Chasing Kade (Thrill of the Chase Book 1)

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Chasing Kade (Thrill of the Chase Book 1) Page 29

by Anna Paige

  “All yours. Take it all.”

  He plunged inside me once more, pressing all the way in and stilling, one hand coming to rest over my heart. “More important than any of the rest, who does this belong to, warden?”

  I held his eye and smiled. “You, Kade. Every part of me was made to belong to you.”

  He dipped his head, dropping a string of sweet, soft kisses on my mouth as his hips began to move. “Likewise, baby. Likewise.”

  We must have said we loved each other a million times that night, with our words, with our eyes, and with our bodies. I’d never been so sore, exhausted, or happy in all my life as I was falling asleep in his arms.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It was just after nine in the morning, two days later, when I walked into Miles’ office, a much-practiced smile on my face. His salt-and-pepper hair was perfectly slicked back, his tailored suit lying perfectly across his shoulders. Why had I never noticed how cold his natural expression was? Like a shark, dead around the eyes. I cleared my throat and he looked up from his monitor, eyes widening marginally, clearly caught off guard by my arrival. To his credit, he got it under control quickly and his patented disarming expression was in place in a blink. Like a damn chameleon, a deadly one.

  He stood, looking pleased as punch to see his favorite employee, his protégé. His pawn.

  “Well,” he beamed, rounding the desk and reaching out to clasp my hand between his. “I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to see that sweet face of yours. Circumstances of your return aside, I’m glad to have you back. This place just hasn’t been the same without you. I know I should have gotten in touch, but I thought maybe you needed some time first. I hope you know I wasn’t abandoning you.”

  He leaned in for a hug, and I stifled my gag reflex long enough to give his back a quick pat, coughing to cover my haste to back away. He motioned for me to take a seat, sliding into his smooth, leather chair.

  I remained standing, taking up position behind the chair he’d offered, resting my hands on the back. “Actually, I’m waiting for someone to join us.”

  He raised a brow, not looking worried in the least. “Really? Who?”

  Trish’s arrival couldn’t have come at a better time. She sauntered into the room and gave me a pointed look, thoroughly self-assured, as always. Not a bleached blond hair out of place, not the first inkling of worry in her expression. It was clear from her posture that she thought she had won the bet, and I supposed she had, not that she would benefit much from it.

  Miles watched her take the seat I’d been offered, and then glanced at me. “I hadn’t realized we were waiting on Trish.”

  Someone tapped on the door behind me, but I didn’t bother to turn. “We weren’t. We were waiting on him.” I tilted my head back to indicate the new arrival, raising my voice to address our visitor. “Come in, Mr. Packard. I can’t thank you enough for joining us.”

  Steven Packard was CEO of the company, here as a favor to me as well as at the encouragement of several clients who were represented by this division, TotC among them.

  I watched with absolute glee as the blood drained from Miles’ face, and Trish turned in her chair, eyes wide as saucers.

  “I appreciate the invitation. I’ve been hearing a lot about this office in recent days, and I have to concur that my presence is vital to assure a smooth transition for everyone.”

  Miles swallowed thickly. “Transition?” He tried to offer his hand but Mr. Packard ignored it, turning to stare at Trish until she scurried out of her seat, leaving it to him.

  “Yes, there are major changes on the horizon for this division, and they start now.” Packard’s voice was menacingly flat as he regarded Trish, who had moved to the far side of the room, behind Miles and to his right, cornered like the rat she was. Steven pulled a stack of pages from his briefcase and held them up. “Do you know what this is?” he asked them.

  They each shook their heads.

  “It’s a transcript of a conversation recorded a few days ago. A conversation between the two of you.” He nodded between them. “Regarding a wager, among other things. Now, I can have Miss Taylor play the recording, you can read the transcripts, or—and I highly suggest this third option—you can cut the bullshit, skip the denial portion of this conversation, and jump straight to the consequences.”

  Trish’s face went white, and she shot a look my way. “How did you manage that?” She narrowed her eyes on me. “Doesn’t matter. If you did record our private conversation, it will cost you your job, too, you idiot. Violating confidentiality is cause for dismissal.” She turned her pointy little nose up indignantly.

  I held up a finger, enjoying every second of this. “Actually, I handed in my resignation to Mr. Packard a little over an hour ago. It seems I’ve been scouted by TotC’s management to exclusively handle their PR needs, and they offered more than double my current salary. As for my resignation, it’s been accepted without equivocation and—contingent on you and Miles being terminated, of course—I have declined to bring a civil suit against the company. Your little wager and ensuing manipulations, including you encouraging me to ‘bang the bassist,’ break nearly a dozen company policies, not to mention leaving the firm wide open for a sexual harassment lawsuit, which I’d say trumps your piddly-ass claim of privacy violations.” I gave her a wide smile. “Now, I’m not a litigious person by nature, so I offered a resolution that both Mr. Packard and I found satisfactory.” She looked like she might cry, and I couldn’t help the tiny chuckle that escaped me.

  “You didn’t demand our termination. You don’t have the backbone.”

  “Actually, I did, I do, and I can’t tell you how much joy it gives me to be here to witness Mr. Packard telling you to pack your shit and get out. As if my day wasn’t going well enough, I hear there’s an escort waiting in your office to see to it that you don’t make off with the sticky notes and whatnot. Enjoy unemployment.” I cut my eyes to Miles, adding, “Both of you.”

  It was the only acknowledgement I gave my former mentor; the only one I ever intended to give.

  I didn’t bother to hang around for the inevitable hissy fits and pathetic begging. Let Packard deal with that. I was ready to clear out my office and get back to my family.

  I made short work of packing up and said a few goodbyes to people around the office, before stopping by Nina’s desk to give her a parting gift—Mr. Packard’s offer to have her take over Miles’ position. That was one of the stipulations of my leaving quietly, as well.

  She cried when I told her. I cried when I thanked her for all she’d done. Without her, I never would have known the truth. Whether she intended it that way or not, she made a friend for life that day, and I always looked out for my friends.

  I got back to my building just in time to see the postman hefting a large box through the lobby doors. I held the door for him and glanced at the box in his hands. “Oh, that’s for me,” I blurted, curious. There was no return address.

  I took the package and thanked the postman, taking the elevator to my floor. When I made it into my apartment, I sat the surprisingly heavy box on the counter and ripped the tape off, pulling the flaps open and staring down at what had to be a hundred T-shirts in various colors. I pulled them out, one at a time. All of them were my size, all TotC concert tees dating back all the way to the band’s very first tour. I caught sight of a folded sheet of paper pressed flat against the side and pulled it free. It read:

  Kade had these sent to Denson, but with the excitement of the concert and all that happened after, I guess he hid them away and forgot to give them to you. Anyway, I thought you might like to have them, if only to remember us by.

  I know it’s not my business, but I just thought you should know how great I think you are for my brother. Not much seems to make him happy, aside from our music—and now you. I’d hate for him to miss out on something great just because he was being stubborn. So, I’m asking you to be just as stubborn and not give up on
him. On any of us. Come back, please. Your friend always, Kane.

  I wiped my eyes and set the note on the counter. Damn him and his sweet nature. I’m crying again.

  He must have sneaked away and mailed it the day I packed up and left, before the call from Nina sent me running back to them, back where I belonged.

  I never would have thought I’d have a guy best friend, much less one who had seen me naked, but that’s exactly what he was. I picked up each shirt, smiling at the assortment of album covers and band photos, when I came across the one, the perfect shirt. There were no tour dates on it, so I suspected it had been custom made for me to wear. I turned it to read the back, and I held it against me, laughing my head off as I climbed to my feet and started packing my stuff to leave.

  It was time to get back to my boys.



  She’ll be back tomorrow, I reminded myself for the hundredth time. I’d texted with her all afternoon and was late to sound check because she was sending me such filthy messages that I ended up with a raging case of blue balls. Now we were about to take the stage, and it was all I could do to concentrate. She had me so wrapped up I couldn’t think straight.

  Having to sleep without her last night had been fucking brutal. One more night, and she’d be back for good. I just had to get through one more night.

  Jesus, I had it bad.

  We took the stage, and I shifted into performance mode, losing myself and all my stress in the music. It was one of those nights where I knew I was straining my voice, but I couldn’t dial it back, I needed the high too much. Midway through the show, there was a long guitar battle between Kane and Jared, so I took a second to grab a quick drink. I was just about to tip back my bottle of lemon water when I caught sight of her. She was stage-side, dressed in ripped jeans and converse, jumping up and down, screaming my name. Her shirt—the one I’d had made for her—said “Back off, I’m with the band” and when she saw me looking, she turned to reveal the back, which said “Property of Kade Edenfield.”

  I cracked up at her antics, jumping and screaming, as she turned and lifted a sign that said “Marry me, Kade!”

  I caught Kane’s eye and held up one finger, asking him to draw out the solo. He looked to her and smiled, nodding as he bumped Jared with his shoulder and they resumed the epic battle.

  She was still screaming my name as I made a quick dash to where she stood, then she was screaming for real when I grabbed her around the waist and threw her over my shoulder, carrying her onstage. She was kicking and wiggling, yelling for me to put her down, so I did. Center stage, in front of thousands of screaming fans.

  She froze, eyes going wide as I gripped her shoulders and turned her back toward the crowd, pointing at the shirt and grabbing the mic. “You guys see that?” I yelled. There came a resounding yes. I pulled the sign from her hands and gently turned her to face the audience, holding up her proposal for all to see. “How about this? You see this?”

  The cheers were deafening as I looked down and met her eyes, still speaking into the mic. “Well, I sure as hell hope she was serious, because my answer is yes.”

  The entire place erupted, though I was pretty sure some of the screams were fangirls in pain. I distinctly heard Jared miss a riff, and Aubrey looked like she might pass out, hopefully from stage fright and not because of me. I moved the mic away, leaning down to speak into her hair. “I’ll let you in on a little secret.”

  “What?” Her voice was thready, full of emotion.

  “I have a ring in my pocket. Been carrying it around since I bought it yesterday, waiting for you to get back.”

  Leaning back, I could tell from the look on her face that she wanted me to take out the rock then and there, but her eyes suddenly went wide. “What about your mom? I haven’t even met her yet, what if she doesn’t approve?”

  I bent down and spoke into her ear again, trailing one finger across her collarbone. “Who do you think I asked to help me pick out the ring?” She gasped in my ear. “I know it’s fast; everything between us has been, but I’m a man who knows what he wants, and I want you, Aubrey. Forever.” I paused and used my most menacing voice as I spoke into her ear. “Does that scare you?” I taunted.

  “Yes,” she said, adding, “But you know I love it when you scare me.”

  “Good to hear.” I kissed the top of her head and dropped to one knee, bringing the mic back up. “Call me old-fashioned, but I always pictured myself doing the proposing. Just like this; on one knee, in front of twenty thousand people, while two of my favorite guitarists battle in the background. You know, like in the olden days.” I laughed, and so did a huge chunk of the audience before falling silent to watch the moment.

  “Aubrey Taylor,” I said, pulling the ring from my pocket, “Will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?”

  She smiled, tears pooling in her eyes as she nodded emphatically. “Yes!”

  I slid the ring onto her finger and stood, crushing her against my chest as twenty thousand people cheered and snapped photos.

  Our repeated “I love yous” between kisses mingled with the melody playing at our backs, creating a song that was uniquely our own. As I held her there against my chest, I smiled bigger and more deeply than I could ever remember, and for the first time in more than a decade, I was perfectly happy.



  This is the life.

  The early morning sun crept into the lavish hotel room, slowly inching its way toward the bed where we lay. It was the first sunrise I’d watched in a long time, and it was one I’d not soon forget.

  The dawn of my first whole day as Mrs. Kade Edenfield.

  It had been a whirlwind forty-eight hours. The night Kade proposed was the band’s last US concert before heading overseas—they still had a handful of US concerts after they returned from abroad, but that was near the end of the year. For now, we were all enjoying the one week gap in their schedule before having to start the international portion of the tour. What better way to spend the week than on our honeymoon?

  I held my left hand up in front of me and smiled. I’d always imagined a large stone like the one on my hand would feel uncomfortably heavy, but I’d never felt lighter—freer—than when I looked at that diamond nestled there beside my wedding band.

  “What are you thinking, wife?” Kade’s deep, sultry voice always made me swoon, but when he addressed me as his wife…

  “I was just thinking about how weightless I feel—how content.” It was amazing that neither of us sounded tired. We’d been up all night, alternating between making love and talking. We’d done and said so much in the span of one night, fallen deeper into each other than I’d ever thought possible.

  Everything about our connection had been rapid fire, from our first twinge of attraction—which we both agreed was instantaneous—to our whirlwind wedding in Atlantic City. It was all an amazing, surprising, life-altering blur that left us breathless and forever bonded.

  “I feel it too, warden. Like floating along with the best buzz ever. I guess this is where the phrase ‘drunk on love’ comes from.” He kissed the top of my head, pulling me a little tighter against his side.

  I nodded my head, still watching the sunrise and hating the thought of having to leave our bed. “Drunk or not, babe, we have to get up and wash the sex off of us. We have to meet the gang downstairs for breakfast before they head back home.”

  He groaned dramatically and reached up to cup my breast, his thumb trailing lazily over the rapidly hardening nipple. “But then you’d have to cover that gorgeous body with actual clothes, and I’m not done with it yet. Not by a long shot.”

  I let my hand trail over his hip and inch down that delicious V that I loved so much. “How about a compromise? Shower sex.” I took him in hand and gave a firm squeeze, loving the way he gasped ever so slightly at my touch.

  “Hmm… maybe. As long as you promise that after breakfast we’ll come right back up he
re to bed.” His feeble attempt at bargaining was hilarious. My husband—holy shitballs, I have a husband—would never pass up shower sex. Not ever.

  “That’s the plan. Once it’s just the two of us, we’ll spend the rest of the week living on room service and banning all non-edible clothing.” I met his eyes and winked, still running my thumb over the plump head of his cock. For good measure, I trailed the tip of my tongue over my bottom lip and made an mmm sound. His dick twitched in my hand, and the next thing I knew, I was being carried to the bathroom.

  “Kade!” I screeched as he marched us past the jetted tub toward the massive glass- encased shower. “You have to let the water warm up first!”

  He halted and appeared to consider a moment. “You’re right.” His mouth turned up in a scandalous grin as he sat me down on the counter and turned to start the shower. Thank goodness there was a towel under me, or the cold marble would have had my teeth chattering.

  He fiddled with the water for a minute, getting all six shower heads going. When he turned back to me it was with a predatory stare that made my heart race. That little flight or fight response zinged up my spine, and I was instantly aroused.

  As he drew closer, he nodded absently toward the shower. “Let’s give it a few minutes to get up to temp. I want to have a little pre-breakfast snack, anyway.” His eyes flitted to the juncture of my thighs, and he licked his lips.

  We were going to be so late for breakfast.


  The gang was all there when we arrived, both of us with dripping hair and goofy grins. Lennox greeted us first as he was up perusing the buffet with a critical eye. Ethan and Jared both offered a head tip and a smile when they looked up from their menus. Kane jumped to his feet and hugged us both, holding onto me a little longer and whispering in my ear, “Thank you for not giving up on him. On all of us.” He squeezed me so hard I thought my eyes would bug out, then turned to usher me to the enormous private table. “My new sister needs a mimosa. Make sure you take good care of her while I run to the bar.”


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