Telepathic Cravings

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Telepathic Cravings Page 11

by Melissa Schroeder

  A sense of apprehension mixed with a heady dose of desire spun through him, weaving a seductive web he was helpless to avoid. His balls twisted, thinking about seeing the rest of her skin laid bare. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to rip the damn fabric from her body. He continued rubbing his cock against her as he brushed his fingers first over one hardened nipple, then the other. She shifted beneath him, matching his rhythm.

  He bent his head and grazed the tip with his teeth. She shivered and sighed in reaction. That one little sign of want had him taking the nipple into his mouth, circling it with his tongue and sucking. Her thrusts picked up rhythm as she bucked beneath him. He wanted her to come, to lose all control. David was sure it would be beyond anything he’d ever felt before.

  A second later, he moved toward her other breast, nipping at the sensitive skin between them. Her fingers speared through his hair, then tangled in the strands. He took the other nipple in his mouth the moment she murmured his name. Her moans increased along with the waves of desire that flowed from her to him. Her feelings were so strong, they rippled along his skin and tingled down his spine. Primal urgings pushed all sane thoughts to the side. He needed to be inside her hot, moist sheath, or he would go insane.

  A bright light flashed and the ship shuddered. He raised his head, lifted himself to his hands, and looked out the portal.

  In the distance, the tubular Gorgon ship was closing in on them fast. It fired another shot, barely missing them. He looked down at Genoa. Her eyes were still closed, and, dammit, he still felt the heat of her. His entire body pulsed with unrelieved sexual pressure, and there would be nothing for it. That first shot was a warming. They were in for a battle.

  Chapter 3

  Genoa’s entire body shook. Never, in all her days, even during mating season, had she felt such an overwhelming need to mate. She wanted nothing more than for him to rip the clothes from her body and devour her. Another rain of light and another shudder.Damn. She had never had a reaction like this to a male, especially a full human, before.

  Every inch of her skin tingled from his touch. She drew in a deep breath and reveled in his passion. The scent of his arousal, so clean, so male, filled her senses and spurred her own desire. She wanted him on some primal level she didn’t understand. But want him, she did. Her nipples were puckered, begging for his touch. She shifted her legs and felt the dampness between the lips guarding her vagina. The thought of having his shaft buried deep inside her when she came sent a ripple of pleasure rolling through her.

  She reached for him, but he moved out of reach and stood, leaving her eye level with his groin. His cock was hard to hide in his tight suit. She licked her lips and reached out, but he caught her hand in a death grip.


  “I don’t have time for games, princess. We got some serious trouble.” He nodded toward the side portal window.

  She turned, then gasped when she saw the Gorgon ship bearing down on them. All the wonderful warmth thrumming through her dissolved. Panic clenched her stomach. Had Deras found out her game? Did he know the secret she knew? If he did, he would turn her over to the authorities in an instant. Her heart dropped to her stomach. Cool air washed across her breasts and she realized her blouse was still pulled down. Embarrassed, she hastily pulled it up.

  David stood and walked toward the front of the ship without giving her a backward glance.

  “Deras must be very determined to have you.” He didn’t turn around. “And from that kiss, I can surely tell you just might be worth it.”

  Fear of Deras and what he would do to her vanished in the blink of an eye. Anger boiled. “Just what the hell does that mean?”

  He kept his eyes on his task, his fingers pushing buttons and flipping switches. “Just that he’s going to a lot of trouble for a bit of tail. You must have been pretty good.”

  “Really? Ya think?” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts. Otherwise, she would have reached out and strangled the bastard. “Actually, not that it’s any of your business, but I never slept with Deras. I do a lot of things for the Federation, but prostituting myself isn’t one of them.”

  The rigid set of his shoulders relaxed, but he didn’t say anything. The ship shook as another blast grazed the side. She hurried to the front of the ship and then sat and strapped herself into her seat.

  “Anything I can do?”


  His voice was abrupt, as if irritated with her.

  “Listen, it isn’t my fault you’re trying to outrun Gorgons. You’re the idiot who insisted on taking me to Earth.”

  “I’m not mad because of that.”

  “Really?” She settled back in her chair and crossed her arms. Partially because she was irritated with him, but mostly because her hands were shaking. Her fear was real and for good reason. The information she had would be worth killing an insignificant spy to get. “You could’ve fooled me.”

  He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “Listen, not only are they shooting at my ship, apparently after my cargo,” he flicked a glance in her direction, “but I’m frustrated as hell and can’t think beyond throwing you on the floor, ripping off your clothes, and sinking my cock into you. So I think you could give me a break here.”

  His crude words should have angered her, or at least irritated her. Instead, heat curled in her stomach and then slid down to her sex. She shifted to ease the pressure, but it seemed to heighten her arousal. He chuckled.

  “I’m in the same predicament, so we’ll outrun these assholes and discuss various ways of relieving tension afterward.”

  She snorted, but he smiled, just a slight curving of his lips. A second later, all lightheartedness drained from his face as he concentrated on his task. Again, she was struck by that concentration, wondering what it would feel like to have it on her. All of that intensity zeroed in on her would be overwhelming. Was overwhelming. The scent of him was still on her skin.

  She sighed and braced herself for a fight. She was sure the Gorgons knew what she possessed. The man who wanted the information hidden would pay good money to see her dead. Gorgons wouldn’t think twice about killing her and David Adams. Somehow, she had to separate herself from him for his own safety.

  * * * *

  David flipped the last few switches that would throw them into hyperspeed. He knew the Gorgon ship was a piece of shit. They hadn’t had much money, or they wouldn’t have hired out as mercs. Still, restlessness crawled up his spine. And he knew why. For the first time since running into Genoa, David could block her feelings. Part of him was relieved, the rest felt lost. For the last hour or so, her emotions had tangled with his, and although thrown into a whirlwind, David had gotten used to it. In fact, he had enjoyed using his gift for the first time. Paranormals had not been accepted on Earth since Ripley Johnson had tried to overthrow the Federation years ago. His group of paranormals had angered and frightened normal people. The Federation’s restrictions that had resulted from Ripley Johnson’s failed coup made it crucial to hide any paranormal abilities.

  But with Genoa, he hadn’t had a choice. Her emotions were stronger than anything he’d ever experienced. David wasn’t sure if he was comfortable with that little tidbit of information. Shana, his sister, had heard the thoughts of her boss, Marcus, and ended up married to him. That pattern wasn’t for him. Marriage wasn’t in the game plan. He didn’t want to raise another child who would have to hide his abilities for fear of death or internment.

  And what the hell was he thinking about marriage for, anyway? He’d only met the woman an hour ago, and he was already thinking in absurd circles. It had to be the months of chasing the elusive Genoa. Those eyes in that picture had haunted him while he hunted for her.

  He glanced in her direction and noticed her hands clutching the arms of her chair.

  “Chill out, princess. I won’t let the big, bad Gorgons get you.”

  She nodded, but her grip didn’t ease one bit. A little irritated by her lack of
faith, he punched the last button. The ship shook, then accelerated into hyperspeed. Genoa looked out the portal view, and David followed the direction of her gaze. He had gained some distance, but not enough.

  He concentrated on his task. As they shot ahead, the Gorgon ship followed, just closely enough to make him uncomfortable. They were still within shooting distance, and they had a warship. David’s cruiser didn’t stand a chance in a firefight.

  “Simean Asteroid Field ahead,” announced the ship’s computer.

  “Shit,” David said.


  “We might have a few problems.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  He shifted the craft to the right, avoiding another hit. “Well, the asteroid field might help. Their ship is bigger, harder to maneuver. But it’s a bitch to fly through.”

  And the warship was gaining on them. Not a good sign. The first of the asteroids came into view, and David braced himself. Despite his efforts, a sense of unease, almost panic, washed over him. “I can do this. Don’t worry about it.”

  His confident tone must have helped, because the worry ceased emitting from her. Knowing his total concentration was needed, he focused on the upcoming asteroids, ignoring the threatening Gorgons. Their ship was too big to make it through the field. If they followed, it would be suicide. Either way, he would come out on top. He just had to make it through to the other side.

  First, he needed to slow down. Hyperspeed wasn’t an option. Flipping a few switches, the craft slowed.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I need to slow down to go through the asteroids.”

  “Shouldn’t we just go around?”

  “No. They can’t make it through, so I think it would beneficial for us to try.”


  He sighed. She was starting to irritate the hell out of him. He knew she was worried, but geez, couldn’t she give a guy a break?

  “Try to make it through without getting hit.” He couldn’t help the irritation in his voice. The woman questioned everything he did.

  “Do you mean to tell me that you don’t know if you can make it through the field?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but I do know if you don’t shut the hell up and let me do my job, we’re going to die.”

  Wave after wave of hostility slapped out from her, but he ignored them. He’d deal with it when they got out of the mess they were in.

  David pulled the craft to the right, missing an asteroid, but a laser shot grazed his right wingtip, causing the cruiser to shudder. Smoke billowed out of the side engine, but he kept his concentration on missing the large, gray masses of rock. They could survive damage to an engine. They would be galactic toast if they hit an asteroid.

  As he swerved to miss another one, an explosion sounded in the distance. Bright white light shone from behind them, and David knew the Gorgons had been dumb enough, reckless enough, to try making it through the field.

  He maneuvered around the last few rocks, and breathed a sigh of relief. A quick assessment of his instrument panel told him that they would have to stop for repairs.

  Now that the danger had passed for the moment, he retracted the mental wall he’d used to block out Genoa’s emotions. Why it worked now, and not earlier, he had no idea. But it had and it saved their asses. He looked at her. Her arms were crossed beneath her breasts. Just that one thought, and he was flung back into vortex. Her fear had subsided, but it had been replaced by a fair amount of anger mixed with desire, confusing him, arousing him. Just the thought of her arousal brought back the memories of where they had been before the Gorgons interrupted them. His dick went rock hard at the memory of her desire rushing through him, entwining with his own. Damn, he had to get the woman out of his system. And he knew just how to do that.

  “We’ve got to stop for some repairs. We won’t make it back to Earth with this damage.”

  Her green eyes snapped fire, and narrowed. “How long?”

  “A few hours, a day at most. We’ll stop on Langilia.” Something flicked across her face, in her emotions. Before he could define it, it dissolved. “And, while we’re there, we’ll have a talk.”

  “Talk? We have nothing to talk about. I’ll send my info from there. I know there’s a secure line I can use. After that, we won’t have anything to do with each other.”

  His own anger rose. The damn woman thought she could ignore what had gone on between them. That fact sent his temper racing. “First off, as I said before, I have a feeling Marcus wants to see you in the flesh.” She bristled at his tone, her fury lapping at his senses. “Second, I want to know just what the hell is going on between you and the Gorgons. And last but not least, if you think I am going to be satisfied with a bit of dry humping, princess, you have another think coming. Once I get you on your back again, neither of us is coming up for air for at least a week.”

  Chapter 4

  For a second or two, Genoa didn’t respond. Her mouth opened and closed twice. David couldn’t help but be pleased. The woman never shut the hell up, and he was glad he finally put her in her place. Well, not exactly the place he’d planned. What he would like would be those full, ripe lips wrapped around his cock. He was almost dizzy with the image of her on her knees in front of him, using that smart mouth to suck him dry.

  Her eyes narrowed as she regained her wits. He decided to nip her argument in the bud.

  “We don’t have time for discussing the finer points of what I plan to do to your body. Or have you do to mine. I need to land this puppy on Langilia. Then we’ll discuss everything.”

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts. Anger rolled off her, surrounded him, and fueled his arousal. That redheaded temper of hers blazed through him, acting as one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs he’d ever encountered. Beneath the irritation, a current of lust flowed. The fact she was as hot as he was had his dick standing at attention.

  Without another word, he readied the ship for landing. He had to concentrate on getting them safely on the ground, and then he would turn his attention to getting Genoa on her back beneath him.

  * * * *

  As David talked to the engineer—or, rather, fought with the engineer—who was supposed to fix the craft, Genoa tried to rein in her temper. The man knew exactly what to say to get her anger going. And damned if that didn’t turn her on. She was sick. Not only was she attracted to a human, but, dammit, he was constantly irritating her. The fact it aroused her aggravated her even more.

  She walked away from the price haggling, away from the disturbing presence of David Adams. She drew in a breath and almost choked on the hot, thick air of the Langilia deserts. This side of the planet was not one of her favorites, but then, she really didn’t like Langilia. Hot as hell on one side and frigid on the other. She shivered as a bead of sweat rolled between her breasts.

  They still ached. Oh, Lord, just thinking about his hands on her breasts had her nipples drawing into hard points. What the hell was going on with her? She knew she was in her mating season, but it was different for her than it was for other Gorgons, since she was half-human. Gorgon females only felt the desire to mate two times a year to ensure the survival of their species. Genoa, with her half-human nature, wasn’t like that. She enjoyed sex all year long. Only during those two three-month periods did desire threaten to overwhelm her good sense. But the scent of him, those male hormones, the aggression, the sexuality…she just couldn’t resist it. It was like a feast, and she’d only had an appetizer.

  What would it be like to have the full course?

  She glanced back at David. Never in all her twenty-five years had she been attracted to a human. The race that had almost killed her mother, drove her from her home, and made her a refugee on a strange planet. David appealed to her on some primal level she didn’t understand.

  Since his own attention was taken up haggling, she studied him more closely. Tall, lean, sculpted like an Adonis, David was any woman’s wet dream come tr
ue. From his long brown hair to his beautiful ass—Hell, she’d be happy to stare into his tawny eyes. Sick, she was sick.

  Looking at temptation too long was going to screw with her mind. She’d start wanting things she knew she could never have. Turning away, she wandered toward the end of the shop, working out her next move. She’d look up Drake and see if he could put her up for a little while. If the Federation didn’t know about him—and David would have stopped there, looking for her, if they had—it was a pretty good bet that old Uncle Ripley and his merry band of misfits wouldn’t know, either.

  The scent of him rose up, aggressive male with a dash of sexual desire flowing through it. She turned to find him standing within inches of her. His lips were in an unhappy line, his hair was a bit tangled, as if he’d been running his hands through it.

  “We’re stuck.” David let loose a sigh filled with aggravation. “They can’t get to it until tomorrow. At the earliest. We’ll have to find a place to stay for at least one night. Do you know of anywhere?”

  His eyes studied her as if he could see deep down inside of her. As if he could hear her thoughts, know what she was feeling.


  His gaze searched hers. “But you said I could just drop you off here. I figured you knew the area.”

  “I don’t know the area. I-I have a friend who lives on the Frigid Side.”

  “A friend?”

  His voice sharpened. The scent of male aggression and possessiveness washed over her. Damn her traitorous body. Her nipples tightened, and a wave of damp heat curled in her stomach, then slid down to her sex.


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