Relics of Camelot

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Relics of Camelot Page 15

by L. H. Nicole

  The Elf inclined her head.

  “Do you know of something called ‘time mirrors?’”

  The woman raised her brow. “I think you should already know. You did just say you were here to gain access to the Well of Realms.”

  “No freaking way!” Dawn’s jaw dropped. She shook her shock away. “Then that means I need to tell the knights what Lacy and I have been planning,” she said more to herself than the Elf princess.

  She looked to where the knights stood with J’alel, all watching the two of them. “Then you must hurry, the guardian will be along soon.”

  Nodding, Dawn went to the guys. “We need to talk.”

  Galahad frowned. “About what?”

  “Look, I don’t want you all to get your sword belts into a twisted mess, but before we left home, Lacy and I had been working on our own plan to find Lia.” She ignored the reproachful glares the guys all fixed on her. “We found out about these things called time mirrors. They can let anyone see into the past or future. In some cases, you can even talk to people through them.”

  Owen stepped closer. “That would be a powerful tool to possess.”

  Wade crossed his toned arms. “Why are you only telling us now? What were you and Lacy planning to do once you found these time mirrors?”

  Dawn gave Wade a duh stare. “Lady Varaness just told me that the water from the Well of Realms is the time mirrors. From what Lacy and I read, we may be able to at least figure out how to use them to contact Aliana, if not bring her home!”

  The guys reeled back.

  “Lacy and I were going to try to use them at the same time. Maybe together we will be strong enough.”

  A door on the opposite side of the courtyard opened before the guys could get a word out. Lady Varaness and the two Nymphs, flanked by a giant Elf dressed in all black with a wicked looking sword made their way to Dawn and the knights.

  Varaness strode forward with all the grace and authority one would expect of a ruler.

  “Why do you wish to gain access to the Well of Realms?” the Elf man, with jet black hair asked, his voice aged and wise.

  “We are on a quest to save the seven realms from the dark wizard, Mordrid,” Galahad stated. “We must find the Destined One, Aliana, and find a way to bring her back to us.”

  “Are you implying you have lost the Destined One?” the giant Elf boomed.

  “She was kidnapped by Mordrid,” Dawn said, boldly stepping forward. “And now we think she may have been sent back to Camelot, in the past, by Queen Titania.”

  None of the council openly showed any astonishment at the news, but Dawn could almost feel the shock of the two Nymphs.

  “And what purpose would the Fae Queen, consort of our Lord Oberon, have for doing such a thing?” another Elf asked.

  “In exchange for a way to find Excalibur, in the Isle of the Blessed, Aliana, the Destined One, made a bargain with the queen. It is the only reason we can think for her doing such a thing.” Owen explained what happened in the Isle and the deals that had been struck.

  “And the Fae Queen now possesses the sword of the fire Elves?” another of the Elves asked.

  “Yes,” Galahad answered.

  Iris stepped to Varaness’s side and asked, “Even should you gain access, there is no guarantee you will be able to harness its great powers.”

  “We understand,” Wade replied.

  “I may know of a way to use it,” she said to Varaness, hoping she appeared confident and not the tangle of nervous mess she felt like she was. “I know about the Well and the time mirrors.”

  Some kind of silent communication passed between the Elf princess and the others with her. Suddenly, Varaness nodded. “Knights of the Round Table, we have long allied our forces with that of the Golden King’s. Elves and Nymphs are creatures of the light. The darkness Mordrid would spread could spell our doom.”

  Varaness’s eyes fell on Dawn. “To prove worthy of using the Well, here in Avalon, the one who would wield its powers must first defeat its guardian.”

  Dawn’s brows pinched together. “I don’t understand.”

  Isis spoke, nodding to the Elf in all black. “Trial by combat. You or your champion must best the guardian.”

  Well isn’t that a kick in the knees? Fantastic, how the heck am I supposed to beat an Elf? Dawn’s hands started to tremble, but she clenched them tight.

  “Do you accept?” the dark-haired Elf asked.

  “Choose your champion!” Wade hissed in her ear.

  Damn, why didn’t I put that together? “I accept, and I choose Sir Galahad as my champion.”

  Galahad stepped forward. “I am ready to face this challenge.”

  Varaness’s eyes seemed to light with satisfaction. “Very well.”

  The Elf in black stepped forward, standing in front of Galahad. “I am Marius, Guardian of the Well of Realms.” Both men locked in an epic stare down. “I have heard much of your skill as a warrior, legendary knight. Be warned, I am no easy opponent.”

  The white knight’s gaze never wavered. “And I have no other purpose right now, other than finding the Destined One. I will not fail her.”

  Dawn could almost hear the silent “again” he didn’t say.

  Lady Varaness clapped her hands once, the sound vibrating around them. “Then it is settled. We will have the battle arena prepared.”

  Dawn looked back at Galahad. He was talking quietly with J’alel and the knights. She made a wish then, that the white knight would be as strong as he appeared. Like it or not, he was their only chance to find Aliana right now.


  None of us were more surprised than Arthur to see Delphina. She was a good friend to us all, had been a fixture in Camelot’s royal court for years as Queen Titania’s ambassador. For those first few years, I remember thinking the king would end up marrying her; we all did. Keeping everything straight is like trying to herd cats. And what is she doing with Puck and Freya? The fact Delphina says we can trust Puck’s motives helps, but I still think that Imp is eighteen pounds of crazy deviousness in a three-pound bag! Even I can see he has unknown motives. I just wish my blue eyes would stop running off to talk to him! As long as he doesn’t endanger Lacy, I’ll let him be.


  GUIN, VIRA, DELPHINA AND MORGANA came running into the stable yard as the horses slowed and everyone dismounted.

  “Thank the gods, you’re back!” Guin threw herself into Lancelot’s arms and kissed him fiercely.

  Vira ran into Galahad’s arms. “I’m so glad you are safe, big brother.” Galahad kissed her head and stroked her hair before Vira pulled away and came over to Aliana.

  The girl hugged Aliana, and tears suddenly formed in her eyes. How was she going to just let Vira die? She could still remember the hurt she’d felt from Galahad when he had told her about losing his family and then his little sister, before things had blown up between them.

  Delphina talked quietly with Arthur, her fingers lightly tracing down his arm. He smiled at her with such fondness Aliana’s lungs tightened with pain.

  Vira pulled out of her arms and stepped back as Morgana came to Aliana. “I am relieved you are all well.”

  Aliana smiled, searching her eyes. She saw none of the darkness, evil or hate that she had spent months trying to fight against. Her gut told her Morgana hadn’t turned against them.

  Not yet.

  Aliana reached out and hugged the Sorceress. Morgana hesitated then returned it. “I’m sure Merlin wishes he could have ridden back with us.”

  Morgana pulled back, her lips wavering. “I know. He sent me a message earlier this morning. He is making sure that our dead return home safely so they can be buried properly, with the honor they deserve.”

  Aliana looked around the small-enclosed area, noticing more guards than usual hovering on the tall walls and by the entrances. Come to think of it, there had been a lot of men than usual patrolling the streets of Camelot. “What’s with all the added guards?”

  Morgana’s face fell. “A few servants have claimed to have seen two strangers roaming the castle.” She shook her head. “We have found no sign of them, but the queen has doubled the guards to be sure.”

  Aliana nodded as Delphina approached. Morgana didn’t seem too worried, and neither did Vira or Delphina, so Aliana let it go for now. The Fae bowed her head to Aliana as Morgana stepped back and went to her cousin and Gawain.

  “Welcome back, my lady. I thank the Fae Queen you have returned, uninjured.”

  Aliana knew it was just a figure of speech, but Delphina’s mention of Titania still made her uncomfortable. That and the guilt that was ripping at her for kissing Arthur.

  Delphina motioned for Aliana to head toward the castle. “The queen and I have had a bath prepared for you. I am sure you wish to wash away the angst of your battle.”

  Aliana followed the Fae girl up to her room. She was surprised to see Igraine waiting by the fireplace with a large copper tub filled with steaming water.

  The two girls curtsied to the queen. “I thought you would appreciate the comfort of being clean and a new dress.” She pointed to the pale purple dress hanging over the changing screen.

  “Thank you.” Aliana turned to Delphina. “Both of you.”

  Delphina smiled brightly. “I can stay and attend to you, my lady, if that is your wish.”

  Aliana shook her head. “I will be fine on my own.”

  They left, telling Aliana that a late dinner was being prepared.

  As soon as the door shut, Dagg sprang from her wrist. “You don’t even need to say it.”

  Aliana smirked. “I’m glad you haven’t forgotten my rules.”

  The silver Dragon smiled broadly. “Yes. Though I hardly think it’s fair that you threaten to kick me out for snoring, when it is you that snores!”

  “I do not!” Aliana cried in mock outrage. She playfully threw a small towel at the Dragon as he zoomed behind the changing screen. Aliana quickly undressed and blissfully sank into the warm water. She sank all the way under, letting the feel of the water soak into her pores and through her dirty hair.

  Breaking the surface, Aliana ran her hands through the tangles of her long dark chocolate hair wishing desperately for a good conditioner. She opened her magical senses to see if anyone with magic was close by. Sure she was alone, she used a pulse of bubbly pink magic to smooth out her hair and another to clean it and her whole body.

  “Aliana,” Dagg growled from behind the screen.

  “What?” She shrugged and lay back, relaxing. “Why shouldn’t I use my magic to get clean?”

  Her guardian sighed heavily. “Your magic is meant for more than beauty regimes!”

  Aliana rolled her eyes. Her magic was hers to use as she saw fit, but a small part of her conscience said he was right. “I won’t do it again,” she lamented.

  “Thank you.”

  Dagg stayed silent as Aliana relaxed. Her magic sense still opened, she felt cool droplets of magic like rain against her magical core. She gasped at the tickling sensation. She was feeling the magic of the water element, she just knew it!

  “How?” she asked her Dragon a second later. “Back in London, when Merlin was first training me to connect with the elements, I couldn’t touch the water element!”

  “Your powers are growing and with that your ability to tap into the elements you couldn’t before.” Dagg’s answer seemed too simple, until he continued. “And connecting to the earth element is not like what you do with the air or with the energy elements. Remember you only connected to the fire element’s magic after you got very angry with Merlin and me.”

  Aliana remembered. Merlin had insisted that she had the ability to connect with all five magic elements, but she had refused to have anything to do with the fire’s power.

  Back then, none of the guys knew about the explosion that had killed her parents, and now she understood why that hellish fire had scared her so much, why she had had nightmares for two long years about it.

  She felt Dagg’s silent question in her mind. “Even knowing what I do now, I still don’t think I can connect with the fire element’s magic.”

  “You cannot keep denying your connection to it. Remember what happened just after we got to your home in Charleston.”

  Dagg didn’t need to remind her about the magical sparring session with Merlin that had gone horribly wrong. The Druid had used his fire attacks against her and she had lost control of her magic, hurting herself as it surrounded her and raged out of control.

  “Speaking of magic, what did you mean earlier, when we broke camp? The theory you’re not keen on telling me.” His reluctance flooded her. “Just say it, Dragon boy.”

  “You were thinking about Merlin and Morgana’s souls mate bond, and the ones you share with Arthur and Galahad.”

  Aliana nodded, even knowing he couldn’t see her through the screen.

  “I have no proof, and no explanation, but I believe there to be more to the bonds you share with them. I don’t believe it’s anything evil, but I have never known one person to share such strong bonds with two people.”

  Aliana hugged her knees to her naked chest. “You mean they’re not real? Just another side effect of my freak magic?” She hated the bitterness she could taste on her words.

  “No, that’s not it. I felt the strength of the bonds. When you opened your shields to me days ago, I saw them. There is no faking what you share.”

  He sounded so sure, and he certainly knew more about those kinds of things than she did, but…Aliana splashed the warm water on her face, scrubbing away the one tear that leaked from her eye.

  “I’m sorry to upset you further.”

  Aliana shot a hard look at the screen. “Just because you can feel my emotions doesn’t mean you always have to.”

  Dagg sighed heavily. “I think we need to tell the knights a little more of why we are here. We have the book, but we have found nothing about the Grail or a way to find it. We need their help. Camelot’s achieves and libraries are famed for all the knowledge they contain.”

  Aliana took the subject change as an olive branch. “You heard the queen. She said we can’t reveal anything to the knights.”

  “She said we can’t reveal the future, or the fact we are from the future. But telling them of our quest here…”

  Dagg’s words hung in the air. He was right. “But I don’t want to reveal anything about my magic. As much as I wish it won’t happen, if or when Morgana betrays everyone, her knowing my true strength could give her and Mordrid an advantage.”

  “I agree.”

  Aliana swirled her hand around the water.

  “I don’t want to worry about that now.” Aliana focused again on the water element, relaxing again as the magic came back to her. Aliana cupped her hands with the water and blew gently. Spheres of water rose up and hovered in front of her like glass ornaments. Giggling, she twirled around a finger and they started to dance for her. “This is so cool!”

  A knock on her door startled her, breaking her concentration. The spheres burst and the water fell back into her tub.

  “Who is it?” Aliana asked, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around her chest.

  “It’s me, Aliana,” Vira called back. “May I come in?”

  “One second.” Aliana got out of the tub, grabbed the heavy cloth the queen had left and wrapped it around her body. “Come in.”

  The door opened and Vira slipped in, closing it behind her. “Would you like me to help you dress for dinner?”

  Aliana shifted, uncomfortable with Vira seeing her naked. Not even Lacy or Dawn had seen her totally naked! “I’ll be fine, thank you.”

  Vira’s eyes dropped to the ground, her hands folded in front of her.

  “But I wouldn’t mind the company while I get dressed.”

  Vira brightened and sat down in the chair by the fireplace as Aliana stepped toward her changing area.

  “Dagg, I hope you’ve found a different hiding

  He chuckled in her mind. “I have. I am under the bed.”

  Aliana dried off and pulled on a pair of modern panties she had magically created days ago. She noticed Dagg hadn’t said anything about her using her magic for that purpose. She answered Vira’s questions of what had happened during the fight.

  “I heard you even saved Raven from getting hurt.”

  Aliana stepped out from behind the screen. She was trying to tighten the strings on the back of her dress, but they were proving difficult.

  “Let me help.” Vira didn’t wait for her response. She came up and efficiently laced the dress, pulling it just enough to fit without being too tight.

  “Thank you. And I wouldn’t say I saved him. I’m sure the knights wouldn’t have let it get him. I just got there first.” Aliana picked up the matching belt for the dress and secured it around her waist. “Who told you anyway?”

  Vira turned pale. “Um…”

  Aliana tilted her head, searching the girl’s young face for the truth.

  “I…pried it out of my brother.”

  Aliana heard the lie, but felt like there was more to it. “Are you sure?”

  Vira nodded vigorously. “We should really go down to dinner now!”

  Aliana frowned but allowed the girl her secret. She had her own after all.

  Dinner was quicker than usual, though it was still filled with the knights all talking about the battle and how they had all fought to defeat it. It was the same bragging and teasing that was common of the dinners she had with her knights, back in her time. Loneliness set in, but then Igraine’s hand touched her arm and she felt a little better.

  Aliana returned to her room as soon as dinner was done. “I just realized, Dagg, how have you been eating since we got here?”

  The Dragon smirked from his perch above one of her pillows. “I’ve been hunting a few times.”


  “I am a Dragon, Aliana. We do hunt for our meals on occasion. Though I admit some hunting may have been in the castle kitchens.”


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