Audrey of Farmerton

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Audrey of Farmerton Page 29

by M. Gregg Roe

  She even went to the area of the city where there were several alchemist shops. She selected the one run by Eldin because the name sounded familiar. It was incredibly embarrassing, but she finally managed to ask him if he sold AP powder. He smiled in an understanding manner and sold her a month’s supply. It was remarkably inexpensive, and she noticed that he had a large stock of it on hand.

  Audrey wasn’t sewing any new clothing. Instead, she was repairing clothing and actually being paid to do it. Cinda had talked up Audrey’s sewing skills, and now she found herself with a steady stream of items that needed repairs—some clients apparently enjoyed ripping off their courtesan’s clothing. The pay was so generous that she suspected that they still hoped to lure her into taking a job there. That wasn’t going to happen, but the added income was welcome.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  “Happy Birthday, Audrey!”

  Audrey stopped, startled by Almera’s greeting as she entered the kitchen to help with breakfast. She scrunched up her face and thought about it. Then she smiled delightedly. “It is my birthday. I’m eighteen. Yay! How did you know?”

  Almera was smug as she explained, “I asked your mother before she left; I like to plan ahead. I have made reservations at Lucien’s for this evening, and Cinda will be meeting us there. Try not to completely exhaust yourself at school today.”

  Audrey grinned. “I’ll tell Grasapa about it. Maybe she’ll only half-kill me today.”

  When she arrived at school, Grasapa promptly asked her to assist Zalina with teaching the beginner class. No one mentioned her birthday, but it seemed like too much of a coincidence.

  Knowing that Draymund and Almera would be elegantly-dressed, Audrey decided to wear her new dress. She also found time to get her hair trimmed and styled.

  It was cold, windy, and lightly snowing as the three of them walked to Lucien’s that evening. As they were approaching the building, Almera suddenly leaned over and whispered, “I put AP powder in your juice this morning.”

  “You did what?” Audrey asked in astonishment.

  Almera didn’t answer and was now smiling smugly. Audrey looked ahead and suddenly understood. Erwin was standing next to Cinda in front of the restaurant. Audrey narrowed her eyes and frowned at Almera.

  “What can I say?” Almera said. “I like to plan ahead.”

  “So that’s why you volunteered to check on Erwin’s schedule. Do Erwin and I have a room reserved at an inn?” Nothing would surprise her at this point.

  Almera looked sly, and Draymund was smirking. “No. I’ll let you figure it out.”

  The five of them had a lovely dinner, and Audrey limited herself to a single cup of rice wine. Cinda told them about the non-sexual portion of her courtesan training. Erwin spoke enthusiastically about his work in Rohoville. Audrey updated them both on the latest gossip from school.

  After dinner, Cinda said goodbye and headed off to Desires. Draymund announced that he and Almera were going dancing and would be out quite late. Erwin looked surprised as the two of them walked off arm-in-arm, but Audrey simply watched in amusement. Almera liked to plan ahead.

  “So,” said Audrey casually. “How’s your new relationship going?”

  Erwin frowned. “Not well. I can’t figure her out. She’s an elf and she’s rather strange.”

  She took his arm and smiled. “Good. Let’s go.”

  “Where?” he asked, looking confused. Almera apparently hadn’t told him anything.

  “Draymund and Almera’s mansion. It’s all ours at the moment.” She began to walk that way and he followed readily.

  “What about Saxloc?” He actually looked worried, to her great amusement.

  “He’s not around. He’s not even in Andoran’s Realm at the moment.”

  “What? How is that possible?”

  Audrey waved her free hand. “I’ll explain later.” She pouted at him. “Don’t you want to see my room? The bed is really comfortable.”

  Erwin laughed. “I surrender. This has all obviously been arranged by you. I would love to try your bed, but only if you consent to join me.”

  Audrey snuggled against him as they walked. “Actually, Almera arranged this. She didn’t tell me you would be here tonight, but it was a wonderful present.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “For both of us.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  “That was the best birthday ever! Thank you so much!”

  Audrey hugged Almera tightly. She released her and then hugged Draymund. She stepped back and smiled at the two of them, standing there in the kitchen wearing the robes that she had made.

  She still could hardly believe the lengths that Almera had gone through for her benefit. She had obviously arranged with Erwin’s parents for him to be recalled to the Witch’s City at just the right time. There was actually a note on the door of her room telling him that his parents weren’t expecting him back until morning. There were fresh flowers in a vase on the nightstand. On the desk was a jug of rice wine, two small cups, and two servings of pudding that had to have come from The Watch. The bedding and towels were all fresh, apparently changed while they were eating dinner. There was even an extra robe and sandals in the wardrobe. Breakfast had been provided for them that morning, left on trays just outside her door. It was amazing and perfect.

  The bad news was that Erwin had to go to meetings today and then back to Rohoville tomorrow. He wanted her to come and see him, but she wasn’t sure when she would have the time or money. He had also made it clear that he might still see Odette—the woman he had been dating—or someone else. That’s just the way it was with him. Audrey still had mixed feelings, but she couldn’t really protest because she herself still hadn’t completely given up on Saxloc.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” said Almera. “We decided that you deserved something special after everything that’s been going on and how Saxloc has treated you.”

  Draymund nodded. “Yes, and we really are going to do something about Saxloc.”

  “Maybe not,” said Audrey. “We were actually starting to talk before he had to leave. He promised that we would talk when he got back.”

  “Audrey, don’t get your hopes up,” said Almera, now serious. “You will be lucky if he even remembers. But we will do something if he continues treating you poorly. I promise.”

  It was nice to hear, but she intended to deal with the issue herself. One way or another, Saxloc was going to stop treating her rudely.


  ‡ Ready ‡

  Audrey threw herself back into her Shorinken training, both at school and at home. Draymund helped her to set up padded targets in the practice area below the mansion. She spent untold hours there, slamming punches and kicks into the targets with her hands and feet wrapped in cotton bandages to provide some amount of protection. Even so, she often had to go to Draymund afterward for healing. She also set up a target to practice knife-throwing, but she still found it difficult.

  Cinda was thrilled by Audrey’s description of how everything had been arranged on her birthday, but she drew the line at describing exactly what went on between the two of them that night. Cinda was now shameless when it came to talking about copulation, but Audrey was simply not going to discuss something that personal with anyone—not Cinda, and certainly not Almera, who also kept asking her about it. Some things were just private. She finally managed to satisfy the two of them by admitting that she and Erwin had copulated twice that evening, and then again in the morning.

  Four days after her birthday, she received a letter from Erwin. It was very flattering, and he again invited her to visit him, even including a map to the location of the small house he was staying in there. It was all very confusing. She had visions of showing up there and finding him with another woman. She wrote him a polite reply, thanking him and saying that she was simply too busy at the moment.

  Audrey’s plan for dealing with Saxloc was now complete, or at least as complete as she could make it at the moment. The key had been her
realization that Siljan was with them on Kaldir. That provided the perfect excuse for what she had planned. All of her travel gear was ready and waiting for whenever he returned.

  She had also come to realize that she really did want to go back to Farmerton for a visit. She missed her family and friends there, even her foolish and greedy father. She also wanted to show them just how much she had changed. But more than anything, she wanted to talk to Violet and to tell her about life in the Witch’s City. She and Cinda were good friends, but they were nowhere near as close as she and Violet.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  On the evening of the last day of the first month of Winter, Audrey decided to go to the Axe & Spear. She had been curious to see Nissa at work, and she knew that Saxloc and his friends wouldn’t be there. On the way, she was propositioned by a prostitute—a female prostitute! She politely declined the invitation and continued on. She arrived at the Axe & Spear and found it a rather small place, with only four small tables in addition to the bar. She didn’t like the look of any of the people inside, including the barkeep. Nissa ran up and excitedly greeted her. Audrey explained that Saxloc and his friends were out of town and that she wanted to check the place out. Nissa directed her to a table, and she found herself sitting across from an extremely tough-looking and very ugly female elf who was already rather drunk.

  Audrey tried to look friendly as she said, “I’m Audrey. I’m a friend of Nissa’s. We’re both studying at Xlee’s Martial Arts Academy.”

  The woman eyed her suspiciously. “Betcha think yer tough don’t you? I’m Eomera. I’m a city guard.”

  Nissa placed a tankard of ale in front of Audrey and then left. Audrey took a sip and winced. It was terrible, but she hadn’t expected much from this kind of place.

  Eomera was still eyeing her. “The booze here is lousy, but it’s cheap. And they have lots of fights. I love a good fight. Wanna fight?”

  “No thank you,” replied Audrey, feeling worried. “I’m only supposed to fight in self-defense. How long have you worked for the Guard, Eomera?”

  “Years. And years. And more years. I coulda been Captain by now, but I don’t wanna. Too much responsibility. I’m second-in-command. Lots of power but people don’t notice me. It’s perfect!”

  Audrey took another sip of her ale and grimaced. She pushed it across to Eomera. “Here, you can have this if you like.”

  “That’s very kind of you, Audrey. How is life living with Draymund and Almera?”

  Audrey just stared at her. Eomera no longer sounded drunk at all, and she was grinning in a disturbing fashion, displaying crooked and stained teeth. Audrey frowned and said, “It’s fine. They are very nice people.”

  Someone who looked like a sailor, and was clearly very drunk, bumped into Eomera’s chair. She exploded out of her chair and punched him in the side of the head. He instantly dropped to the floor, and she sat back down and calmly took a drink.

  “I know practically everything that goes on in this city. You came here because of Saxloc, and now you’re trying to impress him. Good luck to you! Saxloc’s a nice boy, but he’s a little dense sometimes.”

  Two of the sailor’s companions were now standing to either side of Eomera’s chair and one of them was holding a club. She picked up a tankard and said, “Oh boy! It’s fight time!” Eomera drove the tankard into the stomach of the sailor to her right, causing him to double over and begin vomiting. Audrey flung some copper pieces onto the table and fled. As she exited, she glanced back and saw Nissa whirl around and kick another sailor in the groin, dropping him instantly. Audrey definitely wouldn’t be going back to the Axe & Spear.

  Audrey was heading home when she suddenly heard a voice behind her say, “You’re cute, honey. Want to have a good time?” She felt a hand on her right shoulder. She grabbed the hand tightly with her own left hand while squatting and twisting. She threw the man over her shoulder onto the ground and kicked him carefully in the side of the head. He was now unconscious and she was amazed. She hadn’t even thought about it; it had all been reflex. More importantly, she had used an appropriate level of force. She was smiling all the while as she walked back home with her head held high. She couldn’t wait to tell Grasapa about it.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  On the seventh day of the second month of Winter, Cinda resumed her training at Xlee’s Martial Arts Academy. Audrey was thrilled and asked to be allowed to attend the regular class. Grasapa agreed, provided that she didn’t spar with anyone. The other students all knew what Cinda had been doing and what had driven her to it, and if they disapproved they kept quiet. Kora was there, and she congratulated Cinda and gave her a hug.

  Saxloc returned late on the evening of the following day. He was exhausted and went straight to his room after a cursory greeting. Audrey was glad that he was finally back. Now she could begin. First, she would simply try speaking with him, hopefully picking up where they had left off after their dinner together.

  The next morning at breakfast, Saxloc told them that their mission on Kaldir had been a success and that they had also rescued a catfolk village from some kobolds. Audrey had no idea of what he was talking about. He mentioned that they had killed some small dragons and Draymund became excited and began asking all kinds of detailed questions. Audrey was soon bored of it and went to her room to read.

  She went downstairs later that morning and found Saxloc asleep in a chair in the parlor. She gently shook his shoulder to wake him and he looked up at her blearily. “What is it?” he asked in an irritated voice. “I’m tired.”

  “We need to talk,” she stated in a serious tone. “You promised.”

  He looked both sleepy and confused. “Promised? Oh, that. We can talk later. I’m too sleepy.”

  “It’s almost noon!” she exclaimed. And it was clear and sunny. He hadn’t looked that tired at breakfast.

  “Yes, but it’s the middle of the night on Kaldir. I haven’t adjusted yet.”

  “What?!” Does he really expect me to believe something that ridiculous? “It’s the same time everywhere. Everybody knows that!”

  He rolled his eyes, and she could feel the anger building. “It’s true,” he insisted testily, “even if you’re too stupid to understand.”

  It took every bit of Audrey’s willpower to keep from just driving her fist into his condescending face. Instead, she marched out of the parlor. She found Almera and told her she was eating lunch out. She went to her room for her satchel before heading back downstairs. He was asleep again as she quietly walked through the parlor, donned her cloak, and left the mansion.

  She walked to the market and browsed a while before lining up at the rice ball stand. She was still seething inside, wondering why she had ever thought that things could work out with Saxloc. In that respect, she really was stupid.

  “Do I know you?”

  The voice sounded familiar, and Audrey turned around and saw Siljan standing in line behind her. She was wearing a brown cloak and her hair was disheveled. She looked barely awake, and Audrey had a sudden fear that Saxloc had been telling the truth, although that still seemed impossible.

  Audrey smiled and replied, “Yes, Siljan. I’m Audrey. From Farmerton. We haven’t seen each other in a while.”

  Siljan rubbed her eyes. “Audrey? I thought you were fat.”

  “I was. I’ve lost some weight.”

  “Oh. Okay.” Siljan’s eyes narrowed and she looked more alert. “So you’re still sponging off Draymund and Almera claiming to be Saxloc’s fiancé?”

  Audrey felt a twinge of anger. “For now. Don’t worry. I am not going to marry Saxloc. You can have him if you want him.”

  She shook her head and rubbed her eyes again. “I don’t want him,” she said, sounding disgusted at the thought. “He’s not cute at all.”

  Audrey reached the front of the line and bought a rice ball with chicken and vegetables. She thought about just walking off but instead waited for Siljan to make her purchase and then walked with her.

��Siljan, is it really dark right now on Kaldir?”

  Siljan gave her an odd look. “Yes. Want me to explain why?”

  Saxloc had been telling the truth, and now she felt guilty. “Yes. Please.”

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Audrey walked to school in a complete daze. Siljan hadn’t been totally coherent—she was still noticeably drowsy—but she had been adamant that what she told her was true. The sun wasn’t directly over Kaldir until hours after it was over Andoran’s Realm. And the world wasn’t flat. Audrey just couldn’t wrap her head around it.

  When she arrived for her lesson, she told Grasapa that Saxloc and the others had returned safely. She asked her about what Siljan had said, and Grasapa confirmed it. Saxloc and Siljan were sleepy because their bodies hadn’t adjusted to the change yet. Grasapa had been through it herself. Audrey now owed Saxloc an apology, and that was galling.

  Saxloc wasn’t there for dinner. Draymund told her that he had received a letter that afternoon requesting him to do a job for Celebern. Ermizad was apparently involved too. Saxloc had already packed up and left to meet Gabriel.

  The following morning, Saxloc didn’t appear for breakfast. Their job had been scheduled for the early morning hours, so that wasn’t a surprise. Audrey decided to just go forward with her plan. She could apologize to him later. After they finished eating, she addressed the two of them.

  “Siljan is here in the city right now, but she will need to return to Alessandra’s temple where she is studying. Novox rarely run caravans this time of year, and there is no definite schedule. That means that Saxloc, Gabriel, and Hankin will probably be escorting her back to the temple.”

  Almera sighed. “Get on with it, Audrey. You’ve obviously given this a great deal of thought.” Draymund was smirking as usual as he sat back and watched the two of them.


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