Matakeo: Echoes of the Future

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Matakeo: Echoes of the Future Page 9

by Daniel L. Newcomb

  Malign was waiting at the shuttle pad located inside the research compound. This was the only landing zone within the six thousand acre facility. She was anticipating the cargo aboard a drop ship that was now on final approach. Four members of her royal guard stood at formation, forming a pocket around her. Their orange tunics stretched all the way to the ground. Black armor and helmets protected the vital hit points of their bodies. Off-white trimmed the edges of the head and chest gear. A blaster rifle and a small carbine rested upon their hips.

  The drop ship was coming into view. Small wisps of steam could be seen rising off its hull from the quick descent into the planet’s atmosphere. A door slid open on the side of the ship. Two Lumi soldiers jumped out right before it settled onto the pad. The remainder then filed out with the human prisoners.

  “Ac-to,” snapped the lead officer for the escort detail. The squad members clinched the fists of their left hands over the right side of their chests, for it is on this side of a Lumi body where the heart is.

  “At ease,” Malign spoke.

  “Your Highness?” The officer bowed.


  “There was a memo stating you would not need our assistance once we landed?”

  “That is correct.”

  “My squad's shift was to be over two hours ago. Permission to use the barracks here?”

  “By all means, take your time.”

  “Thank you.” The officer and his detail bowed one more time before leaving.

  Malign instructed her Royal Guard to take up a formation around the two humans. She waited for the transport soldiers to be out of sight before she spoke again. She stared intently at the prisoners.

  “Do you know why I had you brought here?”

  “Let me guess.” Darius said sarcastically. “You going to have my head mounted on your mantle?”

  “I appreciate your contempt.” Malign pointed a finger in his direction.

  Something about the look in her eyes made Darius shiver. He always looked for a way to get under the persona of his adversaries. “I have had lots of practice.” The smile on his face spoke volumes by itself.

  “Actually, I believed you were about to stumble over my well laid plans.” Ruminating, she turned her back to everyone. “Now, how can they be well laid if I allow someone to ruin them for me?”

  Darius changed his approach somewhat. He decided to drop the bad boy tone momentarily and use a more apologetic one. This was not easy to do.

  “Well, not like you would tell us what your plans are? What is so important to have harmless little me out of the picture?”

  She turned and faced him. Candidly, her tone turned cold. A villainous spirit enveloped her.

  “It seems ironic you should press me. You really don't know. Do you?”

  “Know what?”

  She chortled. “Well, well. I imagined you to be a smarter man than that.”

  Darius was positive she would not let the cat out of the bag. “Sounds great. Let’s hear it.”

  “You see, my dear Matakeo. I am about to attack the Giefan Cluster. I will take it from your people. I will make them slaves to mine puritanium for me. As for the ones I find useless, well, they will get what they deserve.”

  “A vacation?” Darius smiled.

  “Still being the ass, are you?” Malign was not amused in the slightest. “Actually, they will be going on a permanent vacation. One that will take them where they belong!”

  Darius did not have a chance to open his mouth and speak. All he had time to do was raise an eyebrow before she blurted out more.

  “They get to go home with my allies.” An evil grin stretched across her face.

  Telly could not help himself. He had observed the artful put downs by Darius and thought he would try one of his own. “You have friends?”

  Darius acknowledged the others witty attempt.


  “Enough!” She screamed so loud her voice squeaked. Instantly, her mannerism became calm again. “Have you ever heard of a planet with such a silly name as Earth?”

  “Well of course.” Darius was ready to dish up a stupid look on purpose. Prepared, until what she said actually soaked in. “You mean to tell me you have been lying in the same bed as Earth folk?”

  Telly snickered.

  Darius had no clue as to how she had spent the prior evening. There were no implications in his questioning. He was just not going to pass up an opportunity to make fun of Earth.

  For Malign, this was the point where she misunderstood him. She did not embrace his humorous overtone. Now her hostility had been ignited.

  “Laugh all you want. As we speak, Earth forces, along with mine are assembling.” Her words resonated with an undeniable force. “What is really funny is there is nothing you can do about it.” A sinister laugh issued forth from down deep within her. “I get the last laugh.”

  Then she gave an order to her guard. “Bring them.” She turned and headed off in the direction of a nearby building. Following behind, the royal guardsmen prodded the prisoners with their shock staffs. Not that they needed to. They did it more out of routine. Darius had no problem cooperating, as long as he could obtain more information.

  As Malign reached the front of the building, a four-legged beast hotfooted around the corner. The creature had a full head of steam as it neared the laboratory. This mammal had a lot of the same characteristics as a horse but a smaller head topped its shoulders. Talons extended where hoofs would be. Its color and markings resembled that of a cheetah. Darius recognized the creature as a Ribbon. A saddle was strapped about the ribbon’s mid-section. Perched atop the leather seat was a male human.

  The creature came in fast and hard. As it neared the porch perimeter, the rider pulled back on the reins. The ribbon came to a screeching halt. Thick, long talons ripped into the ground to gain control of the stop. This provided more amusement for the two prisoners. They smirked as streaks of dark and fertile soil arced upward and spattered upon the lower reaches of Malign’s expensive garment.

  “He is in big trouble.” Telly said happily.

  Darius chuckled quietly. He was intrigued by the arrival of this man. Why would this human be dressed in Lumi attire? This is interesting.

  Malign was hacked off. “Thank you.” Her tone was overly bitter.

  “My sincere apologies. Honestly.” The rider dismounted and bowed in homage to her.

  “No matter.” The gears in her head were turning. Evil was about to beget evil.

  “Mecurial, meet Darius.”

  Both men nodded to the other.

  Malign always had a need to sink the manipulation hook deeper into her human pet. Now seemed like the opportune time. She knew there was no greater ally than a man who believes his heritage had been stolen from him. To reassure in him the lie that his father had been assassinated and believes he is the rightful heir to a throne that really does not exist. An ally such as this would stop at nothing to regain what he thinks is his. His vengeful spirit would be more powerful than the entire Earth force partnered with her.

  “We believe Darius is the one who killed your father,” she lied convincingly.

  “What?” Darius was confused.

  Mecurial reacted like a crazed mad man. Leaping forward, he plunged into the chained man. His forearm pummeled into Darius’ chin. The momentum slammed the prisoner to the ground. After repositioning himself so he sat on the downed man’s chest, he began a volley of fists to his face.

  Malign allowed him to strike Darius several times before signaling her guards to break it up.

  Once her toy was on his feet, she queried him.

  “How did that make you feel, my love?”

  Panting heavily, he wiped the back of his hand across his lips. As his heart rate returned to normal, he opened his mouth to speak. Like a wild dog who has tasted his first drop of blood, the answer came forth.

  “I want more.”

  “In due time.” She turned her attention back to
Darius and Telly. “Come. I have something special planned for you two.”

  The group entered the building. Darius could tell by the surroundings the situation got worse. There were dozens of holographic monitors on a far wall. Several high-tech medical chairs were displayed in a row. Six technicians and scientists were busy about the room. All of them were performing different tasks and not a one of them were Lumi. The entire complex was clean and pristine.

  Telly leaned over and whispered into his ear. He was able to get the words out of his mouth before a guard separated them.

  “I think I know the other human.”

  What he had just said was nuts. Darius stared at him. There was no way he could know him. Could he?

  “Welcome to one of my favorite play rooms, gentlemen. Do you know what goes on here?”

  The guards smiled.

  Darius shook his head no and Telly shrugged his shoulders.

  “Guards, place them both in a seat.”

  The squad followed through with the command. They placed them in a chair. Using restraints, the guards strapped their arms down. This was followed by their legs and then their heads. The shackles the prisoners had on when they came in were then taken off.

  When they started for Telly’s head is when the situation went from bad to worse. Telly screamed as a technician pulled the red helmet off his head.


  Blood from the wound had dried and adhered to the inside of the helmet. The large scab ripped when pulled on, causing it to reopen.

  “You won’t need this.” The alien grinned. They secured his head to the padded surface once the helmet was removed.

  Malign was so pleased. She enjoyed these moments.

  “Today your lives will change. After this procedure, you will no longer remember who you are or where you came from. Have you ever dreamed of being anything other than what you are?”

  Telly was quick to answer. “I want to be a Matakeo.”

  “That is quaint.” She mused.

  Darius was done messing around. For a brief second, he thought about calling upon Teron. He then decided to hold off a minute longer. Quickly, he threw out another insult. “I want to be a topless dancer in a sleazy bar.”

  Telly’s eyes enlarged and a look of surprise plastered his face. “Oh my,” he exclaimed!

  “I can guarantee you one thing,” Malign’s voice peeled. “You will not talk back to me after today.”

  She stepped up to where Darius was seated. Then she leaned over the railing of his chair. With only three inches separating their faces, she continued. “You will be receiving a cerebral implant. I am going to have your facial features and personality changed.” A chill ran down the man’s spine.

  Malign smiled. She enjoyed nothing more than seeing the product derived from an inhibitor chip.

  “The chip interacts with the recipients DNA and brain. As new advancements are made in this area of science, the technicians gain the ability to change the demeanor and many characteristics of an individual. There are numerous personalities at their disposal.” Malign obsessively enjoyed the manipulation of facial features more than the other options.

  “LacLok,” she called out.

  The off -world scientist looked her way.

  “Did you see the expression on his face the last time he shot his mouth off?”

  With a quick snap of his head, he confirmed.

  “Well, I want that stupid look to be a permanent one for him.”

  “That really rains on my parade.” Darius said under his breath.

  “I have had enough,” the Banimpire expressed in an odd way. “Let us start with Telly. This will give Mister Smart Mouth here the opportunity to view the procedure. I want him to have to suffer, knowing his present state is short of time.”

  “Very well,” LacLok examined the crown of Telly’s head. “This one is extremely messy. I need to clean.”

  “Just do it!” Malign was at a breaking point with her patience again.

  On the backside of the medical chairs were many surgical tools. The alien grabbed one and pulled it up and out of its bay. A long tube was connected to the bottom of it and disappeared into the hole in which the instrument had come from. Turning it on, he held it above the infected area. A soft light emitted from it. All of the dried and fresh blood on the recipients head vanished. Amazingly, the gorge on Telly’s head sealed up as if there were never a gash there. However, the birthmark that Darius was trying to hide with his helmet was now exposed.

  LacLok looked up with a mixed air of puzzlement and amazement upon his dark, yellow face.

  “You should see this, your Highness.”

  Malign made her way to the second booth. Like a person peering around a corner to spy the unknown, she gazed upon what the scientist had detected.

  “This is incredible,” she exclaimed. “What are the odds?” She laughed maniacally.

  LacLok’s three eyelids shuddered multiple times. He was not ignorant of what he was viewing. Even though it would not be visible to most species, it was to his keen vision. He was not referring to the mark but had recognized a micro-incision as his own work.

  Completely forgetting that Mecurial was even in the room, the Banimpire became euphoric.

  “Darius, are you aware of who Telly is?”

  Darius attempted to shake his head no but struggled under the tie down. Malign detected the answer from the clueless expression upon his face.

  “This is your little buddy.”

  “We are buddies now.” Telly confirmed.

  Darius looked through her. The thought crossed his mind that maybe this Lumi was loony. What the heck is she talking about?

  Malign cupped Telly’s cheeks within the grasp of her hands. She squeezed them lightly and gave them a jiggle.

  “I realize his face is not recognizable and his thought process seems a bit slow.” She stood there smiling at him. Then she introduced the two. “Darius, I present to you, Rimsen. Rimsen, meet Darius.” She laughed as she used her hand as a pointer with the palm up; focusing it upon the individual each time she announced their name. “What are the odds your witness is one of the very ones I kidnapped years ago?”

  “Huh?” Darius could not believe his ears.

  “Are you surprised?” She seemed anxious to know.

  Now this is more like it, Darius thought. In his wildest dreams he never could have foreseen this day coming to pass. At the moment, it did not matter.

  “So you are the one who took Rimsen and Zelo?”

  “Yes.” her voice resonated with satisfaction.

  Meanwhile, there was another present whose interest in the subject matter was growing at an incredible rate. A hundred different questions flooded Mecurial’s mind. This caused the faulty chip that was on his brain to suddenly malfunction. Confusion crashed multiple directions within his mind. As the walls of the room began to spin profusely, he noticed a sudden and sharp pain in his head. Shortly after, he lost consciousness. Standing suddenly became a task his body struggled to perform. Tilting forward, his limp body fell to the floor with a loud thud.

  Malign turned to see what had interrupted her. Frowning, she wondered what had befallen her toy.

  “Guards! Help him to his feet.”

  Two from the unit rushed over and picked him up. When they discovered he was unresponsive, they placed their hands under his arm pits to support his weight. When they up-righted him his chin came to rest against his chest.

  One of the technicians addressed the Banimpire. “My Queen, you have an incoming message from Omphalos Command Central.”

  “Put it through.”

  A deep voiced Lumi spoke. His delivery had no emotion whatsoever. “Everyone here is waiting your arrival. We thought you might want to see the fleet on their way out?”

  “I will be up momentarily.”

  “LacLok!” She snapped.


  “I like the state that Telly…sorry, I mean Rimsen. I think his current cond
ition is a good one. Perform a memory wipe on him, if you would please.”

  The scientist gave her a thumb up.

  “As for Darius, just surprise me.” Then she had a thought. “Make him like Mecurial.”

  Darius knew he might be grasping for straws but needed to inquire. What if Telly was right, he pondered. Maybe he did recognize the other human in some odd way. “What you really mean, is to make me like Zelo. Am I right?”

  Malign laughed. “Soon you will be sniffing about my feet.” She blew him a kiss before turning and leaving. Her entourage followed closely on her heels.

  Several minutes had passed. Darius watched as the technicians strapped a device onto Telly’s head. The time to act was now.

  “Teron?” Hopefully she is here.

  Another minute passed. There was still no response from his female friend. He was in hopes of getting her attention without alerting the medical staff. Time was ticking away. Eventually, he did not care if they heard or not.

  “Teron,” his voice boomed loudly. “Now would be a good time.”

  LacLok and the technicians seemed puzzled by the man’s outburst. They all looked at each other and shrugged.

  “Never mind him,” the scientist ordered.

  Another minute passed and still no backup. Darius concluded she must not have made it aboard the drop ship. Well this sucks. He shifted his focus upon the restraints to see if he could free himself. Suddenly, he heard a reassuring and familiar sound.

  The room was filled with a reverberating hum. Darius heard the movement of concentrated energy. This was followed by a short cry of pain from one of the technicians.

  “Yes!” The restrained man shouted.

  The rest of the aliens became frightened; seriously dumbfounded. Not a one of them knew how to respond. They just stood there, statuesque.

  One by one, their bodies crumpled to the laboratory floor. Each one of them looked on as their fellow workers were hacked into pieces. Some were sliced in half at the waist. One was diced through the long axis of their body, starting at the top of the skull. The cut seared downward, exiting out from the victim’s crotch. The pieces fell to the floor. One half fell to the left, the other to the right.


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