a hot tub full of women and no one's wearing a bathing suit. I know it's mostly tame, but one of the girls happens to be the daughter of the mayor, and another is one of the kid sisters of our PT, Zack. Both are under twenty-one and have alcohol in their hands. So yeah, I'd love if you could write up something easy and quick for me while I keep handling this shit storm and pray that Bykl doesn't get sent to jail.”

  “Well shit. That sounds terrible! Both what you have to clean up and that you have to at all. He should know better. Ugh, I'm so sorry. I'll get this written up and email it to you if you'll text me your address.”

  We say our goodbyes, hang up, and I get to work on a small story. I mention us meeting outside of hockey at a local restaurant, and a little about my job. There's just enough information to keep the vultures satisfied, while not losing our privacy. I send it to the email address Cat sends me and we upload it onto our social medias, hitting where it will trend and soon Gaige and I will be oldish news.

  Once everything is uploaded, my phone starts to ring and it's a tone I've never heard, though I know the song well. It's Disturbed's You're Mine and when I pick it up to check who's calling, I suddenly understand and answer the phone laughing.

  “I can't believe you changed your ringtone on me.”

  “Hey, it's the same as when you call me on mine. Matching ringtones, I thought girls liked that.”

  “It's cute, but I don't need a song to know I'm yours and you're mine.”

  “I know, but I felt an urge to do it.” he chuckles. “I'm on my way home, what's up? It seems you're less urgent now than when you left me a voicemail.”

  “Yes, Cat and I handled it, but I wanted you to know that we're out. Media has a photo of us smiling and laughing at dinner the other night. They were speculating on who I am, and saying that you're taming the gay rumors, which I rolled my eyes at. Anyway, I wrote up a brief article about me, enough to give them something without threatening our privacy. I sent it to Cat and we uploaded it on all the accounts with the NHL hash-tag so fans and media find it and can stop digging. I called her right after I left you a voice message since if the situation was reversed, I would want to know. I wanted to help her out by writing it up after she told me about Bykl”

  “Oh fuck, what did that little shit do now?”

  “Well unfortunately, I don't think he's going to completely get out of this one. But he should be able to get out of the biggest charge, since it wasn't his home, but at the mayor's. He was photographed with Zack's little sister and the mayor's daughter in a hot tub, sans bathing suit, and they were all drinking. The girls are underage, but he can prove he didn't provide the alcohol, because he hasn't bought any in the past week. The problem is going to be him and their ages. Depending on how things turn out, you may have to replace him permanently, but as of right now, Cat said they're planning on pulling up from the farm team and hoping that whoever they pick is good enough to stay up, along with sending Bykl down until things either blow up or over.”

  I don't envy Gaige's position nor his team's. I would hate to find out one of the guys fucked up this bad. Worst case Bykl loses his job, and sent to jail or prison. Best case, he still loses his job and gets put on a list. I'm hoping for the sake of the Griffins that the AHL kid proves his worth.

  “I admit, I'm surprised that Cat mentioned anything to you. She's not a very trusting person, and although you aren't the enemy, you do work for another team. She must really trust you.”

  “I was surprised myself, but I would never use something like this to get ahead in the game, for the guys or myself. It's a shitty situation I wouldn't wish on anyone. The least I can do is keep my mouth shut and help where I can.”

  “You're a good person, Dee. I'm proud to call you mine.”

  This makes me blush, feeling the pride comes through the phone and not just listening to what he's telling me.

  “You know I'm proud of you, too. I don't know if I mentioned it the other night, but you not retaliating against any of the Basilisks, then turning around and not letting Crosy get under your skin was so hot.”

  “Ugh, why can't you be waiting for me in my bed? I'm about to pull up to my place and it already feels empty without you.”

  “We'll find another time for me to come down or you to come up. Maybe next time you have a game, then a day off, I can come and bring my laptop with me. On Mondays I usually work from home unless there's something dire that I need to go into the office for. With being freelance, I'm able to work remotely. If I had thought about it, I would have done that today and worked while you were at practice.”

  “Mmmhmmm. I like the sound of that. It means more time with you and that I'm not taking you away from work.”

  I agree and we chat a little longer as he takes Sweetie out for a walk and we disconnect when he gets home so he can clean up and see what PR work he needs to be doing. I look at the team's schedule and realize there's an event on Saturday with some of the players.

  I get busy checking out the rest of the schedule and call any vendors that need to confirm they'll be at the events coming up in the next three weeks, take a break to get a snack and take out Monster for a walk, and before I know it, it's time for a late dinner. This is usually what my day entails. Social Media, schedules and taking care of Monster. I've never thought about changing the routine, minus game days. Now that Gaige has entered my life, though, I want more. I want to be able to make time for him, just like I told him, and eventually I'd like a family. I think Gaige would be the perfect partner for that, once we've fallen in love and moved in together. I've never really been the type to say that marriage and babies go hand in hand, though it makes things easier on the child, but I want that too. I want everything with him. I could easily fall in love with Gaige, I just hope he feels the same.

  Chapter Eight


  The weeks fly by before Dasia and I are able to make a real date again. Three months into the season and we've only been able to see each other for a night here and there, mostly with her traveling to me. She's had events on my nights off, and I've had games or events on hers. On the nights we do get together, it's only for a few hours and to order in or cook together. I want to take her out, show her off on my arm, proclaim to the world she's mine. It's hard to do that when you don't always see each other. Each day that passes leads me more and more toward finding a home halfway between the two of us. I've even contacted my real estate agent to keep their eyes and ears open for anything between Dasia and I, and any easy route to the highway leading to either of our jobs. I haven't mentioned it to Dee, but I'm thinking about doing that tonight. I don't have any games for a few days, and practice isn't until the afternoon tomorrow. Dasia is bringing her laptop with her so she can work from here tomorrow, along with Monster, so we have everything covered.

  Dee is on her way now, just leaving the office, since she had a few vendors to meet up with for an event next month. I never realized how much work goes into some of the events the PR teams put together. I've done charities, and shown up to the events I've been able to, but I've never really thought about it and I've always had the help when I host a charity thing. And most of those are skating with youths or visiting children's hospitals and making them feel like they're at a party.

  Tonight, though, we're droppi
ng work and focusing on us. I'm taking Dasia to a Hibachi bar, then dancing. I don't dance, but I will for her, just because I know she loves it. Cat and Karter are going to dinner with us, but it's mainly because I know the chef will put on a bigger show if there's more than two of us. Plus they're friends and need to eat, too. Both were invited to go dancing with us, but they said they're leaving their options open.

  I hear Dasia pull up in the driveway, she must have been doing car-karaoke again, because I can hear the bass of whatever song she's listening to slowly fading. Only a few moments later, the door is being opened and claws are darting down the hallway to the kitchen where Sweetie and I are sitting. I'm at the bar, with my laptop open, checking on my social media and answering emails as I wait, but I close the computer and make my way toward my gorgeous girlfriend. As soon as I see her though, I stop. Breathing, moving, all stopped, because she's even more stunning tonight. She's wearing a flared red dress that has black lace across the middle, hinting at her beautiful skin. She's barely wearing any makeup, but her hair is pulled back in the middle of her head, the rest falling in loose waves down her back. She's also wearing black and white converse.

  “Fuuuuuuck, baby. Are you trying to kill me? Or get me in trouble? Cat is going to murder me, because I already know I'm going to want you up against a wall in a dark corner while we're out.”

  This makes her giggle, putting her hand over her mouth to hide her laughter at me. She knows what she's doing to me. She sets her bag down beside the entry to the living room, and walks toward me, because I'm incapable of moving still. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me to her while lifting on her toes to kiss me hello. My body wakes up and I move my hands to her hips gripping them and not wanting to let go. I've fucking missed her. We haven't seen each other in a little over a week. I hear her whimper, before she pulls away.

  “As much as I would love to continue this, I'm starving and we have reservations. Feed me, Sir.”

  “Anything you want, Miss. Let me set up an extra bowl of water for Monster and we can head out.”

  I head to the kitchen, pushing down on my dick to relieve some of the pressure, but I have a feeling I'm going to be hard all night until I get inside of her. Once I set up an extra water dish, I head back to her and we head out to my truck.

  “You know, we could make this into a game. We could tease each other all night and see who breaks first.” Dasia suggests while I'm driving to the restaurant. I groan, knowing I'm probably going to lose, but I don't know what the stakes are, so I ask.

  “Well, we'd both win, since either one of us could cave at any moment and we'd have to head back to your place. But we could add something else for the winner, the one who sticks it out longer, if you'd like. If I won, I'd want breakfast in bed. You can choose what you want if you win, but you have to come up with something before we go inside for dinner.”

  “Fuuuck. Well, how about if I win, you let me buy us a house to move in together. Halfway between, just like we talked about.”

  “Gaige?” she questions, looking confused.

  “I've been thinking about it for a little bit now. I even have a realtor keeping her ears and eyes open, but told her I'm not ready to buy quite yet, since I wanted to talk to you first. This is something we need to discuss before making a cement decision.”

  “You don't need to win a silly bet to get me to move in with you. I hate how close we live, yet we never get to see each other. I know an hour and a half to some is a distance, but it passes quick knowing I'm coming to see you.”

  “I still stick by my trophy for this game. But it's good to know you won't fight me on it, when I win.”

  “Oh, the cock-iness.” She puts an emphasis on 'cock' knowing hearing her say the dirty word makes my dick strain.

  We pull up to the restaurant and see Karter and Cat waiting outside. I ask Dasia to wait, so I can get her door for her and escort her inside. We get seated almost immediately and the true teasing starts. First with her hand on my thigh under the bar-table, then moving higher. But she kicks it up a notch when the chef comes out to cook, by sliding my hand up her own thigh. What I didn't catch earlier, is that she's not wearing any panties. I groan out loud at that, turning it into a cough when I get strange looks from our table mates.

  Every bite of food she eats, turns into a moan of content. She even feeds me a bite of her squash and bites her lip when I wrap mine around the tings of her fork. She knows that biting her lip is my weakness. I cave. I thought I'd last longer than this, that we would hold out at least until we got to the dance club. I grab her hand and excuse us from the table, tugging her down the hallway that leads to the restrooms. Luckily the restaurant only has a few patrons, so pulling her into the ladies room and locking the door, after making sure we're alone is easy.

  “Fuck you know what biting that lip does to me, little Bloodfeather. You did that on purpose, didn't you? You knew that as soon as your teeth met that plump bottom lip, I'd have you out of your chair and finding a place to make you mine.”

  “Maybe, but it's my reaction to you all the time. I can't help myself.” She says breathily, as I push her against the wall face first.

  I place her hands against the wall, silently telling her not to move them, then bend down to slowly move my hands up her silky legs, pushing the skirt of her dress up when I get to her the hem. I kiss the backs of her thighs, making her breath catch, before spreading her legs apart and pulling her hips toward me, placing her where I want her. On my knees, I lean forward and lick each of her cheeks, then from her clit to her little rosebud. We haven't talked or tried anything back there, but going off her response now, it won't be an issue. I continue to tease her with my tongue, slow swipes from clit to asshole, before she's begging me to do something more.

  “Please, Gaige. I need you.”

  It breaks my control, and I let the passion I've kept under the surface unleash. I make quick work of my dress pants and boxer briefs, and I cup her neck before sinking into her pussy. I have to pause when I'm all the way in, because if I don't this will be over way too soon, and she needs to come before that happens. I tighten my grip slightly on her throat, enough to make her feel like she has no oxygen, but not to actually choke her out. My other hand moves to her clit and I pull out slightly before slamming back in as I work her nub. I pump into her at that pace for a few moments, but I need something else.

  “Touch yourself, Miss. Rub that clit for me.”

  She moves her hand to where mine was, and I move my hand to her ass cheek, brushing my thumb over her asshole. She gasps and I feel her ass push further into my thumb. She wants this, too. So I give her what her body is begging for, gently inserting the tip of my thumb into her rosebud, moving it in and out with my thrust. I feel her body tighten, and I can't help myself, I squeeze just a little tighter on her throat. I'm pleased with her response, because it sends her over the edge with a silents scream, her head coming back to rest on my chest as I chase my own orgasm. I keep playing with her ass that's clenching just as hard as her pussy, and let myself go. My hips jerk, out of control, and maybe a little rough, but I've given myself over to passion and can't stop until I'm spent, coating the inside of her pussy with everything I have to give.

  When my body is done spasming, I loosen my grip on her neck and pull her down to the floor with me, my cock still half hard inside her. She lays her head against my chest and we let our breathing catch up to normal.

  “I want fruit and waffles for breakfast in our new house. They can be healthy waffles, protein waffles, whatever, but that's what I want.” She says with a smile in her voice and making me laugh.

  “How about we get through the rest of dinner first, then we can talk about it. Do you still want to go dancing?”

  “Will you ravage me in a dark corner?”


  “Then, yes I want to go dancing.”

  It was only three songs in when I found an empty storage room and made Dasia come three more times
before letting myself go, at the club. We didn't stay after that, I brought her back to my place and took my time with her for this round. I was gentle, but controlled, I edged her until she was begging and moaning my name in frustration.

  Now I'm watching her sleep blissfully in my bed, curled into my side. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but I will work my ass off to keep her. With that thought, I follow her into dark bliss.

  The next morning we shower together, before I head to the gym with Karter, not wanting to fuck up my workout routine. I could say I would make it up later after practice, but lets face it, making it up instead of doing it when I had already planned to is just stupid. Dasia gets it and even tells me to kick ass with a slap to the ass as I walk out the door. I chuckle and hop in my truck to go pick up my best friend.

  Our workout runs until practice starts, and the gym is attached to the arena, so we just head into the locker room and get dressed in our practice gear. It's a tough ice time, but it's needed if we want to make it all the way this year. Since I've been captain, we've gotten close, but haven't reached our goal of holding The Cup. We haven't given up though, we train light all through the summers and come back in the fall to do it all over again. We train hard and we keep fucking going. The motto is above our locker room door to remind us to keep our focus, work for our goals. There's no hoping or wishing for it to happen, we have to deserve it by making the effort in the way we play. Every home game, I tap the sign with my stick, reminding myself to keep fucking going, make my dream a reality.

  Lex has avoided me when he can, ever since brunch at my house. He's been invited to others, but hasn't shown if he knows I'm going to be there. If he does, he doesn't stay long, making excuses that he forgot he had to do something or other. We still play well on the ice when we're on opposing drill teams. I'm a professional, I leave my issues at the glass and work my ass off to show the rest of these motherfuckers how to do the same.


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