The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction

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The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction Page 5

by Mark Dice

  This gets better. (laughing) They run the world, and they didn’t tell Castro. He’s just learning it here at 84 and he finds it fascinating. “Castro offered no comment on the excerpts other than to describe Estulin as honest and well-informed and to call his book a ‘fantastic story.’ Estulin’s book, as quoted by Castro, described ‘sinister cliques and the Bilderberg lobbyists manipulating the public ‘to install a world government that knows no borders and is not accountable to anyone but its own self.’ The Bilderberg group's website says its members have ‘nearly three days of informal and off-the-record discussion about topics of current concern’ once a year, but the group does nothing else.” So they get together three days a year and control the world (joking).

  They had a conspiracy, they didn’t tell Fidel about it, and he’s only learning about it now when he’s retired and can’t join it and do anything about it. Walter Lippmann created the Beatles to distract people. Not only that, the Bilderbergs created feminism to get men and women at war with one another to distract us while they destroyed world economies. That did work. (laughing)

  Folks, from the very first day, back in Kansas City, when I uttered my first political comment on the radio, I was set upon by these conspiracy people. Oh-ho-ho-ho yes. They no longer bother with me. (Off air question by producer in Rush’s ear) I’ve never been to a Bilderberg meeting, Snerdley. No. I’ve never been to the Socialists International. I’ve never been to a CFR meeting or Trilateralist Commission meeting. Remember, I’m the guy that came up with the kook test. Yeah, the kook test was to distract people from me being part of the conspiracy. Yeah. Remember one of the questions on the kook test? (laughing) If trilateralist A is driving west at 60 miles an hour and the Council on Foreign Relations member B is driving east at 40 miles an hour, how long does it take for both of them to take over the world?

  Alan Colmes

  I personally called the Alan Colmes radio show and got on the air several times to try to get him on record about the issue. Colmes once hosted a show with Sean Hannity on the Fox News Channel called Hannity & Colmes between 1996 and 2009 but he was dropped by the network and the show renamed just Hannity. One call made on February 2nd 2009, which I saved from the show’s archive and posted on YouTube, goes as follows:91

  Alan: Hello.

  Mark: Don’t the American people deserve to know that Obama met with the Bilderberg Group and why is it that you won’t talk about them ever?

  Alan: Because we talk about them when people like you call up to spread these crazy conspiracy theories. [Colmes drops the call]

  Someone else once got on the air and asked him a very normal, rational question about Bilderberg. Someone (perhaps the caller himself) posted the audio on YouTube in 2012. Colmes again ridicules the caller:92

  Caller: I was curious—what’s your take on the theory that the Bilderberg Group basically groomed Obama [Colmes cuts off the caller]

  Colmes: Oh, cut it out with the Bilderbergers already, it’s a bunch of crap. C’mon.

  Caller: Well you hear a lot about it.

  Alan: Yeah, yeah, you hear a lot about it from conspiracy freaks.

  Dennis Miller

  A caller in 2009 got on the air on the Dennis Miller show and asked him about Bilderberg as well. Here is a transcript of that call, which can also be heard on YouTube.93

  Miller: Keith in Texas, what’s up?

  Caller: Hey Dennis. Great show. I went to my first Tea Party July 4th and I learned a lot of things, but I came out worried because as a Texan, here we have Rick Perry and he’s running for governor against Kay Bailey Hutchisun, and some people say he’s going to be running for president possibly. The thing that bothers me is I saw on News 8 in Austin—local news here—about him attending the Bilderberg conference, and that concerns me because [Miller cuts off caller and drops the call].

  Miller: Aw, that’s creeping me out, I’m sorry baby, I’m going to rock. I need my “burgs” with an “erg” at the end, as in James Cameron’s Titanic. Once you start spelling it otherwise I get conspiracy and I don’t have time right now. You know there’s certain words as soon as you hear them. When a guy says “Bilderbergian” and you say ‘can you explain that’ and they keep going, you know that they…in the middle of appearing measured, he’s dropped a huge steaming ideological cow pie, and you should move on from it. Alright. Dennis Miller Show. [Cuts to commercial]

  Fareed Zarkaria

  Just before the 2011 Bilderberg meeting, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria wrote a blog on titled “Why do we embrace conspiracy theories?” which started out saying how a lot of people on Facebook and Twitter were asking him about President Obama’s birth certificate being faked and saying they thought Osama Bin Laden’s death was possibly staged.

  “The propensity of Americans to embrace conspiracy theories has long been attributed to their great suspicion of state authority,” he says. “America was founded as a revolt against centralized power and there has always been a fear of coordinated action taking place in the dark behind closed doors. American conspiracy theories implicate Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. government, the intelligence community and many others.”94

  He continues, “I can’t tell you how many times people ask me about the conspiracy of the Bilderberg Group. It is a conference I’ve occasionally been invited to and have attended once or twice.” He admits he has attended once or twice? You’d think a person would remember if they’ve been to the historic Bilderberg meeting once or if they came back a second time since it’s kind of a big deal.

  He went on to say, “If only the people who wrote the alarmist treatises on the Bilderberg Group were allowed in. They would be so utterly disappointed. It’s just a conference like dozens of others around the world. And anyway, the idea that a finance minister or a banker would say something with a group of 150 people that is any different than what he would say in public is crazy in today’s world where everything leaks instantly. In my experience, they say the same fairly banal platitudes inside as they say outside.”95

  Fareed says that inside the meeting men speak the same way they do in public? And they don’t say anything at Bilderberg they don’t say publicly? Why the Chatham House Rule then? Why all the secrecy and denials for decades? Why not just broadcast Bilderberg live on C-SPAN if it’s “just another conference” like dozens of others around the world?

  He concludes his blog post saying, “So on the few occasions in my life when I’ve been inside centers of the conspiracy, I’ve been disappointed and relieved to find they were pretty much like the world on the outside.”96

  Bilderberg’s Goals

  A Global Socialist Government

  Often called the “New World Order,” a primary goal of the Bilderberg elite is to integrate all the world’s governments into one unified system. The United Nations was basically the beginning of this, but in order to accomplish the final phase of their plan, the sovereignty of the United States and all other countries would have to be eliminated—and their laws, militaries, and Constitutions all placed under a single planetary political authority.

  The New World Order plan also consists of making this super State a socialist system that will function as a Nanny State which will “take care” of all humanity through massive redistribution of wealth, huge subsidies, and unlimited free handouts to those who don’t work, funded through exorbitant taxes on those who do.

  Presidents from George Bush Senior to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have all publicly proclaimed that their goal is to form a New World Order, and the justification is always a current crisis that this New Age will supposedly solve. Just three days after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations (and Bilderberg member) Gary Hart stated, “There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster—to carry out what his father—a phrase his father used I think only once, and it hasn’t been used since—and that is a New World Order.”97

  Longtime Bilderberg member and financie
r Henry Kissinger stated that the problems Barack Obama’s administration was facing regarding the ongoing War on Terror and the economic collapse of 2008, “can give new impetus to American foreign policy partly because the reception of him is so extraordinary around the world. His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a New World Order can be created. It’s a great opportunity, it isn’t just a crisis.”98

  This is the same man who, according to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein—the reporters who blew open the Watergate scandal, refers to members of the U.S. military as “dumb, stupid animals” who are used as pawns for America’s foreign policy.99

  Perhaps the most infamous admission is when George Bush Senior stated the purpose of the Gulf War was to implement the “big idea” of the “New World Order.” James Warburg, the son of Paul Warburg, the “father” of the Federal Reserve Bank, said at an appearance before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that, “We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”100

  One of the problems is that in order for this to happen, some of the freedoms and policies we cherish in the United States will have to be eliminated and repealed. During his acceptance speech when receiving the United Nations Global Governance Award in 1999, the former anchor for CBS News—Walter Cronkite—told the audience that all the countries in the world, “are going to have to be convinced to give up some of that sovereignty to the better, greater union, and it’s not going to be easy.”101

  We’ve already seen the United Nations try to change laws in the United States claiming their authority exceeds that of our state and federal governments. For example, after Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska legalized recreational marijuana use, the UN declared it was against international law and is trying to assert their authority over the states’ decision to legalize pot.102

  The UN continues to adopt new “hate speech laws” which seek to criminalize speech (and books) that some see as “discriminatory,” which is an obvious violation of America’s First Amendment, but in the age of political correctness gone amuck, many in the United States and other supposedly “free” countries are actually supporting such tyrannical legislation.103

  It must be emphasized that this “global government” is not something that started at the grass roots level and has worked its way up the channels of government—it is exactly the opposite. The plan was started (in secret) at the very highest levels of powerful corporations and private organizations which function to influence international policy for their own benefit.

  The plan for a New World Order global government is also something that was called “just a conspiracy theory” for decades, but in recent years it is now obviously happening and being promoted by countless politicians and heads of international corporations as something the average citizen should embrace with open arms.

  Global Currency and Cashless Society

  As previously mentioned, the personal papers of UK’s Labour Party leader Hugh Gaitskell revealed that ever since their beginning in the 1950s, Bilderberg was working towards the creation of a unified Europe and common currency.104 In more recent years they have been tirelessly attempting to replicate that formula with other regional territories and currencies, with the ultimate goal of finally merging them all into one global digital currency and eliminating cash and coins (as well as gold and silver) as mediums of exchange. On the surface, a global unified currency may seem appealing due to its ability to be used universally anywhere throughout the world without having to exchange currencies when traveling or spending money in different parts of the world, but there are many downsides which are often overlooked, ignored, or covered up.105

  Credit and debit cards of course were the first phase of the cashless society, and recently a major leap occurred when Apple Pay and the Apple Watch rolled out in April of 2015.106 Fewer and fewer people are using cash, or even carrying any of it in their wallet at all. A study in 2014 showed that almost half of Americans carry $20 or less on them when they leave the house, eighty percent carry less than $50, and about ten percent of people carry no cash at all.107 Many Millennials and those in Generation Z see cash as old fashioned and something that grandma and grandpa used to buy things with before the digital age.

  A growing number of banking officials are pushing hard to have cash eliminated as soon as possible. In April of 2015 a top Citibank economist suggested that cash should be abolished, and in order to coerce people into going digital, he also proposed the use of cash should be taxed at such a high rate that it would discourage most people from using it at all.108 Jim Leaviss, a banker with M&G investments in the UK, soon followed by suggesting outright banning cash. “Forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bank would give the authorities far better tools to deal with recessions and economic booms,” he said.109

  He also suggested negative interest rates (i.e. fees) on anyone who kept large amounts of money in their checking or savings account, and proposed the government could fluctuate these fees in order to encourage people to spend the money they have, rather than just lose it on fees, if the government wanted people to pour more money into the economy. “And once all money exists only in bank accounts—monitored, or even directly controlled by the government—the authorities will be able to encourage us to spend more when the economy slows, or spend less when it is overheating,” Leaviss concluded.110

  For years now, when you’re on an airplane, if you want to buy something from the snack cart, many of the flight attendants only accept debit or credit cards.111 Many will literally not accept cash for the food or drinks. Buying anything with cash these days is seen as suspicious. Storing cash in safe deposit boxes is against the rules at many banks, and the FDIC even suggests against it and urges people to deposit any and all cash they may have into a bank account instead.

  In fact there are countless cases of police confiscating people’s cash when they haven’t even been arrested or charged with a crime.112 It’s called Civil Asset Forfeiture, which allows police and other government agencies to literally confiscate the cash a person is carrying when they are pulled over for a routine traffic stop because the cash itself is seen as suspicious. Even if there is no evidence it was obtained by criminal means, police still have the authority to take it on the spot because the money itself is seen as evidence of a crime, even if no arrest is made and there is no actual evidence of a crime, and no one has claimed the person has committed one.113

  If you just sold an old car, motorcycle, or boat for a few thousand dollars cash, or if you happen to be traveling with an envelope of it on your way to poker night with guys—if it is discovered by police during a routine traffic stop, they can (and do all the time) confiscate it, even if there are no illegal drugs, weapons, or any evidence at all that the money was obtained illegally.114 You are guilty until proven innocent.

  In the past, concerns about the approaching cashless society were ridiculed when so-called “conspiracy theorists” in the 1990s and early 2000s would warn about it getting close, but now that it is actually being implemented, those decades of denials are ignored and the new system is being promoted from the top down as the key to a consumerist Utopia.

  Did you just buy a pregnancy test? Some medication to treat an embarrassing medical condition? Are you seeing a psychiatrist or a therapist for some mental health issues or personal problems? Did you purchase some personal items for you and your spouse to use in the bedroom? Are you buying certain books that the government may misinterpret as suspicious? In a cashless society, all of these transactions and more are basically made available—not only to the government—but to countless third parties such as advertisers and international corporations who have access to your entire purchasing history due to the terms of service you implicitly agreed to with the use of a debit or credit card.115

  Not to mention, the centr
alization of all points of purchase and relying on one single digital network to facilitate them all is begging for trouble in the event there is a systemwide failure. A power outage, computer glitch, or a cyber-attack would be absolutely devastating to perhaps tens or hundreds of millions of people, completely crippling their ability to purchase gas or food, or even buy a bus ticket or subway pass to get home from school or work.

  Global Military Force

  In attempts to supposedly put an end to war, the plan is to unite all the different militaries around the world into one supranational security force that will be directed based on the decisions of the globalist leaders. The beginning of the “Global Police” can be seen with NATO soldiers and UN “Peacekeeper” troops which are comprised of people from many nations and may be deployed by any nation-state that is a partner.116

  Agencies like DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) are working to make these military men and women virtually invincible. The quest for Super Soldiers has led to the design of exoskeleton suits that give the people wearing them super strength and speed.117 President Obama once joked that “We’re building Ironman,” referring to the Marvel comic book character who uses an exoskeleton suit to fight crime, but these systems are no longer science fiction.118 It has also been proposed that military soldiers have neural interface implants wired into their brains, turning them into literal cyborgs by merging man with machine in a “Transhumanist upgrade.”119


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