My Roman: Boys on the Hill, #1 An Enemies to Lovers College Romance

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My Roman: Boys on the Hill, #1 An Enemies to Lovers College Romance Page 13

by Rose Croft

  The words trailed off as he glared down at me like I was worse than the dirt on the ground. It wasn’t hard to follow between the lines of this clipped conversation. I stood my ground and stared right back detesting this man the longer I stood here.

  “Come on,” Roman urged with a steel laced voice while he stared hate daggers at his father. I followed him, not missing the animosity on Antoni’s face although he still had his mouth lifted in a sly smile. I followed him out only not to cause a scene. There was definitely a fucked-up scenario happening in this family, and I didn’t want to stand around and be the punch line. However, there was no way in hell I was getting in the car with Roman.

  As soon as we were outside, I yanked away from his hold and grabbed my cell to text Kenzie. He reached for me again, and I side-stepped him. “Leave me alone. You’re delusional if you think I’m going anywhere with you again.” My thumbs moved across my cell screen, but the phone was yanked out of my hand before I could hit send. Then I felt his muscular arm wrap around me, lifting me off the ground easily. “I swear to God I’ll scream.”

  With my back to his chest, he said roughly against my ear, “Go ahead and scream. No one will hear you, except maybe my father and brother. And as you can see, they won’t care.” He carried me kicking and yelling to his Jeep, opening the door and plopping me down in the seat. I floundered to get out, but he blocked me like an impenetrable wall. He hovered over me ominously. “If you try to get out, I’ll catch you and you won’t like the end result.”

  I sat as my eyes blurred, hating him for this. As he entered the driver’s side I turned away, staring out my side and saw a red Ferrari parked next to us. His father always loved imported sports cars, and obviously he still did. I willed my tears away, loathing this family and how they thought they were above everyone.

  We sat in silence the whole way to the dorm. When he put the Jeep in park, I realized he still had my cell. I cut a glare to him with my palm out. “Give me my phone.”

  He had a smirk on his face as he dangled it in his hand. “What do I get in return?”

  “You get to dodge being arrested for kidnapping me.”

  This time he laughed, actually laughed. “You really think that would stick?”

  I leaned in with eyes narrowed and warned, “Just try me.”

  He leaned in too, and our noses touched. “While I can admire you spirit, Theodora, I think you must know”—he gently thumbed a loose tendril behind my ear—“I will always win in a test of wills.” Roman studied me slowly as his jaw ticked before he edged back and held out my cell.

  “We’ll see about that.” I pulled the handle and jumped out, hearing his chuckles behind me as I stomped to my dorm.


  “What did you want to discuss?” I walked in calmly, knowing my father wasn’t here for a fucking family reunion. Antoni, the golden boy, was in town, and he and Dad probably had several jerk-off sessions about the Business 101 classes my brother was taking. God knew he was the son who followed in daddy’s footsteps.

  “Why don’t we start with what the hell I just witnessed.” My father helped himself to my bottle of Don Roberto Gran Platinum tequila, refilling his iced glass. It was a limited edition of our family tequila worth over five hundred dollars, and yes it was named after my father.

  “Yeah, Roman, I thought you were an upstanding guy who never cheated on Taylor,” Antoni added as he crossed his arms over his chest with dress sleeves rolled up mid-arm. He had this all-knowing look in his eyes, as though he knew everything about everyone. Douchebag.

  Ignoring my brother’s ridiculous jibes, I said, “None of your damn business.” I saw my father had made another glass and handed it to me.

  “Not my business,” my dad thought in a deceptively soft voice. He set his tumbler down on the marble counter a little too hard. “It is my business when I’m funding this house. It is my business when I got you out of that mess in the first place. And it is my business when someone threatens my family. I asked you to get information out of her anyway possible. If that included sleeping with her so be. However, I told you to be discreet about it. Not fuck her out in the open where anyone could walk in and see. Are you trying to get caught?” He leaned over the counter with eyes narrowed at me. “What the hell are you doing, Roman?”

  “I’m handling this. No one was here.”

  “We walked in easily enough, and you would’ve never known if I didn’t speak up.” He rubbed a finger over his temple. “Get your shit together.”

  “Don’t start with me, Father. I’m not in the mood.”

  He slammed his hand on the counter. “Do I need to remind you that her mother has some information that could damage everything I worked for?”

  “No,” I responded coldly. “I know.” Pops had recounted how Rhonda Daniels, Theodora’s mom, had recently called him and was trying to extract more money from him stating she knew about my father’s affairs and had documentation to prove it, and had no qualms about going to my mother. Not surprising this was happening, since the whole thing between Theodora and I happened and my father paid her off. When it all went down, he wanted me as far away from this as possible. Theodora tried to contact me, and I didn’t respond. She texted me saying she was coerced into making a statement. I would’ve believed it maybe with time, if in the next few days, Rhonda wasn’t trying to extort money from my father. Money they both gladly accepted. And there were pictures floating around too that he miraculously made go away.

  Not surprising that my father would be concerned. He may have been a successful businessman, but he was a failure as a husband. Protect the family name at all costs had been drilled into Antoni and my head for years. Regardless, he’d let me in on my newfound role for weeks and knew Theodora was going to school here. When I asked how he knew, he said he’d kept tabs on her, which wasn’t unusual per se. My father was paranoid and always had feelers out, making sure someone wasn’t trying to screw him over.

  It started way back when he was getting started in the tequila business. People were forever attempting to steal his recipes and figure out his distillation process when making tequila that was what critics described as “smooth with no bitterness having hints of citrus.” The trademark of our product. When he started winning awards, and more indie liquor makers were coming up in the United States, Martinez Distilleries was one that people kept their eye on. Little did I know how cut-throat the industry was, but obviously shit was real.

  I knew what I needed to do. I knew I couldn’t trust her. I also knew whatever happened in the past kept me indebted to my father. I hated that part. Honestly, I hated how after spending time with Theodora today, I’d forgotten she was the enemy. In fact, I couldn’t stop thinking about all the memories of us together in the past. She had such an innocence about her mixed in with her pride, and for once, I let my guard down and just wanted to enjoy our time together. Enjoy relishing in her body and tasting her again.

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t have it both ways. I threw back the chilled tequila. “It will be handled.”

  “Do it without causing embarrassment to our family or Taylor’s. You know her father has a lot riding on this upcoming election. Don’t you dare sully our name. If it weren’t for me, you would’ve screwed up everything. You were lucky today. Next time you might not be so fortunate.”

  Of course, my father was concerned about appearances and his interest in having Mr. Shields in his pocket when he needed a favor. He never let me forget I had been one step away from being judged as some kind of deviant. Not exactly judged, but going through litigation would’ve only made the speculation worse.

  “I have no problem wooing her for information. I don’t have a girlfriend.” Antoni poured himself another generous glass of liquor. This fucker was testing me, like always. For some reason, he’d always pushed the limits with me about Theodora in the past.

  “Antoni,” I warned.

  “I know. I know.” He raised his hands. “You’re very territor
ial with her. Always have been, which I find somewhat strange.” He crossed his arms again and laid his chin on his fist as he turned to our father. “Maybe he’s not cut out to follow through on this.”

  Robert and my brother shared a look, and I was about to throat punch both of them. They were both manipulators who thought the world revolved around them. Hell, maybe it did. Dad, definitely. Mini-me, not so much. “I know you think you’re stepping up in this world being under Daddy’s coattails, hermano. However, you haven’t proven shit yet, except that you’re a spoiled little boy with too much money.”

  “And what have you proven to the world?” my brother countered. I had to hand it to him. He didn’t take the bait and was more versed in the art of debate than using his fists. “Don’t act like you haven’t had every opportunity handed to you either, Roman. If it weren’t for Pops you’d be sitting in jail like a fucking predator.”

  In a flash, I was crowded over my brother, yanking him by the collar and slamming him into the nearest wall. “You say that shit to me ever again, I’ll make you regret it.” My brother and I had a few tussles in the past, but nothing to this extent where I wanted to do permanent bodily harm on him. He could poke me with his words, but I would damn sure make him pay if he fucked with me. He knew it. “I’ll make it on my own and you and father damn well know it!”

  Regardless of whether he believed it or not, this fucker wanted to press his luck because he said with a pleasantly twisted look, “See, that’s always been your problem. You let emotions get in the way. Don’t you remember anything father told us? And besides, are you willing to risk your future over a cheap piece of ass? Although a hot piece of ass, but still…”

  It took everything within me not to slam my fist in his face, but that’s what my little bro wanted. Everything was like a fucking chess game with my family. Every move calculated. Always thinking two or three moves ahead.

  I always hated chess and would’ve much rather slammed the fucking chessboard over both their heads. I showed my teeth as I forced the words out. “You really think your little jabs mean anything? That’s cute. By the way, you should let go of the maniacal businessman persona because you haven’t proven shit. The more you talk about Theodora, it makes me think you’re the one who has an obsession.”

  I tightened my hold on him and he smirked, but it was strained as he attempted to smile. I pressed my knuckles deeper into his collarbone. He gushed out with a sick grin. “I’m not the one who’s about to be engaged to be married. Yet you can’t seem to stay away from that sweet little honey pot. Huh?”

  “Goddammit! I didn’t come here to see my two sons fight each other.” My father stepped in gripping my wrists as though he thought I would kill his precious baby boy. I wouldn’t, but I felt like my back was against the wall. However, I relented, letting Antoni go as he still had that fucking unforgiving smug smile on his face, tempting me to go at him again. But that’s what he wanted. I stepped away.

  I was about to lose everything if I fought them. I knew this was a fool’s journey into shitsville if I kept rising to the bait. “Look”—I ran my hand through my hair, trying to focus on the prize that was so close—“I will take care of this. I will get the information you need.” I peered at my father. “It’s only a matter of time before she gives us everything we need. Trust me.”

  My father watched me with keen interest as he pondered my words. “Do what needs to be done and get the information. Sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence.”


  Monday morning was falling over me like death warmed over. If you didn’t get the memo, I hated Mondays. I hadn’t slept well the past two nights, being alone and going over everything that transpired between Roman and I. How easily he’d slipped back into my life. How easily he’d manipulated me and had me crying out to him in his arms. How his demeanor changed when his family walked in. Everything seemed off, and I knew I was being played. What we did was not a game. That’s what he said, and yet, I didn’t believe him.

  I rolled out of bed like a zombie and made it to the shower. When I made myself presentable, I saw Kenzie key into the door looking fifty shades of used and apologetic. She’d always portrayed confidence since I’d known her. Not today. “Hey, girl.” She flashed her raccoon eyes at me briefly before they shifted away.

  “You okay?”

  She laughed. “I’m okay. I just partied a little too hard last night. Why? Am I not allowed to make a mistake?”

  “I’m sorry if I’m being nosy.” I was concerned because my friend had always been so put together, and honestly, I’d never seen her in this state. She looked haggard and defensive. “I was only concerned about you.”

  “I’m fine,” she said tightly.

  It was obvious she wanted to be left alone. “If you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  She sat on the edge of her bed with a stoic look on her face that I’d never seen before. “We’ll talk, but right now, I just need to reset and concentrate on acing this exam.”

  “Sure,” I replied quietly because honestly I wasn’t used to seeing my strong, put together friend undone like this. I collected my things, giving her the space she needed.

  As I walked to class, my thoughts were still swirling in my head. Whatever in the world was going on with Kenzie? She’d stayed the weekend with Justin at the frat house, as usual. Maybe she was just hung over and irritable. However, her eyes looked red-rimmed and puffy, as though she’d been crying.

  Stepping up to the stately building that held my first class, my defenses shot up as I saw Roman standing around a group of fellow football players with Taylor at his side talking to a blond girl beside her. Nick, Axel, and Dmitri were among the group. Axel caught my eyes as I tried to slip by unnoticed.

  “Theo, get over here.”

  I fought a cringe, not certain why I’d been called over. I noticed Roman tilted his head impassively. With caution in my brain, I moved over to the group. “Yes?”

  “Did you have a topic in mind for our group research project in sociology?”

  “We just got the list last night,” Nick added with a shrug. “It’s not due for another two weeks.”

  Axel rolled his eyes. “I swear, man, you’re the weak link in this group.” Axel portrayed himself as the party guy, but he seemed to be a nerd at heart.

  “What are you talking about?” Roman cut in before I could answer. I’d been so wrapped up in work and Roman, I’d only flashed through the message briefly, not really paying attention.

  “Did you not check your email? Dr. Smith assigned groups with suggested topics. He told us about it in class the other day.” Axel grinned, showing an innocent dimple throwing an arm over my shoulder and Nick’s on his other side. “We’re a threesome.”

  I peered warily at Axel for his choice of words and wanted to nudge him in the gut for trying to start shit. Of course, it earned him a dark scowl from Roman, but he didn’t say anything.

  Taylor, who’d seemed to be so wrapped up in whatever the blond next to her was saying finally stepped over to me. “Theo, how are you?”

  Axel dropped his arm from my shoulder as he turned to Nick going back and forth trading jibes. I smiled tightly at her, miffed by whatever relationship was going on between her and Roman. She seemed very prim and soft-spoken and was beautiful with her dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and porcelain complexion. “I’m doing great, Taylor.”

  “I’m having a party at my apartment Saturday night after the game. I would love for you to come.” Roman took few steps closer, and he was staring me down as Taylor threw a quick glance over her shoulder at him. “I’d love it if you could make it. It’s a plus-one invite if you have someone you want to bring.”

  I eyed Roman who rolled his teeth over his bottom lip watching me like a hawk. If he thought he could intimidate me good luck. “That’s so thoughtful of you to think of me.”

  “Yes. I’m always interested in making friends. Or reacquainting myself with old friend
s.” Her words held no malice, but why did it seem this was all leading up to something else. She leaned in closer and murmured for my ears only, “Roman seems very fond of you, and if that’s the case, maybe I should be too.” Again, there was no derision detected, but I knew it wasn’t coincidence this was happening. This interaction was all strange, and I couldn’t help feeling I was being played in some way.

  I lifted my mouth and crossed my arms. “It’s so nice to know Roman’s generosity knows no bounds, right?” I answered back just as pleasantly. “Thank you again, Taylor, for the invite.”

  “You’re welcome. Oh wait. I need to give you the address.” She told me the name of the apartments, which I knew were the best ones near campus, and gave me her room number and I took it down in my phone. “Hope to see you there.”

  “I’ll try my best to make it.”

  “Shit, we’re about to be late,” Axel called out behind me.

  “We’re always late, so what’s new,” Nick retorted, glancing at me. “You coming, partner?”

  “Yeah.” I followed Axel and Nick, not sparing a glance behind me at Roman. Maybe he and Taylor would have a heart-to-heart or whatever the hell their relationship was. The two times I’d been around them had been weird. He never seemed to touch her or tease with her like couples did. She never showed affection around him either. Maybe there was some truth to what Roman said. Maybe all wasn’t as it seemed. Or maybe that’s how rich kids with powerful families portrayed their relationship to the public. Either way, something was off. Or maybe I was reading more into this than I should since Roman was already messing with my head. Despite it all, I should’ve felt some sort of guilt. Shouldn’t I? Who was I anymore?

  As we passed through the double doors into the building, Nick turned to me. “Hey, I heard the conversation with you and Taylor. I don’t know what’s going on between you and Roman, but I’m here to help you out.”


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