Educating Ansley - a RED hot menage with cowboys

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Educating Ansley - a RED hot menage with cowboys Page 9

by Johnson, Cat

  She wasn’t naked, but the slip of lace she wore was close enough, besides the fact she had the hem raised up past her hips as she frantically fingered herself. Ryan nearly groaned at the sight. He managed to hold the sound in and not alert her to his presence out in the dark hall.

  Grams had gone to bed, and her room was all the way at the other end of the house. Confident he’d see or hear Grams before she saw him if she decided to come check on Ansley, Ryan reached down. He worked on getting his belt buckle open while never letting his eyes stray from the scene on the bed. A beautiful woman, pleasuring herself. What man could look away?

  The weight of his buckle made it swing wide once released. Ryan managed to grab it before it crashed into the door he was practically pressed against now to better see through the crack. Her eyes opened and he froze. She sat up in bed staring directly at the doorway. Then she did the last thing he expected—she stripped her nightgown off and dropped it seductively to the floor. Eyes focused on the door as if she could see Ryan on the other side, she spread herself wide.

  Had she heard? Could she see him? He didn’t know what to think because figuring out Ansley was proving to be quite a puzzle. All Ryan knew was he couldn’t take his gaze off the pink flesh spread before him. From the top of her puffy lips right down to her tightly puckered hole, she was on display. Ansley wet her fingertip and went back to circling her clit, first one direction, slowly, then the other.

  Hell, if she knew he was there and was continuing, then she obviously wanted an audience. If she didn’t know he was there then no harm, right? Ryan unbuttoned his jeans, then slid his zipper down, one loud metal tooth at a time. Finally, he had enough room to slide his hand inside his briefs and grasp the erection he’d ignored for far too long.

  As Ansley lifted her hips off the bed, improving his view, Ryan stroked himself as best he could. He couldn’t let himself come—not there. He’d never be able to be silent enough. But he sure as hell could enjoy the amazing scene before him. Taking a cue from Ansley’s playbook, Ryan wet the tip of his finger and ran it over the head of his cock, then down. Gripping his length hard, he began pumping, slowly so she wouldn’t hear.

  Her breaths were coming harder and Ryan knew exactly the moment the orgasm shook her. Her hips rose higher, her hand sped faster and her entire body tensed. Ansley wasn’t quiet either. She gasped loud enough he probably would have heard it from his room across the hall, had he not been pressed up against her door jerking off.

  Finally her cries slowed, her hips lowered, but Ansley wasn’t quite done yet. Sliding one finger into her pussy, she gathered the wetness Ryan could see glistening in the light. Then she slid that finger back farther. He knew where she was going before she got there. He knew watching her slide into her ass and remembering her bent over his truck seat that day would send him over the edge. He stayed just a moment more and watched anyway, and had to smother a groan.

  Rather than shoot the hallway with come, Ryan backed away from the door and headed directly to the bathroom. He flipped on the hot water in the shower, flung off his boots and clothes and stepped inside the stall as the steam rose. He soaped his hands up good, both of them. Self denial like he’d experienced today was going to take more than just a typical jerk off session to conquer. Ryan braced one foot on the edge of the tub. Realizing his pulse was pounding, he took a deep breath to steady himself, then started.

  As his fist pumped his cock, Ryan slid one fingertip back and located his own hole. The vision of Ansley doing that to herself still burned in his mind, Ryan slowly pushed inside. It burned a bit, from the soap or maybe just because his ass was clenched tighter than a man on his first night in prison. He reminded himself it was his finger invading him, and he could stop at any time.

  Remembering the orgasm he’d had at Lola’s, Ryan pressed deeper while continuing to stroke himself. Close already, he felt his balls tighten. Braver, he crooked and rotated his finger inside, searching for that spot that had sent him skyrocketing to heaven. His knees nearly buckled when he found it. Ryan pressed harder while pumping his fist faster. The first pulse of pleasure hit him like lightening, splashing the back wall of the shower with semen. It didn’t slow, or subside, for what seemed like forever. By the time Ryan finally ran dry, he was shaking so badly his wobbly legs barely supported him. Yet he pulled on his cock a few more times, his body still pulsing, gripping his finger in his ass.

  Ryan stroked the spot inside him again, then a few more times, sending another shot of pleasure through him, before he started to withdraw slowly. It was still a little scary, but damn was it good. He didn’t know why his body responded like that. He damn sure wasn’t happy about the whole concept, but he couldn’t deny how amazing it felt. Because of that, he knew he’d do it again—often. He’d just try not to think too much about it.


  “How’d you sleep, darlin’?”

  “Very well. Thank you, Mrs. Kane.” After her orgasm, and knowing that Ryan had watched it, she’d slept like a baby. Poor man had gone directly to the shower, no doubt to whack off after what he’d seen. She liked the idea she’d done that to him.

  “Coffee? Or some nice cold sweet tea, maybe? It’s going to be a warm one today.”

  Ansley nearly groaned with pleasure as the older woman held up a percolator full of fragrant, blessed caffeine. “Coffee. Please. Thank you.”

  “Sure thing. Cream and sugar are on the table. And please call me Ramona. Mrs. Kane makes me sound like an old married woman and I feel too young for that.” She smiled.

  “Okay.” Ansley accepted the hot, steaming mug thinking how Ramona Kane and Moira Craig couldn’t be more different. Which brought up a question she’d been wondering about since that fateful day she’d heard in the hallway she was being shipped off to Siberia. “How did you and my grandmother meet and get to be friends?”

  “School.” She refilled her own cup and sat. “My parents sent me out east to college because I kept getting into trouble around here.”

  Ansley’s eyes opened wide and Ramona laughed.

  “I know. Pretty ironic, isn’t it? Me being sent to Connecticut to keep me out of trouble. You being sent back here for the same reason.”

  “Does my grandmother know about you getting into trouble when you were younger?” And apparently more recently too, if what Ryan had told her about the male stripper was true.

  “Sure. I never kept it a secret, though I’m not sure we spent much time worrying about it. We were too busy having fun to talk much about home or my parents or why I was there.”

  “My grandmother? Had fun? Are we talking about the same person?” That was too hard to believe.

  Ramona chuckled. “Yeah, it did take a bit to loosen her up, but she’s got it in her. Just have to give her a little push.”

  “One day you’ll have to tell me all about it.”

  She shook her head. “Oh, no. What happened in Connecticut stays in Connecticut. You’ll notice I haven’t asked you about what got you sent here.”

  Ansley scowled. “That’s because my grandmother probably already faxed you my rap sheet.”

  “I’ve been briefed, yes.” Ramona laughed again.

  It was nice being around people who laughed. Different, but nice. If Ansley didn’t watch it, she’d start liking it there and not want to leave at all, ever. Not even at the end of the summer.

  “Why did you offer to take me if you knew all the trouble I got into?”

  “I guess you remind me of myself at your age.” Ramona shrugged. “Besides, every girl needs a change once in a while. Something you’ll look back on fondly in your golden years. I know my grandsons always loved visiting here, so much they moved in permanently. One summer on a ranch is an adventure an easterner like you will never forget.”

  Little did Ramona know her adventure had already begun with the Kane brothers.

  “More coffee, darlin’?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Ramona filled Ansley’s cup and
looked her robe and slippers up and down. “Now you take that back to your room and get dressed. Something practical, especially on your feet. You’re on a ranch, you know. Manure happens and I don’t want to hear any complaining you ruined some insanely expensive pair of shoes, got it? I’ve been friends with Moira for long enough to know you’ve got a few pair with you that probably cost more than I paid for my first car.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Ansley couldn’t help but smile, even if this meant she was going to be put to work today. “I guess I’ll have chores to do while I’m here?”

  “We all pitch in with the housework, but besides that, you’re free to enjoy yourself.”

  “You mean I don’t have to work on the ranch?”

  “Goodness, no. What did you think? I’d have you out there haying the field?” Ramona laughed. “You’re our guest. Though I always enjoyed driving the tractor when I was your age. Something about controlling a big machine like that made me feel, I don’t know, powerful. Have one of the boys teach you how. You’ll like it, I think, and it’ll be something to tell your friends about when you get home.”

  Having the boys, as she called them, teaching her to do anything sounded like fun. “Okay, I will.”

  She took off for her room, mentally choosing what to wear on the way.

  Ansley settled on jean shorts and a pair of boots. It was getting warm already and if she was going to be on a ranch, she figured she might as well dress the part. Luckily she’d attended a fundraising event last year to benefit some equine organization. The attire had been western wear, so she’d bought cowboy boots. She’d never thought she’d be wearing them for real, on a ranch no less.

  Some sunscreen on her face and she was ready. Ansley headed outside and stood, deciding where to start her search for the boys. She spotted the white truck Ryan had driven her in yesterday parked in front of one of the equipment buildings. Remembering last night in her room—how a rustling outside her door had first alerted her someone was watching—her heartbeat sped. It had to have been Ryan. His room was directly across the hall. He had to have seen her.

  She’d like to see him resist her now. Smiling at the thought, Ansley aimed for the building where Ryan’s truck was parked.

  The metal door was open and she peered inside, having trouble seeing in the dim space after being out in the sun. She’d have to remember to grab her sunglasses when she went back to her room again.

  “Hey there.” Ryan popped out at her from just inside the door, scaring her into a scream.

  “You frightened me.” Ansley frowned.

  “Sorry. I was standing right there the whole time. Didn’t you see me?”

  “No.” She felt her scowl slipping away as she noticed Ryan looking her up and down. Oh yeah. He was interested. So was she.

  “You look really nice. I like the Daisy Duke look.” Something tightened low in her belly when Ryan spoke.


  Ansley jumped at the sound of Jeremy’s voice, just as he appeared from outside.

  “—Oh. Hey, Ansley.”

  Both Kane men. The privacy of the barn—or shed or whatever it was. Even a stack of hay bales. All the makings for a city girl’s cowboy fantasy.

  “Jeremy.” Ansley nodded in his direction, all the while taking in the tight T-shirt stretched across his muscles.

  His gaze traveled from her to his brother. “Um. I need to drive to town. The part I ordered for the tractor is in. Will you be okay with the chores alone while I’m gone?”

  “Sure. The water bins are all scrubbed and filled. I already dropped a new roll of hay in the field for the horses. The only thing I have to do is throw them some feed this afternoon and I have Ansley here to help me do that.” Ryan shot her a heated glance and grinned. “Right, darlin’?”

  Visions of rolling in the field with Ryan, or Jeremy, or both, flashed through her mind. “Um, sure.”

  “Okay.” Jeremy looked rather pointedly at Ansley. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  With regret, she watched him disappear into the swirling dust and sunlight, then she turned back to Ryan. One Kane man was better than none, she supposed, but two would be so much more fun. “So. What now?”

  He laughed and shook his head.

  Ansley frowned at him. “What?”

  “Nothing. Come on. I’ll give you the grand tour.” Ryan hopped up onto the tractor and extended his hand for her.

  “Wait.” First of all, she wasn’t going anywhere until he told her what he’d been laughing at. And she wasn’t quite sure about this tractor riding business either. No doors. One tiny seat, and Ryan’s butt currently occupied it. Probably not even a seat belt to keep her from plummeting headfirst into all the deadly looking parts.

  “No worries. I’ll hang onto you.” He slid back and patted the few inches of vinyl in front of him. “There’s room. Hop up.”

  She eyed the tiny space he’d made for her, then glanced back at Ryan. Judging by the look in his eyes, he was anticipating having her ass snuggled up to his crotch for the ride. Realization didn’t take long. This wasn’t really about riding the tractor at all. This was about having him pressed up against her. If this was how cowboys went about seducing a girl, then she was game. As long as Ryan ended up where she wanted him, she didn’t care how he got there.

  “Okay. Sure.” Ansley reached up for his hand and braced one booted foot on the metal frame of the tractor.

  Ryan pulled her up easily, then guided her between his thighs, which was exactly where she wanted to be. Reaching around her, he threw some lever, pulled something else then turned the key. The motor rumbled to life then settled into a steady purr. The vibrations the machine sent through her would have her purring in a few minutes too. Damn. It was like riding a giant vibrator. Even better, this vibrator came with a live cowboy attached.

  She wiggled her butt a bit, testing Ryan’s reaction. He wrapped one arm around her waist and held her while he grabbed the steering wheel with his other hand.

  Ryan leaned closer to her ear. “Don’t worry. I won’t let you fall off.” The heat of his breath, not to mention the heat in his voice, had her leaning farther into him.

  Falling off was her last concern at the moment. Falling for these two cowboys might be though. She nodded. Meanwhile, the seam of her denim shorts was pressed right on her clit and between that and the vibration, there was a good chance… Oh yeah, she was starting to tingle already.

  A soft moan escaped her. She sought something to grip. Her hands hit Ryan’s thighs. She grabbed onto him, and then squeezed her thighs together. That did it. Eyes closed, she silently rode the orgasm to the end.

  Ryan cut the engine and she opened her eyes. He grabbed her chin and angled her face toward him. “Did you just come?”

  Her insides were still clenching and throbbing. When she didn’t answer, he let out a curse under his breath.

  “Sorry.” She bit her lip, and squeezed her legs tighter, craving more.

  Ryan laughed. “No, you’re not.”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose.” She halted at the sight of Ryan’s raised brow. “Not at first anyway.”

  He swallowed hard enough she heard it from her seat in front of him. “Last night. You knew I was there, didn’t you?”

  She nodded. “You liked it, didn’t you?”

  “What do you think?” His crooked smile made her want to suck on his adorable lips.

  He hadn’t released his arm from around her waist even though they obviously weren’t driving anywhere anytime soon. His hard-on was pressing into her flesh, and his breathing was getting pretty heavy. Yeah, he’d liked it.

  “So what do we do about it?” she asked.

  “About what?”

  “The attraction between us.”

  “Not a damn thing.”

  He may say that, but his hold on her had tightened and she could swear he was pressing harder against her ass.

  “You’re okay with that? You watch me come, twice now, and that’s it.
We do nothing about it?”

  “First of all, you let me watch. Both times.” He laughed. “And in answer to your question, yup, I’m okay with it.”

  “Well, I’m not.” She covered his hand with hers and raised it to cup her breast. He let her.

  She released her hold on him and reached down to unbutton her jean shorts. The zipper followed, then she slid her hand down, inside her panties. Ansley felt Ryan remain motionless behind her. She swirled her finger through her slit, then raised it to her lips. He watched as she popped her finger into her mouth.

  “Mm. You want a taste?” She offered her finger to him next. “Or perhaps you want to get some for yourself.”

  The thought of his hand on her, in her, had Ansley nearly vibrating with need.

  “Shit.” Ryan hissed out the single word so close to her ear she felt his breath on her skin.

  “What’s wrong?” She was winning this time and she liked it.

  He shook his head while at the same time his fingers began to circle her nipple through her shirt. “I was trying to teach you a lesson.”

  Pressing back a little more firmly against his erection, she tilted her head to the side to expose her throat in hopes he’d take the hint. When she felt his lips brush her neck, she smiled. “Mm. Sounds good. What kind of lesson?”

  “Not any kind you’d like. Forget about it now. Lesson canceled.” Ryan slipped his hand down her belly and plunged it into her shorts. He found her clit and started working it. She closed her eyes as the pleasure spread through her from his touch, but his hands were big and her shorts were tight. “Damn. I need more room to work.”

  “There’s that hay over there.”

  “Was that your plan all along?”

  She didn’t lie since he’d already hoisted her off the seat and was leading her by the hand toward the bales. “Maybe.”

  He shook his head. “Shame. You could have really used that lesson.”

  “What lesson?” Ansley nearly stamped her foot in frustration.


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