Justice for Aleta

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Justice for Aleta Page 8

by Deanndra Hall


  “Yeah, sugar?”

  “Will you stay with me?”

  “You mean will I help you to bed?”

  “No. Will you stay with me tonight? I want you to stay?”

  Well, that’ll be one night I’m sure she’s safe, he told himself. “I dunno. Let’s get you inside and see what we’ve got to work with, shall we?” By the time he got around the car, she’d gotten the door open and was trying to get out, but every time she’d get about halfway up, she’d fall back into the seat again. It took everything he had to keep from laughing his ass off right there on the curb.

  Ten minutes later, they were inside and he’d gotten her a cup of strong coffee. She sat on the sofa, shoes off, dress hiked up over her knees, and head lolled back on the sofa’s cushions. “Come on. Drink some of this,” he cajoled as he held out the cup.

  “What is it?”


  “I want more beer.”

  He chuckled. “You don’t need more beer. You’ve had all the beer you can stand.” He headed back to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee, and when he turned back around, he almost dropped his cup.

  She was standing there, the dress pooled around her feet, in the beautiful lingerie she’d been wearing in the picture, just as she’d promised. “Well? Does it look good in person?”

  “Holy hell. Aleta, you need to get a robe.”

  “I don’t want a robe. I want you. Forget about the robe and wrap me up in you, big boy,” she slurred, then wobbled just a little.

  “Not like this. Not while you’re tipsy. Nope.”

  “Then take me to bed. We can sleep,” she offered.

  “That I can do. Come on.” An arm around her waist, he helped her off toward the bedroom.

  It took him five minutes to get her into bed. She kept trying to crawl out for first one thing and then another. As soon as she seemed settled down, he slipped off his shirt, boots, socks, and jeans, and slid in beside her. He reached for the light, but then she announced that she needed to go to the bathroom, so he got out, helped her out, and walked with her to the bathroom door. She was in there all of two minutes, then back out she popped and headed straight for the bed.

  Under the covers in her little full-size bed, his feet almost hanging off the end, Jack listened to the wind in the tree outside the window and soaked up the warmth of her skin. She was still in the beautiful lingerie, but he knew the bra couldn’t be comfortable, so he unhooked the back and pulled it off under the covers, careful not to look or touch. Tossing it on the floor, he rolled back to spoon her, his arms wrapping around her waist. “Jack?” she whispered in the darkness.

  “Yeah, sugar?”

  “Do you love me?”

  He didn’t want to crush her, but he didn’t want to lie. “Aleta, it’s a little early for me to tell, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know if I love you, but I want to.” She was quiet for a few seconds, then said, “Will you try to love me?”

  He chuckled internally. “Babe, I don’t think I’ll have to. You’re going to make it too easy for me.”

  “Good. Easy is good. Goodnight, Jack.”

  “Goodnight, sugar.” When his lips touched the back of her neck, he felt her sigh and scoot back against him. For once, his errant manparts didn’t defy him. They behaved themselves, and he was glad. He wasn’t going to take advantage of her, but he had to admit, holding her in his arms was heaven. In a few minutes, she rolled to face him, so he gathered her up in one arm and pulled her close. When her cheek rested on his chest, he stroked her hair and felt her snuggle in closer, so he tightened his grip.

  They fell asleep like that, and Jack was happy, happier than he’d been in a long time. Aleta was a wonder. She was fighting back against everything that had ever held her down. Being there with her meant he could keep her safe and not make her feel confined, and that was exactly what he wanted.

  Now if he could just make her understand when she was sober.

  Chapter 5

  Slight movement woke him, and his brain jumped into alert mode. Then he realized where he was and relaxed. Aleta was still curled against him, her arm across his chest, and he could feel her breasts press into his side. He swept a strand of hair back from her face and smiled at the soft, almost childlike look of her face there in the morning light. The tender kiss he placed on her forehead was rewarded with a tiny smile on her blush-red lips, and then her eyes opened a slit. “Good morning, sugar,” he whispered as he kissed her forehead again.

  “Good morning,” she whispered back. In a split second, she snatched her arm back from across his chest and under the cover. “Oh, god, did we―”

  “No. We did not.”

  “But my bra―”

  “I didn’t look and I didn’t touch. It just seemed to me that it would be uncomfortable, so I took it off. It’s right there.” Jack pointed behind him to the floor. “I just wanted you to sleep comfortably, that’s all.”

  Her cheeks were scalded pink. “I got drunk, didn’t I?”

  “Wellll, maybe a little tipsy, but I wouldn’t say drunk.” She glared at him. “Okay, drunk. You were drunk. But not really, really drunk.” That look stayed on her face. “Okay, pretty drunk. But you weren’t throwing up or passing out or anything. Nothing like that. Just wobbly and slurring your words. Oh, and you lost your shoe. And you reached for your purse and missed. So not too bad. Just kinda bad.” He was burning a lot of energy trying hard not to laugh, and he was almost failing. Almost.

  “Wow. You take me out and get me drunk on our first date.”

  “Hey, the brewery was your idea! And so was the beer! By the way, I think you started liking that Irish red,” he said and watched her make a face. “What? It’s good.”

  “If you say so.” She rolled to her back and stretched, almost hitting him in the face with a fisted hand. “What time is it?”

  “It’s about eight thirty, I think.”

  “You’re late for work!” She sat straight up. “Oh, shit!” she squealed as the blanket fell to her waist, and she yanked it up and over her breasts. “Dang it! I said a curse word and I showed you my boobs!”

  Jack stretched and yawned. “Well, first off, I don’t care if you curse. And second, I really didn’t see your tits. Not really. Well, okay, maybe a little. But not a lot.”

  “You either did or you didn’t, Jack. Which is it?”

  “Let’s put it this way. I saw them, but not enough.” He rolled his eyes toward her and wiggled his eyebrows, which got a laugh out of her.

  “Not enough, huh?” With that, she dropped the blanket, then leaned back on her hands and displayed them openly. “Whaddya think now?”

  “Oh, I like that. A lot.” So did his cock, which had started to harden at first glance.

  “Oh yeah? And what do you want to do with them?”

  “You’re treading in dangerous territory, sugar,” Jack warned, his palms itching to touch her rosy nipples.

  “I asked a simple question. What do you want to do with them, Jack? Do you even know what to do with them?”

  In a split second, he dropped her to the mattress and braced himself above her on his hands. “I know what to do with them, and you’re sober now. There’s no reason why I can’t. Do you want to find out what I want to do with them?”

  “Yeah, I’d sure like to.”

  He didn’t give her another word, just dropped and sucked one pert bud into his mouth, listening to her hiss as he tugged. “Oh, god, Jack, please …”

  Turning loose, he gave her a wicked grin. “Please what?”

  “Please, do it some more.” He dropped again and grabbed the other one in his lips, his fingers brushing up her belly until he was palming the other breast in his big hand. His fingers wrapped around it and then drifted to the tip, gripping her nipple and pinching it fiercely. “Ohhhh,” Aleta moaned and arched her back. “Ohhhh, yeah.”

  His hands and mouth were relentless, pinching, twisting, su
cking, tugging, nipping, licking, until Aleta was writhing and squirming under him. He knew she could feel his hardness against her leg, and she didn’t seem to mind one bit. When he’d worked her nips until she was frantic, he turned loose and braced himself over her again. “Want to go freshen up a bit? I’m going to. And brush my teeth too. Got an extra toothbrush?”

  “Yeah. In the hall closet. Get it and you can go down to the guest bathroom.”

  “Back in a flash.” Jack hopped up from the bed, and he knew she could see his long, hard dick tenting the front of his boxer briefs, but he didn’t care. Hell, he wanted her to see it. She knew he was ready for her, and she’d better not pretend she didn’t want him, because he knew better. It only took him a couple of minutes to brush his teeth and rinse off in the shower with one of the soft, fluffy towels she had hanging in the bathroom. When he padded back to the bed, the towel wrapped around him, she was still in the bathroom, so he slipped under the sheets and got comfortable. It was only another minute or two before she stepped from the bathroom into the bedroom.

  And she wasn’t wearing a stitch.

  As soon as she crawled back into the bed beside him, he looked her in the eye. “Aleta, are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “I dunno. Why don’t you check and see?” Grasping his big hand with her small one, she slid it down her belly, under the sheets, and between her legs.

  Sopping wet. Hell, yeah, she was ready. In response, he took her free hand and wrapped it around his shaft. “I’m ready too, but I think you already knew that.”

  “I’d about decided you didn’t want to do this. You’ve been dancing around it ever since we met.”

  “I didn’t want to push you too fast. You’ve been through a lot, and I―”

  “Damn it, Jack, just shut up and fuck me.” Without another word, she threw a leg over him, mounted him, and rose above him. “Or I’ll fuck you. Whichever you’d like.”

  Jack couldn’t contain his surprise. “This is not how I wanted this to go.”

  “I thought I was supposed to make the decisions.”

  “That was last night. This is today, and today I make the decisions.”

  “What’s your decision, then. Hmmm?” she asked, grinning down at him.

  “This.” Faster than she could squeal, he threw her to the mattress and rose above her. “You want a fucking? You’re gonna get a fucking.” Buried inside her, Jack was almost breathless with need. He grabbed one of her hands and guided it between them. “Stroke yourself. Do it, sugar. I want to feel you come around me.”

  Her eyes closed as he felt her hand moving, her knuckles rubbing his pubic bone right above his dick. “Oh, god, I’m such a dirty girl. Tell me I’m a dirty girl, Jack.”

  “You are a dirty girl, sugar, the dirtiest girl I’ve ever known, and you need to be fucked and fucked hard.” He wasn’t used to talking to women that way, but she seemed to want it, and he had to admit, it made him hornier than hell. “You like my hard cock in you?”

  “Yeah. It’s so good, Jack. Please? Oh, oh, yeah, I’ve never done this. You know, touched myself in front of someone. Oh, it’s so good.” He could see she was telling the truth, but oddly, she wasn’t embarrassed. Instead, she was really getting into it, and he was thrilled to see her throw herself into it and just let go. “Jack, please, fuck me? Oh, please, in and out. I need it, babe. I need it so bad.”

  “Not until you’ve come, sugar. You have to grip me good and hard, Aleta, or I won’t fuck you. Let go, baby.” He could feel her tensing. “Go on. It’s okay. I want you to. You look so beautiful there, babe, so damn beautiful with your tits shaking and your hand moving and that look on your face. See? You can do it. Go on. Come for me, Aleta. Turn loose and come for me.”

  “Oh, oh, ohhhhh!” she cried out, her hips thrusting. “Oh, god! Yes! Oh, this feels so amazing with you inside me! Oh, Jack! Yes!” To his surprise, she kept stroking herself until she was trembling all over.

  “Babe, stop. Aleta? Aleta, stop! It’s okay!” He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her slit. “You wanted it, you’re gonna get it.” Then he grabbed her other hand and pulled both up and over her head, holding them down with his own.

  Jack began to stroke into her, but he did it slowly, carefully, watching her face and her reaction. His body was almost undulating, rolling like a wave at the shore, one huge ripple at a time as he surged into her and ebbed back. Her hips met his stroke for stroke, and in a few minutes, they were lost in an erotic dance, gazes locked, lips barely parted, as his manhood pierced her.

  He could call it fucking all he wanted to, but Jack knew the truth. He was making love to her. There was no other way to describe it. She could feel it, he knew, and he didn’t care. They were both lost in it, desperate for the other’s body, and he wanted to consume her just as her pussy was consuming his length. It occurred to him that he hadn’t put on a condom, and he didn’t care. He was clean, and he was pretty damn sure she was too. “Feel it, Aleta. Let it take you, baby. I need you, girl. I need you so bad.”

  “I need you too, stud, every inch of you. I just want you inside me forever, please? Don’t ever stop, Jack, never.”

  Falling on top of her, he ran his hands around her, gripped her ass, and pounded into her. He could hear her crying out, begging him for more, faster, deeper, and he did his best to give it all to her, every inch. “Oh, god, Jack, something’s …” Her walls tightened around him and he felt her entire body tremble. “Jack! Oh, god! Yes, Jack, yes. Yes, babe. Oh, Jack …”

  There wasn’t a second to waste, and he slammed into her with everything he had, feeling his balls tighten and draw up a split second before he shot into her, filling her with his creaminess. She was his. She’d never be anyone else’s, just his. “Aleta,” he whispered, almost like a prayer. “Oh, sugar. So good, baby, so good.”

  “Mmmmmm …” She was silent for a minute or two before she whispered, “I love you, Jack. I don’t care if you don’t love me.”

  “But I do, babe. I do love you. I didn’t know it until just now, but god, sugar, I never want to leave you. Never.” Jack wrapped his arms around the woman under him and buried his face in her neck. She’d never understand the respect he had for her, the admiration, the sheer amazement at her determination and fortitude. If that had been him, he would’ve given up, but not Aleta. She was determined to live and live well. She was determined to love and be loved. She wanted to show the world she could do it, could be independent and strong and smart and capable. But most of all, she wanted to show herself, and he wanted to honor that.

  When he finally rolled off her, he took her with him until she was stretched out fully on top of him, his arms still around her. As she relaxed, her cheek in the middle of his chest, he smiled. “Little girl, you’re a wonder.”

  “Like Wonder Woman?” she said and giggled.

  “You’ve got that superheroine beat and you know it. I’m amazed by you.” He stopped and chuckled. “You weren’t kidding―you really do know how to talk dirty!”

  He could hear the mirth in her voice when she asked, “Did you like that?”

  “Hell yeah, I liked it! Made me hornier than an old billy goat.”

  “Good. You gave me a good pounding. I needed that, Jack. I need to feel like a man really wants me.”

  “I do want you, precious. And as for work, I am at work.” He opened his eyes when he felt her push herself up and saw her staring down at him. “We’ll talk after breakfast, but there are some things you need to know. Once you do, I think you’ll understand.” Boy, he was dreading that conversation. But he knew how to postpone it. “Anything you want to do before breakfast?”

  “Yeah. Before you break the spell and send my day straight to the crapper, I’d like to do it again. Can we?”

  “You’ll have to help me,” Jack said and pointed down his body.

  “I think that can be arranged.” In a few seconds, she was all over him, licking, sucking, and pumping, and his manhood rose to the

  That conversation could wait. Right that minute, they had better things to do.

  They’d dozed off and on most of the morning between making love or fucking like bunnies. Aleta didn’t know it, but Jack had called in while he was in the bathroom the first time and reported for duty for the day with instructions to the duty sergeant to confirm his assignment with Cappy. He knew Morgan would sign off on it that day and every other until the whole thing was behind them.

  It took some effort for him to pry one eye open, but he found Aleta wide awake, watching him sleep with a small, tender smile. His voice came out as a croak. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” She snuggled down against him as his arm tightened around her. “You looked so peaceful, and you’re so handsome lying there, your eyes closed and breathing quietly. I could watch you all day.”

  “What time is it?”

  “About eleven.”

  His eyes popped open wide. “You’re not serious!”

  “Yeah. We’ve been busy.” Her finger twirled through the hair on his chest and Jack thought he’d die from happiness. Until she spoke. “I need to tell you … Last night was hard for me. I mean, the dirty talk, the coming out of the bathroom naked, the being so aggressive. That’s not how I’ve been in the past, but I want to be that way. I want to be somebody you want to be with, Jack. I don’t want you to feel short-changed, or bored, or―”

  One large finger pressed her lips silent. “I don’t want you to be anybody except who you are. If that made you uncomfortable, then don’t do it. I don’t care, as long as you’re with me.”

  “It did at first, but then I got into it. That’s all foreign to me, but it felt good to be that woman who spoke out, asked for what she wanted, and enjoyed it. I just … Can you be patient with me? Please? And listen, if you just said you love me because I said it and you didn’t want me to feel weird or awkward or embarrassed, it’s okay, really. You don’t have to love me for me to love you. It’s―”

  “You hush,” he ordered, and she fell silent. “I told you how I felt, and I hoped you’d just accept it.”


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