Finding Charley (Full Circle)

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Finding Charley (Full Circle) Page 9

by Casey Peeler

  “Mama Number Two, you know we love a good chick flick, and I don’t think that’s one of them. We might just watch one in Charley’s room.”

  Mama shakes her head as she scoops vanilla ice cream onto the dumplings. “It’s so good to have y’all back in this house. It’s just weird without all of you, ya know? Tessa, what’s Sally been up to? I haven’t seen her much since Char got home?”

  “Oh, she's around, but she just wanted to give Char and me a little sister time. We’re supposed to double date this weekend.”

  Grabbing our evening dessert, we make our way upstairs to my room and get comfortable on the bed. We turn on the TV and scan Netflix for an oldie but goodie. As I’m in the middle of a bite, my new prepaid phone signals that I have a text message.

  Cash: Y’all back?

  Me: Yeah, funny ur name is n contacts. lol

  Cash::) we still meeting 2night? I’m dying 2 have u n my arms.

  Me: u bet. we r watchin a movie right now. what time?

  Cash: U want me 2 watch it 2?

  Me: Sure let’s not get caught.

  “Dang girl, you got it bad. You better hope you don’t look at that phone around Dylan if Cash texts you because it will be written all over your face.”

  I just shrug my shoulders and let them know that he’s on his way. Of course, Piper is wondering if she and Tessa need to leave, but that’s not the case.

  A few minutes later, there’s a light tapping on my window. I try to casually walk over to open it, but that doesn’t happen. As I slide up the window, Cash kisses my lips and hops in.

  “Ladies, how was Northlake?”

  “Great, would have been better if we hit the lottery before we went,” Piper announces.

  “Yeah, I’m sure y’all would have loved that. So, what y’all watchin’?”

  “Hope Floats,” I say as we make our way back toward the bed. There’s no way we can all fit on there, so Cash leans against the footboard and I ease myself between his legs. He wraps his arms around me, and I’m safe again.

  After the movie, Piper excuses herself and goes home. Tessa exits to her own bedroom, and Cash and I stay still. I want to relish this moment with him, but I soon realize that I better lock the door. Knowing my luck, Mama will have to check-in before bed.

  I move away from Cash, even though I’d rather not. I lock the door and walk back to Cash who has now stood up from the hard wooden floor.

  “I think my ass fell asleep, but it was totally worth it.”

  I smile and make my way back to those strong, hardworking arms. We stand there in silence and just hold each other.

  “Char-coal, I’m glad today was okay. I hope tomorrow is the same.” He kisses my forehead and then places his forehead against mine. In this moment, I wish time would stand still, but that’s not the case. Tomorrow is a new day, a day closer to Dylan’s arrival, and one day closer to my freedom.

  I look into Cash’s eyes, place my hands on his cheeks, and pull his lips to mine. We lose ourselves for several minutes before he distances himself again.

  “Char-coal, I better go. Sleep tight and text me after practice tomorrow. I love you.”

  “I will. I love you, too. Thank you for everything.”

  “What have I done, Char-coal? Except be your biggest fan. That’s all I’ve ever been, but that’s what you do when you love someone. You cheer for them through their highs and lows. Now, get some rest, and I’ll meet you in your dreams.”

  “Can’t you stay, Cash Money?”

  Cash’s eyes become the size of softballs. “Char, your parents would kill us. Plus, that’s not gonna help your plan. Believe me. I’d love to hold you all night long, and I will one day. I’ll hold you all night, and it will be the first night of forever.”

  Cash kisses me again, and backs away toward the window with our hands still interlaced. He lifts the window and crawls halfway out before stopping and kissing me again. Then, he makes his way out of the window, off the roof, and to his farm. I close the window and watch him as far as I can see.

  I turn off my light, unlock the door, crawl into bed, and drift off into a deep slumber. My dreams are happy for the first time in a long time, and then I wake up to that sound I love to hate. Time for practice.

  Chapter 13

  Today the parking lot is fuller than yesterday. There must be more folks home, or the team’s schedule has been changed. I shrug it off and make my way into the GPAC. This morning Molly is already in the pool area, Coach Stephens is on deck, and the lap swimmers are trucking down the lengths of the pool. I head into the locker room, change into my suit, go through my normal pre-swim rituals, and jump into the pool, following day two's workout.

  Just like yesterday, the warm-up isn’t bad at all, and then there are five sets to complete. They are like a perfect bar graph because set three just about kicked my rear and then it was downhill from there.

  The final set, the backstroke, is my specialty, so I know it is going to be a breeze. It is two 100-meter backstrokes under 1:15 with a twenty-second break in between. I got this! Watching the clock, I prepare for the first 100-meters. Knowing it’s my favorite and the event in which I shine the most, I decide to test myself just to see how fast I can really go. I push off the wall, kick as far as I can before turning up the heat, and move my arms in perfect motion. Once I reach the flags, I count to five and do a flip turn. Then pushing off, I thrust hard for the final leg. Counting from the flags, I push with all my might and once my fingertips touch the wall, I check the clock. It reads 1:12:34, but I know I can do better than that. I take my twenty-second break and go at it hard one more time. I am completely focused on beating the 1:10 marker, and it’s going to happen.

  Looking at the clock with five seconds to go, I take a deep breath, focus, and use every ounce of strength, desire, and emotion of the past few days and put it all into the water.

  As I reach the flags, I can feel my calf muscles begin to burn, and I know I’m making great time. I flip and push with everything I have. On my final lap, I move my arms as fast as airplane propellers and kick my legs as hard as I can when I see the flags. I reach for the wall again, and just as I turn to look at the clock, I see him. Dylan Sloan is standing over my lane. Oh shit!

  Standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face, he starts talking before I can actually process that this is not a nightmare.

  “Damn, Charley, that was a great time. 1:09:46. I guess you have been in the pool. You know, that text really got me thinking, and I had to get home as soon as possible,” he says with a wink.

  I take a deep breath and try to respond, knowing that this plan is going into effect one day early. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I put on my big girl panties and realize this is what I have been waiting for. It’s time to make a deal with the devil himself, and he’s going down in the end.

  “Thanks, I’ve been working my ass off if you want to know the truth. I’m hoping to make Olympic Trials this year,” I say nonchalantly. “Well, I need to finish my workout.” I reposition my goggles and get ready to start my cool-down. He is standing there at a loss for words. I didn’t give him the time of day or gawk at his perfect body. I acted cool and shook him off like he was the Dylan before we started dating. I’ve definitely got him where I want him already.

  After finishing the 200 choice cool-down, I remove my goggles and cap and place them onto the deck of the pool and dip my head back into the water like I do every day, but today is different. I know Dylan is watching, and I know what he likes so I turn it up just a notch. I don’t look at him except from my peripheral vision, and it’s evident that he notices.

  Trying to hide the fact that I know I’ve got him looking, I hop out of the pool in one fluid motion and make my way to the locker room, shaking what my mama gave me on my way to get ready for the day. It’s time to let Cash, Piper, and Tessa know that this plan is starting now.

  Entering the locker room, the first thing I do is send a group text to Piper, Cas
h, and Tessa from the prepaid phone.

  Me: Dylan’s here. I’m k. B home n 30.

  I put down the phone and begin to grab my shower stuff from my bag when the phone starts to blow up. The first text is from Cash, followed by Tessa, and then Piper. I assure them that I am fine, and we will talk as soon as I get home. I can’t risk anyone overhearing anything.

  I shower, get dressed and pack my bag to leave. As I open the door to the locker room, I almost jump out of my skin when Dylan startles me.

  “Can you not scare people like that?”

  “You know, Charley, it wasn’t too long ago that you liked when I startled you in this hallway.”

  “Well, that was then, and this is now. Why aren’t you in the pool anyways?”

  “I just wanted to talk to you in private before you left. Make sure everything was okay.”

  Okay my ass. He is totally up to something.

  “I’m good, but I gotta go. Piper’s waiting on me. We got a little girl time planned this afternoon.”

  A flash of confusion runs across his face. “You mean you, Cash and Piper, right?”

  “Um, no. I said girl time, Dylan. My life doesn’t revolve around Cash.”

  A smile beams across his entire face, and I know I’ve got him hook, line, and sinker.

  “So, I take it there is trouble in paradise?”

  “There is no trouble because we aren’t together. We haven’t been for a while, if you recall. I like being away at school, and he wants me to stay in this little hicktown. I’m enjoying living life. Kinda like what you wanted me to do, but I was too much of a prude back then.”

  “Well, well, I find that a little odd, considering your strong values, but college changes folks. I’ve changed, just so you know.”I bet he has.

  “Oh, really? You wanna prove it?”

  “I thought you’d never ask. So, what do you say if I pick you up tonight, and we catch up on what’s been going on?”

  “Aight, want to see if Tessa and Dustin want to hang with us?”

  He must sense that I’m nervous because he gives in to that, or maybe because he’s trying to play the good ol’ boy card.

  “I guess. Dustin and I will pick y’all up at seven.”

  “Sounds good.” As I turn to leave, Dylan's hand brushes my arm. I get chill bumps, but not in a good way.

  We go our separate ways, and I hurry to the car. I have got to get out of here before I lose it. I throw my bag into the car and break every speed limit on the way home.

  Once I’m back at the farm, I notice that Mama’s car is gone, and I’m thankful. I need to talk to Tessa without a chance of her eavesdropping. I hurry into the house and start to holler for Tessa. She is halfway down the steps before I even get the “T” out of my mouth.

  “Char, are you okay? What did he say? Did he touch you? Are you sure you can do this, because I really don’t think I can. I mean, I will if you still want to, but I don’t know.”

  “TESS!” She stops mid-sentence of her rant. “I’m good; it’s a day early, but I’m okay.”

  “Really? ‘Cause I’d have wanted to chew him up and spit him out! Cash has already called and said you need to call him when you got here. Piper’s on her way over.”

  “I’ll call him in a minute, but we need to talk, just you and me.” She gives me her best ‘what the hell’ look. That’s when I explain our double date.

  “Tessa, you have got to act like you like him, and that Cash is nothing to me. Do you understand that? You wear your feelings on your sleeves, and right now, we can’t let that happen.”

  “I gotcha, Sis. I guess I’m jumping on the Team Dylan bandwagon for you only. I’ll call Dustin and fill him in before Dylan gets home from the pool.”

  Tessa hurries back upstairs to call Dustin, and I call Cash.

  “Hey, Cash Money.”

  “Char-coal, I’m so sorry you have to deal with this already. I just wanted one more day.”

  “Listen. If it wasn’t today, it would be tomorrow, and then we would want another day. The sooner this starts, the faster it’s over. But, you’ll be proud to know that he’s already falling right into my hands. This might be easier than I thought.”

  “Char, don’t get too confident because you never know what that sick fucker is thinkin’.”

  “I know, but he totally believed that I was pissed at you. Oh, and we have a date tonight with Tessa and Dustin.”

  Cash doesn’t say anything.


  “Char, something is so off about that. He’s totally jumping right back on the Charley boat, and that’s not his style. Be careful. I have a feeling that he has something up his sleeve.”

  “I will, and Dustin and Tessa will be there. I’m not putting myself alone with him unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “It’s not. Remember that. Do you know where you’re going tonight?”

  “No, but somehow I’ll let you know.” As Cash and I finish our conversation, I see Piper hauling ass down the gravel. “Um, Piper’s here, so I guess I better get off the phone and explain it all to her. I’ll let you know where we are and call you tonight when I get home. Okay? And, Cash Money, I love you. Only you.”

  “Be careful, Char-coal. I love you so much. I’ll be waiting, and if you need me, I’ll be there in a flash.”

  “Charley! Where are you?” Piper yells as the screen door slams behind her.

  “I’m in the kitchen talkin’ to Cash.” Turning my attention back to Cash, we say our goodbyes once more and hang up.

  Piper stands there impatiently tapping her foot for answers.

  “Charley, what the hell? I thought we had one more day? One minute we're talking about a plan and the next it’s in motion. I just can’t handle this!” I look at her with complete surprise. Piper is never this tore up. She is an emotional wreck.

  “Pipe, what’s really goin’ on?”

  “It’s Joe. He just called me and said that Dylan’s making plans for you again. He sent him another creepy message. This is too dangerous. You need to go to the cops now.”

  “What did he say? And when did he send it to him because he was getting ready to start his workout when I left.”

  “I’m guessing that as soon as your Honda was outta sight, he went back to being the same old Dylan. He called Joe this time and thanked him for all his hard work because you were falling right where he wanted you. Charley, that’s freaky! Joe called me as soon as he hung up with him. He doesn’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Are you sure, or do you think this is part of Dylan’s plan, too?”

  Piper paces back and forth and turns on her heels so many times I lose count.

  “Char, he’s on our team. I’m positive. He has a good heart. Yes, he made a horrible mistake, but haven’t we all? Please forgive him, and let’s move on.”

  “I’m tryin’, but I just want to be mad at him. Isn’t that okay?"

  “I know you do, but it’s not right! If it were you, you wouldn’t quit until he forgave you.”

  I don’t say anything to that because I know she is exactly right. I turn and grab a Choice Cherry Gold from the fridge and toss her one as well. She pulls two packs of Fun Dip from her purse, and we sit at the table and eat in silence, but yet the silence fixes what is broken between us.

  “Pipe, I’m sorry. You’re right, but I just don’t want to. I know he’s got a good heart, but there are things that I thought I knew that I don’t and that scares me. What if Dylan talks him into doing something else?”

  “He’s not. He doesn’t want to lose you again or me for that matter. I believe in him, Char, and you should, too. Now, back to what’s going on here. What are you going to do?”

  Tessa be-bops in at the perfect time. “I’ll tell ya what we’re gonna do. It’s called a double date.”

  Piper turns to look at me, and I nod my head yes.

  “Well, I’d love to see how this goes. I think that’s safe, Char, and don’t be alone with him, n
ot until you know it has to happen.”

  “I won’t, Piper. I do need a favor tonight. I need you to text me while we're out and ask what I’m doing. Then, you can relay it to Cash. Sound good?”

  “You got it!” I give her a hug, and we curl up on the couch and watch a few ABC Family Christmas movies before she leaves.

  Piper gives Tessa and me hugs and then makes her way down the drive. Tessa and I look at each other. It’s time to get all dressed up because we have somewhere to be tonight. Plan Take Dylan Sloan Down is about to be in full swing.

  Chapter 14

  Right on time, Dylan and Dustin pull into the driveway. Knowing that I’m about to get back into the car that started my night from hell gives me goose bumps. Tessa must sense it, too. She looks at me with questioning eyes, and I just smile.

  Mama and Dad are in the kitchen. We’ve tried to keep them in the dark as much as possible. The less time I have here with them and less questioning, the better.

  “Mama! Dad! We’ll be back by eleven!” Tessa yells.

  “Hold up, young ladies. Where are you going?” Dad asks as he makes his way toward us in the foyer.

  “We have a double date tonight with Dustin and Dylan.” Dad looks at me like his head is about to spin.

  “You’re what?”


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