Relics of Camelot

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Relics of Camelot Page 31

by L. H. Nicole

  Aliana made the only decision she could. “You have a deal. Ask away.”

  The Sphinx got up to her paws, her body rippling with muscles and magic. She prowled around Aliana, moving more like she was gracefully floating rather than stalking her prey. Aliana held still as the creature studied her.

  After two circuits around her, the lion woman sat back on her haunches, her fathomless, eerie white eyes fixed on Aliana like they could see straight into her heart and mind. “What is the one thing no one can change, outrun, or defy? It knows no bounds and is one of the two creations of this universe that is truly uncontrollable.”

  Aliana rolled the words over in her mind. What was the one thing no one could change? She looked around the blackness of the Underworld thinking about the possibilities. Death? she wondered. This was the Underworld after all.

  Where the Underlord and his son Death reigned. And that fearsome general did control death. Damn.

  “We do not have all eternity, Destined One,” the woman lion mocked.

  Aliana scowled. “Give me a minute, all right? Geesh.”

  The Sphinx chuckled.

  Stop calling me Destined One, she wanted to hiss at the creature, but held her tongue. The Sphinx was right, this was a part of her destiny, and she should know this. Aliana looked back to Dagg. He watched her silently from his diamond cage. Even without their mental bond, she knew her friends well and she could see his belief in her.

  “Something no one can outrun or change or defy…” she muttered twisting her fingers together.

  “I grow weary of this game. You have one minute to give me your answer or you forfeit the wager.”

  “That’s not fair!” Aliana snapped.

  “Life is not fair, Destined One. I should think the answer is quite obvious. Only fifteen seconds left.”

  A mental light bulb went off. That’s it! “Destiny!”

  The Sphinx snarled. “Took you long enough.” She shook her head in her fluid movement. “And the Underlord thought you so clever.”

  Aliana’s annoyance sparked her temper. “Hey, I solved it, didn’t I? Shut the commentary down, free my friend, and give me my map.” She cocked a hip, her balled fists resting on her hips.

  The Sphinx smiled, one that actually looked somewhat friendly. Then she slashed out her big paw with long talon-like claws. The blow struck and shattered Dagg’s cage. The small Dragon shot out of the shards of diamond, straight for Aliana.

  “Dagg!” Aliana cried out, grabbing her guardian in a tight hug as he flew into her arms, his wings flaring to wrap around her shoulders. The hole in her heart filled again, quashing the lonely pain their separation had caused. “I am so glad you are all right!”

  “I am too. You did wonderfully to bet the Sphinx the way you did. They are cunning and very dangerous.”

  Aliana smiled. “Thanks, Dragon boy! Now let’s get our map and get out of here. I’m ready to go home.”

  Dagg’s wings folded in as he crawled around her shoulders like a stole. With her guardian and friend back where he belonged, Aliana faced down the Sphinx. “I won. Now I’d like that map so we can go home.”

  “Of course, my lady.” The creature bowed to her. “But I am not the one you must retrieve it from.”

  “Oh come on!” Aliana shouted, stalking up to the giant mythological creature. “You lost! Are you going back on our deal?”

  That beautiful and fierce face swooped down to Aliana’s level before she could blink. The growl that rumbled from her vibrated through Aliana’s muscles. “Watch your words, Destined One. I have cut others down for far less of an insult. If I were not under orders to see no harm comes to you, I would have already cut your destiny short.”

  Aliana took a step back, her brow pulling together. “Orders from who?”

  The Sphinx straightened, silent. She inclined her head one more time before vanishing.

  “Wait! Orders from who?” Aliana cried out, looking around the starless surrounding.

  “Those would be my orders.”

  A man only inches taller than her appeared. He was dressed in exquisite, Asian style jade and amber silk robes. He had sharp features that reminded Aliana of a bird of prey, like a raptor or a falcon, especially with his black eyes. They weren’t terrifying like Mordrid’s black eyes, but rather wiser and kinder. Power rolled off him from the way he stood. Like a military man, shoulders squared and perfect posture.

  “Are…are you the Underlord?”

  He nodded.

  He held out one hand, palm up. For a second nothing happened then green lightning crackled in his palm, a yellowed roll of parchment appearing. “I believe you won this.”

  Aliana hesitantly took the map from him. “Thank you.”

  He chuckled. “You did well to defeat the Sphinx.”

  Not sure what to say or do she nodded. “Um, so can I go now? I really want to get back to my time.”

  He cocked a brow. “And which time is that? Your past in Camelot or your present in the mortal realm?”

  Aliana tilted her head a fraction and used her bubbly magic to hide the map in her ruby. “Present time, obviously. We need this map to stop Mordrid. And honestly I am terrified that I may have inadvertently done something to mess up my time, being back here.”

  “You have spent much time worrying over this fact. What would you say if I were to tell you that you being in Camelot did happen in King Arthur’s past?”

  “What?” Aliana’s face scrunched as she looked to Dagg. “I’m totally confused. I couldn’t have been here. The guys would have had memories of me in Camelot, before I even awoke Arthur and freed Galahad form the Sidhe.”

  The Underlord waved a dismissive hand. “So you think. As I told another, there was and still is much you have to do in Camelot to ensure your future unfolds the way it did and still must. There is nothing I cannot divine with my Well of Realms. Past or future. Though neither makes a matter in my realm.”

  Aliana rubbed her temples. All this confusing talk of time travel and affecting the past was really starting to give her a headache. “Why is that?”

  “Because my realm exists outside of the laws of time. And no other living or dead being knows the uses of the Wells as I do.”

  Chills ran through her. “Can you see my future?”

  His head tilted a fraction, his eyes glowing with green light. “I see a future for you, several in fact.”

  Aliana reeled back. “What?”

  His eyes returned to normal. “It would seem your fate has not yet been determined. Your destiny is still being written, with many possible outcomes. I have only ever seen this one other time.”

  “Well, aren’t you special?” she muttered, exhaustion suddenly settling in. “Please, I need to get home.”

  He chuckled. “And here I would have thought you would have so much more to ask me, Destined One.”

  She crossed her arms. “My name is Aliana, not Destined One. And I need to get back to my friends.”

  “Very well.” He held his hand out, a mirror appearing similar to the one she created in the field. “Your passage home lies before you.”

  Aliana stepped past him.

  “I would have thought you would demand to see your parents. Know the truth of your heritage.”

  Aliana stopped dead, glanced back at the Underlord. “What do you mean? What could you know of my parents?” She caught herself. He could see her past…he could see who her birth father was, what really happened to her Mama and Papa! She wheeled around. “Tell me what you mean! Do you know who my real father is because of your tricks?”

  He turned to her. “I do not need my tricks to know who your birth father is. He is here, in the Underworld, along with your mother and adoptive parents.”

  Aliana felt the blood drain from her face and her legs start to shake. “They’re here? My father and mother, Selene…my mama and papa too?” She felt Dagg shift restlessly on her shoulders.

  He nodded. “Would you like to meet your birth parents?

  “Careful, Aliana,” Dagg warned. “I do not trust his motives.”

  “At what price?” A tremble penetrated her voice. She cleared her throat. “Nothing comes without a heavy cost.”

  A sharp smile broke out on his eagle face. “You have learned much, have grown into a wise and strong young woman, indeed. But this I offer free of any strings or cost; as I am offering it for the sake of others as much as my own.”

  “Now you’ve totally lost me.”

  “It’s quite simple really. Do you wish to meet your birth parents, and know it is them this time?” When Aliana hesitated he added, “It’s a yes or no question, my dear.”

  Her anger sparked. “What do you mean know it’s them? Of course I want to meet them! I’ve wanted little else since I learned I was adopted…but—”

  The Underlord clapped his hands together, the sound echoing like thunder. “Then it’s settled.” He waved his hand, a mist mirror forming between them. Aliana saw herself standing on the pier watching as the boat carrying her Mama and Papa exploded. Tears misted her vision as the man and his wife caught her before she could jump into the water, unknowingly into Morgana’s trap.

  “Why show me this? Do you think I needed a reminder?”

  “You still are not seeing the truth that is right in front of your eyes.”

  Aliana angrily dashed away the moisture in her eyes. What was she missing? The man whispered to her, the woman stroking her arms as she sagged back against the strange man who was protecting her.

  “But how…?”

  The image vanished, a new voice behind her making her spine go stiff. “We have protected you since you were born.”

  That rough voice was gentle, with just a hint of hesitation. Aliana screamed at her body to move, but she stood frozen where she was.

  “You can do this.” Dagg jumped from her shoulder.

  She blinked rapidly, tears clogging her eyes and nose. Everything seemed to slow down as she managed to get her legs to work. She turned toward the male voice behind her, shaking like a leaf with so many emotions she couldn’t sort them all out.

  Her emerald eyes landed on a tall man with jet-black hair, hot red eyes, and strong, sharp facial features like they were carved of marble. He wore dark pants and black boots, and an Asian-like wraparound tunic with intricate stitching revealing a prowling tiger that seemed to be watching her with similar red eyes. For as hard as his face was, there was an impression of hesitation she would have never expected to see.

  “Who are you?” she choked out.

  His foot moved like he wanted to take a step forward but caught himself. “I am General Alaki.”

  Aliana’s eyes widened. “Death?”

  He nodded, his eyes darkening. “Yes, others know me as Death, and many other names. But I am Alaki, son of the Underlord…and your father.”


  Puck said it was time. I don’t know how he knows but he seems pretty sure of it. I demanded he tell me, but all I got was a load about him knowing time’s workings as well as “Father Time.” He’s frustrating, but I don’t doubt him. I want to tell Percy so bad. I almost have several times, but I know he’ll stop me if I tell him there’s a chance the Well’s magic could destroy my mind, and Dawn’s and Aliana’s if we mess up. I’m scared. So much is at stake. I need my cowboy by my side. Maybe I can leave him a breadcrumb through Freya.


  ALIANA STUMBLED, blood rushing through her so fast it was like hot lava.

  General Alaki was there, his hands on her arms steadying her. Aliana looked up at him, her tears finally falling. She had no idea what to do or think or say.

  He reached up and brushed away the tears. Something inside her shattered and she threw herself in his arms, burying her face in his shoulder as sobs wrecked her.

  “Shh,” he whispered, his arms coming around her, one hand cupping the back of her head, the other rubbing up and down her back. “I’ve got you now. Your mother and I have waited for this day for so long.”

  Another cool presence appeared and touched her shoulder. Aliana looked up from the general’s shoulder. She met emerald eyes, exactly the same as hers. The woman standing next to them was a face Aliana had memorized from the only photo she had ever seen of her birth mother.

  Delicate flowers were draped in the short, dark brown hair that curled at her shoulders. She had a heart shaped face with the same “half lips” Aliana had, and rounded cheekbones. She wore a long, flowing dark purple silk gown, stitched with beautiful colored flowers and a golden phoenix, with a square neck line that came up to tie behind her neck. A thick matching purple and jade green sash was wrapped under her chest, accenting another piece of jade green silk that appeared from under the dress forming long, wide bell sleeves. She was beautiful, and enchanting, and so much more in person than Aliana had ever imagined she could be.

  The general’s arms relaxed as Aliana pulled away and turned into her mother’s open arms. Aliana squeezed her eyes shut as more tears escaped and she clung to her birth mother. Strong arms encircled both women. Aliana turned her head to see the general watching her with bright happiness in his hot red eyes.

  “I don’t understand,” Aliana said when she finally pulled back. “I don’t get any of this!”

  Her mother laughed softly, running a hand through Aliana’s hair. “I understand. You’ve had a lot of shocks lately.”

  “It is a very long story, my Aliana,” the general started. “The simple version is this…your mother, Selene, is my souls mate. After she fell pregnant with you we discovered Titania’s plans, the prophecy she had built upon.”

  “We also knew you would be in great danger, from Mordrid, Morgana…” her mother hesitated “…and possibly from Oberon or even my mother.”

  Aliana frowned, but listened to their story with rapt attention.

  Her father continued. “We realized the only way to protect you, to give you the chance of a normal, happy childhood was to give you up.” He choked on his words a little. “It was the hardest decision we ever made.”

  Her mother nodded. “Carrie and Allen were very dear friends to us. I had known Carrie since we were kids. She knew the truth of who I was.” Selene looked at her souls mate. “And she knew the truth of who Alaki was. Carrie was unable to have children of her own, so when I came to them, after you were born, they agreed to take you in, and raise you as their own.”

  Aliana wiped away the last of her tear streaks. “But why couldn’t I stay with you?” She looked at her father. “You’re Death, couldn’t I have been raised here?”

  They looked at each other and shook their heads, sadness radiating from them. “I,” Alaki started, “am bound to the Underworld. I can be away from the realm, yes, but never for very long. And your mother is my souls mate. As soon as we accepted that bond she became as I am. Bound to the same restrictions. Raising you here would have changed destiny and would have been even more dangerous.”

  Aliana looked to the Underlord, who had watched all of this silently. “You’re the Underlord! Why couldn’t you change this? Make it possible for my mother and father to stay with me?” The injustice of it all burned her. He was one of the greatest powers in all the realms!

  “Even I have my restrictions, and time stands still here; those who reside in this realm do not age. You would have remained a babe, dear granddaughter.”

  Her eyes widened, he was her grandfather! She rubbed her forehead, trying to stave off the headache that was forming.

  Her mother’s hands took over, rubbing her temples. Cool gentle power flowed through her, easing the building pain. “Even though we could not raise you, we have protected and watched over you every moment of your life.” She smiled warmly, cupping Aliana’s face. “We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished.”

  Aliana took her mother’s hands, pulled them from her face and held them as she looked to her father. “If you couldn’t be in the mortal world for so long, how were you able to be there to save
me after…on the dock after…” She let her words hang.

  “We can be in the other realms for any amount of time, but the mortal realm is the opposite of the Underworld, so it drains us if we remain in human form for too long.” He looked at Selene, stroked her cheek. “The year I spent with your mother, before you were born, was the longest I had ever attempted in human form. I can spend unlimited time, when I am there as Death, we both can, but then you would not have been able to see us. My immortal army helps me gather the souls of the departed from all the realms.”

  Aliana let all this new knowledge sink in. She didn’t want to touch the whole army-of-the-dead thing with a ten-foot pole right now. “You said you had been protecting me all my life, what did you mean?”

  “Titania had already seen to one level of protection for you,” her father said. “But we added to those shields.”

  A light went off in her brain. “The extra power in the shields around my house and flat.”

  The three Underworld beings nodded. “Yes,” her mother said. “And other ways as well.”

  Before Aliana could ask, the general answered, “Do you remember when you were in the mountains of China a few years ago?”

  Boy did she! It was the first trip abroad she had taken after her parents died, well before she discovered that she was adopted. “I was there for one of Wade’s tournaments, and I went to visit a monastery in the Wudang Mountains.”

  “Yes, and you decided to go wandering off just before sunset, on your own, with no map or guide,” her mother said with a disapproving frown. “You nearly scared the life out of me when you fell down that hill, and hurt your leg like you did.”

  Aliana flinched, both from the reprimand and the phantom pain of the long gash that had been torn in her calf. “Yeah. I admit it wasn’t my smartest move.”

  Her father sighed. “Do you remember what happened next?”

  Aliana shivered. She wouldn’t soon forget. “That king cobra came along. I was so scared.”


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