Matthew's Return [Wolves of Climax 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized)

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Matthew's Return [Wolves of Climax 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized) Page 6

by Stacey Espino

  “Yes,” she said. Cassidy wasn’t sure of the full significance of being chosen, or even a hundred percent sure she was the one, but she wanted Matthew to want her. The cave suddenly felt as if it closed in around her, leaving just the two of them and her wildly beating heart. She was giddy with excitement, anxious for Garret to reunite with his friend and end this war with the Rockfords. Besides her multitude of questions, she was painfully attracted to the man in front of her.

  “Really?” He circled her, lifting her hair, examining her from every angle. “No love bite?”

  Again with the love bite. “Is that customary in Climax? Do you all bite your women?”

  His brow lowered. Matthew licked his thick lips, staring at her as if she were an enigma. “I’m not disappointed, but I can’t understand what Garret plans for you. He’s left you innocent to our ways.”

  “Then teach me,” she said on impulse. As soon as the words left her mouth, her pussy clamped tight, pulsing hard and demanding. She didn’t know Matthew, but felt as if she did by the many personal recounts from Garret. Cassidy knew full well the other men would accept Matthew and offer her to him as they had with each other. But dare she fuck a complete stranger? Her body screamed yes.

  “I haven’t been with a woman in a long while.” The rich scent of roasting meat on the fire made her mouth salivate. The Adonis in front of her made her pussy moisten. She was experiencing a sensory overload, and there was only one cure.

  “If I can handle your friends, I think I can handle you.”

  He tilted his head and shrugged. There was a lighthearted air to him which pulled her in. His simplicity was refreshing. “Is that so?” His gaze roamed over her body, heating her from the inside out. The flames and shadows danced along the toned planes of his chest. He looked hungry, an untamed glint in his eyes. Maybe she wouldn’t be able to handle him.

  She nodded.

  “I’ve been imprisoned, barely fed, beaten, and drugged.”

  “Oh my God.” Cassidy gasped. “That’s horrible.”

  Matthew sat down close to where she was now sitting. “Why do you care?” He spoke with honest curiosity in his voice.

  “Isn’t it natural to care about another living thing?”

  He narrowed his eyes slightly as if trying to unravel the mysteries of her mind. The moment felt intimate, even more so when he adjusted the collar of her shirt which was hanging low on one shoulder. He made no advance, completely in control of his actions.

  “Not in my world,” he said.

  “Are we not from the same one?”

  Matthew lowered down to his side and began to draw rudimentary pictures in the thin layer of dirt and debris on the cave floor. “I haven’t lived an easy life. Until I found Garret, I considered my life a forfeit.”

  “That’s an awful thing to say.” Cassidy knew what it was like to struggle through life, to feel the constant ache of loneliness, and to fear the future. Maybe Garret had saved her, too.

  “You’re not from around here. Do you even know what it means to go without?”

  She frowned, not liking his assumptions. “I’ve been on my own since I was a teenager. I have no parents, no family, and had nothing but the clothes on my back when I came to Climax.”

  Now he smirked, propping himself up higher on his elbow to look at her. She avoided eye contact, suddenly noticing he’d drawn a picture of her on the cave floor. Her chest felt tight, emotion gripping her when she least expected it.

  “You can draw?”

  He didn’t speak until she finally met him eye for eye. “I’ve lived my life as an orphan. Living without roots is like driving without a map. You feel lost, don’t know where you’re going…”

  Her chest was rising and falling to match her increased heart rate. She felt an inexplicable connection to Matthew, as if they had a soul-deep bond.

  “You’re right. That’s exactly how I feel sometimes. It’s just a matter of looking ahead, rather than back. If you dwell on things that can’t be undone, you can drive yourself mad.”

  He shifted into her personal space, his broad shoulder gleaming in the firelight. “You already know me better than some of my pack mates. What does that mean?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think Garret chose well.” He spoke slowly. “Right now all I can think about is your scent, the soft texture of your skin, and what I plan to do to you.”

  She couldn’t imagine a man who’d been through such hell could even think about sex. It must be a testament to his need. How could she deny him now? Cassidy wanted him nearly as much as he did her.

  “What’s your name, little human?”

  “Cassidy Lyons. And why do you keep calling me human? Are you the Big Bad Wolf or something?”

  He smirked as he moved in on her, rising into a sitting position. So close. “Something like that.” Matthew attempted to undress her, but gave up and tore open her shirt as if it were a button-up. His strength astounded her. She looked down at her bare breasts, her heart thumping against her ribs. “Garret has definitely chosen well. You’re good on my eyes, Cassidy Lyons.”

  “Just Cassidy,” she said.

  Matthew kept silent, but proceeded to push her down to her back and unbutton her jeans. Once they were tugged down to her ankles, he slipped them off. He held her hips and inhaled against her mound, growling like a man on the edge of losing his humanity. “I smell them on you.”


  “But no mark. Odd.” He kissed up her stomach, slowly despite his professed need. When he reached her breasts he exhaled against her skin, taking a tentative lick of her nipple. She gasped, the brief contact so electric. “You like that.”

  She nodded rapidly.

  He covered her areola with his hot mouth. His lips were soft and thick, his tongue magical. She could feel his scruff against her skin, but the burn only aroused her further. This was a real man like her miners. He was one of them. The missing link they’d all sought. Part of her was thrilled that he’d already accepted her, but she wasn’t foolish enough to think it was anything more than sating his raging lust. He affected her like the others, turning her into an insatiable, wanton woman. Cassidy could say she didn’t recognize this side of her, but in truth, she was being more honest with herself than she’d ever been. She took what she wanted, dismissing societal expectations.

  “I should take my time with you, explore you thoroughly. But I’ve been waiting too long to be patient.”

  “Then just fuck me,” she dared.

  His breath faltered for a moment, surprise altering his features. “Be careful, Cassidy.” He pulled his loincloth loose and tossed it. She looked between them at the virile cock jutting out from the nest of dark curls. The thick erection didn’t look malnourished. In fact, he looked like he could break her in two with a thing like that.

  “What are you going to do with that?” she asked, reaching out to lightly stroke it. His dick jumped, swelling further from her touch.

  He cupped her mound and drove two fingers into her soaking pussy. She moaned, tossing her head back. He moved his fingers just right, hitting her G-spot dead-on and toying with it. For a man who’d been out of practice, he certainly knew how to please a woman.

  “I’m going to fuck you with it.” Matthew sucked her neck, kissing, tasting. One hand cupped her ass, while the other smoothed up her side and down again. “Over and over again.”

  She already knew how good that well-endowed cock would feel filling her, quenching the burn deep inside her. He pulled back, licked his lips, and then settled on the cool, stone floor. His cock swayed, begging for her to impale herself over the rigid flesh. “Come. You ride me, that way I won’t hurt too much.”

  Cassidy wasn’t used to taking control. She liked her men to conquer her, leaving her in a liquid state where all she had to worry about was absorbing pleasure. But she wasn’t going to argue. She straddled his lap, stroking his chest and abs before positioning herself over his dick. As she san
k down, the relief was instantaneous. What had she become? Was this the sexual peak people warned women about once in their thirties and beyond?

  “You’re tight,” he said between clenched teeth. His grip on her thighs was bruising. Was he restraining himself that much? “Go on,” he coaxed.

  She braced herself on Matthew’s chest and began to rise up and down over his cock. The friction was slow and delicious. The firelight danced in his eyes, highlighting the flecks of gold within the green. He stared at her as if mesmerized. Her heart rejoiced as she envisioned Garret’s reaction to finding out Matthew was safe and sound. Daylight couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter Seven

  It amazed Matthew how quickly he could revert to his feral side. After less than a month of being imprisoned to his wolf form, it was so much more difficult holding back his aggression and sexuality.

  He knew he’d been drugged, which was what kept him in a stupor for so long. His shifter DNA, along with the night of rest, aided him in detoxifying his system. The loggers had captured him and a couple other wolves, starved them in small, dank cages, and let them loose on unsuspecting hikers. The drugs combined with the hunger and predator’s instinct of the wolf drove them to attack. Metal tracking collars ensured they were found, but also made it impossible to shift forms.

  By some miracle one of the new wolves had shifted before they could collar him, and he helped Matthew to remove his. The other two wolves were native and quickly returned to the woods. They’d made a break for it, vowing to meet up again once they’d reunited with their packs. The loggers must have found out of their escape within the hour, which was why he had the natural instinct to hide when he heard them, even before his mind was fully clear. He never thought he’d have a kind word to say about a Rockford wolf, but now he called one a friend.

  To his pleasure he happened upon a beautiful girl wandering blindly through the woods. It was something out of a fairy tale, but who was he to argue with fate? She reeked of wolf—Gregor wolves, his pack. He needed to find them, to tell them about the threat. But the little siren was too tempting to ignore. Once isolated with her in the cave, her ripe little body called out to him. He couldn’t think of anything else. Normally he would refuse her or turn her to her knees and fuck her hard from behind, if she insisted. But Cassidy was different. She knew him and what he’d been through because apparently she’d lived her life on a parallel course. He wanted her for more than sexual release. There was so much he wanted yet to learn, and the fact he could see a future with her at all was a testament to his attraction. Commitment was something he avoided because it meant he could get hurt. But today seemed like a good day to reconsider.

  Matthew refused to close his eyes as she worked his cock. She was a beauty, her dark hair fanning down over her shoulders, her pert breasts bouncing slightly each time she came down on his groin. He’d been excited when he thought she was the mate Garret chose for the pack. However, with no marking, he had serious doubts she was the one.

  “I can’t…” she murmured. Her hormonal signature snapped around him, teasing his beast. If she kept mewling and begging, he’d roll her over and fuck her harder than she knew possible. “Please, I can’t.”

  “Can’t what? You’re doing fine.”

  She shook her head, her breathing frantic. “No, you need to do it.”

  He hoisted himself up into a sit, holding her body tight to his. His cock throbbed within her, painfully engorged. “You sure you want me to take over? To fuck you?”


  He kissed her neck, tempted to sink his fangs into the soft flesh. But he was still a pack member, loyal to Garret. Only the alpha chose the mate for the pack, and if she carried his leader’s scent, but lacked a love bite, Garret mustn’t have chosen her.

  Matthew rolled them over, but kept an arm caged beneath her. She was delicate and the floor too hard. Since when had he cared about a particular female this much? His cock was still penetrating her when he began to thrust. He quickly worked up a rapid tempo, his heart rate steadily climbing. His fangs pricked his gumline, his wolf howling within him.

  “Matthew!” she cried. “Oh God, that’s so good.” His name on her lips spurred him on, made him desperate to claim her. Maybe if he talked to Garret, he could convince the alpha to mark her as theirs. He knew he had to do something. All the years he’d been with the pack, he’d never desired a female for anything more than a quick release. This girl’s blue eyes and gentle aura enticed him like never before. No wonder Garret had noticed her. Her scent was wickedly appealing, making his mouth salivate. He wondered if his weakness was a result of the drugs.

  He drove his cock into her, bumping her womb, tugging her up with his arm around her back. The longer he fucked, the more he lost his wits. He tugged her head back with a handful of hair, exposed the smooth plane of her neck, so milky white.

  “Cassidy, you tempt me…” But if he marked her now, he’d be cast out of his pack, forced to live with her in exile. He didn’t have the right to modify the rules passed down for generations of shifters. And he couldn’t live a solitary life again under any circumstance.


  The little siren was unhinged, encouraging a werewolf to take more than she could give. Apparently his alpha had left her in the dark about their true identities, too. She lifted her head to nip his jawline. Her toying would be his undoing. He collected her wrists in one hand above her head, holding strong. Restraining the fragile female took no effort but enticed his dominant side. The wolf clawed to be free. He pinched her nipple with his free hand. She yelped and squirmed, her mouth parted.

  He gave the same treatment to her other breast until her nipples were firm, reddened buds. Then he leaned down to soothe them with the lapping of his tongue. She arched up, seeking more. Cassidy was tough, willing to take a proper fucking.

  Matthew pulled out and flipped her to her hands and knees. “You like pain, do you?” He smacked the fleshy part of her hip, the meaty sound echoing in the cave. She whined, a needy, erotic sound. His cock was nearly purple with arousal, but he had a few minutes of control at his disposal for some playtime. In less than an hour he predicted the first signs of light would shower down on the earth, filling the cave with the warm glow of morning.

  He leaned down and bit her ass, not penetrating the skin like he wanted to. When she bent forward, away from him, he righted her with both hands on her hips. “You asked for it, little one, now you’re going to get it.”

  Her asshole was a tight rosette, her pussy lips moist and swollen. He craved a chance to taste her, to settle in and eat her cunt at his leisure, but tonight was about sating his lust quickly. He’d soon have to search for his pack.

  Matthew fondled her breasts and then trailed his hands over her back toward her ass. More spanks—smack, smack, smack. A deep pink glow emerged on her flesh, a marking nonetheless. It would have to do for now. He plunged his cock into her pussy, the tight grip almost undoing him instantly. Matthew rammed into her, holding back the worst of his passion. Her cries were deep and satisfied, likely spreading through half the forest.

  His seed was filling to overflowing in his sac, burning for release. He pulled her hair back. “Fucking come, woman. I want to feel your pussy milk my cock before I finish.” He tugged harder, finally aiding her in exploding. She called out his name again, her pussy contracting around his dick in deep, throbbing waves. “Good girl. Fuck!” He spent his load deep inside her, feeling a sense of purpose when that connection between them was formed. Mine.

  * * * *

  Patrick tracked the male deep into the woods. He shifted into his wolf form, following the scent of the naked man Cassidy had seen. If this was the elusive killer or her twisted half brother, he’d capture him and set things straight once and for all. Life in Climax had been crazy lately. He wanted everything back to the regular routine when he worked at the mine during the day and connected with his wolf by night. Well, everything the same while including Cassid
y in the mix. He couldn’t get the girl off his mind, especially since his wolf met her and approved.

  The human slowed and then rested, leaning against an old-growth oak while attempting to catch his breath. Patrick crept closer, not even disturbing the air. He was an excellent hunter and tracker. He’d been doing the same thing when Matthew disappeared, hunting for game, but his skills didn’t aid him in finding his friend that fateful day.

  When he was a breath away from the naked human, he could pick up the scent of a Rockford wolf. He growled to warn the man, curious as to what he’d do. If he was indeed a shifter, he’d likely lose his skin as a defense. He only turned, his eyes flashing inhumanly. Only a wolf’s eyes could glow in the dark.

  “I’m too tired to shift. I mean you no harm,” said the man.

  Patrick had already wasted too much time in his opinion. He needed to get Cassidy to the safe house and find out the status of his pack mates. He shifted forms, not feeling a threat from the lone male.

  “Why were you running?”

  “I was caught in a bear trap not three days ago. I only just escaped.” He leaned over his knees to catch his breath before continuing. “Set one of your guys free, too. The operator you’ve all been looking for.”

  “Matthew? He’s alive?” This revelation took him off guard. As much as he wanted to keep up the hope of finding his friend, deep down he never expected to see him again. Not after so long.

  “We left together, only went our separate ways just before we hit the roadway.” He waved in the general direction they’d come from.

  “Who did this? Our alpha thinks it was your pack who took Matthew.”


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