Finding Charley (Full Circle)

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Finding Charley (Full Circle) Page 14

by Casey Peeler

  “My parents’ Christmas party is Christmas Eve. That one is gonna be tough, but it can be doable. Just remember that I’ll meet you here later to exchange our presents, okay?”

  “Okay, but what about New Year’s?”

  “Hayden and Anna are all about finding a country boy since they met you. I figured they could help run an interference, along with Caroline, Tori, Sarah, and Georgia. I plan to call them tomorrow, but I do think you need a date to Mama and Dad’s party, as much as I hate to say that.”

  “No way! I’m not going with someone else. Besides, who would go with me?”

  “What about Sally?”

  “No! I’m not going with anyone. I’ll just make an appearance and try to stay clear of him.”


  “No, Char-coal.”

  “Well, if you feel like that would be better for you, then do it. Plus, it might make it look more realistic.”

  “No, it won’t. If I want you to move home and not go back to school, there is no way I’m moving on to someone else that quickly.”

  “Okay, you have a point. Can we quit talking about this?”

  “Sure.” I make him forget everything around us by kissing his lips long and hard. He begins to lose that thought and lose himself in me.

  Before we know it, Cash is on top of me, and we have our hands in places that our parents would kill us over.

  Cash continues to stay true to his word, and he pulls away from me so things don’t go any further.

  “Ya know what I wanted to do this year for New Year’s?” he asks.

  I shake my head no.

  “I wanted to take you somewhere you’ve never been, but have always wanted to go.”

  My mind starts to race with all the possibilities, but only one stands out in my mind. “Can I guess?” He nods. “Nashville.”

  “Ding, ding, ding. You are correct.”

  “Cash, that would cost a fortune. I can only imagine what Music City is like. One day we are going, that’s for sure! And, when we do, I want to be the biggest tourist around!”

  “Whatever your country heart desires.”

  We spend a little more time together before Cash takes me back to the house. Once we reach the barn, he kisses me like his life depends on it to breathe. I walk backwards to the house so that I can keep my eyes on the one that matters the most. I wave bye when I enter the back door and sneak upstairs.

  Chapter 19

  The next morning I’m woke up with Mama yelling for me to get up and get ready for church. I grumble, pull the covers above my head, and then jump up because I know for the next two hours I get to see my Cash Money. Even if we can’t talk, we are going to be in the same room.

  Since I’m moving a little slower this morning, Mama and Dad go on to Sunday school, and Tessa waits behind with me.

  We arrive for Sunday school ten minutes late, and I’m relieved to know that Dylan isn’t here this morning. My heart also skips a beat when I see Cash sitting across the room.

  The lesson is exactly what I needed to hear, and we make our way to preaching. Cash’s family is directly behind me with the Sloan’s to my right. Talk about uncomfortable! Piper is two rows ahead of us.

  By 11:55, people are beginning to get restless, and the preacher wraps up the sermon. Once the closing hymn and benediction are finished, we walk outside. Cash doesn’t hang around, and he is heading down the main road by the time I make it down the front steps of the church.

  I wait on Dylan to see what his plans are for the rest of the day and the week. We decide to see each other tomorrow at the pool. He knows that this week is busy with practice, the Christmas party, Christmas Day, and spending time with our families. He walks me to the car, kisses me goodbye, and Dustin does the same with Tessa.

  We make our way home for a fabulous home-cooked Sunday lunch, complete with country style steak, homemade mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and rolls.

  Now that I’m as full as a tick, I relax for the remainder of the afternoon. Tessa and I enjoy a little sister time, and then Piper comes over to join in the Christmas movie marathon. I text Cash and let him know we are taking it easy today, and I’ll talk to him later tonight.

  I don’t think about Dylan, the plan, or anything except a perfect afternoon with two of my favorite girls in the world.

  As the night arrives, Piper goes home because I have to go to practice in the morning. Dylan calls to see how my day has been, and Tessa decides to sleep in my room with me.

  As I doze off, I hear a tapping at the window, and I don’t need to think about who it is. That is until I realize it’s not Cash; it’s Dylan.

  “What are you doin’ here?” I say with my arms crossed in front of my body.

  “I just wanted to surprise you and give you a goodnight kiss.” At the same time Dylan speaks, Tessa moves, causing him to look confused.

  “It’s Tessa.” She wipes her eyes and does a double take. Then, she waves and lies back down.

  “Sorry, if I’d have known you weren’t alone, I would have stayed home.”

  “It’s all right. Come here.” I pull him by his shirt and kiss his lips. “Now, go before my parents wake up! I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll see you in the morning.” He kisses me again and makes his way back out of the window.

  I shut it and lock it. Crawling back into bed, I hear my door creak open. “Char, is everything okay? I thought I heard a guy’s voice.”

  “Yeah, we’re fine. Tessa’s stayin’ in here tonight.”

  “Oh, okay. Sleep tight. Love y’all.”

  “Night, love you, too.” She closes the door, and we both exhale loudly.

  Tessa whispers, “Ohmygawsh that was close, and what the hell was that? Has he done that before?”

  “No, he hasn’t. Oh no! What if he saw Cash do that the other night? What if he’s in trouble?”

  “Don’t worry. He’s gone. I’ll text Cash real quick though.”

  Tessa texts Cash to tell him to keep his eyes and ears open. He feels like there is no need to worry, but we decide not to meet up until Christmas Eve.

  Eventually, I doze off, and of course, awakened by that awful alarm clock. Seriously?!

  Chapter 20

  Monday through Thursday is exactly the same. I wake up, go to practice, get ready, eat lunch with Dylan, help Mama and Dad at the house and farm, eat supper, and repeat until Christmas Eve.

  I wake up Christmas Eve and stare at the clock. It’s 10:30. When was the last time I saw that? I don’t have practice; it’s just time to celebrate the reason for the season. I grab my phone and notice I have four missed texts, one from Piper, two from Dylan, and one from Georgia. Glancing at them, I decide to check Georgia’s first.

  Georgia: Miss ya bunches! We still getting together?

  I don’t reply; I just hit Call.

  “About time, Char! I figured you were at the pool, but it wasn’t that long of a set today.” She takes a breath before realizing I’m still half asleep.

  “Yeah, well, I decided to sleep in. I haven’t missed a day yet. I was planning on calling you to see about your plans for New Year’s, because um…” I pause. I don’t know how I’m going to explain all of this to her. “I’m kinda seeing Dylan… like a lot.”

  She wastes no time before she butts in. “What the hell, Char? This better be good because he is a piece of shit. Please tell me you didn’t fall for his crap! Wait. What is Cash saying about this? I mean, I don’t even know what to say! Where is my strong Charley who’s ready to kick some ass and take some names?”

  “Georgia, hold up. Don’t get too excited. I can explain.”

  “You better.”

  “When I got home, I decided I needed to put a stop to this, but on my own terms. I want Dylan Sloan to suffer, pay for what he did, and in doing that, I’m making him trust me. Then, when he’s completely oblivious, I’m taking him to the big house.”

  “And, how are you going to do that? He�
�s dangerous. Don’t get yourself in over your head.”

  “Listen, Georgia. I have it all figured out, but I need your help along with the rest of the Kluft girls. I was thinkin’ it’s ‘bout time to show those Yankees how we do it in the South. Whatcha think?”

  “Hell yeah! Hayden and Anna will die! ‘Cause you know we’re outstanding in our field!”

  “Damn right, we are! So, let’s say y’all come up on that Thursday, and we can all practice together New Year’s Eve at GPAC. Anna and Hayden can hang out with Piper and Tessa.”

  “Speakin’ of Piper, what in the heck has happened with her and Joe with all the shit that’s gone down?”

  “Well… you’re not gonna believe this, but Joe did what he had to do in order to protect me. Dylan was at Whiskey River that night. Joe knew if I went, there was no telling what Dylan would have done to me.”

  “Char, are you kidding? I never would have thought that. I mean, I didn’t want to think he was as bad as Dylan, but he really didn’t give us any reason to believe that he was on our side. It looked really bad!”

  “I know, and I basically got in a big argument with Piper about it. She told me she talked to him, and I pretty much lost it on her. Then, my eyes were opened, and we are all good now.”

  “Speaking of being all good with people, how’s Cash? Is he okay with this?”

  “No, he’s not, but he agrees we had to do something. He doesn’t like my plan, but knows that I’m only going to do things my way. Tonight’s gonna be rough though, because we have to go to my parents' Christmas party, and Dylan’s my date.”

  “Shut the front door! Char, that’s awful! Please tell me Cash has a date.”

  “He refused to bring anyone. He thought that might make it look more real since he’s playing this overprotective lover role. I’m just hoping he doesn’t beat Dylan’s ass if he touches me.”

  “Char, what are you going to do about that? You know he’s gonna expect some type of action.”

  “He’s been a gentleman so far except the fact that I need a gallon of hand sanitizer when he touches me.”

  “I think I just threw up in my mouth! Yuck! Please tell me you’re not gonna let it go far.”

  “I promise I’m not. That’s why I need y’all to run an interference at the New Year’s Eve party.”

  “I’ll call all the Kluft girls and see if they are in for New Year’s. I’m sure they will, but Char, stay safe. I can’t wait to see you. Have a Merry Christmas.”

  I hang up with Georgia and call Piper. We are meeting for a last minute shopping trip to get something festive for tonight’s party. Then, I look at Dylan’s text.

  Dylan: I’ve dreamt of you all night again & missed u at GPAC this morning.

  Dylan: my lips missed yours 2.

  Oh my gosh! I really think I’m gonna be sick. I grab my sanitizer from the bedside table and wash off my hands and wipe down my cell phone. Not like it’s gonna do anything since it was just a text, but it still gave me the creeps. It’s the first time I’ve seen him say or type something that bold since this charade started.

  I shake the thought from my head and gather my things to shower and get ready for the mad dash to Northlake with Piper.

  As I’m drying my hair, Tessa comes into the bathroom and almost scares me to death.

  “Don’t do that shit, Tess!”

  “Sorry, I just wanted you to know I talked to Cash this morning.” My mood suddenly changes, and I feel a happiness that I’ve lacked since I woke up.

  “What’d he say?”

  With a huge grin, she acts like it’s a big secret. “Spit it out, Tess!”

  “He said that he can’t wait to see you tonight, and he will be on his best behavior. Oh, he also said something about meeting him later. I don’t really remember those details.” She giggles, knowing that was the most important part. I take my comb and chunk it at her. She ducks and begins to laugh harder. I cut my eyes at her, and she knows I’m done with the conversation if she doesn’t have the info I want to hear.

  “Hey, Tessa, do you wanna go shopping with us today?”

  “Heck yeah! Can I see if Sally wants to go, too?”

  “It’s fine by me, but that means we have to be careful what we say.”

  “Never mind then because we have got to talk about tonight.”

  I finish getting ready, and we talk to Mama until Piper arrives. We load up in Piper’s car and make our way to Northlake. Traffic is horrible. What were we thinking? It’s Christmas Eve.

  “Y’all, can we like rethink this plan? Traffic is insane!” Piper says.

  I look at Tessa, and we both raise our shoulders. I just need a dress that screams Charley, something in which Dylan would approve, but more importantly, Cash will love later tonight. This could be difficult.

  “Hey, since we’re close to Lebo’s, can we just check there?” I ask.

  Piper and Tessa look at me like I have got to be kidding.

  “Char, we could have gone to the damn General Store for that!”

  With a pouty lip, I reply, “Not really. Lebo’s has so much more, and if there’s nothing there, then we can hit up TJ Maxx.”

  That brings a smile to their faces, and we are at Lebo’s in no time. I walk inside and glace at the women’s clothing. I see it. I know exactly what dress I need, but that might mean a new pair of boots in my future as well.

  To my right is a black sequined zebra print dress with an asymmetrical hem, cap sleeves, and a scoop neck. It’s perfect. I just hope they have my size.

  Rustling through the rack, I find my size and hurry to the dressing room. As I make my way there, I notice a pair of Corral crystal inlay boots that are a perfect match with this dress. Glancing down the shelf, I find a size eight, grab them and take everything into the dressing room.

  I slide on the dress. It’s light, hugs at the right spots, and is just enough for the party. Slipping on the boots, I look into the mirror and know without a doubt that this is the outfit.

  “Char, hurry up! Let’s see it!” Tessa exclaims from outside the dressing room.

  As I open the door, Tessa’s mouth drops, and Piper squeals like I’ve found the perfect prom dress or something.

  “Char, Cash is gonna fall out when he sees you!”

  Tessa speaks her mind, “More like be ready to take her out of that dress.”

  I place my hands on my hips and give Tessa the look. I turn around to change, but before I do, I look into the mirror one last time. Cash is going to love it! The boots totally set it off, and Dylan will approve, too.

  I hurry to dress, pay, and cringe at the total as I pass my debit card to the clerk. The clerk laughs as she swipes it and gives it back. I take my card, place it back into my wallet and we head toward the door.

  We make our way to TJ Maxx, find Tessa and Piper new outfits for tonight, and then return to Grassy Pond.

  “So, Charley, what’d you get Cash for Christmas?”

  “Actually, it’s kinda something for both of us.”

  “Whatcha mean?”

  “I got two tickets to see Florida Georgia Line in February.”

  Tessa bursts out in song while pushing down the power windows. “Baby you a song, you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise.”

  “Roll up that damn window! It’s freakin’ cold in here!” Piper exclaims.

  I smile. I love these two, and they have been here every step of the way. “Yeah, I thought it would be fun, but now I’m worried ‘cause what if all this mess isn’t over by then?”

  “He can take me instead,” Tessa states with a straight face.

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Hey, no need to miss out on a good country boy in action.”

  “Oh, I’ll be going. No worries. I pray this shit with Dylan is over by then.”

  “Speakin’ of Dylan,” Piper pipes in, “what’s the deal with tonight?”

  “Okay, the party starts at seven thirty. Dylan is coming around eight. That gives us
a little time to get ourselves together. Plus, that way Cash will hopefully get to see me first.”

  “Sis, you know that’s gonna be a problem. Cash is one that is going to wear his emotions on his sleeves. You know his parents will get there earlier, and he will be with them. I just pray y’all can have a moment alone before the other guests arrive.”

  “That would be fabulous. I just need him to hold me for a minute.” Tessa and Piper glance at each other. “What? I do! There is just something about those arms. I feel lost without him. I just keep telling myself this is all worth it.”

  “Char, it will be, and I can’t wait for that asshole Dylan to rot in hell. I wish Joe could have come down, but that would look too suspicious. I thought about inviting him for New Year’s. What do y’all think about that?”

  “I’d love for him to be here because I do need to apologize, but how do you think that will play in with Dylan?” I ask.

  “Joe’s been trying to play in with our game as well. He’s trying to get back on Dylan’s good side, or at least let him know that you and Cash are finished.”

  Those words sting as I hear Piper say them. I never want us to be finished. When that happens, it will be when one of us leaves this world. Until then, Cash Money is mine forever and ever.


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