When Two Becomes One

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When Two Becomes One Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  “Man, this is a disaster,” Arsen said.

  “You heard everything?”

  He nodded.

  “Are you Batman?”

  He smirked slightly. “After being in prison you learn to be aware of everything around you.”

  I wanted to know more about that but I knew now wasn’t the time to ask. “I’ll tell him the news.”

  “I can’t believe this is how it ends,” he said. “After everything they’ve been through…”

  “I know.” It really was terrible.

  “They’ll never come back from this,” he said. “This is the end.”

  “Yeah…” It was terrifying.

  “Well, good luck.”

  “I don’t need any. This is what Slade wants.” I walked upstairs and headed to the second landing.

  Slade was in the exact same spot, his forehead pressed to the cool glass as he sat on the bed. He hadn’t moved at all.

  I moved to the spot beside him. “You can stop being depressed now.”

  “I’ll always be depressed.”

  I rubbed my palms together. “Trinity called off the wedding. She doesn’t want to marry you.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment. “So, you told her?”


  He turned my way, finally showing a reaction.

  “She doesn’t know that you left. Skye just told me Trinity came to this decision on her own. She says you’ve hurt her a lot in this relationship and you’ll continue to hurt her in marriage. And she hit the nail right on the head.”

  Slade stared at me with eyes that simmered in darkened. He didn’t look recognizable at all. He seemed wounded, broken. He watched his hands as they rested together on his knees. “She left me?”

  “Yeah. So, everything worked out in your favor. No one has to know you backed out first. If they did, everyone would hate you. But no one will hate Trinity because she’s a girl.”

  Slade continued to stare at his hands.

  I watched Slade, surprised by his behavior. This wasn’t the reaction I was expecting. “Isn’t this a good thing?”

  He continued to look down like he hadn’t heard a word I said. “She…doesn’t want me?”

  “I guess not,” I said gently. “She thinks you might go back to your old ways someday. And she also thinks she’ll always be the one holding the relationship together. When things get tough you take off. But she always stands and fights. I guess she’s tired of it…”

  “I said I was sorry and I haven’t done it since.” It was the first time Slade showed an emotion besides depression. “I learned my lesson and changed for her. Does she not remember that?”

  I shrugged.

  “I would never leave her for someone else.” He spoke like he was talking to himself more than me. “How could she possibly think that?”

  “Well, you’re sitting in the apartment above the shop on your wedding day…I don’t think her assumption is too far from the truth.”

  “But I’m afraid I’ll hurt her in the future.”

  “And she’s terrified of the same thing. So, the feeling is mutual. Isn’t that a good thing? Slade, you should be happy right now. You’re off the hook. This could have gone in a much different way and you’d have several broken limbs and black eyes.”

  Those words meant nothing to him. “She doesn’t believe in me…”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” I said. “She’s just scared of the same thing you’re scared of. She doesn’t think you can be a good husband. And the fact you’re sitting here and telling me to call off the wedding proves her right.”

  “But I can be a good husband.” His voice carried his emotion.

  Now I was just confused. “Slade, what are you saying?”

  “I…I don’t know.”

  I stared at the side of his face and watched him.

  “I just…I’m hurt she thinks any of that.”

  “But she’s right.” Seriously, was he high? He said one thing then said the exact opposite. “You told me hours ago that you were leaving her. You proved her right.”


  “It sounds like you just don’t like the fact she’s leaving you. You want to be the one to leave her. And if that’s the case…you’re despicable.” I couldn’t have a lower opinion of him in that moment.

  “No, that isn’t why.” He stood up and left the bed. He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “I just…I told her I would never hurt her and she could trust me. But she obviously doesn’t.”

  “And she was smart not to.” I remained in my spot on the bed.

  “How could I grow tired of being with the most gorgeous woman on the planet?” He started to pace slowly.

  Now I had no idea what was going on. I kept my silence.

  “How could she think I would ever leave her? Especially for someone else? We’ve had a lot of difficult times but we’ve had a lot of great times too. Is she forgetting all of that?”

  I stared at him stoically.

  “She’s the only woman I’ve ever had any sort of feeling toward. And that’s because she’s special. She’s not like everyone else. She’s beautiful, smart, funny, and amazing. I worship the ground she walks on.”

  Hope emerged in my heart and I started to wonder if Slade was going to realize he was making a huge mistake. What if he did? Could he save the wedding? Could he stop everything that was happening?

  “I know I’ve hurt her a lot.” He stopped and rubbed the back of his neck. “But I’ll do everything I can not to repeat those mistakes. I’m not the smartest guy in the world and she knows that. But I do my best.”

  I was careful not to say anything to ruin his epiphany.

  “She has to know how much I love her. Maybe she’s just forgotten. Maybe being apart for the last week has made her doubt everything.”

  I glanced at my watch to see the time.

  Slade fell silent and stared at the ground.

  I remained absolutely still, trying to leave him alone with his thoughts.

  Minutes of silence stretched and Slade stared out the window. His hands were by his sides like he was prepared for anything. He hardly blinked, his mind elsewhere. Then he turned to me. “Where is she?”

  I tried not to smile. “Sean’s. If you hurry, you might be able to save the wedding.”

  He headed to the door with squared shoulders and a strong back. Determination was evident in his frame. “I’m taking your car.”

  “Just try not to crash it.” My mouth was stretched wide in a smile.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Adrenaline spiked in my blood and time seemed to slow down. Every second was precious and it passed by like the leaking of a rusty pipe. Every fallen drop reminded me that I was racing the clock.

  My heart was beating faster than it had when I woke up that morning. They say the greatest fear you’ll ever know is the moment before you die. Your body releases that last burst of energy to keep you going.

  And that’s exactly how I felt now.

  Losing Trinity was akin to dying. My life would have no purpose so I may as well be dead. Walking out on her on our wedding day was stupid. I had doubts about my adequacy as a husband. I feared I wouldn’t be able to give her the marriage she deserved.

  But now those doubts were gone.

  I could give her everything she wanted, and I would do everything I could to make it happen. Knowing she had the same doubts made me realize how unfounded they were. I would prove her wrong a thousand times over. I would be the man she needed and the one she dreamt about.

  I hauled ass in Cayson’s truck out of the city and to the Preston Manor. I pushed his vehicle to the limit, the pedal pressed to the floor. My hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles were white.

  Trinity walked out on me on our wedding day. And instead of being mad like I should, I wasn’t. I understood her reservation. I understood her doubt. She was completely justified in thinking it. After all, I did walk out on he
r even if she didn’t know it.

  But now everything was different.

  I was different.

  I had to make this work. I had to get her back and convince her to marry me. Because on that day, in that moment, something inside me changed. Life took on a new meaning. Everything I’d known about the world had changed. I was no longer the infamous Slade, the asshole who did what he wanted when he wanted. At that time, I was just a boy in a man’s game. I didn’t understand the true meaning of being a husband or provider. I didn’t understand how to take care of another person.

  But now I did.

  Knowing Trinity wanted to end this relationship and move on with someone else was a wake up call for me. I already lost her once and it was hell. Could I endure that for a lifetime? Could I watch her marry someone else and have a family?

  Could I lose everything that mattered?

  No, I had to convince her I was the right guy for her. I had to tell her I was different. And I had to show her that no man would ever love her the way I loved her. I wasn’t Prince Charming when we met. I was just a stable boy. Now I was the man she wanted. It was years too late but he was finally here.

  I reached the house and pulled into the driveway. When I came to the roundabout I was going so fast I feared the truck would tip over. Fortunately, it righted itself and nothing happened. Cayson probably wouldn’t care anyway, given the circumstance.

  I bolted inside the house and ran to Skye in the living room. “Where is she?”

  Skye dropped the plate she was holding when she saw me. It shattered on the ground into dozens of pieces. She gasped and didn’t look down.

  “Where is she?” I repeated. “I need to talk to her.”

  She finally found her bearings. “Slade, she said she wouldn’t change her mind. And I thought you—”

  “Tell me where she is.” I tried to remain calm but my voice betrayed me.

  Her voice came out as a whisper. “My bedroom.”

  “Thank you.” I turned on my heel and ascended the stairs. Once I was on the landing I headed to the corner bedroom and stopped in front of the closed door. I knew she was just feet away, battling the depression caused by her choice. I had to say the right thing in the right way otherwise she’d be gone. So much was on the line. I tried not to crack under the pressure.

  I opened the door and looked inside.

  Trinity sat at her vanity, wearing a white gown that reached the floor. Her hair was in lustrous curls, and her face was highlighted with make up. She stared out the window, looking to the ocean in the back of the house. It didn’t seem like she noticed me.

  I took a moment to stare at her, to see the platinum bracelet I got her when I should have proposed instead. The melancholy on her face told me she felt just as terrible as I did. Walking away wasn’t easy. Even though she looked broken, she was devastatingly beautiful.

  I stepped inside and shut the door behind me.

  She turned to me slowly, probably expecting to see Skye. When she saw me her eyes dilated slightly. The movement was so minuscule it was difficult to catch. But after knowing her behaviors so well I could distinguish it. She turned her gaze out the window again. “I’m sorry.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  I put my hands in my pockets and came closer to her. I stared at her, noting the perfect way her hair was styled. Pearls hung from her neck, and she looked like a model cut out from a magazine. “You look beautiful.”

  Her eyes turned to me, seeing my sincerity. Then she looked away again. “If you came here to yell at me there’s no point.” Her voice was lifeless.

  “I didn’t come here to yell.” I remained calm even though my heart was bleeding inside my chest cavity. My entire life was on the line but I pretended everything was normal.

  She turned her gaze to her hands in her lap. “I just can’t…”

  “I know.”

  Trinity turned to me, surprise in her eyes. She clearly didn’t expect me to be understanding. Normally, I would come in here with guns drawn.

  I moved in front of her and crouched down, resting my arms on my knees.

  “You didn’t come here to fight for me?”

  “No. I understand why you don’t want to marry me.”

  Trinity gave me a look I didn’t recognize.

  “Why would you? I didn’t treat you right in the beginning of our relationship. I messed up a lot along the way. I learned a lot but it came at a price—your heart. Why would you want to risk the possibility of being stuck with that for the rest of your life?”

  She stared at me with emotion in her eyes. I couldn’t tell if she was sad or relieved.

  “I learned so much from this relationship. That experience was priceless.”

  She stared at her hands again.

  “When I woke up this morning I told Cayson I couldn’t go through with the wedding.”

  Her head snapped back to me.

  “I told him it was a mistake. He spent the entire day trying to convince me otherwise, saying I was making the biggest mistake of my life.” I watched her face, seeing the pain in her eyes. “I decided to back out because I was afraid I would hurt you somewhere down the road. I was afraid I wouldn’t be a good husband and father. I wanted to protect you from settling for a tattoo artist. We both know you’re so much better than me.”

  Trinity watched me and swallowed the lump in her throat. “So, this is mutual?”

  “Well, it was. Not anymore.”


  “Knowing you had the same fears I did…woke me up. It hurt knowing you thought those things of me, the very things that keep me up at night. You’re afraid I’ll be a mistake. You’re afraid you’ll end up with the wrong guy.”

  She touched her engagement ring.

  “And that made me realize how wrong you are.” I looked her in the eyes as I said it. “I am the right guy, Trinity. I am Prince Charming. I wasn’t for most of our relationship but today…I am. I’m ready to be what you need me to be. Something changed inside me, and now I’m exactly what I should be. I will live my life for you and I will spend my whole existence putting your happiness first. I will be the best damned husband the world has ever seen. I promise you, I will not be a mistake. Just take one more chance on me. Please.”

  A small reaction happened deep in her eyes. Emotion swelled and brought a coat of moisture to the surface, but no tears fell. Her lips parted slightly like she might speak but then she closed them again.

  I came closer to her then grabbed her left hand. “Baby, listen to me.”

  She didn’t pull her hand away from mine.

  “You aren’t making a mistake. I promise.”

  “How do I know you won’t get tired of me someday?” Her voice came out weak.

  “How could I get tired of the woman I love? You aren’t just the woman I share my bed with. You’re my best friend. And why would I ever hurt my best friend?”


  “You’re the only woman I will ever have, Trinity. I will never cheat on you, even if I wanted to. Even the old Slade wouldn’t do that. I’m always honest with you, whether you want to hear it or not. And why would I want someone else when I have you?”

  “But I don’t have any tattoos or piercings…”

  “And your virgin skin is beautiful.” I turned her wrist over and kissed the sensitive skin. “I love you the way you are. You changed me for the better. The old Slade is gone and I’m glad he is. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Trinity.”

  Her eyes softened and her guard dropped.

  “Please put your faith in me. I will be the man of your dreams. I will be the husband you want. I will be everything you need. Just take one more chance.”

  “I can’t keep teaching you…”

  “You don’t need to teach me anymore,” I said. “I know what you need. I finally figured it out.”

  “Slade, I’m scared. I’m sorry but I am…”

  “I know,” I said. “I was scared too.”

  She stared at our joined hands, her eyes wet.

  “I want to show you something.” I pulled my hand away then pulled my shirt over my head. I stood up then pointed to the tattoo over my right side.

  Trinity took in the image of herself, of her wearing a champagne pink dress while she looked into the distance. It was my favorite tattoo, and not just because it was of her, but because it was the most beautiful of all.

  “You’re with me no matter what, Trinity. This was one of my last places for ink and it was reserved for you. It was reserved the moment I fell in love with you.”

  She stared at it with emotional eyes. Then she reached her hand out and touched it. Her fingertips moved over the skin, gliding down my torso.

  “My wife deserved some ink. And whether you marry me or not, I’ll never remove it. I will carry it as long as I live. You will always be on a pedestal, and everyone will wonder who this special girl is.”

  She took her hand back and continued to stare at the tattoo. Then she slowly rose to her feet, looking like a queen in her gown. The intricate designs in the fabric even caught my attention. She looked like a vision. “Now I want to show you something.” She unzipped the back of her dress then pulled it down. She wore a strapless white bra, and as she pulled the dress down more of her beautiful skin was revealed. I didn’t know what she wanted to show me, but my heart raced in excitement.

  When the dress moved to the floor she stood in a white lacy thong.

  If I weren’t so emotional I would be hard. But I was too worried about losing her forever to feel any real pleasure.

  Then she gripped the side of her thong and pulled it down her hip, revealing my name written in cursive black ink. It was low enough to be covered by her underwear, so only I could see it when we were alone together. Seeing the ink mark her skin, claiming her as mine, made my heart skip a beat.

  I came closer to her, looking down at it. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I reached my hand out and felt her exposed skin. My fingers trailed over the writing and I breathed hard, unable to believe it was real. It was the sexiest and most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. “You did this for me?”

  “I did it for me too.”

  I lowered myself to my knees then gripped her hips. My lips found the ink and I placed a gentle kiss there, worshipping my mark on her body. I’d seen a lot of tattoos but this had to be the best one of all.


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