Love Over Lattes

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Love Over Lattes Page 14

by Diana A. Hicks

  “Hey.” He cupped my face. “I promise you I’m over her. The only reason we’re not divorced yet is because she wants CCI. I couldn’t let her have that. But that was before. Now I decided it’s time to let go. I signed the papers… You did your job well.”

  I winced and turned away from him. “I never—”

  “I’m kidding. Sorry. That wasn’t funny. I signed weeks ago, and it had nothing to do with you.” He looked up, lips pressed together. “Almost nothing to do with you. But now I’m waiting on my lawyer to give me the green light.”

  “Green light?” I ignored his comment. Did he sign because he wanted to be with me?

  “He’s doing due diligence to make sure this is my only way out.”

  “What happened between you two?” I couldn’t help it. I wanted to know.

  He shifted his weight on the bed and inched farther up. His hand had dropped to my side. I felt cold without his touch, but I pressed on.

  “I wanna know,” I whispered, sitting on my ankles next to him. Like a magnet, my hand found his belly. All soft skin and hard muscle.

  “She cheated on me.”

  “What?” Who in their right mind would cheat on Cole?

  “The cottage was her art studio. She slept there from time to time. You know, whenever inspiration hit her hard.” He rolled his eyes at that. “One morning, I walked in and saw her having sex with our accountant. So cliché. I wanted to kill them both.”

  “That’s when you punched a hole in the wall?” I cradled his cheek. My heart ached for him.

  He nodded, let out a long breath, and placed three long fingers on my collarbone. “Broke my damn fingers. Didn’t even notice until Em found me.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I covered his hand with mine, holding it tightly against me.

  “I deserved it.”

  “No one deserves to be treated like that.” I inched closer to him. His side felt warm on my thigh when he leaned toward me too. I wanted him more than ever. I wanted to show him he deserved everything.

  “We didn’t love each other. I married her because it was convenient to have it all in one perfect package. You know. My company, my life, and wife. All in one pretty box. I was too lazy to go out and find a true companion. Bridget was as good as any, and she kept CCI running like a well-oiled machine.”

  “She didn’t have to cheat. She’s got some nerve asking for your company after what she did.” My body tensed next to him.

  He’d looked so broken the first time he’d stomped into Café Triste…and with reason. His entire life had just fallen apart, or rather, Bridget had torn it apart. I wished I’d had the courage to talk to him that day. Offer him a bit of comfort. But even as broken as he was then, he was intimidating as all hell.

  “Now I know I never loved her. What hurt the most was the betrayal. I trusted her with my life, and she just threw it away like it was nothing. On top of that, she’s trying to take away from me something I worked so hard for.”

  “Your lawyer’s right. You can’t just let her take what’s yours. You can’t stop fighting her on this. Use me.”

  “What?” He turned his body toward me. His fingers trailed up my arm, brushing the side of my breast.

  “I work there, remember?” I wasn’t sure how I could help, but it seemed like a good idea. “I don’t know. I could go in her office and see if I can find something you can use against her.”

  He laughed. “ ’Preciate that. But it’s not necessary. Dom’s got it under control.”

  “I wish I could help.”

  “You’ve done more than you’ll ever know. These past months, you’ve been my only constant.”


  He ducked his gaze. Was he blushing? “You were the reason I kept going back to the coffee shop. There was a strength about you. The way you sat there every morning, at the same time, for exactly one hour. The first time I saw you sitting by the bay window.” He forced a smile, sliding his warm fingers to my nipple and around the curve of my breast, a faraway look in his eyes. “I felt like I was drifting into a dark ocean. You were a lighthouse in the distance. Every day, I went back to sit next to you and try to find my way back.”

  “And did you?” I blinked against the stinging in my eyes. How could someone cause him so much pain?

  He nodded, eyes sparkling with unshed tears as he met my gaze. I didn’t know what to say to that. It never occurred to me I might be the reason he kept going back to Cafe Triste. I ran my hands through his hair and kissed his cheek. The sunlight bounced off the puddles of rainwater outside and touched the edge of the bed. A kick in the stomach would’ve hurt less. Morning had come. No matter how hard we’d tried to make it last. Our time was up.

  He held my waist tighter. “Don’t go just yet.”

  He palmed my breast and tugged at my hardened nipple. Desire pooled quickly between my legs, tight and hot. He was using my own body against me. But I had my night. Today what I wanted didn’t matter.

  “Spend the day with me,” he whispered as he reached for a silver packet on his bedside table.

  I swallowed, watching him put on a condom. He looked manly and in control. God, I wanted him.

  In a swift movement, my head was on the pillow and he was inside me, filling me completely. Heat pulsed at the apex of my sex. Damn, the man knew what he was doing.

  “You know I can’t.” I touched his face. His stubble added to his sexy morning look.

  With his eyes fixed on mine, daring me, he rocked slowly against my mounting need. Omigod, he felt good. He didn’t play fair. How could he have this much control over me? A moaned escaped my lips as he entered me again and then stopped. My hips came up to meet him, but he stilled them with his hand.

  Last night, he’d taken pity on me, as if he understood my need. He’d made me climax in record time at least five times. But now he took his time, dangling the fruit in front of me, letting the ecstasy build, only to let it die again. He repeated the exercise twice more. My bud ached, but he refused to give me relief.

  “Move,” I begged with abandon.

  “Spend the day with me.” It was an order. The man didn’t know how to take no for an answer. He suckled both my breasts hard, but when I try to move, he kept me in place. “Say it.”

  I inhaled. “Are you asking me out on a date?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His gaze trained on me expectantly.

  Only Cole could make ma’am sound sexual. He rocked again, hard and fast. I was being tortured. The blue in his eyes got thinner around his pupils as he hovered over me completely still, and completely maddening. His breathing was even, but every now and then his chest would hitch. He was affected by all this as much as I was.

  I wiggled my arms from under him and focused my attention on his abs, brushing my fingers over his hip bone and the tight V-line around his navel. My free hand reached for the soft, brown hair on his chest. His skin was warm and smooth, but underneath he was solid as an oak tree. Damn, the man was hot.

  Watching with hooded eyes, he smiled before he collected my wrists with one hand and put them over my head, pressing against me. He had me in a tight hold, and I was ready to combust.

  How long could he keep this up, really? He had a lot of self-control. So he could probably do this to me all day. The idea didn’t sound half-bad. Actually, it sounded amazing. Either way, he’d get what he wanted.

  I nodded.

  “Say it.”

  “I’ll go out with you.”

  “Promise me. No running off at the last minute.”

  “I promise.”

  He gave me a wolfish grin. I wanted to slap him, but then he released my hips and drove into me with stunning accuracy and I found myself chasing another orgasm. My body tensed under him. All thoughts of hurting him gone.

  “Relax,” he whispered in my ear. “It’ll come to you. You just have to be patient.” His warm breath traveled down my neck, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake. He squeezed my ass and went deeper inside me. Then
again and again, until as he promised, a long and satisfying orgasm found me.

  “Cole,” I whispered. Or maybe it was louder than a whisper. I couldn’t tell and I didn’t care. My heart pounded in my ears as heat rushed through me in waves and made me tremble.

  He collapsed on top of me, sweaty and spent. “I’m never letting you go.” He buried his head in my neck.

  Our bodies were still connected when I felt him relax. I closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I couldn’t find the strength to open them again.

  “You promised. Don’t forget that.” His words were muffled by my skin.

  I nodded before I drifted off to sleep.

  The usual nightmare sipped into my dreams. He was there again. His dark eyes, furious and lethal. I’d made a mistake. I opened my mouth to apologize, but the pain kept me from speaking. All I saw were sparks in my head, followed by darkness.

  You were nothing when I found. And you’re still nothing.

  I woke with a jolt.

  What the hell?

  Turning on my side, I saw Cole sleeping. A strand of blond hair on his forehead. I put it back in place and kissed his cheek.

  At least now that he’d gotten this sex thing out of his system, he’d leave me alone. My heart raced. Yeah, a few hours ago we were still basking in the afterglow of the amazing sex we had. But how would he feel about it in the light of day?

  You’re still nothing. Max’s dad had said those words to me over six years ago. They still hurt. Dammit. I had to go.

  Slowly, I slid out of bed. Standing nude in the middle of the room, I looked around for something to wear. I padded outside and found the tuxedo Cole wore last night and his dress. I shook my head, remembering last night’s auction. We’d left in such a hurry I forgot the bag of clothes I had brought with me.

  I picked up the dress and hung it on the closet door hook. Or at least I assumed that was the closet. I didn’t have time to explore. In a hurry, I laid out his tux on the bed and donned his white undershirt. It still had Cole’s signature scent. I hugged myself, breathing him in, feeling warm all over. Dammit. I wanted to crawl back in bed with him.

  With a sigh, I let my arms fall to the sides and trudged back to the coffee table to look for pen and paper. I scribbled a note and pinned it to the dress. A text would’ve been quicker, but he deserved something more intimate. I rubbed the sleeve of his undershirt and tiptoed out onto the terrace, taking one last glance at Cole.

  Men like Cole didn’t exist. Whatever fantasy I’d lived last night was over.

  Chapter Seventeen

  His Walk in the Clouds


  Valentina was gone.

  “Goddammit.” I punched the pillow next to me.

  Hanging on the closet door hook was the dress she’d worn last night with a note pinned to the tag.

  I had to borrow your undershirt. Hope that’s okay. Thank you for an unforgettable night.

  She had neat handwriting. The smeared ink on the paper told me she’d written the note in a hurry. Why did I think she’d be next to me when I woke up? I rubbed the stubble on my cheek. Valentina had a way to set my blood on fire. Last night had surpassed all my fantasies of her. I eyed the bed. When I asked her to spend the day with me, I meant for us to spend it in bed, naked. Why did she leave?

  I crumpled the piece of paper, cursing under my breath. If Valentina thought she could break her promise to me, she had a big surprise coming her way. I headed for the bathroom to take a shower—a warm one, for a change, the first one since Valentina moved in. After donning a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I made my way downstairs.

  In the kitchen, Em had breakfast set up on the counter. Giving me a knowing smile, she stopped me before I reached the patio door. “Good morning. I noticed the guest room was empty, so I figured it was safe to eat in here.”

  “Good morning.” I sauntered into the kitchen, trying to look like I wasn’t in a hurry.

  “So. You finally got your way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I caught Valentina doing the walk of shame about half an hour ago.” She poured coffee into the mug in front of me.

  That must’ve been quite a sight. I would’ve loved to see it. Valentina rushing across the lawn in nothing but my white undershirt, hair flowing wild. God, she hit me hard. All I could think about right now was seeing her again, preferably naked. And that gave me an idea.

  “I’m seeing her again today.”

  Em smiled big. “That’s unexpected.”

  “I’m gonna need your help.” I slid onto a counter stool. Em gave me one of her looks, as if saying she didn’t have time to play cupid. “Get the driver or the guards to help you. I need to get a lunch set up out on the overlook again. I thought we could watch a movie too.”

  She placed a hand over her heart, nodding. “I’ll get it done.”

  “If you need help, you don’t even need to ask me. Just go out and hire someone.” We’ve had this conversation multiple times before. I didn’t know how she did it all.

  “Well, dear boy, if this girl keeps playing hard to get, I might need to.” She shook her head, suppressing a smile. For whatever reason, she found this whole situation quite entertaining. “I think you’ve finally met your match…someone to have a real connection with.”

  “I enjoy her company. That’s it.” I headed for the door. Heat flushed through my body. I wasn’t in the mood to wait until lunchtime.

  Goddammit, Valentina. What’s with all this running?

  I knocked on the cottage door and crossed my arms over my chest in preparation for her excuses. She’d promised to spend the day with me. I was here to collect.

  “You left,” I said as soon as she opened the door.

  She looked behind her, a dimple forming next to her mouth. “Good morning.” She leaned on the doorframe and smiled.

  I reached for her waist. I had something else I wanted to say, but I kissed her instead. Her hands went around my neck, breasts pressed against my chest as a slight moan escaped her lips. Just like that, my cock was ready.

  “I had to come back for Max. Annie’s mom needed to go home,” she whispered. “Plus, I really needed a shower. Don’t be mad.” She caressed the side of my face. My anger, or whatever the hell it was I felt before she opened the door, vanished.

  “I wasn’t mad. Or I was. But you have the power to make all the bad go away.” Why did that feel like a confession?

  She laughed, shaking her head, as if she didn’t believe me. If Max wasn’t in the other room, she’d be out of that flower dress already.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Starving.” I pulled her closer and kissed the soft spot behind her ear.

  She placed her hands on my chest. “Ham and eggs with coffee is all I can offer you right now.” She raised a determined eyebrow.

  “Fine. I get it. Max is like kryptonite. You seem to develop superpowers when he’s around.” I adjusted my pants and gestured for her to lead the way.

  “That’s not how kryptonite works.” She laughed again, looking at me over her shoulder. Sexy. I followed her into the kitchen.

  “All I know is that my persuasive powers diminish when he’s around.”

  She placed a mug of coffee and a plate in front of me. Somehow she looked more beautiful than she had the day before.

  I took a spoonful of eggs. They were great. “What’s in this?”

  “Goat cheese.” She sat next to me and took a long sip of her coffee. “Get used to your faltering powers. He’s going to be with us all day, as promised.”

  I ate more eggs. The goat cheese was really good. “He takes naps, right?” I glanced down to her cleavage to clarify my meaning. And also because I couldn’t help it. Now that I knew what she looked like underneath her clothes, it was hard not to be turned on by the sight of her.

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  I took a long sip of my coffee. It was french press and very close in taste to a quad americano. “Why did you stop go
ing to Cafe Triste?”

  She smiled, and I was reminded that last night or earlier this morning I had confessed that she was the reason I went to the coffee shop every morning.

  “I moved in with Annie for a few weeks while I found a house. I didn’t have time for coffee anymore. Also, their espressos are expensive. This is decent, no?” She drank from her mug. “I add steamed milk, and it almost tastes like a latte.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s pretty good.” Nonfat latte was her beverage of choice. I’d spent many days staring at the NL letters scribbled in black marker on her cup. But that minor detail was nothing compared to all the other little things I didn’t know about her. “So last night, I spilled my guts to you. It’s your turn.”

  “What do you wanna know?” She gave me a one-shoulder shrug.

  “Where’re you from?” We both laughed at that question. After an incredible night, it seemed absurd that I didn’t know something so basic.

  “From here. Third-generation Mexican.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means my grandparents immigrated to the States. My parents were born here.”

  “Oh, I get it. They’re second generation. That makes you—”

  “Third generation.”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t know people kept track of that.”

  “It’s a thing.” She leaned back in her chair. “Don’t you know about where you came from?”

  “Sure. But it’s not just one place. I have Irish and Scottish on my mom’s side, and Greek and Italian on my dad’s side. I’m a bit of mutt, really. ”

  She placed her hand under her chin, big sexy grin on. “I think I’ve heard this joke before.”

  “Yeah, I’m basically an angry drunk.”

  “You are not.” She slapped my bicep.

  I kind of was, until you.

  My cock reacted to her giggles. Focus. “But we’re talking about you.”

  She looked away. A bit of red crept up her cheeks as she exhaled slowly. So maybe Max wasn’t full-on kryptonite. She reached for my plate, but I beat her to it. I got up and rinsed it in the sink, feeling her hot stare on me.


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