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Airborne Page 3

by Kimberly P. Chase

  ‘I don’t know for sure, but I think it was an earthquake.’

  ‘But that’s never happened before.’

  ‘I know, hun. Let me go take care of the panic and we’ll talk when I get back,’ he promised as he stepped into the elevator.

  Aurora nodded, but her father probably didn’t even see it. The doors were already closing. Standing in the hallway outside of her dad’s condo, Aurora tried to remember the last time Orlando had felt an earthquake. She had nothing … Maybe the reporters would forget about Skyller Dagan now and actually report the news. Or maybe everyone else, like her, had thought it was just a mistake in their simulation.

  A few minutes later, as she’d pulled up the grid on her techiwatch, the elevator door pinged opened.

  ‘Dad?’ He couldn’t be back already. ‘Are you …?’ Aurora’s voice faltered as she got a good look in the elevator.

  Zane stood near the back, leaning against the wall. There was a sharpness in his eyes, even though he looked completely at ease. Hair dark as the night sky fell in waves over his familiar lean face. Black cargo pants molded his long legs and the combat boots he always wore outside of the Academy covered his feet. A bag hung over his shoulder filled with stars knew what.

  For a moment he didn’t appear happy to see her. But why else would he be in the elevator of where she lived?

  Silence stretched between them until Zane shook himself out of his pensive stare.

  Aurora swallowed when he stepped out of the elevator. What was he doing here? Had he snuck in to see her? They’d left things unsettled between them.

  ‘Aurora?’ Zane questioned, like he was surprised to see her too.

  ‘Zane,’ she whispered, afraid she’d scare him away. ‘What are you doing here?’

  Zane adjusted the strap on his shoulder. ‘I, uh, came to see you.’

  ‘How did you get up here?’ Aurora didn’t bother waiting for an explanation. Of course, he could get up here. ‘It’s good to see you.’ Maybe he’d wanted to spend time with her. Or work on the trust issue that had kept them apart all last semester.

  ‘I wanted to, uh, surprise you.’

  She raised her eyebrows at his response.

  ‘I think I might have surprised myself by actually making it up here.’ Zane shrugged and Aurora thought the uncomfortable gesture was cute. Was he nervous?

  Realizing her dad could come back at any moment, Aurora grabbed Zane’s hand and pulled him into the condo. If her dad found anyone up here, he’d freak. And not in the normal fatherly way because a boy was with her, but one who somehow bypassed all of his precious security.

  Aurora glanced over her shoulder at Zane, as she dragged him behind her. ‘It was easy to get up here, huh?’

  Zane shrugged. ‘Well, things are a little crazy down there right now. So I probably won’t be able to do it again.’

  Pushing open the door, Aurora tugged Zane along until he was standing in the middle of her room. He stood next to her bed, studying everything in that way of his. Her swirling purple and gold walls, the books stacked neatly across shelves, her overflowing closet … his eyes focused on her bed and he swallowed.

  This was the first time they’d been alone in weeks. So much seemed to stand between them—everything that happened last semester, his trust issues, Sky.

  ‘So did you feel all those vibrations?’ Aurora asked, trying to ease the tension.

  ‘Yeah.’ Zane nodded. ‘I’m guessing it was an earthquake.’

  ‘Right.’ Aurora pursed her lips in thought. ‘But we’re not near a fault line.’

  ‘Actually that’s not exactly true. Florida is situated on the edge of the North American Plate. Florida sometimes feels it when activity happens in the Gulf of Mexico too.’

  Wow. Where did he store all of this information?

  ‘I didn’t know that.’

  ‘Most people don’t. It’s been hundreds of years since Florida has felt any tectonic activity.’

  So maybe there wasn’t anything to worry about. Only a natural phenomenon. The news stations, if they’d gotten over themselves that is, would probably confirm just that. Aurora thought about turning on the grid for a second before she completely dismissed the thought. What if they were still reporting on Sky?

  Talk about awkward.

  Zane was in her room. They were alone. He’d obviously come to see her and Aurora had some things she wanted to get straight.

  ‘So is there something you wanted to talk about?’ Aurora sat down on the bed, going for nonchalance. ‘Not that I’m not happy to see you.’ She bit her lip. ‘Because I am.’

  Still standing in the middle of the room, Zane nodded. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘Look, I know we have some stuff to sort out.’ It was time for Aurora to be honest. ‘I like you … and it hurt me when you didn’t show up to the dance.’ Before Zane could say anything, she continued. ‘I know you had your reasons for not being open with me.’ Like being an unknown. ‘And I know that I didn’t handle it in the best way.’ Running away and making out with Sky hadn’t been her most mature moment. But obviously the way things had been with Zane hadn’t been working for the two of them. Somewhere along the way Sky had snuck into her heart too.

  ‘I don’t know what to say,’ Zane admitted.

  Aurora patted the bed next to her. ‘Why don’t we try that whole trust thing?’

  Zane sat awkwardly next to her on the bed, his long legs stretched out beside her.

  ‘So why don’t you tell me why you’re an unknown?’ Aurora had always believed unknowns were criminals. He didn’t seem like a criminal.

  Zane didn’t look at her as he answered. ‘Honestly, it’s not something that’s easy for me to talk about. I’m not … like you.’ He rattled off his story like some sort of robot. He showed no emotion as he spoke. ‘I ran away from the orphanage as soon as I was able. I lived alone, stole, and bartered tech, anything to survive.’ Zane shrugged. ‘Then I tested for the Academy. And the rest is history.’

  ‘Ms Lovell didn’t care that you weren’t registered in the world database?’

  ‘I think she was more impressed with my test scores.’

  Wow. That sure was something. Aurora couldn’t even imagine how hard his childhood must have been—without money, without parents, really without love. And yet, he’d still succeeded and made it into the Apollo Academy.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered, not knowing what else to say.

  Zane laid down next to where she was sitting on the bed and gestured to the walls. ‘Sorta looks like the Aurora Borealis.’

  Aurora didn’t fault him for changing the subject. She lay down next to him, their arms touching. ‘Yeah. You’ve seen them before?’

  ‘No, just on the grid.’

  ‘Oh, right.’ How was it that she’d already managed to say the wrong thing? The thing that reminded them so acutely of their very different backgrounds.

  ‘Have you seen them?’ he asked, not seeming to mind her faux pas.

  Aurora sighed, relieved he wasn’t upset. ‘Yeah, my dad took me for my tenth birthday.’ She’d never forget the trip with her dad to Bear Lake, Alaska. To this day it was still one of the most magically beautiful places she’d ever been.

  Somehow Aurora started talking, the words flowing like liquid from a sink. She told Zane about the small town that was surrounded by glacier-capped mountains, even in the summer months. How the green and blue lights would swirl and sway in a pirouette dance that caused her heart to soar. She explained how they reminded Aurora of her mother.

  ‘Bear Lake was a special place for my mom and dad before I was born. It’s why they named me Aurora.’ She felt the bed dip as Zane scooted closer to her, making her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Aurora didn’t move, afraid she’d scare him away.

  She just kept talking, even when his hand made its way into hers.

  ‘That far north, the skies are free of pollution and big city lights. You can see everything.’ She imagined the sky from the shut
tle window would almost be as clear with nothing to keep her from seeing the stars. ‘I fear as the population continues to grow, some people might not be able to see them anymore.’ People like Zane.

  Aurora didn’t realize she’d started crying until Zane leaned over and swiped a finger under her eye. She looked up startled. Hooded gray eyes locked on hers as they gazed at one another.

  He slowly leaned down and lightly kissed away the remaining tears.

  Aurora tilted her head back wanting to discover this new closeness between her and Zane. Her own version of the Aurora Borealis swirled around her as Zane’s tongue slipped into her mouth, making her forget everything.

  She lost herself in the heat of their embrace.

  Chapter 6


  Feeling bold, Zane slowly let some of his weight settle over Aurora’s body. He’d successfully kissed all of her tears away and yet he still couldn’t stop touching her. Since he couldn’t ever seem to tell her how he truly felt, he decided to show her.

  For a few seconds, thoughts flew through his mind while he traced her face with his hands. It had been an accident. But had it? Zane didn’t plan on seeing Aurora today, but right now he could see nothing accidental about it. It felt more like fate, if he believed in fate that is. Even after the whole Sky debacle, Zane knew they were connected. If only he could stop lying to her about everything.

  Her lips parted when he traced them with his finger and Zane felt the heat of her breath ignite something new within him.

  He’d never forget the past hour as she’d shared her childhood with him. It wasn’t the first time Aurora had blown him away with her words, but these had been for him. Like she could replace his memories with hers. Zane wondered if this is what love felt like.

  That would be a problem. He didn’t know how to love. How could he possibly give Aurora everything she needed when he had no experience with love himself?

  And another issue—Collin Titon. The Titon Technologies stamp on his genetic makeup proved that he’d messed with Zane’s DNA.

  And that was a pretty big issue. What would Aurora do if she knew her father had experimented on him? That Zane had undergone some form of eugenics? That he was literally a Titon Technologies product.

  None of that seemed to matter as he leaned over her. He released all cognitive thought, wanting to be focused completely on Aurora. He trailed his lips from her checks, down her neck, until he finally claimed her lips. Her breath quickly changed from slow and steady to quick, panting breaths. He knew his matched hers.

  Aurora circled her arms around his neck and pushed her hands through his hair.

  Slowly. Torturously. Zane continued to explore her mouth.

  When Aurora yanked him fully down on top of her, he groaned. She felt so good beneath him.

  Aurora grasped the bottom of his shirt with clumsy fingers, so he lifted his body briefly from hers, allowing her to pull it off.

  Zane let out a satisfied smile as Aurora’s gaze traveled over his chest. When she traced a finger down his abs, he shuddered. Her touch was exquisite. He’d never complain again about Coach Harris’s tactics if this was Aurora’s reaction to his six-pack.

  Zane pushed Aurora back on the bed and this time their kisses were anything but slow. They were hypnotizing, fast. He felt like he was floating.

  Aurora’s mouth parted in a gasp when his hand slid under her shirt. When she leaned forward, he sat back and pulled it off.

  Zane lost his breath.

  Aurora’s scarlet hair fell in waves around her shoulders like some sort of fire halo. A hot pink bra covered her flushed chest. Her nipples hardened when his gaze traveled over her cleavage and down her tiny waist. After he had his fill, his eyes returned to hers.

  ‘You’re breathtaking.’ Zane knew there had to be a better word to describe Aurora, but his brain didn’t seem to be functioning properly.

  ‘So are you,’ she whispered back. Pink tinged her cheeks as they gazed at one another. It was then that Zane realized she was a virgin. Her wide innocent eyes gave her away. But then her emerald gaze deepened, like she was ready to explore things she’d only thought about before.

  He was too.

  Aurora pulled him back down on top of her. As their kisses deepened, she rocked her hips against his. Zane pressed himself against her, right where she needed, and right where it tortured them both. A moan escaped both their lips at the pressure. He decided they weren’t close enough and quickly moved to pull her pants off too.

  When Aurora boldly unclasped her bra, Zane saw stars.

  Before she could tell how nervous Zane felt about making this moment perfect for her, he dragged his left hand over the inside of her thigh as he lightly, slowly moved it upward, teasing her.

  Aurora shuddered, goose bumps covering her legs. Zane leaned forward, holding his body up with one arm. He grazed his finger around her hipbone, and then up and over her nipple. He watched her face in fascination. He’d never taken such pleasure from other girls before.

  When his thumb stroked over her nipple, Aurora’s back arched.

  ‘You drive me insane.’ He leaned down and whispered into her neck. To prove his point he lowered his body once again to hers, letting her feel the hard pressure of him against her thigh.

  Aurora shifted, moving so that he was lying right on top of her.

  Zane groaned. ‘You’re going to be the end of me.’ His voice came out gruff. He kissed the side of her neck, enjoying her trembles beneath him. He wanted to kiss and memorize every inch of her. He spent a few minutes loving her hipbones and stomach until he finally reached her tits. He slowly swirled his tongue around her right nipple, lavishing every second of it. He held her other breast and it fit his hand perfectly.

  Zane vaguely registered the security attendant announcing ‘Front Door Open’ a few blissful minutes later. Aurora pushed weakly against his chest, tearing her lips from his.

  ‘Zane,’ she said forcefully. ‘My dad’s back.’

  He jolted. Her words couldn’t have been more of a mood killer. How could he have let his guard down? Here of all places. He jumped off Aurora, hastily pulling on his shirt. He couldn’t be caught here.

  Zane had no intention of meeting Collin Titon so unprepared.

  Chapter 7


  Zane’s face flickered with something like panic, but it was gone before Aurora could be sure. As he pulled away from her, she was briefly distracted by Zane’s bare chest. She squeezed her hands together to keep from pulling him back down on top of her.

  ‘Zane, it’s not a big deal. My door’s locked.’ Aurora tried to calm her racing heart.

  Zane didn’t respond. He ran to the only window in the room and threw it open. Before she had time to say what the hell are you doing? he’d grabbed his bag off the floor and was squeezing himself through the opening.

  Uh, what? Now Aurora had never been caught with a guy in her room before, but she was positive this wasn’t a normal response.

  ‘Wait.’ Aurora hastily pulled her top over her head, not worrying about her bra. She ran over to the window. ‘I can tell him I let you up.’ Zane’s knuckles were white as he strained to hold himself against the window railing. ‘Or wouldn’t hiding under the bed be easier?’ she questioned.

  Zane’s lips twitched, but he didn’t move.

  ‘My dad’s not that scary.’ She was eighteen. Students at the Academy were always hooking up. Why couldn’t she? You risk your life for a living and living kind of came with the territory. Not that her dad knew anything about that.

  A knock on the door caused them both to jump. ‘Aurora?’

  ‘Just a minute,’ she yelled, glancing at Zane.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered, before ducking fully out the window.

  Aurora didn’t have time to contemplate the absurdity of this move. Zane was choosing to scale a thousand foot building rather than running into her dad.

  Knock. Knock. ‘Aurora? You okay?’

; Aurora scrambled to get the rest of her clothes back on. Before she opened the door, she looked out the window one more time. Aurora didn’t see Zane anywhere. It was like he’d completely disappeared. What. The. Hell? Her father wasn’t that bad.

  ‘Hey, Dad.’ Aurora opened the door. She padded down the hall past him, hoping he’d follow.

  He did.

  ‘So what’s going on?’ she asked.

  ‘I tried hailing you, but didn’t get an answer.’ His forehead crinkled. ‘I thought you’d want an update. There was an earthquake in the Gulf of Mexico and we felt some of the tremors here, which is why the security alarms were going off everywhere.’ His eyebrows rose in question.

  ‘Oh, wow,’ was all Aurora could manage. Zane had already told her this. And an hour ago she might have been curious to know how everyone was handling it. But the tremors from the earthquake earlier were nothing compared to the chaos Zane had just caused.

  ‘Anyway I wanted to make sure you were okay and let you know I won’t be around tonight,’ he continued.

  ‘O-okay,’ she stuttered, still not really paying attention.

  Her dad decisively nodded, like he’d made an important decision. ‘I’ll be back to take you to the Academy in the morning.’

  The Academy. Tomorrow. Right.

  She couldn’t even manage to be happy that her dad was back on board with her training. Not that he could have kept her home tomorrow when the time came.

  ‘Call me if you need me,’ he called over his shoulder as he moved toward the front door.

  Aurora nodded, trembling. She’d lost herself in the moment with Zane, but her mind and heart were now shaken.

  He was still keeping something from her.

  Chapter 8


  Zane was an idiot. He dug his fingers into the cement casing of Aurora’s window as he dangled precariously on the rim. One wrong move and he’d plummet a thousand feet. Zane didn’t even need to glance down to know that he’d barely be able to make out the people walking mindlessly on the street below.


  There was nowhere for him to go but down.


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