Elizabeth Bishop

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Elizabeth Bishop Page 43

by Megan Marshall

  Charlotte’s Web (White), 2

  “Chemin de Fer” (Bishop), 75, 96

  A Child’s Garden of Verses (Stevenson), 42

  Ciardi, John, 245–46

  “Cirque d’Hiver” (Bishop), 68, 96

  Clampitt, Amy, 300

  Clark, Blair, 164

  Clark, Eleanor, 32, 53–54, 126, 232

  Clark, Eunice, 32

  clavichord, 50, 58, 88

  Cleaver, Kathleen, 219–21

  “The Colder the Air” (Bishop), 96

  A Cold Spring (Bishop), 113, 115

  Collected Poems (Moore), 106, 115

  “Commander Lowell” (Lowell), 148

  communism, 31–33, 86–87

  Complete Poems (Bishop), 93, 96, 220–21

  Conant, Charlotte, 26

  “confessional poetry,” 206–21, 249–50, 258–59, 339 n207

  Con Spirito, 32–34, 36, 53–54

  “Cootchie” (Bishop), 118

  cortisone, 112, 256, 264, 267

  Costa e Silva, Artur da, 213

  The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia (Sidney), 60

  “The Country Mouse” (Bishop), 207

  Couperin, François, 136

  Crane, Louise, 30, 36, 45–46, 48, 52, 56–58, 58, 61–70, 63, 64–66, 72–73, 78–80, 99, 118, 200, 259–60, 268, 274–75, 277, 317 n66

  “Crusoe in England” (Bishop), 225–26, 237, 255, 280, 299–300

  Cumming, Roxanne, 186, 195–201, 205, 212–14, 219–22, 224–26, 253, 319 n79, 341 n222

  Cummings, E. E., 35, 87, 126, 304


  Dalton School, 30

  Daughters of Bilitis, 219

  Davison, Peter, 299, 301

  Dawson, Carley, 99

  Day by Day (Lowell), 285

  “Dear Dr. Foster” (Bishop), 79, 81

  “Dear, my compass” (Bishop), 174–75, 176

  “Death” (Herbert), 131

  depression, 38–42, 56–62, 166–70, 197–98

  Dexamyl, 264, 269

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APA), 107, 175–76

  Dial, 35, 58

  The Diary of “Helena Morley” (trans. Bishop), 126, 128

  The Disquieting Muses (de Chirico), 249, 345 n249

  Diving into the Wreck (Rich), 248–50

  The Dolphin (Lowell), 252, 254–55, 257, 284–85

  Donne, John, 43, 49, 130

  Doors of Perception (Huxley), 143

  Douarnenez, 56–58

  Dowd, Bill, 41

  driving. See car accidents; Soares, Lota de Macedo

  Dudley, Thomas, 189

  dysentery, 264, 268


  “Early Sorrow” (Bishop), 125, 325 n125

  Eberhart, Richard, 131

  eczema, 15–16, 195–96

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 126, 162

  “Elegía” (Hernández), 222–24

  “Elegy” (Bishop), 222–26

  “Elegy” (Fitzgerald), 188

  Eliot, T. S., 33–36, 52, 86, 138, 148, 228

  Ellis, Havelock, 24, 175

  Elysée Hotel, 169

  Encounter, 169

  “The End of March” (Bishop), 260, 263, 280, 294

  English Handwriting (Fry), 51

  Envy and Gratitude (Klein), 202

  Equal Rights Amendment, 292

  “The Equilibrists” (Ransom), 180

  Erba, Giovanna Madonia, 131

  Erikson, Erik, 265

  Ernst, Max, 59

  España en el corazón (Neruda), 72

  Evelyn (friend), 15–16

  “Eye and Tooth” (Lowell), 43


  Farlow, Helen, 26, 28, 46–47, 311 n14

  Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 128

  Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 177, 211, 220–21, 290

  “Faustina” (Bishop), 118

  Federal Theatre Project, 31

  feminism, 95, 107, 123, 226–27, 234, 242–44, 246–50, 261–62, 265, 288, 292

  “Filling Station” (Bishop), 115, 124

  “First Death in Nova Scotia” (Bishop), 165, 332 n165

  “The First Snow-Fall” (J. R. Lowell), 20, 148, 165

  “The Fish” (Bishop), 66–70, 75–77, 178, 294

  “The Fish” (Moore), 53, 67–68

  Fisher, Mate, 12, 14

  Fitzgerald, Robert, 3, 95, 136–39, 187–92, 238, 246, 274–80, 284, 288, 299–300, 303

  “Five Flights Up” (Bishop), 257–60, 280

  Fizdale, Robert, 106, 113, 126, 141, 149, 156

  Flamengo Park (Rio), 166, 166, 167–70, 172–73, 180, 183, 195, 199, 216

  Flanagan, Hallie, 31, 33–34

  Flynn, Judy, 25, 26–28, 36, 79, 121

  “Fog” (Clampitt), 300

  Ford, Gerald, 137

  Ford Foundation, 116

  “For Elizabeth Bishop” (Lowell), 253, 342 n225

  For Lizzie and Harriet (Lowell), 252

  “For Once, Then, Something” (Frost), 138–39

  For the Union Dead (Lowell), 206, 253

  Foster, Ruth, 78–84, 88–90, 100–101, 107, 125, 175, 228–29, 231, 319 n79

  France, 56–63

  Frankenberg, Lloyd, 106, 207–8, 276

  Freud, Sigmund, 77–79, 243

  “From Trollope’s Journal” (Bishop), 162

  Frost, Robert, 22, 76, 87, 96, 138–39, 146–47, 149, 228, 304

  Fry, Roger, 51

  “The Fury of Cocks” (Sexton), 95


  Galassi, Jonathan, 279, 281

  García Lorca, Federico, 72

  Gardner, Bob, 284

  Garrison Bight, 113–14

  gay rights movement, 219–21, 226–27, 292–93

  Geography III (Bishop), 141, 236–38, 258–59, 277–79, 285

  Giacometti, Alberto, 59

  Gibran, Kahlil, 24

  Ginsberg, Allen, 304

  A Girl of the Limberlost (Stratton-Porter), 121–22

  Giroux, Robert, 3, 128, 221–22, 291–92

  Glenn, John, 172

  Gold, Arthur, 106, 113, 126, 141, 149, 156

  Great Village (Nova Scotia), 9–18, 10, 29, 54, 56–57, 69, 209, 263, 324 n118

  Greenslet, Ferris, 75

  Greenwich Village, 48–50, 84, 106, 207, 210, 218, 293

  Gropius, Walter, 116

  The Group (McCarthy), 107–8, 169–70, 173–75, 217, 231

  Guggenheim fellowship, 84, 286–87

  “Gwendolyn” (Bishop), 104, 111–12


  Haiti, 144

  Hardwick, Elizabeth, 98–100, 107, 125–26, 131–32, 171, 219, 225, 254–57, 281–85

  Hardy, Thomas, 180

  Harvard Advocate, 249, 281

  Harvard University

  the author and, 38–44

  Bishop’s classes at, 2, 135–41, 187–94, 226, 230–31, 236–37, 239–46, 255, 266–67, 275–76, 278–84, 298–305

  Fitzgerald’s classes at, 187–94, 275–80

  Lowell’s classes at, 42–44, 92–97, 225–26, 228, 230–31, 256–57, 280–81

  Marshall’s employment at, 38–40

  memorial services at, 1–4

  Phi Beta Kappa and, 231, 232–38

  H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), 22

  Heaney, Seamus, 95

  Hemingway, Ernest, 71

  Hemingway, Pauline Pfeiffer, 71, 71, 84, 144

  Herbert, George, 22, 131, 267

  Hernández, Miguel, 72, 223–24

  Hess, Myra, 29

  Higbee, Edward, 161

  History (Lowell), 252, 285, 342 n225

  Holiday, Billie, 66, 200, 317 n66

  “Home After Three Months Away” (Lowell), 43, 149

  “Homesickness” (Bishop), 89–90, 103–4


  Brazil and, 107–8, 294

  gay rights movement and, 219–21, 226–27, 234–35, 243–44, 292

  The Group and, 169–70, 173–75, 217, 231

  “invert” language and, 50–51

  Lowell’s relationship with Bishop and, 132–33

  persecutions of, 86–87, 175–76, 293–94

  psychiatry and, 77–83, 175–76

  radical lesbian separatism and, 242, 293

  Hope Cemetery, 45, 271, 291–92

  Hopkins, Gerald Manley, 22, 33, 36

  Horney, Karen, 78–79

  Hotel Chelsea, 48–49

  Hotel Elysée, 169, 231, 240, 294

  Houghton Mifflin, 74–75, 113–14, 128

  Houghton Mifflin Poetry Prize Fellowship, 74–75

  Hound & Horn, 36–37

  Howard, Richard, 183, 267, 271–72, 294, 348 n267

  Huxley, Aldous, 143–44, 144, 145–46, 149, 289–90, 329 n146

  Huxley, Laura Archera. See Archera, Laura

  “Hymn to the Virgin” (Bishop), 32–33


  Iberica, 260

  illnesses. See alcohol; asthma; depression; dysentery; eczema; mental illness

  Imitations (Lowell), 169


  Bishop’s experiences with, 66, 78, 175–86, 195–201, 317 n66

  Lowell’s relationships and, 43, 98–100, 130–33, 164, 225, 254–57

  inheritance (EB’s), 24, 49, 58

  “In Prison” (Bishop), 65, 305

  “Insomnia” (Bishop), 114

  In the Rose of Time (Fitzgerald), 188

  “In the Village” (Bishop), 112, 127, 129, 132, 148–49, 176, 252

  “In the Waiting Room” (Bishop), 207–10, 216, 218–19, 225–26, 246, 250–51, 267, 279–80

  “Inventory” (Bishop), 203, 207

  “inverts.” See homosexuality

  Island (Huxley), 289–90


  James, Henry, 129, 148, 304

  “January River” (Bishop), 330 n155

  Jarrell, Randall, 75–76, 83, 87, 115–16, 131, 133, 183–84, 207, 217, 276, 284

  Jonson, Ben, 332 n165

  Jonsrud, Harold, 49

  “Judy” (Bishop), 121


  The Keeper of the Bees (Stratton-Porter), 122

  Keewaydin Club, 62–70

  Kennedy, John F., 171–72

  Kent, Victoria, 260

  Kenyon Review, 169, 253

  Key West, 65–74, 84–90, 118

  Kirkland House, 228, 239–40, 265, 281

  Kirkpatrick, Ralph, 41, 50, 58, 317 n66

  Kizer, Carolyn, 186, 196

  Klein, Melanie, 202, 243–44, 269

  Kylso (Soares’s adopted son), 124–25, 148


  Lacerda, Carlos, 117, 159–60, 172–73, 180, 199

  The Ladder: A Lesbian Review, 219

  La Guardia, Fiorello, 49–50

  “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” (Yeats), 263

  Land, Edwin, 232–33, 235

  Landowska, Wanda, 41

  “Last Afternoon with Uncle Devereux Winslow” (Lowell), 148

  “Late Sleepers” (Bishop), 267–68

  Laughlin, James, 69

  Laura X, 234–35

  Lavin, Mary, 290

  Leão, Rosinha, 109, 117, 152–54, 217

  lesbianism. See homosexuality

  “Letter to N.Y.” (Bishop), 270–71

  Levin, Harry, 234, 290

  Lewis Wharf condominiums, 140–41, 261–62, 268, 281, 288–91, 294, 352 n291

  Life Studies (Lowell), 148, 165, 176, 206, 255, 285

  LIFE World Library series, 167–70

  Lispector, Clarice, 169, 218

  lithium, 222–23

  “A Little Miracle” (Bishop), 55

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 22

  Lord, Linda, 135

  Lorde, Audre, 248

  Lord Weary’s Castle (Lowell), 76, 127

  The Lost World (Jarrell), 184

  Love, Guilt and Reparation (Klein), 243

  “Love Unknown” (Herbert), 267

  Lowell, Amy, 128–29

  Lowell, Harriet, 43, 125–26, 164, 283

  Lowell, James Russell, 20, 22, 165

  Lowell, Robert

  affairs of, 43, 98–100, 130–33, 164, 225, 254–57, 281–82

  Bishop’s relationship with, 76, 82–83, 108, 125–34, 147–48, 150–52, 155, 159, 161, 163–70, 173–74, 206–7, 210, 217–18, 225–31, 245–46, 251–57, 277, 284–86, 304–5, 339 n207

  death of, 283–86

  fame of, 3, 123, 206, 221–22, 284

  Harvard University and, 2, 93–97, 141, 228, 256–57, 280–81

  images of, 76, 163, 252

  memoir of, 128

  mental health of, 94–95, 100, 127, 131–32, 148–49, 164, 219, 222–23, 246, 251–52, 281–82

  poetry courses of, 42, 92–97

  readings by, 171

  See also specific works

  Lowell, Sheridan, 254–56, 282, 284

  Lucie-Smith, Edward, 173–74

  Lynes, George Platt, 52, 52


  MacCaffrey, Isabel G., 344 n246

  MacIver, Loren, 72–73, 73, 106, 115, 207, 216, 258–59, 270, 276

  MacLeish, Archibald, 245–46

  The Magazine, 33, 36

  Mailer, Norman, 292

  “Man and Wife” (Lowell), 149

  “Manners” (Bishop), 115

  “Manuelzinho” (Bishop), 115, 121, 150

  “The Map” (Bishop), 54–55, 74, 96

  “Marriage” (Moore), 250

  Marshall, Megan, 38–44, 91–97, 135–41, 187–94, 232–38, 298–305

  Maxwell, William, 143–44, 146

  McBride, Katherine, 106

  McCarthy, Eugene, 222–23

  McCarthy, Mary, 32, 49–54, 107–8, 167, 169–70, 173–75, 217, 277

  Melville, Herman, 139

  memorial service (for EB), 1–4

  mental illness

  Gertrude Bishop and, 12–14, 28, 33

  heritability of, 39–40, 45–46, 56, 70–71, 130, 149

  Lowell’s breakdowns and, 94–95, 100, 127, 148–49, 164, 219, 222–23, 246, 251–52, 281–82

  Roxanne Cumming and, 221–22, 349 n222

  See also depression

  Merrill, James, 226, 260, 267, 271–72, 276, 287

  Metamorphoses (Ovid), 139

  Methfessel, Alice, 2–3, 141, 239–45, 241, 250–51, 258–59, 262–78, 287, 290–91, 293–95, 303

  EB’s memorial service and, 2–3

  Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), 72–73

  Mike (counselor), 23–25, 36, 79

  Miller, Margaret, 36, 46–47, 47, 48–49, 51, 53–54, 57–59, 62–67, 79–80, 170, 303

  Millier, Brett, 291–92, 349 n277, 352 n291

  The Mills of the Kavanaughs (Lowell), 100, 127, 252

  “A Miracle for Breakfast” (Bishop), 4–6, 55–56, 59–63, 77, 118, 316 n61

  A Mirror on Which to Dwell (Carter), 141, 278

  Miscellany News (Vassar), 32, 34–35

  MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 279, 289–90

  Monroe, Harriet, 22–24

  Moore, Marianne

  Adrienne Rich’s comparisons to, 249–50

  awards for, 106–7, 115, 221

  Bishop’s Vassar period and, 34–37

  death of, 228–29

  images of, 52, 228

  Lowell and, 76–77

  mentorship by, 51–77, 83–84, 89, 98–102, 108–15, 122–23, 126, 137, 159, 177, 342 n229, 345 n249

  psychoanalysis and, 77–78

  readings by, 171

  reviews of, 54–55, 75

  See also specific works

  “The Moose” (Bishop), 228–30, 236–38, 244, 252, 280, 342 n229, 343 n230

  Moraes, Vinicius de, 119, 222–23

  Morley, Helena (pseud.), 115, 122, 126, 128

  Morrell, Ottoline, 329 n146

  Morse, Mary, 100–104, 117, 146, 159, 200, 213, 218, 221

  Moss, Howard, 121, 157, 176–77, 181–83, 211–12, 231, 257–58, 263, 271–79, 289–93, 304

  “Mrs. Sullivan Downstairs” (Bishop), 129

bsp; Mumford, Lewis, 161

  Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), 8, 230–31

  Museum of Modern Art (New York), 30, 64–65, 87, 123

  “My Last Poem” (Bandeira), 277


  Nash, Mildred (Millie), 135, 287–88, 302–3, 305

  Nation, 75, 119

  National Book Award, 1, 3, 106, 226, 248

  National Book Critics Circle Award, 1, 279

  National Geographic, 207–10

  Natural History (Ernst), 59

  Near the Ocean (Lowell), 206

  Nembutal, 241, 264, 271

  Neruda, Pablo, 72, 224

  Neustadt International Prize for Literature, 278

  The New Poetry: An Anthology, 22

  New Republic, 112, 257

  Newsweek, 257

  Newton, Isaac, 59

  New York City

  Bishop’s residences in, 45–46, 49–56, 65, 72–83, 167–70, 206–21

  Great Depression and, 49–50, 60–61

  Greenwich Village and, 48–49, 84, 106, 207–8, 210

  New Yorker

  articles for, 104, 127, 129, 277–78

  Bishop’s work for, 43, 68, 76, 83, 107, 112, 114, 118–19, 123, 125, 130, 143–47, 151–52, 176, 225–26, 257–58, 260, 263, 273–75, 291–92, 331 n157

  Howard Moss and, 121, 151–52, 176–77, 181, 211–12, 231, 257–58, 263, 273–74, 279

  Katharine White and, 2–3, 98–100, 104, 106–7, 151–52, 155–56, 162–63, 330 n152

  Marshall’s submission to, 298

  Rachel Carson and, 147–48

  rejections by, 111, 114, 162, 169

  reviews in, 169–70

  New York Review of Books, 183, 219–20

  New York Times, 75, 119, 245

  Niemeyer, Oscar, 143, 146, 157–58

  Nights and Days (Merrill), 226


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