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Airborne Page 14

by Kimberly P. Chase

  ‘They’re sick too.’ Kaylana swallowed before continuing. ‘Dr Shaffer locked all three of them in the medical bay. No one is allowed in or out.’

  Even though she was weightless, it felt like the floor had dropped out from underneath her.

  ‘So we’re all alone?’ she whispered. With all three Alliance astronauts in the medical bay, there was no one left to run the station. To teach them how to take care of themselves.

  They needed to get off Aviary.

  Aurora forced herself to focus on what needed to be done. ‘We have to hail the Alliance.’ She unzipped from the sleep sack and headed toward the command room. Kaylana floated along behind her.

  They found Zane, Akemi, Kylie, Quinn, Reed, Miles, and Rick crammed in the room in a frantic conversation.

  ‘Are we going home now?’

  ‘What happened to Nathaniel?’

  ‘What did he die of?’

  ‘Why are Tor and Mercury sick too?’

  The questions flew fast and furious and there was no way for Aurora to know who shouted what. Zane was the only one not speaking. He just observed everyone falling apart around him.

  ‘What are we supposed to do?’

  ‘Are we going to get sick too?’

  Aurora floated behind the command station; they were all oblivious to her movements as they continued to freak out.

  If anyone else were here to take care of the situation, she might have joined them.

  But Aurora kept her shit together. She grabbed the mic, activated it, and spoke calmly to the cadets in the room. ‘Listen up. We all need to calm down so that we can get through this.’

  As one they turned to look at her. She fought the urge to back up.

  ‘Dr Shaffer has obviously secluded Tor and Mercury in the medical bay with him so that we stay safe.’

  Kaylana gaped at her like she’d lost her mind. But this was what she’d been training for … with Tor indisposed someone had to run Aviary. The AI program, Stella, would help, but someone still needed to be in charge of the people.

  ‘I’m going to hail an Alliance shuttle so that they can come help us. If we all work together and share the station responsibilities, we’ll be fine.’ Aurora stared them all down. ‘Do you get me?’

  Their response wasn’t as enthusiastic as she’d hoped, but at least she got a few head nods and a couple yes’s.

  ‘Good. Go eat and get some sleep.’

  As soon as the room cleared, leaving only Kaylana, Zane, and Rick, she allowed her shoulders to slump. ‘We need to work together.’

  If they could do that, they’d survive.


  They only made it eight hours before Aurora’s speech was completely forgotten.

  The glass windows to the medical bay gave them a front row seat to the astronauts suffering inside. Tor wore a gown instead of his flight suit. The man that used to hold so much power and confidence was pale and drawn. Dr Shaffer told Aurora through the mic that he was showing the same symptoms as Nathaniel.

  That meant he’d be dead too in the next few days if Dr Shaffer didn’t find a way to stop it.

  There was no way to hide this from the cadets.

  As soon as the words left her mouth, she’d wished she didn’t have to tell them. Most weren’t handling it well.

  Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

  The sound was heaven as it interrupted her thoughts. It could only mean one thing. The Alliance was here to take over. As the shuttle docked with the station, Aurora glided toward Aviary’s command center. When she entered the room, a male voice spoke over the speaker. ‘Aviary, this is Jett. What’s your status?’

  Aurora picked up the hand held mic. ‘We’ve got three people contained in the medical bay. One …’ Aurora choked out the next word. ‘Body.’ She took a deep breath. ‘Everyone else is ready to depart.’

  ‘Wait. I thought you only had one death on board. Why are three other people contained in the medical bay?’

  ‘Tor, Mercury, and Dr Shaffer are in the medical bay. When they showed symptoms, they locked themselves inside. If we could get them home and get real help—’

  Aurora heard Jett mutter something like this is worse than we were told, followed by ‘stand by’.

  Zane, who observed the whole conversation, spoke up. ‘They’re going to leave us.’

  ‘No.’ Aurora shook her head.

  Zane looked sad for her. He turned and quickly floated toward the hatch that led to the shuttle. She knew that it wouldn’t matter if he got their door open. It was a two way street, the shuttle would have to open their door too.

  She remained silent, squeezing the mic as she waited for Jett’s response.

  Nothing but dead air …

  When Zane’s fist banged on the shuttle’s hatch, the noise echoed into the command room.

  Warning lights flickered across the control panel in front of her.

  ‘Zane, shut the hatch!’ Aurora yelled.

  The shuttle was undocking from the station.

  ‘Shit,’ Rick cursed. ‘He was right.’

  The hatch slammed shut, saving Zane in the nick of time. Any longer and the station would have depressurized.

  ‘I’m sorry, folks, but the Alliance has decided to place Aviary under quarantine. When we know more about what’s going on in there, we’ll come up with a plan,’ Jett said calmly.

  ‘You can’t just leave us here, sir … we’re only cadets.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I’ll come back as soon as we have a safe plan for everyone. I can’t risk exposing my crew or anyone else to whatever’s in there. Microbes work differently in space …’

  Aurora felt the beat of her pulse in her forehead. She didn’t want to have to say what she said next, but if it would save her friends lives … ‘Do you know who you’re talking to?’ Aurora questioned, allowing her voice to take on a superior tone. She’d heard her father use this same tone a thousand times. ‘This is Aurora Titon. You have to come back.’

  Silence for several moments and Aurora thought they might listen.

  ‘I’m sorry. Even that name has a limit.’ The transition cut off.

  Aurora threw the mic down. They were so screwed.

  Chapter 31


  Mid-bite, Sky listened intently to the Alliance announcement broadcasting over the speakers in the cafeteria. They didn’t make station-wide calls often, so it meant something very important was happening.

  ‘Lunar Base Astronauts, we’re placing all missions on hold. The base is to remain under lockdown until further notice.’

  Sky dropped the fork. It fell in slow motion in the lower gravity, pinging a few seconds later when it hit the table.

  ‘Lockdown?’ Sky glanced around. The other Alliance astronauts appeared just as shocked by the message. What? Why?

  ‘Mining is to continue as usual, but no one is to leave the surface. All gathered materials will be stored until flight missions recommence.’

  ‘Flights are canceled?’ That was the only thing that had kept Sky sane these past few weeks. He’d been so busy keeping up with the payload transports that he hadn’t even had a chance to miss his sim flights with Aurora.

  ‘No one is to leave the lunar surface. This is for your safety and the safety of others. We appreciate your cooperation.’

  Sky tuned the rest of the announcement out. No flying. Shit. Lockdown. What the hell was going on?

  As the notice repeated itself, everyone around Sky continued on with whatever they were doing before the announcement. Apparently it was nothing to stop eating over. But all of the astronauts in the room specialized in mining. There were only two stationed pilots on the base at a time, so really there were only two people trapped here. The mining astronauts would continue on with purpose.

  ‘I guess that means you’re grounded for a while, huh?’ Ryan said, as he sat down on the seat next to Sky.

  ‘I guess.’ Sky rubbed a hand through his hair. ‘I don’t get it.’

njoy it. Now you’re getting paid to do nothing.’

  Ryan so didn’t get it. Taking away his flight privileges was like stripping him of his balls.

  ‘Don’t look so upset about it. You can come mine with us,’ Ryan suggested.

  ‘Maybe. Would I get to control a lunar digger?’ That wouldn’t be so bad.

  Ryan rubbed his chin. ‘I’ll see what I can do. But the Alliance would freak if they found out a non-trained miner was running their million dollar equipment.’

  ‘Nah, the Alliance loves me,’ Sky said, waving his hand in the air.

  ‘Oh, that’s right. Now that they know who your daddy is they’ll just bill you if you fuck up.’

  Sky rolled his eyes, trying to blow Ryan’s words off, but they felt like sandpaper rubbing against his skin. ‘I’m not a fucking Dagan,’ he said hotly.

  Ryan leaned away from him. ‘I was just teasing, man.’

  Sky tried to rein in his temper. ‘Besides, Frontier Solutions is broke and it’s Henry Dagan’s fault. Paying the media to keep me a secret and who knows who else probably bankrupted him.’

  ‘Serves him right.’ Ryan dug back into his food and spoke with a mouthful. ‘But I thought the company was doing better now that what’s his face took over.’


  ‘I heard he made a huge deal with somebody and is turning everything around.’

  ‘Yeah, he’s such a hero,’ Sky muttered. He remembered the news report where Veronica Harley reported Rowan Dagan was taking over Frontier Solutions perfectly. A fifty million dollar capital injection with a company that will be mutually beneficial. He remembered every single word. The fifty million dollar question was who was that company?

  Not to mention the weird investigator’s report that Aurora had sent him. No matter how many times he’d looked at it, he still couldn’t make anything of it.

  Sky must have been frowning because Ryan asked, ‘You don’t believe Rowan did it?’

  ‘I don’t believe anything that comes out of a Dagan’s mouth.’

  Ryan choked on his food. When he recovered, he asked, ‘You know that would mean you too, right?’

  ‘Yeah, you probably can’t trust me either.’ Sky smiled.

  ‘Look, I know people started treating you differently when they found out, but I’ll talk to them.’ He glanced around. ‘I know you’re still the same arrogant ass everyone used to love.’

  Sky barked out a laugh. ‘Yeah we can’t let my reputation get ruined.’ Finished with his food, Sky stood and patted Ryan on the back. ‘I’m going to find some trouble.’ He strolled out of the cafeteria, already knowing what to do with his free time. First, he was going to find out what the hell was going on to cause a lockdown. And then, he was going to find out what his half-brother was up to.


  ‘Sky?’ Ms Lovell’s concerned face appeared on the wall screen hanging in front of him.

  ‘Who else would call you from the lunar station?’ Sky teased.

  ‘I’m sorry, but Aurora’s not here at the moment,’ Ms Lovell returned.

  ‘Touché.’ Sky grinned. ‘That’s not actually why I’m calling … though …’ He stopped speaking. Why did he have a sick feeling that he’d just stumbled upon the reason for the lockdown?

  ‘I was actually getting ready to contact you.’ Ms Lovell glanced away from her screen. She seemed nervous.

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘The class eight cadets flew to the training station last week—’

  ‘I know.’ Sky would’ve given anything to be with Aurora when she’d left Earth for the first time. He could just imagine her emerald green eyes lit with joy. ‘I can’t believe I missed it.’

  ‘I know, but when you came on board as an instructor we both knew you’d still have to fulfill your six month mission requirements.’

  Sky nodded. At the time, he didn’t think he’d miss the Academy. Flying was everything to him. He’d only said yes to Ms Lovell’s instructing proposal when she’d asked because he owed her everything.

  ‘I’m afraid our class eight cadets are in trouble,’ Ms Lovell continued.

  Sky’s head snapped up. ‘Does this have anything to do with the lockdown announcement I just received from the Alliance?’

  Sky couldn’t be sure, but it looked like Ms Lovell’s face paled.

  ‘They placed the lunar station on lockdown?’ She swallowed.

  ‘Yeah. I was calling because I figured you’d know why.’

  ‘I do know why, but I had no idea it was going to affect the lunar station.’ Ms Lovell took a deep breath before continuing. ‘This is going to complicate things.’

  ‘Tell me.’

  ‘There’s some sort of problem on Aviary. A report came through about an Apollo Alliance astronaut being sick of an unknown cause—’

  ‘So?’ It was sad, but what did that have to do with anything? Sky realized he should probably care more. ‘Who?’ He knew pretty much every Alliance astronaut.


  ‘Shit.’ Sky had flown with him a few times. Good guy.

  ‘That’s not all. A cadet died and the report says there are others sick. No one on the station knows why and the Alliance is following standard quarantine protocol until they have more answers.’

  ‘Who?’ Sky asked through gritted teeth. Not Aurora. Not Aurora. If she’d died, he would have known, right?

  Ms Lovell’s voice was soft when she spoke. ‘Nathaniel.’

  Sky’s shoulders drooped. One of his cadets. ‘He would’ve been a damn fine astronaut.’

  ‘That’s why Aviary and apparently the lunar station were quarantined.’

  Sky’s heart raced. Aurora. Even knowing that the Alliance was only following proper protocol—protocol that would probably save lives—it still didn’t soften his next reaction.

  ‘They can’t do that!’ he exploded like a rocket. Waves of heat threatened to crush Sky as adrenaline angrily pumped throughout his body. Instantly he broke out in a sweat.

  ‘The Alliance doesn’t want to risk any more personnel. You know how low their numbers are.’ Ms Lovell’s voice traveled over Sky’s headset all the way from Earth. Even though she spoke calmly, Sky could tell her voice was lined with steel. Ms Lovell didn’t like this decision any better than he did. Not to mention, Collin Titon would probably be on her ass within the hour.

  ‘Yeah, but they can’t just abandon the station. It’s not only Alliance astronauts on board right now, there are students—’

  ‘Don’t you think I know that, Sky? They’re my kids, my cadets. They’ve cut down all communication on Aviary to Alliance personnel only. They won’t even let me talk to them.’

  ‘Then what the hell are we supposed to do?’

  ‘There’s nothing to do but wait.’ Ms Lovell’s voice seemed resigned when it reached his ears.

  Sky let out a slew of curse words. Further conversation was pointless if their only option was to wait. Waiting … seemed like a horrible idea. What were they waiting for? For more of them to die? ‘I gotta go.’ He disconnected the call.

  Helpless, Sky grabbed the first thing his hands could find. He threw the desk across the room, hulk-like in the lower-g environment.

  Chapter 32


  Aurora knew Kaylana would’ve been pacing the hallway if she physically could have. Instead she gripped the side handle, squeezing it so hard that her fingers turned white, staring through the medical bay window.

  ‘He locked himself in there so no one else would get sick,’ Kaylana said. She was referring to Dr Shaffer, who wouldn’t open the door, deeming himself too ill to be around anyone.

  It had been three days since Jett left them on Aviary with an unknown sickness. Three days of quarantine. Three days of panicked cadets attempting to run the station. Three days and they were still no closer to a solution. With Dr Shaffer dying and the medical cadets locked out of the medical bay how were they supposed to find out what was wrong?

  Tor a
nd Mercury were dead. Aurora hadn’t let herself really acknowledge their deaths yet she was too numb. In shock.

  ‘But someone should help him. What if he can be saved?’ Kaylana continued to plead with her like Aurora really had a say on the matter. After her little speech, she’d become the go-to captain of sorts.

  ‘He’s too far along. He’ll be dead soon. It’s an unnecessary risk.’ Stars, she sounded like the Alliance. ‘No one can go in there. We can’t risk exposing ourselves. Once they’re dead, the virus is contained. The Alliance can decontaminate the room and we can go home.’ That was a lot of ifs and a really cold-hearted position to take, but it seemed like the smartest choice. As much as she hated to admit it, the Alliance was right. Sometimes tough decisions needed to be made to save others. And she’d do anything to keep Kay safe.

  ‘We can’t just leave him in that room to die!’ Kaylana looked at her as if she didn’t recognize her anymore.

  ‘What do you want me to do, Kay? I can’t risk you—’

  ‘We don’t even know how it’s spreading. You may be leaving him in that room alone for no reason!’ Kaylana yanked on the door futilely but it didn’t budge.

  ‘Dr Shaffer was in direct contact with Nathaniel, Tor, and Mercury.’ It was a calculated risk to leave him in there, but the other option that the virus wasn’t spreading person to person was too scary to contemplate.

  ‘He had a breathing mask on,’ Kaylana ranted. At this point, everyone had gathered to watch this show down. Protocol had been thrown out the window.

  Akemi pushed himself next to Kaylana. ‘She’s right, we don’t know how it’s spreading.’

  ‘All the more reason to keep them in there until we know,’ Zane coldly stated.

  Thank the stars someone else understood her reasoning.

  ‘I don’t think it’s spreading through human contact.’ Kaylana tried to sway the crowd.

  ‘Why?’ Zane asked.

  ‘Because …’ she gasped for an answer. ‘Dr Shaffer was covered! And how did Nathaniel get it in the first place?’

  ‘If anyone came into contact with Nathaniel it would have been Dr Shaffer. Tor and Mercury too. They all tried to save him,’ Zane quietly stated.


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