Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Sara Anderson

  “Wait until I get gas,” Mama said coldly. Emily and Matt looked at each other. She still had her angry eyes, Emily could tell by the sound of her voice.

  When she finally got to go at a gas station, her stomach hurt even more from being so hungry. “Mama, can I have something to eat?”

  Mama didn’t look up from her nails. “No. Tommy is going back to prison because of you. Go hungry for all I care.”

  Emily didn’t understand everything Mama said, but she knew the tone. Her mama hated her because Tommy was gone. She curled up on the seat and cried until Matt came back. He sat down next to her and put his arm around her.

  “Here, Emily, this is for you,” Matt whispered.

  Emily saw a large muffin and took it. “Where did you get it?”

  “That man gave it to me when I told him my baby sister and I were hungry. Don’t tell Mama, or she’ll take it away.”

  Emily nodded and took a big bite. It felt so good to chew on food after she’d been so hungry. She swallowed before she completely chewed on the muffin and started to cough.

  “Careful, don’t make Mama look back here.”

  When she finished the first muffin, Matt gave her another.

  “The man gave you more?” Emily asked as Matt opened his coat to show a bit more packaged food.

  “He did, but don’t tell Mama, okay?”

  Emily nodded. No way was she risking Mama taking her food away. Too many times her stomach hurt from being hungry all the time. They hid their food when Mama got back in the car and ate as quietly as possible.

  When Emily couldn’t eat another bite, her eyes drifted closed as Mama kept driving. They’d both slept then and woke up to Mama poking them. “Get up. What the fuck is this mess? Where the hell did you get food?”

  “The gas station,” Emily said sleepily.

  “You thieving little brat.” Mama jerked her out and ignored Matt saying, “It was me, Mama, not Emily. I stole the food!”

  Mama’s fingers hurt as they dug into her arm, and it was hard to keep up as they walked up the flower-lined sidewalk.

  Mama pounded on the door until Grandma Myra opened it. Despair turned to joy as Emily saw her favorite person in the world, Gram. Mama had quit letting her see Gram after she met Tommy and Gram didn’t like him.

  “Evelyn,” Gram said, surprised.

  “Look, Mom, I changed my mind. Here, they’re yours. You’d better not call the cops on me or anything.

  Gram stood there for a moment, and Emily was terrified Gram would send her away. Finally, Gram shook her head. “Of course not, Evelyn. I’ve told you several times that I would be happy to have the kids.”

  “Well, they’re yours. Enjoy.”

  Gram pulled Emily close to her and didn’t say a word as Mama ranted about what a screw-up she was. Thankfully Gram still had taken her and Matt in.

  Emily wiped her eyes as she stared at Gram’s apartment complex. Gram had saved her that day. Emily had taken everything her mama said to heart when it wasn’t true. Maybe Emily still believed her mother too much, and she’d ruined everything by running. Emily once again thanked fate, God, her guardian angel, or whoever else was out there that had put it in her mama’s head to hand her and Matt over to Gram. Her mama would have destroyed her soul and maybe even killed her. Instead, she’d left them behind without looking back that day, and they were far better off for it.

  Now she was going to lose Gram forever. The thought had her sobbing into her hands. “What have I done? I should have stayed. Now Jackson will never know his grandma.”

  Once the tearful storm passed, she looked into the mirror to see her baby boy’s seat in the back. Time was up on telling Gram about Jackson. If only she’d been braver, she could have told Gram before all of this. Now on top of a stroke, Gram was about to be stunned that she was a great-grandmother.

  Emily got out of the car and opened the back door. She unfastened Jackson from his infant seat and cradled him in her arms. He was so tiny still, but full of smiles for her.

  “That’s my sweet baby boy.” Emily gazed into Jackson’s brown eyes while her hand reached in for the diaper bag.

  Her heart pounded in dread. Every phone call she couldn’t bring herself to say “I’m pregnant” or “I just had a baby.” Instead, she’d faced it all alone. Through how sick she was, and being in the hospital for weeks, the worst part was the fear she had for Jackson. He was so tiny when he was born and she feared he wouldn’t do well.

  Her beautiful baby boy’s smile turned into a concerned frown. Of course, I’m crying, Jackson is always worries when I am upset.

  Emily forced her tears away and smiled down at Jackson. He had such an expressive face for such a young baby. He smiled at her as if to tell her it would all be okay. She followed the sidewalk to Gram’s apartment while shielding Jackson from the cold winter wind. It didn’t get this cold much in Wolf Creek, but she’d seen on the news that this year had been colder than usual in the South.

  The path to Gram’s apartment hadn’t changed, and she soon found herself staring at Gram’s door. With a shaking hand, she knocked on the door. She held her breath as tears threatened to fall. Was Gram still alive?

  The door opened and Matt stood in the doorway. “Emily!” He stared at her with wide eyes and his mouth open for a moment, and then his eyes softened. “God, little sis, I’ve missed you.” He pulled her into the apartment and gave her a hug before backing up. He glanced in her arms and saw her tiny son. “Whoa, you have a baby. Are you babysitting?” His gaze met hers again, and she saw his confusion.

  Emily set the diaper bag down with a shaking hand. “No.” She glanced around for Gram’s nurse, hoping for a reprieve. No one should start family drama in front of strangers. She knew she wouldn’t get one though. In fact, it was odd; she’d expected a nurse, medical equipment, and her gram laying in a hospital bed looking sickly, but the place looked much the same as when she’d left. Then Matt cleared his throat, waiting for an explanation.

  Emily shook off her confusion and met Matt’s gaze. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t figure out how to tell you this, but I had a baby.”

  Matt stood there with his mouth open in an O of surprise, before he finally breathed. “You had a baby?” he whispered. His eyes flooded with hurt. He glanced down at Jackson again and back up to her. “You didn’t tell me you were having a baby? What about Gram? Emily. God. Why would you do such a thing?”

  Emily had expected anger, or name-calling, but not the pain she saw in Matt’s eyes. Was he hurt that she’d had a child or that she didn’t include him? She felt herself taking a step back toward the door.

  Matt took her by the arm. “Emily?”

  Time seemed to stand still as Matt’s gaze jerked from her to Jackson. There was no doubt now that the hurt she’d seen flash in his eyes was from her excluding him. Matt’s large finger stroked over Jackson’s fingers, and Matt smiled down at him.

  Emily felt her resolve harden once again. She was not going to be a coward and run again. She’d hurt Matt already because she was too scared. No more.

  “I’m okay, Matt, and I’m sorry. I was scared, and the more time that went by, the harder it became to say anything. If you think it will be too much for Gram in her delicate condition, I won’t tell her. I know how shock can worsen people when they are this ill.”

  Matt’s attention focused on Emily once again, although Jackson still held his finger. “What delicate condition? What’s wrong with Gram?”

  Emily stilled and stared at Matt, her mind going blank. He didn’t know Gram had a stroke? Then how did he text her?

  “You texted me,” Emily said slowly. “You told me Gram had a bad stroke and wasn’t going to make it.”

  Matt shook his head at her. “Em, you changed your phone number when you disappeared. I don’t know your phone number. There’s no way I could have texted you.”

  Emily stared at Matt. “I thought you got it from Gram. I’ve kept in touch with her, but I asked her not to s
ay anything to you because you’d tell Logan.”

  Matt’s gaze moved to Jackson again. When Emily looked down, she saw Jackson was asleep now with his fingers wrapped around Matt’s. Emily enjoyed seeing the smile on Matt’s face as his gaze took in Jackson’s tiny face.

  “He’s Logan’s son, isn’t he?”

  There was no point in trying to hide anything now. Everyone would know soon enough. Emily nodded. “Yes, he is.”

  Matt pulled Emily over to the couch, and they sat down. “How could you just leave without telling Logan he’s got a kid?”

  Emily thought for a moment, then licked her lips. “Logan left me. I tried for weeks to get in touch with him, and he wouldn’t even return a text to me. I didn’t want him to think I trapped him. Logan dumped me and couldn’t even face me to say it to me in person, and when he got rid of me, he got rid of Jackson, too.”

  Matt’s eyes narrowed as he gazed at her. “Why would you think he dumped you? Logan was crazy about you, Em, and he’s been looking for you since you left him the message. He said he had an emergency in the Smokey Mountains. There wasn’t any cell signal, and when he came back, you were gone.” Matt raised his eyebrows at Emily in a silent question as he held his hands out to Jackson.

  With a smile, Emily handed Jackson over, and she watched Matt hold him close. How could she think that Matt would reject her and Jackson? Perhaps she’d been wrong about a lot more than her family’s reaction. That small voice in her head started talking. What if Matt is right? Did I overreact? What if he didn’t have cell phone signal?

  Emily felt tears falling down her cheeks and wiped them away with an angry huff. Matt looked up from Jackson. “Emily, what’s the matter?”

  “Everything. I ruined everything. Again. I blamed Logan, and now I’ve lost all this time for nothing.”

  “Hush,” Matt said while putting an arm around her. “That head of yours is always getting you into trouble. You didn’t screw anything up.”

  Emily rubbed her aching forehead. She was exhausted as usual, and she got to add body aches to her growing list of strange ailments since having Jackson. Her hormones must still be a mess. She was crying over crap she was making up in her head, and confusing her brother. She leaned into him more, thankful for the comfort. “I think I have a terrible case of nerves and hormones.”

  “Emily? Is that my sweet Emily I hear?”

  “Yeah, Gram,” Matt called, and he handed Jackson back to Emily and stood up. He walked over to the short hallway where the bathroom, closet, and Gram’s room formed a short horseshoe shape. He opened the white door to Gram’s bedroom and poked his head inside. “Are you up for a visit?”

  “Am I? That is a silly question.” Gram laughed as she talked loud enough to make sure Emily heard her.

  Emily looked toward the bedroom. In all her worry about how angry they’d be at her for getting pregnant, it never occurred to her that they’d be hurt she hadn’t included them.

  “Are you sure she’s okay? I shouldn’t tell her. It will be too much of a shock for her.”

  “Yeah, she’s just got a cold, and she deserves to know.” Matt gave Emily an encouraging smile and held his hand out for her.

  “Emily dear, come here.” Gram’s voice sounded hoarse, and she started coughing.

  “Yes, Gram.” Emily glanced over to Matt, who raised his eyebrows at her. She swallowed hard and nodded. It was time to face the music. Relief that Gram was okay made her weak and shaky, but she still had to face the hurt from Gram about Jackson.

  Gram’s room looked much the same as when Emily had left. Gram only had a double-size bed, but she didn’t like to lay there unless she intended to go to sleep. A large recliner that had heat and massage in it sat next to her bed, and there was a television hanging on the wall. One of Gram’s favorite old movies played. Gram held her arms out with a huge grin on her face. “My Emily. My sweet Emily! You’ve been gone for far too long, baby girl.”

  Emily couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down her face. “I’m so sorry, Gram. I never should have left. I missed you so much.” She’d missed Gram and Matt so much it hurt. She’d been so lonely she thought she wouldn’t survive, and all for nothing.

  “I missed you, too, sweetie, now what is all this crying about?” Gram stroked her hair. “You’re home now, and that is all that matters.”

  “I wasn’t entirely honest when I left, Gram.” Emily moved Jackson for Gram to get a better look at him.

  Gram kissed her cheek, then moved her attention to Jackson. “Who is this?”

  Emily took a deep breath. “Gram, when I left last fall, I was pregnant. I was too scared to tell you, so I ran away. This is my son, Jackson.”

  Gram took a sharp breath, and her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Emily, why did you feel the need to run away?” Her hand shook as she raised it to wipe away Emily’s tears. “My sweet, sweet girl, you must have been so scared.”

  A floodgate opened in Emily’s heart, and while she cradled Jackson close to her, she slid to her knees and laid her head in Gram’s lap. Gram stroked her hair while Emily cried out her heartbreak. “I’m so sorry, Gram. I always mess everything up.”

  Gram continued to stroke her hair lightly while she waited for the storm in Emily’s heart to pass. When Emily’s sobs turned to silent tears, Gram finally spoke. “That mother of yours. If I could find her, I’d horsewhip her.” Gram cupped her chin. “Can I hold my grandson, please?”

  Emily nodded. “Of course, Gram.” She stood up and put Jackson in her arms.

  “Such a handsome boy. Hi, baby! I’m your grandma. We are going to have so much fun together.” Emily heard footsteps behind her and glanced up to see Matt watching them. “How old is he?”

  “He’s just turned ten weeks.”

  Gram smiled down at him. “He’s so tiny, but look at how alert he is! He notices everything.”

  “Oh, he does. I have noticed he does a lot more than most babies his age, and he’s a bit of a preemie. I had him six weeks early, but he did okay.”

  Matt put his hand on her back. “You’re home now, Emily. I do hope you plan to stay.”

  Gram nodded. “Yes, you will stay home now, Emily. I just rented the house out to a young family. I can’t kick them out, so we’ll find you your own house.”

  “I have an apartment back in California I need to pack up.” Emily only halfhearted argued her need to collect the rest of her stuff. Everything she valued, she’d packed because her apartment was in a scary neighborhood. Leaving again, even to just pack, made her shiver with fear.

  Matt glared at her. “I can go and pack up your apartment, Emily. You’re not going across the country again with a baby. I’ll take care of it. I am sure Logan can work something out as well.”

  Emily cringed at the thought of facing Logan again. What would she say to him? Maybe she could avoid him. She laughed at herself. Wolf Creek was a small town, and there would be no avoiding Logan or Ash.

  With a worried frown, she looked up at Matt. “Please don’t tell Logan.”

  Matt’s frown deepened. “Em, he deserves to know he is a father.”

  Emily chewed her lower lip. That same pull was again urging her to go to Logan. Maybe seeing him was a good idea. Then maybe he’d make her so mad she could stop wanting him so much. “I will. I promise.” She didn’t know how she could face him. Was it true that he hadn’t ignored her and she’d just left?

  Matt walked over and ushered her away from Gram and Jackson. “I am really confused about the text you got. You thought it was from me?”

  Emily nodded as she pulled out her phone. “Yes, you texted me.” She handed her phone over to Matt for him to see the text for himself.

  Her cell phone lit up Matt’s face and highlighted his frown lines. “I didn’t send this. I don’t have a new phone nor a new number.”

  “Well, who did then?” Emily stopped. “Logan?”

  Matt shrugged. “Maybe, but then why isn’t he here? I told you the truth when I s
aid he looked for you.” Matt paused for a moment. “He told me he texted and called.”

  “I dumped my old phone. Only Gram had my number, so if he did, I never got it,” Emily admitted.

  Matt smiled and playfully punched Emily in the shoulder. “You can ask him when you go and see him. He’s got a monthly meeting with some of his biker cop friends tonight. Go and meet him.” Emily gave Matt a pleading look, but he just shrugged. “Hey, he has a right to know he has a kid. Tell him and leave, but you have to tell him, or I will.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “Tonight. I have no idea if Logan is going out on one of his secret trips or not after this meeting.”

  * * * *

  An hour later, Emily looked at herself in the mirror and swallowed her nervousness. How would she approach him? Oh hey, Logan. How’ve you been? I’m good. Oh, guess what? I had a baby…yours.

  Emily shook away the vision of his shock and anger. Would he think she was trying to trap him? Logan was a free spirit, which made it easier for her to believe he’d just dumped her.

  * * * *

  Logan put his booted feet up on one of the metal folding chairs and settled in for a long meeting. Enforcers from the surrounding packs had converged on the Wolf Creek Pack because they had this massive lodge. It had living quarters that could hold several packs, and this large meeting room. It would turn into a restaurant tomorrow morning and serve them all breakfast.

  Being the largest pack in the area, it was the best location for all of them. Gentry’s pack, which was farther south, had the floor now and discussed the problems they’d had with rogues. Although they hadn’t had a lot, they were still willing to help defend Wolf Creek Pack’s borders. The coyote pack had been quiet lately, and that bothered Logan. He had a suspicious feeling deep in his gut that they were planning something, but couldn’t fathom what.

  Logan’s phone vibrated silently, and he looked at the screen. He went to swipe it, but it wanted a code. Damn fucking phone. I liked my old phone better. A year later, he still missed it. Logan grumbled mentally as he swiped his finger across the screen. His brow furrowed to see Emily’s brother, Matt, had sent him a text.


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