City Of Sin: A Mafia & MC Romance Collection

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City Of Sin: A Mafia & MC Romance Collection Page 18

by K. J. Dahlen

  The gun slips over my bottom lip as lust and hunger fill his eyes.

  “Zerro will have fun fucking every hole in your body. Then when he’s done with you, and you’re ready to be killed, I’ll fuck you one last time…”

  I sneer at him, anger building deep within me. Why does this man think he has a right to say such cruel, nasty, vile things to me? And who the hell is Zerro?

  “I don’t…” I begin to respond hotly.

  “Shut your mouth!” he roars, his grip tightens as he pulls me up the steps to my home. The front door is kicked in, hanging on one hinge. Fear courses through me, making the anger I had been feeling just seconds ago disappear.

  As we round the corner through the kitchen, my mouth almost falls open. I stare in disbelief at the scene in front of me: appliances ripped apart, cupboard doors hanging loosely on their hinges, food, and other items strewn haphazardly around the usually immaculate room. It looks like a tornado has gone straight through the house! Pushing me forward, the man and I come to a halt just on the edge of entering the living room. My heart beats out of my chest when I hear my father’s voice and see the puddle of blood on the floor.

  Please, tell me that isn’t his blood. Please. I want to cry out, begging and pleading…

  “I am so sorry! I didn’t have a choice, Bree!” my father chokes out when he sees me. There is a man holding him in place in one of the wooden dining room chairs. I want to cry as I take in his swollen face, the blood dripping from his lips, and the bruises that are already forming around his eyes and on his cheeks. His hands are tied securely behind his back, his wrists bleeding. I desperately want to go to him and comfort him, protect him from what is happening. My dad looks like he hasn’t shaved, showered, or changed his clothes for quite some time. He seems to have stopped taking care of himself. The man sitting before me is just the shell of my father. The man before me is tired, worn out, broken, defeated, and hopeless. What the hell happened to my inspiring, courageous, easy-going, fun-loving dad? I was only gone for a few months! How could this have happened? Why didn’t I know what was going on?

  “Everyone has a choice, John,” a deep, rich voice chides from somewhere. I look up as the man behind the mystery voice descends the stairs, his eyes landing on me. There is an evil coldness in his stare that makes my heart skip a beat. His hair is dark and styled in a way that says he doesn’t give two fucks about what anyone thinks. He wears a suit that looks like it cost more than the farmhouse. His chin is sharp and held high as if he believes he is above everyone else.

  “I swear to you, Bree, I didn’t have a choice. The bills were piling up: the mortgage, utilities, insurance, tuition… There just wasn’t enough money for everything. The bank was going to foreclose on the farm, and your school was threatening to take action against you. The idea that you would have to drop out of your classes was killing me. I had to protect you and our home. I had no other choice.” The words achingly and sorrowfully flow from him. It is difficult for any man to swallow his pride and admit he has problems.

  I still wasn’t sure what was going on, though. I know we never had “extra” money to spend, but Dad always said it was okay. He told me that we always had enough to make ends meet. Anger surges through me as I realize he lied to me.

  “You lied to me?” I question unbelievingly though I am certain I already know the answer. It is standing in my living room.

  “Well, this is heartbreaking, but we should really consider getting down to business,” the mystery man stated unsympathetically. I had yet to learn the man’s name, and still he had the audacity to sit on my father’s sofa as if he owned the place.

  “Who are you?” I ask bluntly. I am not sure if I will get a straight answer as most if not all of the men in the room look like they work for the FBI.

  “Who am I?” A smile quirks at the sides of his lips and laughter fills the room. My cheeks redden and more anger finds its way into my already broken heart. Just as soon as the smile appears, though, it vanishes.

  “I’m Alzerro King, sweetheart, and your dear ol’ daddy owes me a lot of fucking money.” My mouth drops open at his accusation.

  “He doesn’t,” I deny vehemently. My father had already pretty much admitted to taking money from this man, but I still have to try to protect my dad. I have to find a way out of this mess. Why didn’t he tell me he borrowed money from someone? The man who escorted me into my house pulls harder on my hair, causing me to grit my teeth tightly. I am about five seconds from turning around and slapping this guy.

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. Your dad borrowed enough money to pay for a years’ worth of school. Not only that, he paid the farm off and finished paying off the funeral costs.” My eyes grow wide as tears threaten to leak from them. The secrets are accumulating at a rate that I can’t even begin to believe.

  My father went behind my back and borrowed money from someone dangerous. Why didn’t he just go to a bank like other normal people? He lied and told me everything was okay. Looking at the big picture, it’s clear to me that absolutely nothing is okay. Nothing about this situation is okay. Nothing about a gun being pointed at my father’s head is okay!

  “I was okay, Bree, everything was okay. Then there was a bad storm and we lost almost all of the crops. I couldn’t afford to pay…” The earnestness in my father’s voice tells me he is trying to make me understand. How can I understand the lies and the danger we are now in?

  “Shut the fuck up!” Alzerro yells, his words echoing off the drab walls of my country house. His voice is authoritative and commanding as if his words hold a power, that everyone bows to. He looks as if he is used to being obeyed and doesn’t tolerate any insubordination. He looks right at me, his eyes possessing me. Their darkness is overwhelming and makes me wonder if any good can be found in him.

  Silence falls over us as I push the tears away and put my thinking cap on. There has to be a way out of all of this. There has to be a way to earn the money back so we can pay these men back. The danger that surrounds these men tells me that it will be a mighty feat, but I’m not scared of a little hard work. My momma didn’t raise no quitter.

  My eyes scan the old blue wallpaper that lines the living room walls. My mom had wanted it, In fact, she loved it so much that after we lost her to cancer, we never took it down or painted over it. No point in doing so since it wouldn’t make the hurt go away. Instead, we just kept it as a vivid reminder, something to hold her memory and keep her here with us even when she isn’t. God, I wish that wallpaper held some answers!

  “There has to be a way to repay…” I don’t get to finish my sentence because he abruptly stands up and walks menacingly toward me. The man at my back releases my hair and pushes me forward so my body is almost touching Alzerro’s. I stumble and fall to my knees. Alzerro holds his hand out, gesturing for me to stay below him.

  “To repay me?” he says huskily, coming down on his haunches. He smells of high-end class and elegance; two things I am not used to.

  I nod my head, filtering through my thoughts for an answer to our problems. My father has borrowed money from someone who is obviously very capable of killing people. Who has probably already killed many people.

  “I planned on killing your father in return for my money, but since you’re here, tell me what your idea is…”

  The way he says idea has my skin crawling. Goosebumps erupt across my skin. I don’t actually have any ideas; I just said it to try and buy us some time.

  “I will get a job so we can just pay you back in payments or…” I have to throw it out there. His full-on laughter cuts me off. He is an asshole, and I am certain everyone in the room knows it. I glare at him as I watch a huge smile form on his face.

  “Payments… Hmm… That’s a problem, dear Bree.” My name coming from his mouth causes and the eruption of goose bumps on my skin. I feel the need to ask him to keep saying it, but at the same time, the dark look he is giving me makes me want to piss and shit myself.

“Problem? I don’t see what the problem is if you’re being paid back. Do you?” Somehow I have gained a backbone at that moment, and I stand up. I know I have every reason to be scared, but I’m not. I am calm and cool, and I am somehow going to find a way out of this mess. I can’t lose my father, especially after just losing my mother.

  I watch as Alzerro pulls a gun from his back. I am not sure how I hadn’t noticed it, and out of pure terror I fall backward, barely catching myself before I hit the floor.

  “You don’t make deals with the mafia, my dear. I’m the mafia king, and I don’t take payments unless they’re in blood. So tell me… Who shall be paying today?” A sick smile creeps onto his face as he points the gun at my father. Alzerro’s cold, dark eyes stare into mine, and there isn’t an ounce of mercy there. He will shoot my father without blinking; he will shoot me without blinking. He isn’t the type of man who gives second chances.

  “No…” I beg. I am not sure where it came from. All I know is I can’t face losing someone again. It will be as if I am dead anyway.

  He lowers the gun, turning his attention back to me. I can feel his hot breath on my face as he looks down at me. “What is your form of payment then?” I notice the way his eyes linger on my breasts, my body in general. He is intrigued by me. He wants me.

  “Me,” I whisper for his ears only. He isn’t stupid; he knows what I mean. I, however, am so stupid, so very fucking stupid. I know there will be no walking away from someone like him. He pushes his longish black hair from his face as he continues to hold the gun in his hand like he is weighing his options carefully.

  His eyes narrow, and for a brief second, I think he will say no.

  “Deal…” I know he isn’t done, though. There is a “but” in there somewhere… “But if you run, I will kill you. Men, take care of her father.” Alzerro’s hand snakes out, gripping the hem of my shirt. I thought he said that we had a deal! An icy, sweaty feeling of dread sweeps through my body. This can’t be happening! I only offered myself so I could save my dad! I try to push his hand away, but I am obviously no match for him. He looks amused, yet deadly serious, as my skin feels the burn of his hand slowly roaming up to the top of my shirt. I hear the tear of fabric as he rips my shirt to gain access to my chest, but I hardly notice because I’m held captive by the fear in my father’s eyes as Alzerro’s men surround him.

  “Stop! You said we had a deal!” I cry out. Alzerro said we had a deal, so why did he order his men to hurt my father?

  I am horrified as the thugs grip my father’s head to hold him in place. The man who had guided me in here looks gleeful as he takes his place next to my dad and prepares to carry out ‘the king’s’ orders. Tears stream down my dad’s face as he waits for the pain to come. His eyes never leave mine, telling me how much he loves me and how sorry he is.

  The brute’s fist lands against my father’s face with a sickening crunch. Hearing my dad’s painful groans and seeing his blood gush out is just too much for me to handle, and I’m on the verge of collapsing. These thugs can’t do this! They have to stop! It’s wrong!

  “Make them stop! Please! I will do whatever you tell me!” I am screaming and sobbing as I plead with Alzerro. My eyes beg for his to meet mine, but they still linger over my body. I am close to being a hysterical, blubbering mess, but I have to keep my wits about me; I have to find strength. I have to do something. I can’t lose my dad.

  “Make them stop!” I implore desperately as my hands grasp his arms to get his attention and for stability before I collapse. “I already said I belong to you, that I’m my dad’s payment. I’ll do whatever you want. Please stop making my father suffer!”

  Alzerro shrugs my hands off his arms, leaving me feeling vulnerable and unsteady. His fingers grip my chin tightly, roughly tilting my head back to force me to meet his callous stare.

  “If I make them stop, you have to go with me without a problem. No fighting, no questions, and no theatrics. Do you understand?”

  The second the words fall from his lips, I shake my head yes. I will do anything I can to save my father including making a deal with the devil.

  “Stop,” Alzerro commands. His guys immediately pull away from my father.

  “Untie him and leave him be. Take her…” His eyes linger over my chest again as if he’s already planning what he’s going to do to me. A creepy smile spreads across his face, making my skin crawl.

  “Tie her up and gag her,” he orders as he runs his thumb across my bottom lip.

  “I said I would go with you willingly…” My voice is weak as the men come near me. The man who retrieved me from my car roughly grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him. The other men untie and release my father. His body is so worn out, he falls off his chair and lands on the ground in a heap. Even though he has been badly beaten and is still bleeding, I know he will be okay. It is better than being dead, after all.

  “Where are you taking me?” I turn the best I can to face Alzerro. His eyes pierce mine.

  “Somewhere you will never be able to escape from.” His words should scare me, and they did to some extent, but I have a feeling that I will never get to live more than when I am with this man.

  “Are you going to kill me?” I ask foolishly. I can’t help it; the question is burning a hole in my head. Another man comes up behind me to follow through with Alzerro’s orders.

  “Wait. Before you take me, may I please hug my dad good-bye?” I tentatively ask, hoping I can feel safe in my father’s arms one last time. I am not surprised when there is no response. Instead, my hands are tied together, causing my arms to pull together tightly. Alzerro takes a step forward while a man works rope between my legs. I don’t put up any resistance. There is no point in fighting them – they are heartless, cruel beings who won’t hesitate to use their guns to kill me.

  “I might be a criminal, dear Bree, but killing beautiful women isn’t something I enjoy doing. If you do as you’re told, I won’t hurt you.” His deep, silky voice invades my body and my senses. I shudder as my palms sweat, and a slick coating of fear fills my belly.

  Before I am ready, I am being led out of my home. My heart constricts and panic seizes me as I try to look at my dad one last time. “Daddy…” I manage to gasp out before my ears fill with my dad’s broken, sobbing voice. “Bree… Bree… I’m so… Bree!” My father’s wails may be my final memories of him.

  My throat constricts with sobs wanting to erupt, but I can’t let them out. I can’t break down yet, so I let anger take over my heart. When we stop at the SUVs, I turn to Alzerro with fire in my eyes and heartache in my voice. “You didn’t even let me say goodbye! You didn’t give me a chance to pack or take anything important to me. I have nothing, nothing to remind me of my life!”

  Alzerro chuckles at my outburst, and his eyes light up like he’s enjoying my dismay. He fucking chuckles at me! “Oh, my darling Bree, that’s kind of the point. You are mine. Your life is mine. Your memories, emotions, desires are all mine. I own you. Your life as you knew it doesn’t exist anymore,” he explains to me as if he’s talking to a child.

  It’s at this moment that I realize what I have gotten myself into. As the realization quickly settles in, I make myself a promise. I will play Alzerro’s game, and I will let him think he owns me, but he will never control my mind or my heart. He will never know about my secret act of defiance. I will always remember who I am and where I come from. I will always be me – the Bree I want to be!

  I take a deep breath, allowing my new resolve to fill me. “I know I agreed to go with you and all, but what exactly am I to do?” I hadn’t even thought of that. I just wanted to find a way to save my father’s life and get these men out of my mother’s home.

  “We’ll start off slowly since we don’t know one another. Every day we’ll work up to the best part of all…” he whispers, his breath tickling my ear.

  “What’s the best part?” I ask innocently.

  “When you ride my dick.” A smirk pulls at his lips
as I gasp and my face reddens. I am not stupid, I know what will happen. I know someone like him doesn’t just take someone like me and force her to clean his house or complete menial tasks. I just didn’t expect him to be so blunt and straightforward with his words.

  “Does that bother you? Riding my dick? Because you will ride it. You’ll ride it long and hard. I will fill your pussy and fuck you into oblivion.”

  Without warning, the rope around my ankles is pulled tighter, and a scrap of fabric lands in Alzerro’s hands. He leans in closer than before, and I open my mouth for him to put it in. His hands wrap the fabric around my head as he secures the gag. Then the asshole behind me tightens it even more, and my vision starts to go blurry just as my eyes land on a very pleased face. Alzerro may have gotten what he wanted, but I earned my father’s freedom.



  “Welcome to your new home.” Alzerro’s words are anything but welcoming as I enter his home…excuse me, my new fortress—it’ll never be home. I massage my wrists where the rope rubbed my skin raw. My world seems fuzzy and discombobulated as I try to take everything in. I try to remember how I got here, but the last thing I remember is being gagged. Damn it, the gag must have been soaked with a sedative, even though I promised I wouldn’t fight him. As my wooziness dissipates, I remember my dad, the debt, me being payment...

  Now I am standing in a mafia king’s home. Well, actually, it’s more like a mansion - the kind you see in movies that have three pools and twenty-five bedrooms, more bathrooms than bedrooms, live-in help... You know what I’m talking about, right?

  “Thank you,” I reply softly. In such a large space, my voice can hardly be heard. Just from my view in the entryway, I know this house is magnificent. The floors are marble, sleek and glistening under the lights. There’s a grand, sweeping staircase ahead of me. I admire the high ceilings, large windows, and expensive artwork. I know to see this house in the daylight will be amazing.


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