Finding Charley (Full Circle)

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Finding Charley (Full Circle) Page 16

by Casey Peeler

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry I had to see the back porch scene.” I am completely humiliated and nauseous.

  “Oh, Cash, I didn’t want that to happen, but I had to make him believe.”

  “Shhh.” He places his index finger over my lips. “No more about that. This is a night we have been waiting on.”

  “I love you, Cash Money, and I always will.”

  “I love you, too, my Char-coal. Thank God you didn’t change. That dress is what has gotten me through the night.”

  “That’s why I bought it. For you. I knew you’d love it.”

  “I don’t care if you’re wearing a trash bag, I’ll love you no matter what,” he says as he pulls me in for a sweet kiss that makes my leg pop.

  We take a seat on the futon and share a sandwich and drink. As we fill each other in on the events of the past week, I realize that this plan might take down Dylan, but I’m losing precious moments with people that matter the most in my life.

  “So, are you ready to exchange presents?” I ask.

  “If you want to. You want to go first? I bet you’ve been dying to give it to me all night.”

  “You know me too well.” I take the envelope from my side and pass it to him. He takes extra time opening it to torture me, and then he pulls out two rectangle pieces of paper and reads the print.

  “Here’s to the Good Time Tour…we’re going to see FLAGALine?” I shake my head quickly. “I love it, Char-coal, but you do know this gift is one you bought for yourself, too.”

  “Ya got me!” I wink. He places them beside him and closes the distance between us.

  “Is it okay if I take Tessa instead?” he inquires as his lips graze mine.

  “You most certainly may not,” I say as I close the gap and continue to show him how much he means to me.

  Cash pulls away and removes a box from his jacket pocket. My heart begins to beat erratically because there is no way there is a diamond in that box. But, what if there is? I’d be the happiest girl in the world.

  As if reading my mind, Cash lets me down easy. “Char-coal, it’s not that, but one day it will be.”

  My heart sinks. I should have known because Cash would do this right. He would ask my parents for permission, make a perfect night, Dylan wouldn’t be in the picture, and he would give me my happily ever after.

  Taking the box, I unwrap the red chevron paper and open a small ring box. I am instantly at a loss for words. Staring at me is a chic silver circle ring. It’s simple, elegant, and the meaning behind the circle is what this ring is about.

  Cash takes the box from me, removes the ring, and places it onto my ring finger.

  “Char-coal, you have been my beginning, and you will be my end. You complete me in every way possible, and when all of this comes full circle, just know that we are never ending, just like this circle,” he tells me as he embraces the ring on my hand.

  Tears build in my eyes. “Cash, I love it, but I’m so scared. What if it doesn’t end the way we want it to? What if I end up alone, lonely, or never able to rid myself of Dylan? What if I lose you?”

  “That won’t happen, Char-coal, because I will never let you be lonely. You deserve more. You deserve happiness with a man who worships you regardless of your faults, knows your fears, and won’t let anything come between you.” Taking my face in his hands, he continues, “I am that man. I promise that I will never give up on you, me or us. We will make it, and this is my reminder. Just like your necklace, I’m your anchor that keeps you grounded and makes you complete. I love you, Charley Anne Rice, and I always will.”

  The tears begin to fall, and Cash makes it better by kissing them away. As I begin to let Cash in, forget the day and the plan I’ve made, and lose myself in him, my phone chirps and then Cash’s does the same. I try to ignore it, but it continues to blow up. Cash and I separate and look at our phones. Panic. Sheer panic is written all over both of our faces.

  Group Text:

  Tessa: Dylan left house & on way here! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  My breathing begins to increase, and I feel like I’m going to hyperventilate. Cash is terrified. We hurry down the ladder and to the four-wheeler. We haul ass back to the house without our lights on.

  “Cash, you might want to let me walk back instead of getting too close.”

  “Hell no!”

  I don’t argue; I hold on to him tighter as we approach the house. There aren’t any lights on other than my room, no cars are out of place, and there has been no other word from Tessa.

  Cash leaves the four-wheeler and helps me to the house and up to my room. Before I climb up, I turn. “I love you, Cash Money, with every ounce of my being.”

  “Char-coal, I love you more than life itself, but get your ass in there before shit hits the roof!”

  “Okay.” I kiss him quickly and hurry inside. I start to watch him walk away when Piper tells me to change and act like I’ve been here all night.

  “Will you make sure Cash makes it back to the four-wheeler and outta here? He’s gonna text when he gets back.”


  I undress in record time, wash my face, and pray that I don't smell like Cash. For once in my life, I don’t want his scent on me because that could be a dead giveaway with Dylan.

  As I crawl into bed, Tessa’s phone chirps. Cash is home safe. No sooner has she hit the Lock button is there a tap at the window. I don’t need to glance. I know it’s Dylan. Sliding out of bed, I open the window and ask him what the hell he’s doing here.

  “I just had to see you again tonight, Charley. Oh, hey, Tessa and Piper.” They wave, and I realize that that prepaid phone is sitting two feet from us. Oh shit! Quickly, I make eye contact with Piper, and she reads my mind. While I distract him with a kiss, she hides it.

  Dylan laces his hands in mine and plays with the ring on my finger.

  “What’s this, Charley?”

  “Piper gave it to me for Christmas. Do ya like it?”

  He looks at both of us confused. “Yeah, it’s different. Looks like something she’d buy ya. Look. I’m sorry I came by late again, but I just had the need to see your beautiful face again and bring your Christmas gift to you.”

  “Oh, Dylan, you shouldn’t have. I didn’t get you anything because this all happened so fast.”

  “No worries. Here ya go.” He gives me a small box. “Sorry it’s not wrapped. I got it late today right as they were closing.”

  “It’s okay.” I open the box to see a small, simple bracelet. It’s a silver cuff with the famous Finding Nemo line, “Just keep swimming”. He takes the bracelet and fastens it onto my wrist.

  “Charley, I know things haven’t been good between us, but I want you to have faith. I want you to swim, not sink. I can help you if you trust me.”

  I’m in complete shock. Who is this person standing in front of me?

  “I’m working on it.” Is all I can reply.

  He kisses my cheek and then leaves. Just like that, he leaves. I stand there and watch him climb out of the window, down the roof, and to his car. I turn to Piper and Tessa who have the same look. What the hell just happened?

  Chapter 22

  “What the hell was that, Charley?” Tessa asks.

  “I have no clue, but I do know that is totally not like him. Do you think he knows?” I say as I make my way back to the bed.

  Tessa wastes no time calling Dustin to see what else he knows. Dustin assures us that Dylan doesn’t know what is going on, but he got very adamant about seeing me. He even said his entire demeanor changed.

  “What do you mean ‘changed’?” I ask Tessa.

  “Like he couldn’t get you off his mind, had to touch you, and let you know that he’s changed.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? He’s crazy. There is no way he has changed since Study Day. That was only two weeks ago.”

  “Charley, we believe you, but maybe he’s got a real mental problem,” Piper states.

“Ya think?” I say smartly.

  “Hey, let me see that ring I gave ya.” Piper smiles.

  I show them my ring finger, and they both stare.

  “Charley, that is gorgeous. I love the circle. You know what they mean, don't you?” she says.

  “Yeah, they mean forever. He told me he would never leave me no matter how this turns out, but I’m scared. What if it doesn’t end like I plan? What if Cash isn’t here in the end?”

  “Char, don’t talk like that. He’s been your forever before you knew what forever meant. There are some things in life that the forces don’t mess with, and y’all are one of them.”

  Piper gives me a hug, and we try to take our mind off things when my prepaid phone rings. Glancing at the screen, I recognize the perfect number.

  “Hey, Cash Money, are you okay?”

  “Me, okay? You’re worried about me?”

  “Well, yeah, I mean, I didn’t know if he was going to you next. I’m just terrified he’s gonna hurt you.”

  “He won’t, and if so, I’m ready.”

  “How are you ready?”

  “Don’t you worry your sweet self over it. I will handle it if things get bad, but what did he want?”

  “He wanted to see me and give me a Christmas gift.”

  “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? We can’t have one night where he tries to steal my thunder.”

  I make my way off the bed and open the window to climb onto the roof. Tessa tosses a blanket to me.

  “Listen, Cash, it means nothing. Yes, I hate that he ruined our night, but it just means that we are one step closer to our forever. You hear me? Our forever. Please don’t do anything to stoop to his level.”

  I don’t hear any words on the phone, just slow, shallow breathing. Then, he speaks.

  “Char-coal, no matter what you might think, each time I see you with him or he one-ups me, I want to beat his ass. I want to show him how much I love you and that you belong to me, not him. Tonight at the party, I went missing because I couldn’t take it. Later, I had to see that display of non-affection on the back porch. I’m losing my mind, and it’s only been a little over a week. If I’m not careful, I’m going to lose my sanity.”

  “Cash, please come get me.”

  “I don’t think it’s safe.”

  “But… but, I need you. You’re my antidote to this hell I’m currently in.”

  “No, Charley, I’m not. It puts us both at a risk.”

  “Pleaseeeee Cash,” I squall through a monsoon of tears.

  “Stop, Char-coal. Stop. I can’t hear you like this.”

  “I’m. Tryin’. To. Stop. But. I. Need. You. Now.”

  “I’m on my way. Char-coal, I love you, but I don’t want to chance our happily ever after.”

  “We won’t.” We disconnect, and I wrap the blanket around me and wait on my Cash Money. I can see him in the distance, and he makes his way to the roof. We sit outside in the chill of the night. He holds me tight, and I know it will be okay.

  “Cash, can you stay with me?”

  “Um, that might be weird. Piper and Tessa are both in there.”

  “It’s not like we didn’t do this all the time growing up.”

  “Char-coal, as much as I want to say yes, I’m saying no. I want to keep you safe, and that doesn’t. It allows more opportunity to get discovered.” I pout my bottom lip. “Now, that’s not fair! How about this? I’ll hold you till you go to sleep, then I’ll go home.”

  “It’s not exactly what I want, but I’ll take it.” We stand, and I take his hand and guide him into my room. I slide into the middle of the bed, and Cash follows me, wrapping his arms around mine, and again I’m safe in Cash Money’s arms.

  As I wake up, I roll over and my heart plummets when I feel the side of the bed is empty. He left. I roll back over and realize that it’s Christmas morning.

  Piper has already gone since it’s Christmas, and Tessa is on the floor sprawled out with no covers. I shake my head and then roll onto Cash’s side because it makes me feel close to him.

  As I’m about to doze off, Tessa jumps up. “Santa’s here! Get up, Char. Let’s go.”

  Taking the pillow, I cover my face and scream. I can’t believe she’s already up. She pulls the covers off the bed, and I jump to grab them, but she keeps them out of reach.

  “Aight, I’m going.”

  I slowly roll out of bed and check my phones. Nothing. Not a word from Cash, Dylan, or anyone.

  We make our way downstairs to see what Santa has brought. At almost adulthood, I still believe in Santa, because if I didn’t, I wouldn't get jack. My parents always made sure we had what we needed, but more importantly, knew the reason for the holiday.

  “Whatcha got, Tess?”

  “Ah, ya know, clothes, money, and a new iPhone.”

  “Shut up!" I yell as I dig in my stocking. "Santa, please be good to me!” He is. There is a brand spanking new iPhone 5c in pink. As we finish, Mama and Dad are overlooking our excitement.

  “Girls, I take it Santa was good to ya?” Dad says.

  “Yup! So, when’s breakfast?”

  “Charley, we just got up. Give me a minute to get a cup of coffee in me, and I’ll get it going,” Mama says.

  We all go into the kitchen to help Mama with the coffee. I take a cup for us girls. Dad won’t touch the stuff.

  Tessa and Mama fix theirs just alike, black. I, on the other hand, want coffee with my cream.

  We sit at the table while Mama begins to prepare breakfast. The aroma of bacon, sausage, and homemade biscuits fills the kitchen. Dad is in the living room finding Christmas music on the radio. Finally, he locates one he likes, and of course, it makes me laugh. They are playing “Christmas Don’t be Late” by The Chipmunks. Tessa and I look at each other and laugh. That is so Dad.

  Once the biscuits are golden brown, we eat a hearty homemade breakfast and then unwrap the presents under the tree after my grandparents arrive.

  Everything is exactly how it should be. My family and I at home, enjoying each other's company. I know that I belong in Grassy Pond, and I know that I will return here once I graduate from Southern. There is only one thing that will make this morning complete. Cash. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door.

  Chapter 23

  “Merry Christmas to you, too, boys,” Dad says as he stands at the door.

  Tessa and I turn our attention to the front door to see Dustin and Dylan. Still in our pajamas, we get up to make our way to meet them.

  “Merry Christmas, y’all two,” I say as we welcome them with a hug. “Y’all wanna come in?”

  “Nah, we just wanted to wish your family a Merry Christmas. We are going out of town this afternoon to Gramp's house in Charleston, so we won’t be back for a few days.”

  “Oh… well, that sucks.”

  I hear Mama comment, “Charley Anne, watch your mouth.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I lead Dylan into the living room, and Tessa and Dustin follow. “How long are y’all gonna be gone? I mean, y’all will be back by New Year’s, right?”

  “Oh yeah, we should be back by Thursday.” Inside my heart skips a beat because I can relax, but I need to play it down. I place my hand on his leg. “I really wish you didn’t have to go.”

  “Me too, but Gramps is expecting his boys. It’s this big deal when we go at Christmas. We have a big shootout.”

  “Fun! You know I’d beat ya though.”

  “Yes, you don’t have to rub it in.”

  “I guess when you get back, the Kluft girls will be here. We are all gonna practice together at GPAC. You should join us.”

  “I think I will. Well, we better get goin’. Mom and Dad should have everything ready to go when we get back. It was good to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Rice.”

  “You too, Dylan,” Mama says, and Dad nods.

  We walk them both to the front porch and outside.

  “Thanks for stopping by, Dylan.” I lean up and kiss him. “Behave while yo
u’re gone, and I’ll see ya when ya get back.”

  As I step back, he pulls me in close again. His lips ravish mine like he’s trying to make this last until he returns.

  Knowing Mama and Dad are on the other side of the door, I pull away and place my hand on his chest. “Guess we better calm it down. They might be watchin,” I say as I point to the window. He smiles, and it almost hurts because he looks so good.

  “I’ll see ya, Charley. Merry Christmas, Tessa. You ready, Dustin?”

  Dustin kisses Tessa bye and walks to the Mustang while catching glimpses of her over his shoulder.

  When I open the door, I see Mama and Dad getting the presents out from under the tree. Tessa and I jump in to help them.

  Other than making piles of presents, there is no order to our gift opening. It’s pure chaos. We don’t take turns to see what everyone gets; it’s just see who opens the fastest.

  We pause when Dad opens his gift from us. It’s a photo of the one and me. Tessa took the picture and made an awesome frame.

  “Char, now that’s what I’m talking about. Tess, you made the frame, didn’t you? It’s perfect. You have a talent, you know.”


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