Sentinel's Rise: Book 1 - The Watcher and the Sentinel Series

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Sentinel's Rise: Book 1 - The Watcher and the Sentinel Series Page 25

by Yvette Bostic

  “Let’s give nothing away,” Darian said. “I don’t want them to know you can feel their fear.”

  “You got it, my lord.”

  He shook his head and grasped her shoulders, turning her around to face their enemy.

  “Orin,” Darian greeted the half-demon when they were a dozen yards away.

  “Darian,” he replied, nodding his horned head. “I see your Sentinel has been bonded.”

  Darian frowned. Could Orin see magic the way Raphael did? How did he not know that before?

  “What do you want from us?” Darian asked. “I assume you are here, waiting for my arrival.”

  “I have been instructed to either capture or kill you,” Orin replied.

  His choice of words didn’t escape Darian’s notice. Orin didn’t say he wanted to kill them, but that he was instructed to.

  “I see. I’m guessing your directive came from the illusive Maldross,” Darian stated.

  “You would be correct.”

  “So, why the extra fodder?” Darian asked, pointing at the Csökkent. “Did your Overlord think you weren’t strong enough to take us on your own? Or did they somehow displease Maldross, and he sent them to their deaths?”

  He watched the cultists’ eyes widen at the implication of his words.

  “Something like that,” Orin replied.

  The cultists believe they are here to ensure Orin’s loyalty. It looks like this Overlord doesn’t trust Orin, Sara’s voice echoed in his mind.

  What about Victoria? Do they have any feelings about her?


  “You must know we will not go willingly,” Darian stated.

  “I had to try,” Orin replied with a small shrug.

  Darian’s gaze went back to the Csökkent. None of them raised their hands, but he noticed their mouths moving as they prepared their spells. He looked at Victoria, but she was staring at Sara with a wild sense of amusement.

  The Csökkent are getting ready to strike, Darian said to his Sentinel.

  I’m already on it. I’m also going to have to do something about the psychotic woman in front of us.

  The Csökkent first.

  Sara flicked both hands in the air and within seconds, each of the Csökkent crumbled. Her blades of light moved so quickly, he wouldn’t have seen them if he hadn’t been looking for them. Darian lunged towards Orin, pulling his daggers from their sheaths as he did. The air shifted around him, and Darian rolled to the side. A small tornado consumed the space he’d just left. Orin’s clawed hands reached out, his wrists twisting. The tornado surged towards Darian, and he teleported fifty yards away, concealing himself as he did. The twister died, and Orin searched the area for his target. Darian knew it was only a matter of time before the demon found him.

  Sara’s cry of fury caught his attention. A long, narrow shield covered her left side, and she summoned the curved short sword she made with him earlier that day. Victoria grinned, pulling her hands from her waist to her head. The ground beneath Sara shifted, making her stumble backwards. Victoria’s cackle filled the air, but it was obvious the half-demon was not trying to kill his Sentinel. They were instructed to capture them.

  Darian teleported to Sara’s side, grabbed her around the waist, and ported back to his spot fifty yards away.

  “Can you create a shield around them both, like the dome you made earlier today?” he asked in a rushed whisper.


  “Do it.”

  She bit her lip as she raised both hands in the air. When she dropped her hands, a translucent shield fell around Orin and Victoria.

  Darian released his concealment and put his hand on Sara’s back. “How long can you hold it?”

  “I’m okay for a few minutes, but no more than that,” she replied.

  “Let’s go talk to our enemy.”

  Victoria pounded against Sara’s shield with her clawed fists. “I will burn it down!” the demoness screamed.

  Orin’s hand caught her wrist and shook his head. “Don’t be a fool. You would only kill us both,” his harsh voice growled in warning. “This barrier would turn our small space into a furnace.”

  Victoria glared at him but lowered her hands to her side.

  “I don’t want to kill you, Orin,” Darian said. “You kept your promise to us for two centuries. There is value in your integrity.”

  “I have no value, Watcher,” Orin replied. “I’m merely a weapon to be used and commanded by the Overlords.”

  “You’re pathetic,” Victoria spat. “You are the most powerful being on this planet, yet you act as if you’re nothing.”

  Orin ignored Victoria’s outburst and continued. “The woman I love has been consumed by her demon. If you do not kill me now, I will fall to the monster devouring my soul.” Orin’s grey eyes bore down on Darian. “If we meet again, Dro’stah will not give you the chance to speak.”

  “Dro’stah is your demon?” Darian asked. Orin nodded.

  Darian, we can’t kill him, Sara’s voice pleaded in his head. I can feel his sorrow and pain. He truly loves her, but his loss is astounding. Can we not separate him from his demon?”

  Only Mikel can do that.

  “I will not allow you to kill him, Watcher.” Victoria snarled, placing her hand against Sara’s shield. “You’re Sentinel is strong but naïve. It will be a pleasure to watch her die.”

  Darian gasped as the shield seemed to melt, but rather than vanish completely, it reformed into a long rope. The cord of light snaked its way around Victoria’s body, pinning her arms to her side.

  “Orin!” Victoria gasped for air. “Will you do nothing to help me?” She looked at the half-demon next her with hatred. “I should’ve let Maldross kill you. How could I have ever loved someone so weak and pathetic?”

  The coils around her tightened, and Darian looked at Sara. Sweat beaded on her brow and trickled down her neck. She wove her hands in circles, mirroring the actions of the magical rope suffocating Victoria. It finally wrapped around the demon’s neck, cutting off her air along with her voice. She fell to the ground.

  “Don’t kill her, please,” Orin begged, kneeling next to Victoria.

  The site of the half-demon begging for his love’s life stilled all of them. Sara’s hands stopped moving. Victoria’s rasping breath filled the silence, but she was no longer conscious.

  “You can remove this demon from me, Seraphina,” Orin said. His clawed hands flexed at his sides as he spoke. “I can see it. The magic flows around you so clearly.”

  “What do I need to do?” she asked.

  Darian stepped forward to intercede. He would not allow Sara to risk her life for this. Orin wasn’t fighting them, and as long as he was in control, Darian could kill him. The man’s defeat screamed from every part of his body: his slumped posture, bowed head, and sad eyes.

  “You can already see my mind, but his is there as well. He’s trying to hide it from you, but you’re stronger than him,” Orin’s eyes flickered from grey to red and back again. “When you can clearly grasp both, you need to separate his from mine. You will get no resistance from me, but Dro’stah may fight against you.”

  “Seraphina, you can’t do this,” Darian said, turning her towards him. “We don’t how what will happen to you. I won’t risk your mind in order to save his.”

  Her eyes were distant as she looked at him, and he knew he could nothing to do stop her short of knocking her unconscious.

  “I can feel them both, Darian. I think he’s right. It’s almost like tearing a piece of paper.”

  “That paper will be broken once it separates.” Darian gripped her shoulders. “Please don’t do this. We’ll find another way.”

  Her eyes focused on him, and she smiled. “I can do this. Be ready to catch the demon. He’s really pissed off.”

  Darian knew her mind was made up. All he could do was support her. She raised her hands, then made the same motion she would if she were tearing a piece of paper.

  Orin screame
d and his demon’s voice bellowed. The black inky film Darian had seen so many times with Mikel pulled away from Orin, leaving a human body behind. Orin’s body dropped to the ground, but Dro’stah did not. He roared and leapt towards Seraphina. Darian expected her to raise her shield to protect herself, but she crumbled to the ground beneath the demon’s swiping hand.


  Darian tackled the seven-foot-tall demon, rolling both of them past his Sentinel. When they were clear, Darian jumped to his feet and lunged at the still kneeling monster. He slid one dagger through Dro’stah’s ribs just as the demon’s elbow struck the side of Darian’s head, sending him skidding across the ground. The Watcher pushed himself to his feet just in time to block an overhead strike from the creature’s massive fist. He saved his face, but his forearm shattered with the impact. Darian’s hand went numb, and he dropped his dagger. Realizing he needed to distance himself from the demon, he pulled his concealment around his body and disappeared.

  Dro’stah roared. “Show yourself, pitiful human!”

  Darian cradled his left arm against his chest. He was pretty sure several bones were broken. He silently stepped behind the demon and plunged his remaining dagger into the base of the creature’s neck. The bones snapped beneath his blade, and the demon collapsed.

  “The Master will find you, Watcher,” Dro’stah gargled out the words. “You cannot hide from him.”

  Darian stumbled towards Seraphina as she pushed herself onto her hands and knees. She crawled to Orin’s side and turned his face to hers. Darian knelt next to her.

  “I knew you could do it,” Orin said in a normal human voice.

  “I’m glad one of us did,” Sara responded. “Will you survive this?”

  “No, but I died when Victoria gave herself to the demon,” he replied. “The only reason I agreed to the ritual was to protect her, but I failed.”

  “Thank you, Orin,” Darian said. “I realize the sacrifice you’ve made. It will not be forgotten.”

  “I told Mikel during our last meeting, but I think you need to hear this as well.” He coughed several times and Darian raised him into a sitting position. “Your love and compassion are what make you strong. The demons are not capable of love, so they will never understand where your strength comes from. They thrive on anger and hatred. If you want any hope of stopping what they’ve started, you cannot harbor those negative emotions.”

  His eyes looked past Darian, making the Watcher turn. Victoria stirred behind them, her magical chains vanished when Sara focused her attention on Orin’s demon.

  “Leave her to me,” Orin said. “I’m no longer a demon, but I’m not helpless.”

  Darian nodded at Orin and helped the man to his feet.

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to stay?” Darian asked.

  “No, I created this. It’s my responsibility to fix it.”

  Darian helped Sara stand as well, but she leaned heavily against him. He winced with his own pain but wouldn’t deny her his support.

  He watched Orin stagger towards Victoria. Her eyes fluttered open.

  “Orin?” Her clawed hand covered her mouth, and Darian thought he saw tears roll down her scaled face.

  “It’s time for us to go home,” Darian said as he teleported himself and Sara back to Santuario.

  Chapter 40


  Sara collapsed on the portal in the tower, dragging Darian with her. She heard him grunt next to her as he slid to the floor. The arm cradle against his chest had already swelled to twice its normal size, with large splotches of purple and blue covering the surface.

  “Mikel!” Darian yelled as he pushed himself to his feet.

  Sara tried to stand, but nothing obeyed her. Exhaustion and pain from the demon’s hit sapped her energy. She sat with her knees against her chest and watched Mikel rush into the small room.

  “What happened?” Mikel asked, his gaze bouncing from Darian to Sara.

  “Let’s get to Magdelin, and I’ll tell you all about it,” Darian answered, nodding towards her. “I’m pretty sure she isn’t walking on her own.”

  “Yes, and you aren’t carrying her,” their leader replied.

  Mikel knelt down and scooped one arm under her knees and the other behind her shoulder blades. He lifted her as if her hundred and fifty pounds meant nothing. She suspected he couldn’t weigh much more than her. She was his height, and while he had a little more bulk than her, he was nowhere near as muscular as Darian. How was he running across the courtyard carrying her like that? He wasn’t even breathing hard. She laid her hand against his chest and felt his heart beating at a normal rate. Even hers was beating faster.

  Darian pushed open the door to the hospital with his good arm and held it for Mikel. Magdelin rushed towards them, her eyes widening as she took them in.

  “Mikel, put Sara over here,” she commanded. “Donielle, find out what’s wrong with her.” She shook her head and turned towards the tall cabinets behind her. “Darian, I know what’s wrong with you. Sit on the cot next to Sara.”

  A stout woman with light brown hair and the same color eyes approached Sara. She smiled, and Sara immediately liked her. “Where does it hurt, dear?” she asked.

  “Where doesn’t it hurt is probably a better question,” Sara whispered, her voice cracking in her throat.

  Donielle laughed and Sara chuckled.

  “I think I just used too much magic,” Sara said. “I’m exhausted.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Darian mumbled next to her.

  “Well it worked, didn’t it?” Sara asked.

  He rolled his eyes at her, and she smiled.

  “Start talking, Darian,” Mikel demanded. “Where have you been, and how did you get hurt?”

  Sara was glad Mikel demanded answers from her partner. Her head hurt from its impact with the demon’s hand, and she could barely keep her eyes open.

  Darian recounted their experience at the safehouse in Australia, as well as their encounter with the demons and Csökkent. He left out their emotional details, but Mikel never questioned him on it. Then, he told them about Claire and their quest to find Gus and the others. When he started describing their conversation with Orin and Victoria, Mikel interrupted several times. He wasn’t satisfied with the glossed over accounting.

  “Wait just a minute.” Mikel held up his hand and turned towards Sara, where she reclined on a pile of pillows. “You removed the demon from Orin?”


  “How? I know the technique I use. How did you do it? And how did Orin know that you could?”

  She chewed her lower lip, not really knowing how to explain Orin’s thoughts. “I think Orin willingly opened his mind to me,” she began. “I could feel everything he was feeling. It was not pleasant, by the way. I’m guessing he also felt my emotions, which possibly translated into him being able to read my ability.” She folded her hands over the top of the quilt Donielle had draped across her. “I don’t know though. I’m totally guessing.”

  “And what did you do to remove the demon?”

  “It was like tearing a piece of paper. I grabbed Orin’s mind, then the demon’s, and ripped them apart.”

  “Talk about uncomfortable,” Darian mumbled once more.

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “Nope, I felt both their pain. It was way more than uncomfortable.”

  Darian continued the story about defeating the demon, and then leaving Orin to take care of Victoria. Mikel’s gaze stayed on Sara, making her nervous. What was he thinking? Did he want to add another task to her already growing list?

  “Do you think he’s still alive?” Magdelin asked.

  “He didn’t think he would be,” Sara answered.

  “I believe the only reason he didn’t immediately die was because of his own magic,” Mikel added. “I wonder what he did with Victoria.”

  “I’m not sure, but he believed she was his responsibility,” Sara answered. “What did he mean when he said he creat
ed her?”

  “Victoria was his student from the time Lorkath found her and Silana,” Mikel replied. “She might have been seven years old. I can’t remember now, but regardless, he taught her everything. He drew her into the Csökkent, and made her what she is.”

  “But he loved her,” Sara argued. “I could feel the depth of his emotion for her. And he said he merged with that demon to protect her. Surely he wouldn’t kill her now?”

  “It sounds like the woman he loved is gone,” Darian said. “He would be killing a demon.”

  She twisted the quilt between her fingers and tried not to bite her lower lip.

  “I can do no more for your arm, Darian,” Magdelin said as she tied a sling around his neck. “If you behave, it should be healed in a day or so. The break was clean, and I was able to fix it, but it’s still weak.”

  “Thank you,” Darian said, pushing off the bed. “I think we should assume both of them are still alive,” he continued. “Orin may have been able to remove them as an immediate threat, but I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of them.”

  “I agree,” Mikel said.

  “I’d like to have another session with Sara while she’s here,” Magdelin stated. “I’ll bring her to the barracks for food when we’re done.”

  “She gets to be awake for this one,” Darian said with a grin. “I might just hang around and watch.”

  “No, you won’t,” Magdelin said, pushing him towards the door.

  “Come on,” Mikel urged. “I’ll make some food for the invalid.”

  “Can you send Raphael this way?” Sara asked. “I need to ask him something.”

  “Of course,” Mikel replied.

  She felt a flare of jealousy from Darian, but he didn’t say anything as he left. Why would he be jealous?

  “So, how many times have we done these little sessions?” Sara asked as Magdelin scooted a chair next to her cot.

  “Twice, but you were unconscious for both,” Magdelin replied. “Darian tells everyone it’s unpleasant, but I don’t think he means it. And he certainly didn’t complain about the results.”

  “He does tend to use the word ‘uncomfortable’ out of context a lot,” Sara said, watching Magdelin place her small hands on Sara’s temples. “How does this work exactly?”


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