Amber: July: Mystic Zodiac, Book 7

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Amber: July: Mystic Zodiac, Book 7 Page 8

by Brandy Walker

  Theo turned and left. She expected Andreas to follow on his heels. Instead, he closed the door and pushed her up against it. He locked her in place with his pelvis. His hands coasting down her arms until he could link their fingers together. Up they went; pressed over her head, and she was forced to tip her head back to look into his face.

  Gold glittered in the depths of his eyes, reflecting the needs of his wolf. She could feel the animal ripple beneath Andreas’s skin. The man himself gritted his teeth and furrowed his brow. “This is more than a weekend fling.”

  “That’s what you said before.”

  “And I’ll hear you say it before I leave,” he demanded. Dipping his head, he kissed her forehead. Then feathered his lips across her eyes, down her nose, and over her cheeks. Light, delicate touches at odds with the strong, masculine Alpha pinning her in place.

  His cock thickened noticeably against her lower belly. Goddess, it felt good. The memories of the last few days flitted through her head. Kissing. Fucking. Talking. Lying in bed curled around each other. Listening to him breath while he slept. Never in her life had she felt as content and happy as she did with him.

  “Amber,” he growled, his fangs visible in his mouth.

  What would it hurt to acknowledge the weekend had meant more to her than she wanted it to? “Fine,” she whispered, afraid to give the words too much voice. “It was more than a fling.”

  The tension drained from him, and he lowered her hands. Brushing her hair off her shoulder, he then cupped her cheek gently. “I’ll see you next weekend. That’s the earliest I’ll be able to get out here. Expect me Friday. I’ll meet you at the bar, so save me my seat.”

  She nodded dumbly as the words tried to process. She heard them. Knew what they meant. But what he was saying wasn’t sinking in.

  His need-filled gaze lowered to her lips when she licked them. His mouth curved into a wicked grin.

  She expected a kiss to follow the sinful look on his face. But she never expected him to dive for her neck. Sharp fangs pierced her skin and he sucked deeply. He groaned against her flesh. She clung to him as her legs wobbled and knees threatened to give out. Heat rushed through her bloodstream like a bolt of lightning. Every nerve ending burst into flame. An orgasm roused by the feel of him—mentally, physically—was just on the edge. Her pussy throbbed and nipples beaded. A slight gyration against him proved not to be enough. She wiggled and tried to worm her way onto one of his massive thighs. The need to grind her clit, build friction between them making her desperate.

  Suddenly, he pulled away, licking his marks before he stepped back. Taking every last delectable inch out of her reach, along with her orgasm.

  “Andreas,” she pleaded, reaching for him to pull him back. He chuckled and it pissed her off. This wasn’t how it went with other men. She wasn’t the one breathless and begging for more.

  “No, glykó mou. I want you to think about that while I’m gone. Every night while you lie in bed, I want your thoughts focused on what you felt when you were with me. How you felt with me. The warmth that enveloped you. The heat of your need. How your Siren called for the wolf, and how the woman called for the man.”

  He kissed her hard and quick, and yet it still left her breathless. With his hands on her upper arms, he shifted her, allowing him to open the door and leave.

  “Friday, glykó mou. Don’t forget.”

  She scrambled to watch him climb into the truck. Theo reversed out of the drive, taking her heart with him.

  Chapter 13

  July 7th – Tuesday 0900

  Andreas pulled his SUV into his reserved spot at nine on the dot Tuesday morning. Usually, after a long weekend, he went into work early to make up for lost time. After Theo dropped him off at his house the previous day, he found he wasn’t in so much of a hurry to get back to his pile of paperwork. Other things were on his mind. Other adventures called his name.

  He had a mate waiting for him, whether she admitted it or not, and a storefront waiting to be claimed. On the long drive back to the city, the pieces of the puzzle started falling into place. The storefront would become a men’s store much like A Shift in Style, but on a more tailored, upscale, personal level. Appointments would be necessary for in-store visits. Private rooms. Designated attendants. He didn’t doubt it would be a success, and it would bring more people into Summerset, he was sure of it.

  He didn’t know how the small town would like his idea, but he could find out with a few phone calls. His talk with Frost about the town and business viability helped ease his initial concerns. But the only way he could make those calls to get more information was if he got out of his vehicle and headed into his office.

  Grabbing his briefcase and coffee, Andreas climbed out and made the long trip to the tenth floor. People got on and off the elevator. No one spoke to anyone outside of their working realm, and even the few rare times it happened, conversation was limited to small polite pleasantries. Good morning. How was your weekend? The generic greeting and mild interest people feigned to make it through the day.

  He wanted more than that. He could see that now. After the weekend at the bar, the interaction with complete strangers, he craved synergy with other Mystics, other people. He even contemplated Theo’s offer to join his Pack. But Andreas would need to talk to Amber and his Elders first.

  The elevator dinged on his floor and he got off. Walking through the office, it was a buzz of activity. He employed market analysts, clothing buyers, designers, and so much more. The company took up the entire tenth floor. A coup when he first started, but now it felt like more of a burden. He loved the company, but deep inside he was ready to hand the day-to-day running of it off.

  “Good morning, Mr. Stathos.” Emily greeted him with her usual smile. “Is everything all right?”

  “Good morning, Emily. Everything is fine. Why do you ask?”

  “You’re always in early after a long weekend.” She glanced at her slim gold watch. “It’s ten after nine now. It’s late compared to your typical habits.”

  He smiled softly in understanding. “True. I’m thinking of turning over a new leaf.”

  Her slim brown eyebrows drew down. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.” She sighed and shook her head, erasing the traces of her frown. “Mr. Carlisle is in your office, and your brother called.”

  Andreas canted a look at his secretary. “Which one?” It wasn’t like her to hold back pertinent information.

  Emily flushed bright red. The woman was never taken off guard around his family, except for one.

  “Giorgos,” he replied, answering his own question. He should have known. The man flustered the ever-unflappable woman. Andreas wondered what his younger brother had said to throw the woman off her game, but figured he’d hate the answer, and dealing with Gio wasn’t something he wanted on his plate at the moment.

  “Yes, sir. He said he needed to speak to you about your sister.”

  “Lina or Iliana?”

  “I’m sorry, he didn’t say, and I forgot to find out.” The flush on Emily’s cheeks brightened. She tilted her head down in an attempt to hide it, but it didn’t work.

  “That’s fine. I’ll call him back and find out. Could you please call Nikos and have him come to my office as soon as possible. There are a few things I need to discuss with him.”

  “Of course, sir. Is there anything else?”

  “No. That’ll be all for now.” He started to turn but stopped. “I hope you had a pleasant weekend with your family.”

  “Oh, we did. The boys ran wild, and I had a few precious moments to relax by the lake.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He turned and strode into his office, curious as to why Theo was already waiting.

  Theo was laid out on the couch. A tan arm flung over his face. “It’s about time you got here. I’ve been waiting for a good hour.”

  Andreas dropped his briefcase next to the desk. Leaning against the wood edge, he studied his friend. He wore the same clothe
s he had on the day before. A pair of jeans and a rumpled blue T-shirt. His hair was mussed, like he’d been running his hands through it repeatedly. “You look like shit.”

  Theo dropped his arm and glared. “Thanks.”

  “I take it the mandatory gathering didn’t go so well yesterday?”

  Theo pushed to a sitting position. He shook his head and glanced at Andreas’s coffee mug.

  Andreas passed it to him, and then leaned over to buzz Emily.

  “Yes, sir?” She chirped through the intercom.

  “Can you bring in two coffees for me please? Maybe a couple pastries, if there are any left in the break room.”

  “Of course, sir. I’ll be just a minute.”

  Theo took a healthy gulp and passed the mug back. Andreas waved it off. His friend needed it more than he did at the moment.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Dad is retiring and wants me to take over the business and the Pack.” He rolled his head from side to side, popping his neck.

  “Damn.” Theo and he always assumed Theo’s father wouldn’t pass on the business until he died…most likely sitting in his chair at the office.

  “Yeah. I told him no on the business. CFO I can handle. Running the entire thing—not so much. Jasper is more suited to it.”

  “He does have his hands in more of the company. He’s pretty damn good at his job too.”

  “That’s what I told my Dad as well, and he agreed.”

  “Then why offer it to you?”

  “I’m the oldest. Hierarchy and all that. Jasper is getting the company. I’m still CFO, but will start taking more interest as a whole.”

  “Jasper okay with that?”

  Theo snorted. “He doesn’t have a choice. The Pack and the company go hand-in-hand.”

  “And you’re taking the Pack.” There was no question to it. Andreas always figured Theo would. He was laid back, but an Alpha through and through. He’d been acting as his father’s confidant and sounding board for years.

  “Yep. I don’t know what the fuck got into me. I actually insisted on it.”

  Emily knocked once and entered. She placed the tray with the requested items on the desk and left without a word.

  Andreas grabbed a coffee and took a healthy drink before taking a seat at the desk. He pivoted so he could see Theo. “Looks like there are changes all around us then.”

  Theo perked up, looking more than happy to shift focus onto something else. “What changes are you making?”

  “There are a couple of things. Some more personal than others. At some point, I want to talk to you about the Pack.”

  Theo’s eyes opened wide. Andreas continuously told Theo he wouldn’t join, and his news was clearly a surprise. Though he wasn’t sure about joining it still, he had an idea he thought Theo might like.

  “I’m going to put Nikos in charge of A Shift in Style. I’m ready for something else.”

  Theo’s surprise faded, replaced by a knowing smirk. “And that something else is your mate in a town three hours away.”

  Andreas nodded. “I want to open a storefront there for a new business venture as well.”

  “Really?” Theo seemed to mull over the information Andreas had given him. “What kind?”

  “Similar to the current company, but a lot more intimate, appointment only personal shopping on an upscale level. I’m thinking of calling it A Shift in Luxury.”

  “I’m intrigued.” His eyes narrowed, and Andreas could practically see Theo thinking. “You should set up an online presence as well. People could pop into one of the Style stores and get measured, then submit their information on the Luxury website for a personal shopper.”

  Andreas liked what he heard and a myriad of ideas flowed in his head, expanding on his original idea. A sense of anticipation and excitement filled his chest. “Shoppers could supply information of what they’re looking for. Price limits. Include shipping in the price.”

  Theo grinned as Andreas rambled on. “You have the spark back in your eyes. This is what happens when you don’t spend all of your time cooped up in this soul sucking glass enclosure. The ideas flow. Mates are found.”

  A heavy knock came from the door.

  “Open,” Andreas called out.

  The door opened and Nikos walked in. “Andreas. Theo.” Nikos nodded at them both.

  Andreas motioned for his brother to sit. “Come little brother. We have much to talk about.”

  Chapter 14

  July 10th – Friday 2200

  Amber’s gaze slid to the entrance of the bar again. Leif and Gunnar, the two bouncers with grizzly bear running through their veins stood watch, checking the patrons as they walked in or stumbled out. The bar seemed busier than usual, but then it could just be her.

  Andreas had yet to show up, and she was beginning to wonder if it had all been a dream or a cruel lie. A way to stay in her bed for some fun over a long weekend.

  Her stomach had been in knots since he left Monday afternoon. And the arousal he sparked to life in her to but refused to see through…don’t even get her started on that. It couldn’t be dampened. No vibrator in the world could satisfy her, and the thought of taking another man home left her cold and disgusted on the inside.

  The damn wolf had claimed her Siren, and the woman wasn’t interested in anyone else. It was the part of her the Siren had no hold over that still resisted. But even that very human side had weakened over the days, and she actually missed the big possessive man.

  “You going to stare at the door all night, or are you going to get some actual work done?” Frost stood behind her, arms crossed over his chest. He’d been there for the last hour, and his brooding presence wasn’t helping in the least. She’d already messed up a couple drinks and almost dropped a bottle of the high-end scotch.

  She refused to look at the man and give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right. “I am working,” she said, appalled he’d had to mention her lack of focus again.

  “He’ll come.”

  Amber rolled her eyes and popped the tops on three bottles of beer before placing them on the tray for the server. “I’m not worried. If he shows—great. If he doesn’t, well, then I’ll be fine with that too. My life does not revolve around that man.”

  Frost’s chuckle grated on her nerves. “You used to be better at lying. You’re worried. I can smell it rolling off you. He’s claimed you, Amber. Wild horses wouldn’t be able to keep him away.”

  What she wanted to say was how do you know, but she couldn’t voice that thought. It would mean she really was worried. Pining for a man wasn’t in her normal purview of activities. Showing that weakness would kill her.

  “Whatever,” she huffed under her breath.

  The band stepped up on stage, signaling the start of their set and giving her something else to focus on. Ten o’clock on the dot, every Friday and Saturday night. Jaz tapped a beat out on the drums as Case, Rhys, and Fin joined her on stage. Fin stepped up to the microphone, crooning out a greeting to the crowd, inciting the women. He was a Siren like Amber and Brit. Brought in to enthrall the patrons. The rest of the band consisted of a faerie (Jaz) and two Djinns (Case and Rhys). Good looks and smooth voices won the crowd over every time. More liquor flowed, and the bar made mad amounts of money. It also helped those drinking heavily to dance off the alcohol’s affects.

  Amber tried to tune in and relax to the easy beat of the first song, but she couldn’t. Her gaze flicked to the entrance again, and the door opened. Andreas filled the doorway. Her breath caught in her throat and relief filled her.

  Squelching the impulse to run over to him and fling her arms around his neck, she filled the next order in a bid to keep her hands busy. Each second that ticked by brought him closer. Each step he took sent her pulse fluttering rapidly out of control. Her tattoo heated and sparks of desire fired her blood. Her fingers twitched with the need to let her power free.

  Frost stepped up next to her and snatched the beer she’d bee
n holding out of her hand. “Go take a break. Take him with you. I need you focused on work, and maybe a quickie will get you back on track. Use my office.”

  Amber frowned at her boss. She didn’t think she was that bad.

  Andreas stepped up to the bar, took one look at Amber and knew he had to get her out of there. Her green eyes darkened on the verge of being black. The shaking of her hands was barely noticeable, but enough for him to be concerned. Her pulse was accelerated and breathing deep. He nodded to Frost, who, in turn, tipped his head in silent greeting.

  “Take her to my office,” the big man grunted. “Sort her out.” The bear in him had to sense the turmoil in Amber’s lush body. His pale eyes shimmered softly and mouth thinned. Tension lines formed around the corners.

  Andreas didn’t need to be told twice. He went around the bar, grabbed Amber’s hand and maneuvered her in front of him. He dropped his hands on her shoulders and felt instantly better. Gently, he pushed her in the direction they needed to go, even though it wasn’t necessary.

  “I know where I’m going,” she said over her shoulder, echoing his thoughts. Her brows drew down in irritation. He didn’t think she realized how much anxiety she gave off. Any shifter in the bar would be drawn to her. The nervous, defensive energy calling out to predators looking for an easy take down.

  “I know. I just don’t want you out of my sight.” Not that he was afraid she would disappear if he weren’t holding onto her, but having his eyes on her helped soothe the wolf and kept other animals from sneaking up behind them in an attempt to steal her away.

  He drank in the sight of his mate, intrigued by a muted red glow coming through her white tank top.

  Amber opened the door to Frost’s office, and he steered her in. He kicked the door shut, but didn’t let go of her until he had her pressed up against the desk.

  “Hands on the desk,” he growled, waiting impatiently for her to comply. When she did, seconds after his demand, he ran a finger down her spine. She arched her back the lower he got. “What’s this?” Reaching for the hem of her tank, he grabbed it and pulled it up.


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