The Longing Within (Desire for Discipline Book 3)

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The Longing Within (Desire for Discipline Book 3) Page 9

by Kole, Isabella

  They walked in and were seated almost immediately in a booth in the back. The waitress handed each of them a menu and informed them the special of the day was loaded potato soup and half of a club sandwich.

  “Oh, that sounds good, doesn’t it, for a cold winter’s day?” Lyndsey asked as she closed her menu.

  “It really does. I think I’ll have that and a cup of cappuccino.”

  When they had ordered, Joanne asked her about the trip she and John had taken over the holidays.

  “After we celebrated with my family, we went to Pennsylvania and checked on things in John’s office there. We had dinner with his employees one night and went on to the Pocono Mountains for a few days. It was relaxing.”

  “Blake, he’s doing all right?” Joanne asked.

  “Blake, why yes he is, why would you ask?” Lyndsey replied with a touch of surprise in her voice.

  “We sort of hit it off pretty well at your reception. I’m sure you were too busy to notice, but we danced a few times and went out for an early morning breakfast after we left the club, you know, at one of those all night diners.”

  “Really, I had no idea. Have you heard from him since then?” she asked.

  “We’ve emailed and talked on the phone a few times. I had hoped I might see him over the holidays, but he said he couldn’t take any time off.”

  “He wasn’t lying to you about that. They’ve been working on a huge project for a new client. I know, because that’s the reason we went out there.”

  “He said that possibly when work slows down, he can make a trip to Nashville to visit you guys and spend some more time getting to know me.”

  “That sounds promising. From what I know of Blake, he’s a very nice guy. He was married once, a long time ago, to his high school sweetheart. The marriage didn’t last more than a year, at most. I believe she was killed in some sort of accident. An auto accident, I think.”

  “Wow, I had no idea. If it was a long time ago, I’m surprised he’s never remarried.”

  “It was about ten years ago. He was dating someone, but then John told me they split up, so maybe the two of you will hit it off. I hope he can visit soon.”

  “My track record with guys hasn’t been the best. There was Brent, who I dated for a year, and that ended on a sour note. Next was Perry, he was boring as hell. After that, I went out with Casey for a few months. He decided he missed his ex and went running back to her the minute she called him. So, not much luck on that front. It would be nice if something developed with Blake, but he’s in Pennsylvania and I’m in Tennessee. I’m not so sure I want a long distance relationship.”

  “Hmmm…wonder if in time there could be room for him in John’s Nashville branch? Just a thought,” Lyndsey replied. She smiled at the waitress as she brought their food to the table.

  “Time will tell,” the other woman replied. “This potato soup really hits the spot, doesn’t it?” she asked as she savored the first taste.

  “They have the best food here. I’ve never had a bad meal.”

  “They should hire John to do an ad campaign for them. I bet their business would triple. I think they do okay, but just think what some marketing would do for them. I’ve never seen any ads in the paper or billboards around town with their name on it.”

  “I just happen to have some of his new business cards with me. Maybe I’ll leave one on the table,” Lyndsey replied.

  “Good thinking.”

  An hour later, they braved the brisk winter air for the duration of the trek back to the office. Once inside, they stood in front of the vent in Lyndsey’s office to get warm before preparing for their two o’clock meeting.

  Joanne looked at the clock on the wall. “I guess we’d better head to the conference room so we can get a good seat.”

  “Stop worrying. If it’s bad news, we’ll take it in stride. If it’s good news, we’ll rejoice. Either way, how bad can it be? So, we may get a new boss, we can handle it. We’ve dealt with Mr. Starr for all these years.”

  They made their way to the conference room and found two empty seats around the large table in the middle of the room. Literature had been placed on the tables and Lyndsey picked up a brochure. “Joanne, isn’t this the company Alexandria Avery was with before she signed with us?” she asked.

  Joanne picked up her own brochure. “Why, yes, I believe it is. You don’t suppose that’s who is buying Starlight, do you? If it is, they sure have gone above and beyond to get their author back, buying out the small pub she went with after them.”

  “Oh, if it’s true, that’s surely not the only reason,” Lyndey said as she smiled at some of the other employees who had entered the room.

  They didn’t have to wait to find out. Mr. Starr started the meeting at precisely two o’clock. The rumors were true. Darwood Publishing was indeed in the process of purchasing Starlight. Mr. Starr announced his retirement upon the completion of the transition period. “I trust you’ll all find working with a larger publishing company both rewarding and challenging. Good luck to all of you.”

  “Wow,” Lyndsey said as she and Joanne walked back to her office.

  “Yeah, that’s a double wow. I wonder how things will change around here.”

  “There’s nothing we can do but wait and see. Now, I really want to get through a few more chapters before I leave for the day. John has a special dinner planned, so I can’t stay late tonight.”

  “How’s that working out, not doing any work after you leave here? I know you said that’s what you guys decided, but that’s hard in our line of work.”

  “I’ve gotten used to it. I have to admit it’s pretty nice at times. When I was single, I didn’t mind taking my work home, but that seems so unfair to John and to our marriage. As he said, we have so little time to call our own; we should make the most of it.”

  “That John, he’s a keeper, a bit bossy, but a romantic.”

  Lyndsey laughed. “Be gone with you, woman. I have reading to do.”

  “If I don’t see you before you head out, have a nice evening with Mr. Romantic Bossy Pants.”

  Lyndsey shook her head and waved Joanne out of her office.

  Two hours later, she was on her way to the condo she shared with her handsome, romantic, bossy husband. She had to laugh when she thought of the nickname Joanne had given him. If she only knew!

  As promised, a special dinner was in the oven. John had prepared a pork loin, scalloped potatoes and salad. He had stopped at the bakery and picked up her favorite cherry cheesecake, as well as homemade rolls, on his way home from the office.

  “Where did you learn to cook like this?” she asked a little later as she tasted the savory, tender meat.

  “I was a bachelor for a long time, you know. In college, my roommates and I took turns cooking to save money. Once I was on my own, I got tired of eating out all the time, so I dug out some of my mom’s old recipes and taught myself how to cook more of a variety than the old college fare.”

  “I’m impressed, this is delicious. Maeve taught me to cook.”

  “You learned from the best then,” he remarked.

  “Yes, I guess I did. How was your day, by the way? Were you aware that Blake sparked a bit of interest in Joanne at our wedding reception?”

  “Whoa, one question at a time,” he said with a chuckle. “My day was fine. I was on the phone with Blake all morning hammering out the final details of our big project. That should be wrapped up by Valentine’s Day, if all goes well.”

  “Interesting,” she murmured.

  “Okay, okay,” he said. “Yes, I knew about Blake and Joanne. He asked me about her after we returned from Branson.”

  “And you didn’t tell me?” she asked with a pout.

  “Really, you’re pouting about that? I didn’t mention it, for one, because it wasn’t a priority on my list of things to remember right now, and two, because I am waiting to see if anything comes of it. They do live in separate states, you know.”

  “He t
old her that when work slows down, he’ll try to come out for a visit.”

  “Well, he should have time when this project is finished, if he’s serious about that,” John informed her.

  “Right about Valentine’s Day, you say?” she asked thoughtfully.

  “Don’t go playing matchmaker. Let them work through this on their own. If he wants to visit her for Valentine’s Day, let the two of them get to know each other before you start planning the wedding.”

  She giggled. “Now, that would be weird, your co-worker and my co-worker getting together. I wonder where they would live. He might have to transfer here…”

  “Stop, woman,” John said with a twinkle in his eye. “You’re getting way ahead of yourself. How was your day?”

  “Big announcement this afternoon,” she began. “Mr. Starr is in the process of selling out to Darwood Publishing, a bigger company. He will retire when the transition is complete.”

  “That’s good news for him. What does it mean for you?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure yet. This company was the one Alexandria Avery was with. When her contract with them ended, she left and came to Starlight. Joanne and I were wondering if they would actually go to this extreme to get her back in their stable.”

  “Who is Alexandria Avery?” he asked.

  “She’s a New York Times Bestselling author, very popular. It would have been disappointing to Darwood to lose her.”

  “Things like that happen in business every day. Let’s just hope the transition goes smoothly.”

  “Yes, let’s,” she said quietly as she cleared the table.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next few weeks were uneventful. There had been a few emails from the people at Darwood, outlining some of the changes that would take place. Lyndsey was busy with her own authors and didn’t take the time to worry about the changes.

  Valentine’s Day was fast approaching and Blake was coming to town. Joanne was excited to see him, and the four of them were planning a dinner out while he was in town.

  “Honey, what do you think of this dress for our dinner with Blake and Joanne?” she asked.

  “I like it,” he replied. “I’m going out for a quick run before I shower. What time are we meeting them?”

  “Not until seven. Blake made reservations for us at that steak house you told him about downtown.”

  “Okay, maybe we can swing by the Wild Horse after that.”

  “That would be fun. I haven’t been there in ages,” she replied. “So this dress isn’t too dressy for that?”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  They met at seven and the four of them enjoyed their time together. Good food and good friends made for an enjoyable evening. After the meal, they went to the Wild Horse Saloon for drinks and more conversation. Blake and Joanne seemed to be getting along rather well.

  “I think it’s time for this old married couple to head home. We’ll let the two of you have some time together. Blake, old man, will I see you before you fly back?” John asked.

  Blake replied, “Probably not. I fly back tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for a great evening. You should all come to PA sometime and let me show you around my town. John and I know some great places.”

  “Do we ever!” John said with a grin. “Seriously, that’s a great idea. We’ll plan on that. Have a great night. Joanne, it was nice to see you again.”

  “Goodnight, you two,” Lyndsey said as John pulled out her chair for her.

  On the drive home, she turned to John and said, “If I’m not mistaken, those two were getting along rather splendidly, don’t you think?”

  “I do think so, and it concerns me.”

  “Why would you say that?” she asked. “I’d think you’d be happy for them.”

  “Oh, don’t get me wrong. I am happy if they’ve found something in each other that was missing from their lives before. But, as I’ve said before, Joanne’s life is here. Blake is my top man in the home office. If they get serious, some decisions will have to be made.”

  “Worry about that if and when the time comes. For now, let’s just enjoy the fact that two of our lonely friends may have found happiness in each other’s company.”

  John pulled the car into the driveway and pushed the remote control to open the garage door. When they were settled in bed later, he said to her, “We have yet to try out those furry handcuffs and plugs from your party. Do you realize that?”

  She giggled. “We’ve been too busy for play time lately. I’ve been trying to catch up on all my work before the Darwood people come in and you’ve been working hard on your latest project. Life does sometimes get in the way, doesn’t it?”

  “Tonight was nice, though, going out with friends. Now that it’s just the two of us, don’t we have some things to catch up on?”

  She quietly got out of bed and walked across the room to the dresser. Opening a drawer on the top left, she took out the smallest butt plug and the pink fuzzy cuffs and carried them back to the bed with her.

  “By catching up, I assume you meant try out our new toys,” she said as she climbed back into bed with him.

  “You read my mind,” he said in a husky voice as he took the items from her hands and laid the plug on the table. He looked over the cuffs, took the key and placed it in the drawer of the bedside table for safekeeping and fastened one end to her right wrist.

  “It tickles,” she said.

  “I think that’s the idea,” he replied with a wink. Flipping her over onto her belly, before he fastened the other cuff to the bedpost, he grinned. “Now, we’re talking.”

  Held captive by his gaze more so than the cuffs, she gave in to the kiss that awaited her. As his mouth traveled down her body, she quivered as her skin became flushed and hot from his attentions. His hands were playing havoc with her breasts and then her clit while his tongue danced on her back and buttocks.

  Taking the rubber spiked butt plug from the table, he generously doused it with lotion before inserting it in her upraised bottom. Slowly, sensuously, he moved it around; exciting her as she anxiously awaited his next move. Pulling her bottom up, he thrust his cock suddenly into her wet core from behind, surprising her with the abruptness of his movement. He began to pump inside her, back and forth, all the while the smallest butt plug inciting new sensations. The friction of his dick coupled with the slight movements of the plug inside her, the spikes tickling her insides, caused her to shudder uncontrollably with delight. Her free hand grasped the pillowcase and she squeezed it hard as the orgasm took control. When he was finished and had withdrawn from her, he gently removed the plug and left her to languish in the glory of the afterglow while he went into the bathroom. When he returned, he took her in his arms and gently caressed her forehead, pushing back a loose lock of hair. He kissed her and held her until she fell into a deep, contented sleep.

  Blake returned to Pennsylvania and all Lyndsey heard for the next several days at work was how much Joanne missed him. The couple spoke nightly on the phone and it appeared a new relationship was taking off between the two.

  Work was hectic with the takeover of the bigger publishing house. Things were going to be different than before, and Lyndsey was working hard to make sure all her ducks were in a row, so to speak.

  One evening, she snuck into the bedroom to check her work email. She had heard the ding of her cell and couldn’t resist. She knew what would happen if John caught her, but there was a lot going on. She needed to know and she didn’t want to wait until morning to find out. Besides, she would run in there and read the email quickly while he was taking out the trash. He would never know.

  She was so engrossed in reading the email and texting Joanne about it that she lost track of time. Her few minutes turned into several and she didn’t hear John come back in the house, nor did she hear him call out to her. When he stepped into the bedroom to see where she’d gone, he caught her red-handed.

  “What are you doing, Lyndsey?” he asked in a stern tone.

bsp; “Uh…something came up and you were outside. I just thought I’d read a quick email. You weren’t in here for me to let you know.”

  “You know my rule. It could have waited until I returned. You could have told me you needed to check on something for work and I would have readily agreed. Instead, you went behind my back, snuck in here while I was outside, and you blatantly disobeyed me. What was so important it couldn’t have waited?” he asked in a booming voice.

  “Well, it turned out to be nothing. It was just an email from the editor-in-chief at Darwood letting us know she’ll be in town Friday.”

  “Well, that information is important, but it’s nothing earth-shattering that couldn’t have waited. I want you to go to the empty corner, yes, right over there. Take off your clothes and wait until I return. I have some more things to take care of. While I’m gone I want you to think about what you’ve done.”

  “What?” she asked in a timid voice.

  “I believe you heard me the first time. If you make me repeat it, you’ll receive ten extra swats. I’m not trying to be mean, Lyndsey. We had a deal. You didn’t hold up your end of it and you were given advance warning as to what would happen if you didn’t. I intend to follow through or you’ll become lax and think you can get by with anything. We will cease to have any semblance of a calm home life. You’ll become so engrossed in your work, we’ll no longer exist. Is that what you want?”

  She hung her head in shame. “No, it’s not what I want, John.”

  “Do as you were told.” He turned and walked calmly out of the room, leaving her to prepare for her first punishment. The time she had been dreading had finally come. She’d escaped it for quite some time, but she had gone against his wishes and now she would have to pay the price. May as well get it over with, she thought as she walked over to the empty corner and began to strip off her clothes. I guess I know now why John insisted we not put anything in this corner when we were arranging the furniture in here. It’s to be my punishment corner. Funny, she’d always thought her first spanking would be across his knee. At least that way, she would have something to hold on to, his pant leg, the cover on the bed, something. Standing in this corner, there was nothing. She was entirely vulnerable.


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