The Good Dom

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The Good Dom Page 6

by Paul Preston

  “I’m sure I’ll be safe under your watch, Mr. Jefferson…” she said, signing the consent forms along with her Dom.

  It made me feel good that Eloise trusted me. I knew I was attracted to her and liked her. And liking her made me… feel something again. I had been dead inside, ever since I got kicked off the force and my marriage went up in flames. Now my heart seemed to beat stronger in my chest and my blood pulse faster and thicker through my veins. With one kiss Eloise brought me back to life, emotionally. I wondered if I would ever get the chance to be alone with her again.

  “Believe me Ms. Madsen. Your safety in my club is my prime concern. Please relax and enjoy your time here,” I said.

  “Thank you Mr. Jefferson,” she said.

  “Please. Call me Jim.”

  The three of us walked down the corridor and stopped to look through a long glass wall into two private rooms, separated by a partition inside. I explained that the rooms could be rented out by guests to act out their sexual fantasies before the public. I pointed out the security cameras mounted on the walls to insure the safety of the participants.

  “I’d offer you a seat inside, but it appears they’re taken,” I said.

  “That’s OK,” Ms. Madsen said. “We can watch from the hallway. I can see perfectly well. Is that OK with you, Master C?” Ms. Madsen asked, turning to her Dom.

  I glanced at Mr. Anderson and he seemed slightly embarrassed at being addressed in such a formal manner by his sub.

  “Master C?” I said to him, raising my eyebrows slightly.

  “C is for Charles,” Mr. Anderson explained self-consciously. “I’m perfectly fine in the hallway as well.”

  I nodded. My two guests stood arm in arm like a happily married couple and watched the show. I glanced into Room One for a moment. A Dom was dressed in a crisply starched Doctor’s white coat and was in the midst of giving a full gynecological exam to a patient. By now I knew the show backwards and forwards. He had already given his patient an interview of some rather detailed and intimate questions, had taken her clothes off and was now strapping her legs up by her ankles on a makeshift massage table to begin the “clinical” part of the exam. The man was an extremely handsome, very successful investment banker and seemed to have a new submissive on his arm each week. I secretly envied him.

  On the other side of the partition in Room 2, another Dom was conducting his weekly sex education workshop. He fancied himself an expert in helping woman to achieve a more fulfilling orgasm. With the help of his extraordinarily responsive submissive, the man instructed the audience on the most effective ways to stimulate a woman. I glanced over at Ms. Madsen, who seemed appeared captivated by the scenario. I briefly met Mr. Anderson’s eyes and then we both glanced away from each other immediately.

  As we watched the shows, I replayed the moment when Ms. Madsen kissed my ugly scar in my office. It was as if the kiss caused this seismic shift to occur within me. Suddenly my mind was flooded with memories: being sliced in the face as a child, seeing the homeless man being kicked violently in the ribs, losing my case at the precinct and turning in my badge to the Sergeant, my family and especially my father abandoning me in my time of need, and ultimately my wife betraying me with another man. It all came back to my conscious mind in a rush of emotion. I had been robbed of the life I had worked so hard for. All the anger I had repressed suddenly rose to the back of my throat. I leaned my forehead against the glass window and felt the blood pulse in my sides of my temple. Gritting my teeth, I imagined smashing my fists though the windows, shards of glass raining down into the private rooms. Then I felt Ms. Madsen’s soothing hand brush the side of my arm. In response I stood up straight.

  “Mr. Jefferson?... James?... Is everything alright? You look a little upset.”

  I glanced down at the lovely young woman’s innocent eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you…”

  “Are you sure?”

  “No, I’m just thinking about something… in the past. I’m fine, Ms. Madsen. Thank you for asking…”

  Looking around I saw several men in the jammed corridor not watching the show, but staring in a lascivious way at the exposed body of Ms. Madsen. I immediately shouted over the heads of the crowd in an authoritative voice.

  “Please keep moving Ladies and Gentleman. It’s against regulations to block the hallway in case of a fire. Obsessions is crowded tonight. Let’s keep moving down the corridor. Thank you everyone!”

  Flagging down one of my security guys, I introduced him to Ms. Madsen and instructed him to keep a close eye of her while in Area 2. I instructed him to keep an unobstructed line of sight between her and the bar where I would be seated with her Dom.

  “Yes sir,” the guard said.

  I escorted my guests back into the main area of Obsessions. As we passed Area Three, I directed their attention to the cameras mounted into the ceiling above and assured Mr. Anderson and especially Ms. Madsen that the area was under constant surveillance for the safety of my female patrons. I noticed Ms. Madsen staring in a concentrated gaze at the chains hanging from the ceiling over the raised platform. I abruptly decided to cut the tour short and ushered them directly to Area 2 where Ms. Madsen would be safe. I picked out a free table, held out a chair for Ms. Madsen and she sat down.

  “My, you are a gentleman,” she said.

  “I know this may seem odd, but I have to ask your Dom to handcuff your ankle to the base of the table. I will also need to cuff your wrist to the wall here, I’m afraid. I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, it is just one of the rules of the club, Ms. Madsen.”

  “I don’t mind in the slightest, in fact I quite… enjoy it, Mr. Jefferson,” the submissive said in a soft voice, smiling at me. “I think I’m more comfortable chained, actually…”

  Mr. Anderson kneeled down and attached the end of a pair of fur-lined metal handcuffs around Ms. Madsen’s slender ankle as I attached her wrist to the wall. I positioned her arm in such a way that it could rest comfortably while restrained on the side of the cushioned booth.

  “Is that all right, Ms. Madison?” I asked.

  “Yes. I’m quite comfy,” she said.

  “Mr. Anderson and I will be right back with the drinks,” I said.

  “Do you mind if I wait here with Cassandra?” Anderson asked.

  “I need you to sign one additional form. We’ll be right back momentarily. Please wait here Eloise,” I said.

  “I don’t believe I’m going anywhere, Sir,” she responded in her friendly flirtatious tone.

  I walked over to the bar with Mr. Anderson. All the stools were taken, but we found a corner where I could keep an eye on Ms. Madsen.

  “What would you like to drink Mr. Anderson?”

  “Scotch is fine, thanks. No ice.”

  Since my bartender was busy serving other patrons, I went around the bar myself and prepared the drinks. I poured a healthy shot of Johnny Walker Black, took out two chilled bottles of Perrier and three glasses. I noticed the Dom look over at his submissive. Ms. Madsen had already attracted the attention of several men who stood near her table, waiting to engage her in conversation. It was quite obvious to see how the men were drooling over her exposed breasts and body like hyenas over a fresh carcass. The attention didn’t seem to faze Ms. Madsen in the slightest, who smiled to each man as they spoke to her. When I set our drinks on a cocktail tray, I could see the jealousy and sadness in his eyes as he looked at his sub. It was actually painful to see.

  I finished going over the rules and the behavior that was expected of him as a visiting Dom in the club. I handed Mr. Anderson the master form to sign. After explaining how the safety of the women in the club was of the utmost importance to me, he signed, dated the form and handed it back to me.

  He looked back across the bar at his submissive, as if it was his prom night and his date was dancing with another man. What made it worse; Ms. Madsen seemed to look directly over at me, rather than at her Dom. Although
her look made me feel warm inside, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable and guilt-ridden about kissing her.

  “Once again Mr. Anderson, I’m sorry about what happened in my office,” I said.

  “Don’t worry about it… It’s… what Cassandra wants. What she… needs…” he said, in a strained voice.

  Before going back to the table, I wanted to find out more about the mysterious Ms. Madsen.

  “May I call you Charles?” I asked.


  “Can I ask you something private?”


  “Your… relationship somewhat confuses me, Charles. The two of you seem to have a strong connection, but you said she’s engaged to be married.”

  “That’s correct.”

  A crowd had gathered around Ms. Madsen and had blocked my line of sight with her.

  “Excuse me for a moment please,” I said.

  I called my security guy making his rounds and told him to break up the crowd so I could see her from where I was sitting at the bar. He said he was at the back of the club and would be there right away.

  “I’m sorry for the interruption Charles. What I wanted to ask was… Why doesn’t your sub just tell her boyfriend things have changed, the wedding is off and she’s with you now?”

  Mr. Anderson looked down, opened his lips as if he wanted to talk, but couldn’t respond. A look of sorrow returned to his eyes.

  “She… can’t.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because she’s a born again Christian…”


  A chill ran up my spine. I had considered myself to be religious person too at one time; at least I did until everything in my life fell apart. I didn’t know what I believed in anymore. I saw my security officer make it to the wall of bodies.

  “I know it sounds strange, but it’s the truth. Cassandra told me she intends to honor the commitment she made to her boyfriend when he gets back. But before she gets married, she confessed to having these fantasies of being a submissive, of being tied up and spanked and… of being involved with two men… at the same time…”

  I was astounded and leaned back against the wooden edge of the bar. Did Ms. Madsen wish to…? Is that why she kissed me?

  “She said… she wanted to do that?” I asked.

  Charles nodded.

  “These thoughts and desires torment her. She said she wanted to experience them just once, before her boyfriend returns on Wednesday.”

  I looked over at Ms. Madsen. The security guard had broken up the circle surrounding her, enabling me to see what had attracted the crowd around her. This Dom I particularly despised named Polk had released Ms. Madsen and stood her up beside the table. What was he up to? No one but Mr. Anderson was allowed to take off his submissive’s restraints. What made this Dom feel he was above the rules I had set up for the club? The Dom held a finger under Ms. Madsen’s chin and was running his other hand through her shimmering blonde hair. It pissed me off that he was touching her in that way front of the group. Then he raised Ms. Madsen’s arms over her head and she held them up for him.

  I excused myself from Mr. Anderson and elbowed my way through the mass of bodies. As I strode toward Ms. Madsen’s table, I saw Polk peel Ms. Madsen’s dress off over her head, displaying her nude body to the delight of the crowd. The Dom had his disgusting hands all over Ms. Madsen’s breasts and was playing with her nipples between his stubby fingers.

  When I saw the Dom touch Ms. Madsen, the moment I walked in on my ex-wife having sex in our bedroom flashed through my mind. All the repressed anger seemed to explode out of me at once. I snapped, grabbing the man by the shoulders and whipping his body toward me, forcing him to let go of Ms. Madsen.

  “Jesus Jefferson! What the fuck! You startled me! What’s the hell is the matter with you?”

  “You’re a smart guy. What do you think the problem is, Polk?”

  “How dare you grab me like this! Who do you think you are? Take your hands off me!”

  “You’re the CFO for one of the largest corporations in Chicago? Are you so drunk that you forget how to count?”


  “What area of my club are you in right now?”

  “I don’t know. Who cares?”

  A larger crowd began to gather around us to see what the commotion was about.

  “I happen to care, Polk. Perhaps you’ve forgotten how things work around here. Let me remind of you. Just like everyone else, you signed off on the rules and regulations when you became a member of Obsessions. Area 1 is for regular patrons and subs without a Dom. Area 3 is for collared subs whose Doms like to share. And Area 2 is for collared subs you can talk to but not touch! You’ve broken one of the most important rules of my club! You’ve removed this young woman’s clothes and inappropriately touched her in Area 2!”

  “What are you getting so upset about? Did you see what she was wearing? She had on a see-through dress! I could see her entire body through her clothes anyway. She didn’t seem to mind that I took her dress off and fondled her. There’s no harm in it. What are you getting so upset about? Did her Dom complain? Is he upset?”

  “Her Dom’s not upset, Polk. I am.”

  “But look at her! The submissive wanted me to do it. She likes to be touched, don’t you honey? But you’re right. I should’ve asked permission from her Dom first. I’ll buy the guy a drink. Where is he?”

  Ms. Madsen must have seen the rage burning in my eyes and became concerned.

  “Mr. Jefferson. Relax. He’s right. He was just fondling my breasts a little bit. Mr. Polk wasn’t making me feel uncomfortable at all,” Ms. Madsen said, slipping back into her dress.

  “That’s right. Area 1, 2 or 3, what’s the difference, Jefferson? We were just having a little fun,” Polk said, placing his hand on my shoulder like an old friend.

  I slapped his arm off my body like swatting off a fly. Perhaps Polk didn’t deserve to be the target of my anger, but I couldn’t help it. I grabbed him up by his lapels, picked him up off the ground and pinned his back against the brick wall.

  “MY CLUB, MY RULES! In my club, the rules are to be followed to the letter, even if it is inconvenient for you to do so!”

  “What the fuck has gotten into you tonight Jefferson? Let me down! You’re ruining my suit!”

  I reluctantly lowered him back down, his lapels still twisted into two wrinkled balls in my fists.

  “How dare you! Who the hell are you, a disgraced ex-cop, to treat me like this? I own this town! With one phone call I could have your business shut down, permanently! With one phone call I could ruin you!”

  I pushed Polk away from me and he stumbled into the crowd.

  “You go ahead and make that call Polk. I really don’t give a shit about this place. Go ahead and shut me down. You’d be doing me a favor. But I’m going to take you down with me. Your contact information is in my files. I’m sure your lovely wife would love to know where you’ve been all these nights at your “business meetings”. That’s it. You’re out, Polk. I’ll have the dues from now until the end of the year prorated and returned to you. You’re no longer welcome in my club. Now take the young lady who escorted you here this evening and get the hell out of my club.”

  My security guard grabbed Polk by the arm and walked him to the front entrance. Polk struggled in his grasp, shouting profanities at me. Another guard found Polk’s female companion and they were escorted out of the club together.

  I instructed Mr. Anderson to reattach his submissive’s ankle to the table in Area 2. As I walked back toward the bar, the patrons cringed even more so than usual as I passed. The only person who didn’t seem frightened of me was Ms. Madsen, who looked at me with a knowing smirk on her face. I could tell by her expression that she knew precisely why I was so upset. She shook her head like I had been a naughty boy as I passed by. I went behind the bar and made an announcement over the intercom system.

  “I’m sorry for the disturbance folks. Plea
se relax and enjoy the rest of your evening,” I announced in my friendliest voice.

  The crowd slowly dispersed and went back to their activities. I had never heard the bar so quiet and subdued. I caught my bartender giving me a sideways glance like he thought I had lost my mind.

  “Benny, dirty glasses are all over the place. Let’s keep the bar clean,” I said.

  He nodded and went back to work. I sat down at the bar and took a sip of Scotch to compose myself. The club went back to normal, as if nothing had happened. Mr. Anderson sat back down on the stool next to me.

  “So you like her too now, huh? Join the club,” Charles said with a wry sad glance at me.

  Ignoring the comment, I pushed my Scotch away and poured a Perrier in my glass with a trembling hand. I wasn’t used to such confrontations and expressions of emotion. It was the first serious physical altercation I had since my childhood fight. I took a sip of soda. After I put my glass down, I stroked my fingers across my cheek, remembering again how I was cut by the shiny sharp blade.

  “So how did you get that scar?” he asked.

  Rather than just give my normal one word answer, “Knife fight,” I explained what happened.

  “Why did you do it?” he asked.

  “My Dad was a cop in Chicago,” I told him. “It seemed like the right thing to do.”

  “That was very brave of you,” Anderson said.

  After I had calmed down from my dust up with Polk, I stood and picked up the tray with our drinks.

  “Meet me back in my office with Ms. Madsen in five minutes, if you’d like to,” I whispered.

  I walked back down the corridor toward the back. The patrons cowered away from me as I walked by. I went into my office, loosened my tie further and sat on the long black leather couch to relax. Lying back on a cushion, I shut my eyes and rubbed them. I never should have allowed myself to become intimate with a patron. It was highly unprofessional of me. I behaved inappropriately to Ms. Madsen by allowing her to kiss me and then taking out my anger on Mr. Polk for touching her. I considered calling him up to apologize, but then decided against it. Good riddance to him.


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