It Had to Be Him

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It Had to Be Him Page 22

by Tamra Baumann

  He smiled. “Tying my wrists isn’t all that kinky, Meg. There’s a lot more kink in the world than that.”

  “Shhh. No talking. Just close your eyes and enjoy.”

  When his eyes were closed again, she straddled him and then slowly lifted his T-shirt over his head. He separated his hands, but put them right back after, so she didn’t call foul. Tossing his shirt aside, she sighed as the reflected moonlight from the lake danced across his hard, chiseled body. He had the sexiest chest and abs she’d ever had the pleasure to pleasure. And the rest wasn’t bad either.

  Up to the task, she slowly ran her hands over his hard shoulders and neck, kneading and rubbing until the muscles relaxed and became putty in her hands. After whispering soft kisses across the stubble on his jaw and then his cheek, she moved to his neck, breathing in his unique, intoxicating scent. Soap from his shower mixed with shaving cream and then something unidentifiable, but potently male, made her want to lick him. Instead, she nibbled on his earlobe because he really liked when she did that.

  It made him groan.

  Pleased with her results, she worked her way lower, running her hands over his hard pecs, loving the definition and strength. As her lips toyed with his hardened nipples, his hands ran slowly up and down her back. When he gave her bottom a gentle squeeze, the sexy haze lifted from her brain long enough to scold him. “Hey. Hands above your head, buddy.”

  He quickly lifted them back up. “You’re killing me, Meg.”

  “Sweet torture is the plan. But now I’m going to have to punish you, bad boy.”

  He laughed. “Please. You can’t even tie my hands together. Or kill a bug. This I gotta see.”

  “Shush. No talking, remember?” She ensured his silence by laying her mouth on his and kissing him the way they both liked it. Slow, sweet, and deep. The kind that always made her heart turn to mush and her blood boil. She hoped it did the same for him.

  Her tongue danced and tangled with his as her hands slid lower, tracing the bumps across his hard abs before diving under the waistband of his boxers. When she took him in her hand, he made a low noise in the back of his throat.

  Josh was hard and ready for his punishment, so she slid slowly down, making sure her breasts rubbed along his body the entire way. While she inched his boxers off, she ran her tongue around his length, spending extra time at the tip.

  His hips jerked. “God, babe.”

  Smiling, she took him inside her mouth, sucking, stroking, squeezing, and driving him so wild, the muscles in his neck strained until he cried out, “Meg—”

  Taking the hint, she slid slowly up his slick body and slipped her hands into his. Entwining her fingers with his much larger ones, she smiled and stared deeply into his eyes as she straddled him and slowly let him enter her, sliding up and down his length. With his hands still trapped in hers, he leaned forward and kissed her, hard and sexy, as his hips begged for a faster pace.

  When he ended his urgent kiss and opened his eyes, he’d apparently had enough of her game because he quickly flipped their positions, keeping their joined hands above their heads as he buried himself inside her to the hilt.

  His eyes stayed locked onto hers, staring intensely with desire as he made love to her. It made her heart burn with even more love for him. The sensation grew stronger as each thrust grew harder and deeper, faster, more intense. Her whole body ached for him to put her out of her misery, hovering at the edge of the cliff, when he finally drew her over the brink along with him.

  After a few moments, Josh rolled onto his back so that she lay sprawled on top of him, her hair fanned over his chest, the strong beat of his pounding heart under her ear. He kissed her temple. “That was . . .”

  “Yep.” She could lie like this in his arms all night long. Tucking her face into the crook of his neck, she smiled. “It’s never been this good for me with anyone else, Josh. Only you.” She laid a soft kiss on his neck. “But you cheated and didn’t let me have my way all the way with you.”

  He slowly ran his big, rough hand up and down her back. “I think we fulfilled the ‘all the way’ part just fine, no matter who had their way with who first.”

  “Because that nonsense actually made sense to me, I must be more tired than I know.” She closed her eyes and whispered, “Thank you for still loving me, Josh. Even after what you saw today. That means more to me than anything in the world.”

  He brushed another kiss along her temple. “I love you even more for it. And I guess that’s another of your roundabout ways of saying you love me too, so shut off your busy mind and get some rest.”

  “’Kay. Night.” Tomorrow was probably going to be one rough day. She’d have to face the whole town at church. And whatever Amber had in mind for retaliation.

  She snuggled closer to Josh and smiled. No matter what happened in the morning, it’d be okay. She had Josh in her corner, and that was all she’d need.

  Haley’s laughter outside the bedroom window woke Meg. She stretched her arms above her head as sweet memories of the way Josh had made love to her the night before filled her tired mind. But then, the other memories of the Amber debacle at the gym came rushing back, quickly replacing her nice ones.

  Humiliation slowly crept into her gut.

  Worse, it was Sunday. They had to go to church and face the town all over again. As much as she’d like to lay low at the lodge for a few days, she’d promised the Three Amigos she’d be there. She didn’t need to give them any more reasons to hound her.

  Should she cut her losses, sell the house, and move back to Denver? It’d be easier for Josh to go to school there. It wouldn’t matter as long as they were together, right? But she needed to show everyone in Anderson Butte how much she’d changed, that she could stick, and that she could run a lodge and do it well. And then there was that big fat loan she’d need to repay.

  There really wasn’t any choice to make. She had to stay. Things would get better eventually. They couldn’t get much worse.

  Meg threw the covers back, then got up and tugged on a pair of shorts and a tank top. She needed coffee. And a big dose of antidepressants, aka her chocolate stash, which was in for a serious pillage.

  Thankfully Josh had started the coffee for her, so she grabbed a mug and poured it out. Then she found her bag of Dove milk chocolate treats and dug in.

  Hearing more happy shrieks outside, Meg moved to the kitchen window as she popped candy into her mouth. It wasn’t the breakfast of champions, but it was hard to be totally depressed with chocolate melting on your tongue.

  Josh ran around the yard, Haley on his back, with Captain Jack barking and chasing Josh’s heels.

  It almost made her smile.

  But the weight of Amber’s verbal beating the night before kept her lips locked in a tight line, only to be interrupted long enough to shove more chocolate inside her mouth.

  Eric sat at the end of the dock with his feet dangling over the Jet Ski, his arm around the momma dog, staring out over the lake.

  They were going to have to keep that dog too, dammit. She followed Eric everywhere, and the kid obviously loved her. Probably they should give the pooch a name.

  Thinking of Eric’s problems quickly slammed Meg’s into perspective. The poor kid had lost his whole family, and his grandmother wasn’t doing well. He’d probably lose her soon too, leaving him with no one in the world who loved him. Just as Josh had been at that age. Even if her dad and half the town didn’t love her, she’d at least always had Casey and her brothers. And Zeke and Grandma, Uncle Brewster, Aunt Gloria, and Pam . . . she needed to get over herself.

  Meg slipped out the back door and down to the dock. She sat next to Eric and handed him some chocolate. Giving the dog a pat, she said, “Morning.”

  “Hi.” Eric unwrapped his treat. “Thanks.”

  “You probably don’t think much of me after last night, huh?”

  Eric shrugged and mumbled around his candy. “Some of those pranks sounded pretty awesome.”

; Meg grunted while she drained her coffee mug. “I wouldn’t recommend repeating them. I spent most of my high school afternoons in detention.”

  Eric slowly ran his hand up and down the dog’s back. “I didn’t know adults still got bullied like that. I figured I’d just have to stick it out a few more years and then it would finally end when I got bigger.”

  Damn, Amber.

  “There are always going to be bullies in the world, Eric. But it’s easier to deal with them when you have people in your corner. Anyone who tries to bully you here will have to answer to me.” She laid her arm around Eric’s bony shoulders and gave him a hug. “What Amber did to me was mean, but I needed to make things right with the people I hurt anyway, and I will. Then Amber can’t hurt me anymore. What those boys did to you was ten times worse and so very wrong. I’m sorry for it.”

  “What Amber did to you was wrong too. Especially because she’s your sister. I was mean to my brother and sister sometimes. Now I wish I could tell them I’m sorry.”

  What a sweet kid.

  “They know, Eric. My brothers still tease me, and as much as it can annoy me, I know they love me.” She handed him some more chocolate. “I can only imagine how rough it is not having your parents and brother and sister anymore. But I just wanted you to know we’re here for you.”

  Blinking back tears, he nodded. “Josh said he’d pay me to do work around here. But I’d do it for free if I could stay longer. I really love it here.”

  Now Meg struggled with tears. No kid should have to negotiate for a safe place to live. She hugged him a little tighter. “I’m pretty sure my brother would arrest me for violating child labor laws if we did that. Take the money and save it for college if you want, but you’re welcome here, for free, as long as the paperwork gets settled with your grandmother and we can keep you. Okay?”

  His answer was a silent head bob against her shoulder.

  Meg held on for a few more minutes, then reluctantly released him. “So, I think we’re going to have to keep this hound too. What should we name her?”

  The dog’s tail wagged, as if she knew they were talking about her.

  “Really?” Eric beamed a gigantic smile. “We can keep her?”

  “Yeah.” Teasing, Meg said, “I think she looks like an Edna.”

  “Edna?” Eric rolled his eyes. “That’s totally lame. I call her Oreo, ’cuz she’s black and white. And because that’s my favorite cookie.”

  Eric sometimes seemed thirty instead of ten years old, but that he’d name a dog after his favorite cookie proved he was still a kid. She’d have to be sure Oreos went on the shopping list. “Oreo, mother to Captain Jack Sparrow. Doesn’t get better than that.” Eric’s big smile made her want to keep it there. “Ever been on a Jet Ski?”


  “Well then, let’s go!”

  “Right now?”

  “Sure. We’ve got a few hours before church starts. Let me grab some life jackets.”

  She turned to get the jackets, but stopped when he laid a hand on her arm. “Thanks for letting me stay with you guys, Meg.”

  The sincere gratitude in his eyes melted her heart. “You’re welcome. We love having you here, Eric. Be right back.”

  Spending the morning watching Eric’s grin as he drove a Jet Ski for the first time had lifted Meg’s spirits. But happiness quickly turned to dread as they pulled up to the church in Josh’s truck. The large group of people gathered out front all turned to stare as Josh parked. Toby waved and parted from the group, making his way toward them. At least she had one ally.

  While Josh hopped out to deal with Haley’s car seat, Toby opened Meg’s door. She ignored Josh’s quiet grunt and smiled at Toby. “Thanks.”

  “No. Thank you.” He beamed one of his classic “surfer dude” smiles. “We were all taking bets on if you’d show up this morning. The few of us who said you would just made a killing.”

  The few who said she would? Great. “Glad I could be of assistance.” She patted his shoulder. “Thanks for betting on me.”

  “Yeah, well, you’ll never guess who I’ll have to split the pot with. Your dad, and all Three Amigos. Bye.” Toby strolled away.

  Even Dad had bet on her showing up?

  Maybe things would go better than expected today.

  She turned to see what Josh thought of her dad betting on her and caught him checking his phone again. Then his head popped up and he leaned around his truck, as if searching for someone.

  He had that look on his face again.

  She leaned around the truck too and saw a few tourists milling around the square, but then she spotted Zeke walking toward them. That must be who Josh was looking for.

  Josh handed Haley over to her. “Why don’t you guys go on in? I’ll catch up.”

  Before she could ask what was going on, Josh turned to leave. She called out, “We’ll be way up front, second row on the right.”

  Josh just lifted a hand in acknowledgment as he crossed the parking lot.

  He’d been acting so weird since the picnic.

  Shaking her head, she said to Eric, “Pastor Brian is really loud, so I wish we could sit in the back and save our eardrums, but everyone has their usual spots and we can’t mess up the system. Unfortunately all the Andersons sit right up front.”

  Eric nodded. “Because your dad’s the mayor. Makes sense.”

  Not to her. She’d always wished she could sit in the back row with Pam. Maybe one of these days she’d do it, just to buck the system. But not today. Today was all about showing everyone she belonged.

  Luckily Amber was always late, so Meg nodded and forced smiles at the folks who sent curious glances her way as she walked up the long aisle toward her usual pew in the second row.

  Sue Ann, sitting in her spot at the end of the first row, was powdering her nose in the reflection of her little hand mirror. When she turned and greeted them with a smile, Meg wasn’t sure what to do.

  “Uh. Morning, Sue Ann. I’d like you to meet Eric. He’s staying with us for the summer.” She turned to Eric. “This is my dad’s wife, Sue Ann.”

  Eric stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “We’re glad you’re here, Eric.” Sue Ann shook his outstretched hand.

  Holy crap, Batman. Had the whole world gone mad? First her dad bet on her and now Sue Ann was being nice?

  After they were settled in, her father slipped beside her and whispered, “I heard about what happened last night after I left.”

  Meg’s stomach seized. “Yeah. It wasn’t pretty. You’re lucky you didn’t have to see that. And I’m sorry about that snowball through your office window. I didn’t know about the rock inside.”

  “Always figured that was you.” Dad crossed his arms. “Well, at least you didn’t screw up last night. You finally apologized and acted like an Anderson for a change.”

  Her jaw was still in her lap as he stood to go take his seat next to Sue Ann. The world had gone mad.

  Josh followed a few feet behind Watts and Evans as they slipped around the back of Town Hall. When Josh caught up to them, Watts lifted his chin in greeting. “Thanks for coming.”

  The text Josh had just received said they were planning a takedown during the church service.

  Josh said, “Why not wait until tomorrow? Arrest them in the office. Doing it here, in front of everyone, is . . .” He wanted to say as cruel as what Meg had to endure the night before, but didn’t. “It could be dangerous. What if one of them has a concealed weapon?”

  Evans shook her head. “The warrant will be here any minute. We need to strike now, while we have them contained. One of them could have a friend in the right place who could tip them off. I say we do it and be done with it.”

  Watts glanced at Josh. “We just wanted to let you know the plan. They’ve probably started the service by now. You’d better get going.”

  Watts’s way of blowing Josh off. “It’d be easier on Meg, and her family, if you didn’t do this in front
of the whole town.”

  “She has you whipped.” Evans shook her head. “What’s happened to you, Sam? You used to be the biggest hard-ass I knew. It’s like you lost your balls and grew a heart or something.”

  He met her gaze and raised a brow. The pain in her eyes betrayed the sharp words. She’d been in love with him, but he’d been honest with her. He didn’t love her back. He used to fear he wasn’t capable of love. Until he’d met Meg. Was Evans trying to hurt Meg to get back at him?

  Done with their staring match, she huffed out a breath and looked away. “I just want this over with so I can move on.”

  He wasn’t getting anywhere. If that warrant came through, they were going to do it. Best to be with Meg and the kids in case things got rough. “I better go.”

  Josh slipped quietly into the back of the church. The pastor was bellowing about the power of forgiveness. That couldn’t be a coincidence. He’d been at the dinner last night too.

  Josh quickly moved up the side aisle and then slid into the pew next to Meg. She lifted her hands from her lap in a “where the heck have you been” gesture, so he laid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. He whispered in her ear, “Sorry.”

  Drawing a deep breath for calm, he considered saying a prayer for that warrant to stay tied up. Doing a takedown during the church service was excessive. But then, Watts always liked to play up the busts big, thinking it made him look better to the brass above. The ass.

  As the pastor droned on, Josh checked the location of all the exits. Two on the sides, one in front, off to the side of the pulpit, and the large bank of doors at the rear. They’d probably come in one from the rear, another from the side.

  After what seemed an eternity, the pastor appeared to be wrapping things up. Josh reached for his phone to check the time. Meg snatched it from his hand and slipped it into her purse before sending him a quick elbow jab to the ribs.


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