One Night with Prince Charming

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One Night with Prince Charming Page 10

by Anna DePalo

He had his hands all over her.

  At least that’s how it felt to Pia.

  Between teaching her how to use the equipment and instructing her on how to place her feet on the climbing wall, it felt as if Hawk had covered her body even more thoroughly this morning at the gym than he might have in bed.

  Downing a flavored-water drink, her heart thumping with spent energy, and sweat soaking her sports bra and biker shorts, she eyed Hawk and tried not to think of jumping him.

  She was petite and a featherweight, so she doubted that even if she launched herself at him, he’d do more than stagger a step—if that.

  He looked all primal male standing in the middle of the cavernous gym in his own sweat-dampened shirt and shorts, his lean, muscular frame exposed to her avid gaze. It was a sign of how physically fit he was, however, that he’d only perspired a little.

  Still, she could smell the sweat—and, yes, she could swear, even the male hormones on him—and her body reacted in response. She willed her nipples not to become more pronounced. With any luck, he’d think it was all due to a blast of cool air hitting her damp skin, anyway.

  Finishing off a swallow of water, Hawk eyed her speculatively as he capped his bottle. “You’re the first woman who has indulged my rock-climbing hobby. You’re the only one who, astonishingly, agreed to come along for the ride.”

  “So I was hoodwinked by you?” she teased, though inside she felt a thrill at his admission.

  “You did well,” he said, sidestepping the question. “You made it to the top of the wall and down.” His eyes gleamed with respect and admiration. “More than once, in fact. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”

  She didn’t know why it should matter that she’d proven herself at one of Hawk’s pastimes—aside from fishing and horseback riding—but it did.

  Even though it was a Sunday morning, several other patrons moved around them in the open gym.

  Pia realized that she was tagging along on one of Hawk’s regular workouts, except it hadn’t been the typical gym that they’d gone to when he’d picked her up at her apartment in his car this morning. She did not have a wedding to attend to this weekend, so she’d easily been able to rise early herself.

  She capped her drink bottle. She realized that she’d slaked her thirst—for water, anyway.

  “Have you ever encountered one of your namesakes on any of your rock-climbing adventures?” she asked to make conversation.

  She tried to distract herself from what he looked like in his clingy gym clothes.

  He looked amused. “Have I met a hawk?” He shook his head. “Only once. I don’t think the bird was impressed.”

  She wet her lips. “Did you become known as Hawk upon assuming the title?”

  He nodded. “My father was known as Hawkshire, in the customary way of addressing peers by their titles rather than their given names. It felt right to distinguish myself in some way when I assumed the title. But in the end, I didn’t have a say in the matter. Easterbridge and Melton began calling me Hawk, and it caught on.”

  She contemplated him. “It suits you.”

  He rubbed the bridge of his nose, looking further amused. “You mean this?”

  “How did you break your nose?” she asked, glad that he didn’t look insulted.

  “Ah…” He smiled, but then hesitated. “At the risk of highlighting my former raffish ways, I’ll admit to getting into a barroom brawl during my university days.”

  “Through no fault of your own, of course.”

  “Naturally,” he deadpanned, dimpling. “And all participants have been barred from speaking further about the matter.”

  “I’ll bet Easterbridge or Melton would know.”

  Hawk laughed. “You’re at liberty to attempt to unearth the information.”

  “Maybe I’ll try,” she responded lightly.

  He glanced down at himself and then at her, his gaze seeming to linger on all her softest places. “In the meantime, why don’t we get ourselves ready and get out of here?”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Don’t you have an appointment to meet with Lucy this afternoon at the house?”

  She nodded again. “Lucy’s understudy is filling in for her for today’s performances.”

  “Then why don’t you come straight back with me?” he offered. “The house will be a more comfortable place for you to shower and change than the gym. We could have something to eat and kill some time before you need to take your meeting with Lucy.”

  Pia hesitated. Shower and change at his residence? No, no, no. She thought of her gym bag in her locker. In the ladies’ room, she’d be safe and surrounded by other members of the female tribe—not by a descendant of conquerors.

  Hawk smiled. “I promise I won’t bite. There are a couple of guest bedrooms with en suite bathrooms where you’ll feel comfortable. You choose.”

  Pia blushed because it seemed he’d read her mind.

  But, then again, what could it hurt to accede to his suggestion? Lucy would most likely be at home or there soon, and then there would be the presence of the household help.

  Except when they got back to Hawk’s house, Pia discovered that Lucy was not home and not expected back until shortly before her afternoon appointment with Pia. The staff, typically discreet, was nowhere to be seen.

  Nevertheless, she chose a guest bedroom with cheery yellow-and-blue-chintz upholstery and a white canopy bed. She showered in the adjoining marble bath, and then wrapped herself in a plush blue towel.

  The house was clearly appointed with luxury throughout, she realized. Before now, she’d only been in Hawk’s home to talk with Lucy, and she’d never been on the upper levels.

  As she came out of the bathroom, Pia eyed the bed. It was tempting to allow herself to sink onto it and revel in its comfort. The mattress and the counterpane seemed soft and thick. In fact, the whole bedroom was decorated in a way she’d have aspired to in her apartment if she’d had the money. Instead, she’d contented herself with the budget version of many items.

  Turning away from temptation, she dressed, pulling on an emerald top with a square neckline edged with red ribbon. She paired it with a full taupe skirt, wide black patent belt, black leggings and gold ballerina flats.

  Today, the weather was a little cooler, the breeze having a little nip, so she’d pulled some of her fall attire from her wardrobe while packing her gym bag.

  When she was done getting ready, she wandered out of the bedroom and down the hall. Stopping before the door of the bedroom that Hawk had pointed out to her as his, she hesitated just a moment before knocking.

  When Hawk opened his door, however, she found herself swallowing and wetting her lips.

  He wore a crisp white shirt and black pants, and his hair was still damp from his shower. He exuded a virile magnetism.

  Why must he look so effortlessly but devastatingly attractive?

  And then he looked at her, his eyes making a quick but thorough perusal.

  He smiled, slow and sexy, and Pia felt her heart thump.

  “A gorgeous woman knocking on my door. Under other circumstances, my next move would have been to invite you in and—” he winked “—allow my licentious nature free rein.”

  She heated. “I—I didn’t want to wander around your house by myself, and I didn’t know where we’d be having lunch.” She decided to try to lighten the moment. “Heaven forbid someone spotted me and thought I was snooping.”

  His smile widened. “Which fairy-tale heroine goes around snooping? I can’t recall.”

  “No one,” she protested. “A-and I—I don’t believe in fairy tales.”

  He took her hand. “Great, then we’ll just have to make up our own story.”

  He stepped aside and tugged her into his room.

  As Pia glanced around, Hawk made a sweeping motion with his arm.

  “This is my bedroom.” He shot her a devilish smile. “In case you were wondering what it looked like. Or should I say, in
this tale, the heroine wants to know what it looks like.”

  And she wanted him to want her.

  The thought flashed through her mind, and she couldn’t deny its truth.

  She made a visual sweep of the room. “V-very nice.”

  Dark, rich furniture contrasted with stripe and damask upholstery in varying shades of cream and green.

  A four-poster bed was dominated by a scrolled wooden headboard.

  She parted and then wet her lips.

  Her eyes connected with Hawk’s, and she realized that he’d caught every reaction.

  She wanted to say something, and then stopped.

  “I hate my speech impediment,” she blurted inanely.

  He gave a lopsided smile. “I love your verbal quirk.” He leaned close, a twinkle in his eye. “It tells me just how much I’m affecting you.”

  She felt flustered because he was affecting her right now. “Mmm…y-you p-promised you wouldn’t bite.”

  “Little Red Riding Hood and the Big, Bad Wolf?” he queried as he moved closer. “Okay, I can work with that story line.”

  Despite herself, she laughed. “You’re incorrigible.”

  He reached out and caressed her arm. “I promised I wouldn’t bite, but that leaves much unbargained territory.”

  “I am not Little Red Riding Hood.”

  “Of course,” he agreed soothingly. “Not into role-play?”

  She gave a helpless laugh.

  He ducked his head and brushed his lips across hers.

  He made to pull back almost immediately, but then his lips lowered to hers again—as if Hawk couldn’t help himself—and this time the kiss lingered.

  Hawk’s arms came around her, and she slid her own up to his neck. They pressed close, hard planes meeting soft curves and fitting together without gap, despite their difference in height.

  He tasted minty and fresh, and as his tongue invaded her mouth, she made a sound deep in her throat and met him eagerly.

  The kiss was intense, but finally slowed.

  “Pia,” Hawk muttered against her mouth. “It’s been too long. How could I ever forget?”

  She didn’t want him ever to forget. She wanted him to remember her in the way he’d similarly always be with her.

  She’d always remember him. Her first lover.

  Suddenly Hawk bent and hooked his arm under her knees, and laid her on the bed. He came down beside her and took her in his arms again.

  “Pia.” He brushed the hair away from her face. “You remind me of a nymph or a fairy.”

  “I suppose it doesn’t help that I’m wearing ballerina flats today.”

  He gave a short laugh. “Even when you’re not in flats, you’re petite.” He brushed her hair so that it fanned out over the coverlet. “I’ve never seen a wood nymph climb a rock wall before.”

  She wrinkled her nose at his words as his delicious weight pressed her into the mattress. “I can just imagine what I looked like from the ground.”

  “I had trouble stopping myself from reaching out and doing this,” he said, caressing her leg. “Oh.”

  Hawk shifted, his knee wedging between her legs as he leaned over her. He kissed her then, sipping at her lips and lazily tracing their outline with his tongue.

  “L-lucy will come home,” Pia breathed against his mouth.

  “Not for a long time,” he whispered back.

  Pia felt his arousal press against her, evidence of his growing need. Mirroring his response, her nipples felt tight, and a moist heat had gathered between her thighs.

  She shifted. “Why did I bother getting dressed?”

  Her remark elicited a low chuckle from him, and she felt it reverberate through his chest.

  He placed a moist kiss near her ear. “Don’t worry. We can remedy the situation.”

  True to his word, he made quick work of her shoes and leggings, and then settled himself between her legs.

  She felt his warm breath on her thigh, and her delicate skin was stroked by the slight abrasiveness of his jaw.

  He squeezed her calf as his lips grazed her thigh. He let his lips trail down first one leg and then the other.

  Pia quivered in response.

  In the next moment, she moaned as he sucked on her tender flesh. She couldn’t help herself, but it seemed to excite him to hear how he was making her feel.

  Her hands tangled in his hair, and she urged him upward for an urgent kiss. She met him halfway, sitting up, and they kissed, his hands wandering her back urgently.

  She was crazy to think she could be unforgettable to a man of his experience. She was loony to think she could match his level of sophistication in seduction.

  But then he obliged her with a groan deep in his throat. “Ah, Pia…what you do to me.”

  She rubbed his arousal. “I can tell.”

  He grew in a sharp breath. “You’re not as shy as I remembered.”

  She hoped not.

  Since he’d left her, she’d made a point of studying romantic movies, reading a book or two and renting some videos—all in an attempt to overcome some of her naiveté and inexperience. She’d thought she’d never have fallen for Hawk’s practiced skills if she’d been more knowledgeable. And at the same time, irrationally, she’d started to believe that Hawk wouldn’t have left her if she’d been more of a seductress.

  Still, she didn’t think now was the time to mention to him that she’d been educating herself.

  Instead, she tilted her head, and asked innocently, “You don’t want me to be…uninhibited?”

  “Of course I’d love it.”

  She gave him a smile.

  “How am I going to get you out of these clothes?” he mused, his eyes sweeping over her.

  She straightened, and then slid off the bed and turned to face him. “You won’t have to. I-I’m going to strip for you.”

  He smiled, slow and sexy, doing funny things to her insides.

  The room was cool and shadowed, the shades apparently still drawn from when he was dressing and undressing.

  Pia pulled her top over her head and tossed it on a dresser.

  Catching Hawk’s hot gaze, she teased him by tracing the edges of her lacy pink bra with her fingertips.

  Hawk continued avidly watching her with hooded eyes.

  Pia wet her lips, running the tip of her tongue over the plump and swollen formation of her mouth.

  She still felt the imprint of Hawk’s kisses there. And judging from the look of him, Hawk was on a tight leash, stopping himself from giving her more and then some.

  “This is going to be the shortest strip on record,” he murmured thickly. “Need some help there?”

  She knew her nipples were outlined against the nylon fabric of her bra, the coolness of the room adding to her arousal. Her breasts were a bit oversized for her frame, giving her the appearance of a busty fairy. However, since high school, she hadn’t caught a guy eyeing them as lustily as Hawk was.

  She shivered, and Hawk crooked his finger at her.

  Her stomach did a somersault.

  She came to him, and he caught her, leaning back to lie down on the bed as she straddled him.

  Mouth met mouth in a voracious kiss. Then he was feasting on her breasts, and she threw back her head and luxuriated in the sensation.


  He unclasped her bra and peeled away the offending barrier, his mouth barely leaving her in the process. He suckled her, his hands bunching her breasts together for his greedy lips.

  Pia felt sweet and piercing-hot sensations shoot through her. In response, she rubbed against him.

  Hawk lifted his mouth from her breast and sat up so they were face-to-face. “If we don’t slow down,” he muttered thickly, his mouth close to hers, “this is going to be over in two minutes.”

  “Th-three y-years is a long time to wait.”

  “Too long.”

  With one hand, she opened the first button of his shirt, and then the next and the next. All the while, she
was aware of the rasp of his breath as her gaze focused on the strong column of his throat.

  She finally undid his cuffs and tugged at his shirt.

  He obliged her by sitting up and shrugging out of his white shirt and the undershirt below.

  He quirked his lips. “Now what?”

  “D-do you have a blindfold for yourself?”

  He laughed helplessly.

  “You’re only half-naked,” she protested.

  “It’s a situation I’m more than happy to rectify.”

  She moved aside, and he got off the bed.

  But before he could make a further move, she stopped him, laying a hand on his arm.

  “Let me.”

  Getting up herself, she worked slowly but surely, her hands brushing his arousal and causing his breathing to deepen.

  She slid his belt free of its loops and then lowered his zipper.

  He helped her then, and the room sounded with the thud of his shoes and the slither of his pants and boxers.

  Pia caressed his arousal freely before bending and kneeling before him.

  Hawk groaned. “Pia, Pia…ah, sweet.”

  Pia was lost in the experience of making love in a way she never had before. She felt the tension in Hawk’s muscles and the throbbing heat of his flesh. And when she gave him the most intimate kiss she could imagine, he stiffened and groaned again, gripping the bedside table.

  “Pia,” Hawk said, his voice heavy and thick with arousal. “You’ve definitely…changed.”

  She’d had time over the past three years to replay the night she’d lost her innocence to Hawk. She’d had time to imagine different scenarios. She’d had time to see herself as the seductress instead of the one being seduced.

  And now, unexpectedly, she had a chance to realize some of those fantasies. With him. Because he’d always been the lover whom she’d imagined.

  She focused on giving pleasure and soaking in the sounds of how much Hawk was enjoying her ministrations.

  She wanted to make him lose control.

  Moments ticked by, and then, on an oath, Hawk disengaged her, pulling her up for a rough kiss.

  “I’m not going to ask where you learned that,” he said darkly.

  If only he knew, Pia thought.

  She thrilled at the tacit admission that she’d given him unexpected pleasure. She warmed to the tinge of jealousy in his voice.


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