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BirthRight Page 8

by Sydney Addae

  Tyrone picked up her hand. “Be mad at me, but I’m not leaving. Not now. There’s time later on for us to be separated again, but not now.”

  “You’re a brat.”

  His lips curved into a smile. “True, but I’m your brat.”

  “For now. One day you boys will have kids and I’m going to remember this day.” She rubbed her hands together.

  “It’ll be a while, so don’t get too excited,” Tyrese said as he retook his seat and her hand. “I love you, mom. I don’t ever want to see you look like you did last night. Whatever it takes to make you happy, I’m on board.”

  “Me too.” Tyrone kissed the back of her hand.

  “I love you both. You know that and figured I wouldn’t kill you because of that. Don’t get it twisted, I’m hurt and angry. In my mind you chose him over me and nothing you say will change that. But, because I love you no matter what, I’ll allow you boys to stay here until Jayden finds me a smaller place of my own or I leave, whichever comes first.” “Why?”

  “Why?” She paused, marshalling her thoughts. “Because it’s time for me to do some things I’ve always wanted. School or some art classes. I’ve been putting things off for years. But lately, I’ve been thinking about it more and more. I’m the only person who can make lasting changes in my life. Now that I know you have a group of people who’ll watch your backs, I think it’s a good time to make some changes of my own, that’s all.” She paused, frowning. “How much longer do we have to stay here?” She looked at Tyrone and then Tyrese.

  “I’m not sure. Silas and his team are doing research into your background, and dad’s. They’re trying to understand how you were able to get pregnant from dad. It wasn’t supposed to happen, since he’s…you know.”

  She nodded. An uneasy feeling swamped her. “There’s more to this than what you told me last night, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Humans and wolves don’t mate. They don’t have kids together. It’s not natural. It goes against everything wolves know. It’s worse because Rese and I are healthy, strong, potential Alpha wolves. Not weak or insane. They’d never heard of half-breeds surviving, and certainly not growing up healthy as we did. They’re not sure if it was our environment or dad’s genes or some combination. But it’s different and they have to study those differences to determine how it’ll impact their way of life.”

  She nodded slowly. “Why didn’t they just kill us?”

  “Silas thought about it, probably would have if we hadn’t agreed to come here for testing and observation.”

  “What?” She snapped. “I was kidding.” She looked from one to the other, neither smiled.

  “Sorry.” Tyrone looked across the room.

  “Are we in danger?” She hadn’t felt threatened, but then she didn’t realize she was living in a den with wolves either.

  Tyrese pulled his earlobe and looked at her. “Not really, but there is a small problem.”

  Her stomach dropped. Whatever it was, it wasn’t small. Tyrese never got nervous. But when he did, he pulled his earlobe. “What is it and don’t lie to me, never again. Don’t lie, just tell me straight.”

  He coughed, glanced at Tyrone, and then back at her. “Did something happen yesterday while you were saving Callum?”

  “What?” She couldn’t follow the change in conversation.

  “Yesterday…did you feel different? Strange? Did something happen while you were with him?”

  “I…I’m not sure I understand what you mean by feeling different.” She struggled, trying to remember. “He was moaning and in pain. I felt bad for him. It reminded me of when you boys got hurt.” She shrugged. “What? Why’d you ask me that?”

  There was a knock on the door. Tyrone jumped up so fast, she blinked. She craned her neck to see who was at the door.

  “Morning.” The deep timbre of Silas’ voice touched her in places she’d forgotten existed. A tremor slid through her and settled in her core. Closing her eyes, she bit down on her lower lip as heat pooled between her legs along with a pulsating ache.

  “Mom…mom,” Tyrese called as he shook her.

  A low growl filled the room, pulling her from her side journey. As though in a fog, she looked across the room and blinked.

  Tyrone and Tyrese had pressed Silas against the window.

  She stood.

  “Sit down.”

  Affronted, she placed her hands on her hips and gave him her what-did-you-say look. “Excuse you?”

  “Mom, please can you sit back down? Please?” Tyrese begged while standing in front of Silas.

  Shocked and concerned, she sat and crossed her arms over her legs.

  “Thanks,” he said, sounding more relieved than she felt the situation warranted. After a few moments of listening to deep and heavy breathing, she peeked at the window. Tyrone was bent over, resting his hands on his knees. Silas’ hands were braced against the window frame, his nose pressed next to the screen. Tyrese stood in front of the other two, breathing hard as though he’d run a marathon.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, confused by their actions. “Did I miss something?”

  Tyrese waved at his brother. “Stay here.” Tyrone nodded as Tyrese walked to the table and sat. “The conversation we were having before Silas came in, remember?”

  She nodded.

  “You’d asked what else was going on, I was trying to understand what happened yesterday.”

  She frowned, trying to follow the conversation. “Yesterday?”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed his neck and licked his lips a few times.

  “Just tell me, Rese.” Her nerves couldn’t take much more of his hemming and hawing.

  “You are throwing off what the other wolves consider a mating scent. Something must have triggered it yesterday. I’m—”

  Her hand flew up to the base of her throat. “A what?”

  He took a deep breath and then released it slowly. “A mating scent. Pheromones or something like that, and it’s like a red flag.”

  She shook her head. “A red flag? That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Mom,” Tyrese said, his voice wobbled, and then he straightened in the chair. “Your body is throwing off some kind of scent or signal to the wolves that you want to have sex.”

  Her hands flew up to her mouth as her eyes widened.

  “They smell it and it drives them crazy with lust. Rone and I don’t smell it, but Silas did when he walked in.”

  “Oh my God.” She covered her face remembering her lust-filled thoughts a minute ago. A thought hit her. “Wait, what does this mean?” She paused, her eyes narrowed. “Is this why you and Rone are still here? The reason you’ve been here all morning?”

  “Part of it. We couldn’t leave knowing you were mad at us anyway. We planned to talk to you about this and discuss the best way to handle it.”

  “Handle it?” She didn’t understand what they expected her to do. She couldn’t control her thoughts.

  “Silas, is there a way to stop this?” Tyrone asked the man standing behind him.

  “It’ll stop when she’s no longer in need.”

  “Damn,” Tyrese said.

  “Watch your mouth,” she said automatically while thinking over Silas’s comments. “In need? Is that what this is about?”


  “Shush, Tyrese. I’m talking to Silas.”

  “I believe so. You have to understand, we don’t know how things work exactly with you. We are blind in a lot of ways. But, when our bitches are in heat, a hard fucking session usually clears up the situation.”

  “Hey, watch it. You’re talking to my mom,” Tyrese said, standing, jaw clenched.

  “Correct, she asked me a question and I answered her, not you, Pup. Today is not the day to try me. I am walking on edge here. There are those circling below, should I leave and let you deal with them?”

  “Tyrese sit down. Mom and Silas are talking.” Tyrone crossed his arms over his chest and looked out the window.

; “The fact that I was thinking of having sex has got you like this?” She couldn’t believe that was all it was to it. “If that’s the case how do you guys get anything done?”

  “Are you ovulating as well?” Silas asked, his face turned to the window.

  “I don’t know. Does it matter?”

  “Yes. Your body is primed and ripe during that time. But this is different, I’m not sure why, but it is stronger, more potent. Even my wolf is not immune, and that is rare.” The bite in his voice spoke of his displeasure of the situation.

  “Okay, so if I have sex…”

  “Ugh,” Tyrese groaned.

  “Stop it son. I’m trying to solve a serious problem. I don’t want to get hurt and I don’t want you boys hurt either. So unless you have something positive to add to the conversation, keep quiet.”

  He nodded but turned in his chair.

  “So having sex will fix this?”

  Silas inhaled and then released it slowly. “I don’t know. I can only say what happens with our females. You…you seem unaffected, that’s not the case with bitches. They ache and need fulfillment in the worse way.”His words conjured up images that struck at her core. She bent forward.

  “Damn it, Silas. Stop talking.” Tyrese grabbed her around her waist and drug her into her bedroom.

  “Please, calm down, Silas. I can tell your wolf is close to the surface. It’s because she’s responding to you, isn’t it?” Tyrone asked nervous.

  Silas tried to speak around the teeth crowding his mouth. He’d never lost it like this and it pissed him off. She was human for shits sake.

  “That may have something to do with it,” Silas growled. The little tease wanted him, and his wolf responded to her siren call. He didn’t want additional complications by linking himself to her.

  “Seriously, I don’t want to lose my mom. When you first got here there were only two wolves downstairs, now there are more than ten. No way Rese and I can hold off all of them. Please, tell me how to fix this. She wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for me.”

  Silas understood the misplaced guilt on the young wolf’s shoulder. And he knew they’d die to protect their mother. But it wasn’t that simple. “Get your brother out here, but leave your mom in her room. I can breathe and think better with her in there.”

  Tyrone nodded and sent his brother a message through their link. A minute or two passed before the bedroom door opened and Tyrese came forward.

  He stopped a few feet from them, crossed his arms and braced his legs apart. “Yeah?”

  “Silas wants to talk to us and I think we should hear him out.”

  Tyrese nodded. Something loosened in Silas’ chest. He didn’t want to destroy either of these young wolves, but they had to agree to stand back if they didn’t want their mother to be raped by one of the circling wolves.

  “Your mother wants me. That’s the reason her pheromones spiked when I entered the room. Once we opened the window her scent hit the compound and now there’s a collection of randy wolves below. Jayden is trying to contain them and I have warded the door.” He pointed to the entrance. “We cannot punish the wolves for being themselves anymore than we’d punish your mother for her desires.” He paused, watching Tyrese’s fist open and close.

  “I can take her, drain off her energy.”

  “Take her?” Tyrese asked, his eyes narrowing.

  “What word would make it easier for you?” Silas snapped, growing frustrated. Despite what his wolf wanted, he wasn’t too keen on lying with a human. He barely spoke to them, let alone touched them.

  Tyrese turned away.

  “Is this the best solution?” Tyrone asked, his brow furrowed trying to work through this complicated problem.

  Silas resisted the urge to run his hand through his hair. “Like I told your mom, I don’t’ know. This shouldn’t be happening at all. I don’t understand why she’s affecting our wolves in this manner.”

  Tyrese turned, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and looked at Silas. “Would you talk with her, explain this option and give her a choice? I can’t do it. This … this is my mom and I can’t, don’t, see her the same way you do. Maybe, Rone is right and we need to step back and let the two of you work things out.” His lips twisted in a rueful expression. “You’re probably right in your assessment; she didn’t seem upset at the idea of the two of you.”

  Silas appreciated the level of trust from the young wolves and was pleased at their ability to think rationally in the midst of conflict. They’d make fine Alphas one day. He nodded and walked to the door. Before opening it, he looked back at them. “It might be better if she doesn’t know you’re out here, listening, if you get my drift.”

  The twins’ faces dropped and they all but ran to their rooms.

  He chuckled and opened the door.

  Chapter 10

  The scent of her need gut-punched him as he walked through the door. It was all he could do to remain upright.

  “Jasmine?” he ground out.

  She stuck her head out from behind the bathroom door. Her skin glistened in the dimness of the room. “Silas? What… what are you doing in here?” She grabbed a peach-colored robe and covered her nakedness as she looked around.

  He closed his eyes to gain control of his beast. “Stay there. Please, be still.” It took a few moments, but he was finally able to open his eyes. He refused to look at her, no need to tempt his wolf. “Your sons felt we should continue our conversation without them. It is too difficult for them to listen.”

  “I see.”

  He didn’t think she did, but they needed to bring this thing to a head. He’d received information this morning of a similar situation in Mexico and intended to head southwest to investigate. He’d already alerted his Alphas near Texas of his imminent arrival, but he couldn’t leave until this matter was settled.

  “We need to have sex, shut down the mating call.”

  She leaned against the wall. “Is that right?”

  He gritted his teeth as her fragrance teased him. “Yes. The sooner the better.”

  “Can I leave afterward?”


  “When can I leave?”

  “Once we understand exactly how you’re able to do the impossible and what impact it’ll have on my people.”

  She frowned. “How long will that take?”

  “As long as it takes,” he growled. “Now lay your tempting ass on that bed or do you want me to come get you?”

  Her head whipped around. Her mouth dropped and then snapped closed. “Tempting ass?” She grinned and drew her robe closer around her waist. “What if I don’t want to have sex with you?”

  “You do. Stop with the games.” He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the chair.

  Her eyes widened as they roved over his body.

  He unsnapped his pants.

  She licked her lips and released another round of pheromones.

  A shudder wracked his large framed. He kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his pants, kicking them to the side.

  She remained still, watching him as though fascinated.

  “Bed.” He pointed to the furniture.

  She looked up, met his eyes and licked her lips. “Come get me,” she whispered.

  Without another word he reached her in three long strides, picked her up under her arms, turned and dropped her on the bed. Her legs fell open. He feasted on the sight of her large, firm breasts, taut dusky nipples, and wide hips. This was a woman made for loving.

  He placed a hand on each of her legs, widening them further. Her center was moist with fragrant juices that beckoned.

  He plunged his finger into her warmth.

  She squealed and tried to move backward. He held her in place with his palm.

  “You can take this, it’s just my finger.” He pulled it out, licking her sweet pussy juice from his fingers. The taste was divine.

  “Mmmm.” He dipped low and his mouth followed where his fingers had just been. His
tongue gave an experimental lick on her tender folds and it earned him a sharp gasp. Pleased, he continued licking her, drawing out more of her juices before he twirled his tongue on her clit.

  “Sweet, tasty,” he murmured as her legs quivered and clutched his head.

  “Oh…oh…” She cried as he increased his oral assault. He couldn’t get enough of her taste. The more he licked, the more she gave.

  “I’m…oh my God…I can’t… I’m,” she babbled as she held his head in place.

  “Let it happen. Let go,” he murmured against her lips before flicking her clit again with his tongue. She stiffened and screamed her release. When the last of her tremors stopped, Silas moved upward and thrust his hips up in one stroke, burying half of his cock deep inside her.

  She screamed. He remained still, giving her a moment to get accustomed. He couldn’t believe how tight she was.

  “You could’ve warned me.” She slapped him on the back.

  “Why? You knew this was coming.”

  “Still, you should’ve said… something.”

  “Something.” He pulled out and slammed back in, this time giving her his entire length.

  Her breath hitched as she took all of him.

  Impossible. Disbelief filled him to the point he looked down for verification. He was fully seated. She shouldn’t be able to take all of him.

  She slapped his hips, squeezed her inner muscles and bucked upward. “Giddy-up.”

  The tight feel of her heat wiped every other thought from his mind. He grabbed her hips tight as he pistoned himself in and out of her, faster and faster he rode between her thighs, unable to quench the fire in his gut. The need to bring her to heel, to have her submit to him in this primal way, stole his breath.

  “Take it,” he growled. “Take my cock.”

  She screamed his name as she came once more. He pulled out and exploded on her stomach. Ropes of pearly, hot cum fell on her stomach and across her breast. It took everything within him not to rub his essence into her skin like lotion.

  She wasn’t his, he needed to remember that. “Let me get a towel.” He stood, but it took a moment for him to regain his strength. He plucked the damp towel from the bathroom door. He wiped his jizz from her stomach and breasts. She opened her legs.


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