My Roman: Boys on the Hill, #1 An Enemies to Lovers College Romance

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My Roman: Boys on the Hill, #1 An Enemies to Lovers College Romance Page 23

by Rose Croft

  Unfortunately, Rhonda Daniels was the one person who made my father go against everything he taught us. She wasn’t a good-time fuck or office romp when he thought no one was watching. He was losing his usual composure, making careless moves, taking off for hours to spend time with her whenever he could. Oh, he was clever enough for people who didn’t pay attention. Cue my imbecile brother and mother (who probably didn’t care either way), or even Theodora who’d always been so enamored with Roman since the day she and her mother moved in.

  Apparently, Theodora finally figured it out.

  Unfortunately, she’d picked the wrong day to fuck with the Martinez family.

  Even worse, my brother was going to know what it felt like to lose it all because like my father said all those years ago—Roman was weak.


  “I’ve got her.” I waved Anna aside who’d already had my mother changed into her pajamas and was about to lift her out of her chair to the bed. The party was dwindling down and before I went to Mom’s room, I’d spotted Pops sitting around one of the outdoor tables having a round of drinks with Richard and some of the other wealthy business men who were in their circle of friends. Unbelievable. From the ease in his expression, one would’ve never known the family drama unwinding right under everyone’s noses. As if Theodora was a problem that could be stifled and put on the back burner until he felt ready to deal with it.

  “Go enjoy the rest of your evening. I’ll tuck her in.”

  Anna said good night as I easily lifted my mother who smiled up at me. “You’re my sunshine, mi hijito. My success story.” Her eyes crinkled as she fought to keep them open. I knew she’d had a couple of glasses of champagne and was probably tipsy since she rarely drank.

  I pulled back the sheets laying her down gently. “You’ve always given me too much credit.” My heart warmed with her words since compliments were a rarity, and she was the only one out of our family who spared a kind word. So it always felt weird to hear them or know how to take it when said.

  “No. You turned out perfectly. Strong, well-rounded, intelligent, and a gentle soul who cares.” She raised a palm to my cheek. “I’m proud of you. Your father’s proud of you in spite of how he acts or what he says.”

  I closed my eyes briefly trying to fight the antagonistic retort on the tip of my tongue. Especially after tonight’s revelation. I’m not seeking out my father’s pride or respect because he’s the biggest piece of shit known to man. Instead, I bent down and kissed her forehead. “I think the champagne is going to your head, Mamá.” Wishing I could tell her exactly what kind of man she married. But I would never want to hurt her more than she’d already suffered.

  “No. I’m fine.” She sighed. “I just wish I could’ve gotten through to Antoni.”

  “Antoni?” My brother was an odd duck. No doubt. He followed my father around like he had some kind of hero worship for him. Sometimes he lurked in the corners eavesdropping on conversations, and made stupid comments trying to piss me off, but for the most part that’s all it was. He was a carbon copy of Pops without actually ever running a business.

  “I’m worried about him, Roman. He’s so cold and detached.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true. He’s just trying to act like a big shot businessman. You know he emulates Papá.”

  I checked my phone; my agitation grew with each moment I left Theodora alone. “I need to get back to the party.”

  “Is it the party? Or is it Theodora?”

  My eyes widened slightly, and my mother tapped me on the arm ruefully. “Earlier tonight, I overheard Taylor tell Antoni she was here when you walked off and didn’t come back.” Her mouth twisted in annoyance. “Believe me. I know more of what goes on around here than you think.” If I had time to chat, I’d press her for more explanation to what she did know about Theodora and I, about everything for that matter, but my mind was racing to make certain another bomb didn’t drop tonight.

  “Go to her, Roman. You don’t think I didn’t know how crazy you were about her? This whole engagement with Taylor was wrong, but your father insisted it was the perfect union. Because we always had to show the public we were a united family.” She smoothed my hair like I was still a little boy. “Go, mi hijo. Be happy. Be you.”

  “I love you, Ma.” She took my hand giving me a squeeze before I turned and left heading back to my father’s office. Mom’s words were running through my head like a film reel. I’m worried about Antoni. I overheard Taylor tell him Theodora was here. Why would Taylor care? Why would she share that information with my brother? Why did something not add up?

  I reached the handle twisting it impatiently, but it was locked. I knocked sharply. “Taylor, it’s me open up.” After waiting impatiently to no avail, I banged on the door. “Taylor, let me in.” Nothing. What the fuck was happening? I contemplated ramming the door, but even if I shouldered into it, the door wouldn’t budge because it was thicker than most. Not to mention Pops had put a fucking deadlock on it because he was paranoid about keeping his shit under lock and key and anyone catching him doing something he didn’t want to be known. I heard movement and hushed voices and a muffled cry. I pounded on the door. “Goddammit, Taylor, open this fucking door right now before I go to Richard, and tell him the truth about us!”

  Soon, I heard arguing back and forth and finally the lock clicked. I pushed through the door not waiting. Taylor jumped out of the way avoiding a collision with hard wood. I didn’t give a shit. My vision was centered in on Theodora, her eyes wide with fear as my brother stood behind her with one hand covering her mouth and his other arm wrapped under her breasts. Blood dripped from his palm as he held a piece of broken glass over her heart.

  “Take one more step, hermano, and you can kiss your little fuck buddy goodbye,” Antoni warned in a chillingly pleasant voice.

  I pulled up with hands out as apprehension over what Mamá had said earlier sunk in. I had to find my voice because I couldn’t see past anything but Theodora. I spoke softly, “Antoni, let her go.”

  He drew his lips together shaking his head slowly. “No can do.” He glanced at the spot beside me. “Oh, Taylor, I wouldn’t take off just yet, sweetheart, unless you want her blood on your hands, too.”

  She paused by the door looking like she’d seen her worst nightmare. “I never wanted to hurt Theodora,” Taylor rushed out with eyes as round as saucers and cheeks flushed. “I never wanted any part of this.” She jabbed a finger in Antoni’s direction. “He knew about my relationship with Jill and threatened to leak photos on social media. He’s crazy, Roman.”

  “And you’re drunk as usual.” My brother chuckled. “Am I crazy?” He lifted a shoulder without a care. “Maybe you’re right. Or, maybe you’re not. But I do know one thing for sure. You’re not an innocent bystander. At least I don’t lie and try to be a people pleaser, when in reality I know your soul is as black as mine.”

  “Shut up,” Taylor growled. “You gave me no choice.”

  “Tell him. Tell him what you did.”

  She shook her head.

  “Tell him how you were the one who spied on them the night of your party and took the pictures.”

  “I didn’t mean—”

  He pressed the glass into Theo’s flesh. “Tell the truth,” Antoni said softly as his expression never changed although Theodora’s eyes clouded over with fear and a faint tear ghosted over her cheek.

  “Antoni. Brother. Stop and think about this. It’s not worth it.”

  “Tell. The. Fucking. Truth!” he bellowed unexpectedly.

  “Yes! I did it. I was the one. I took the pictures that night and sent them to Theo’s mother. But that’s it.” Her eyes ping-ponged between Theodora and me. “I was jealous, but I swear she was the only one who had access to those photos. I swear.”

  He let up on the pressure. I saw blood smeared on the swell of her chest but couldn’t tell if it was hers or my brother’s. Why? Why did Taylor do it? She’d never shown an interest in me. At this
point, I was more concerned about stopping my psycho brother from doing further harm. If I could just keep him engaged with me.

  “You know why she did it?” Antoni smirked. “I’m certain if you think very hard for a minute you’ll figure it out. Although I know how taxing it is on your brain, all things considered.” I ground my teeth, and he paused as recognition hit me while his hand shifted around Theodora’s breast. “Apparently, you weren’t the only one who couldn’t resist this one. Your fiancée had a little crush too.” He thumbed her nipple leaving a trail of scarlet over her dress, while I fought the urge to shoot across the room and kill him. He was touching her. He was touching her. He wanted to kill her. Theodora struggled against him.

  “Uh-huh, sweetheart, I wouldn’t do that. You already know the dangers of broken glass. Don’t you? It almost cost you your life before.” With a hand still pressed against her mouth, he wrenched her head back as he rubbed his cheek against hers while he stared at me. In the dark depths of his eyes, I saw the hate he’d harbored and hid so well. He wanted me to lose control, wanted to take from me, take the person I cared for the most. He fucking knew it.

  “Antoni you made your point. It’s me you want.”

  His lips twisted in distaste. “That’s where you’re wrong. You always make everything about you, don’t you? You think that’s what this is?” He shook his head still speaking in a casual voice as though we were discussing the weather or having a first-class tequila tasting with our father’s wealthy acquaintances. “No. I would much rather see your fucking face as you watch your little whore bleed out in front of you.” He whispered against her skin, “Too bad, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time that night, Theodora.” He slipped his palm from her mouth. “I’ll never forget the sound of your scream and the shattering of glass as you fell.” He kissed the side of her mouth leisurely as she fought against him, and I knew he’d sealed his fate. He would die beneath my hands.

  His teeth flashed against her cheek, goading me, waving the red cape. Theodora elbowed him in the stomach trying to fight out of his hold, and he dragged the glass against her skin as she struggled. Time was running out, and I rushed across yanking his arm away, ripping the glass from his hand as it flew across the room. Crimson oozed from her skin. Seeing her free from his grasp, I roared, “Taylor! Get her out of here and get help.” I didn’t exactly trust Taylor’s motives, but I knew she would do as I said.

  I gripped Antoni by the shirt rearing my arm back. “You sick son of a bitch.” I drove my fist into his face as he stumbled backward. His shoulders shook as he slumped over. He laughed eerily as he raised his head and blood drizzled over his mouth.

  “You’re so predictable.” He swiped a thumb over his lip. “Rule number one, hermano, never show your hand.” He spat at my feet. “So pathetic. No wonder father always said you were the vulnerable one.”

  I dove at him taking him to the ground. Antoni was the same height as I, but he was lankier, never played contact sports or worked out like me. He made a sorry attempt to ward me off, but I overpowered him. My self-control was null and void and all I could think about was obliterating this asshole. I sat on top of him and grasped him by the hair holding him steady as I slammed my fist into his nose. I was going to literally beat my disturbed little brother to death. Fuck bloodlines. Fuck the saying blood is thicker than water. Ours was tainted and drenched in poison, and the cycle ended tonight. “You forgot the basic rule, hemanito.” My thumbs dug into his scalp as I shoved his head against the tile. “Hate is a weak emotion. A sign of failure.”

  He limply grasped my wrist trying to fight me off. “You chose her over your own flesh and blood.”

  “Roman!” my father’s voice boomed behind me.

  I yanked his head up again. “You tried to kill her.” This time, I wanted vengeance not vindication. He wanted to rule the business on Dad’s terms. I wanted to rule the world on my terms with my girl by my side. He wanted to shed blood. I wanted to annihilate him. His nose bled profusely, I was about to drive his face into the floor. It wouldn’t take much, and the way I felt now it would only take another fatal blow to the head.

  “Roman!” my father barked out in desperation trying to pry my hands off his prodigal son. “Stop. He’s your brother!” His words somehow penetrated my haze of rage, and I realized Antoni wasn’t struggling beneath me anymore. “He’s your brother,” Papá repeated with more emotion than I’d ever heard before. “Don’t let your anger ruin your life. You have a bright future ahead of you. You have everything, son, and you made it on your own. Don’t do this.”

  “Fuck!” I cursed, releasing him and fell aside while Antoni rolled over attempting to lift his head. Memories of my family passed before my eyes, trying to conjure up any happy times of Antoni and I. Not really remembering any standout, pivotal moments where we’d ever bonded like a normal family would. Not understanding why he and I had turned out so differently. Or did we? Or was I just as bad as he? I hated my father, and I’d had no qualms about beating the life out of my brother.

  “I’m sorry, son. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” My always-put-together father was flushed and looked like he was about to cry. Defeated was how he acted. He’d never shown emotion around us.

  “He tried to kill her.” I ran my hands through my hair trying to keep from bludgeoning Antoni some more. “He wanted her dead.” Wrong place, wrong time, he’d said, and I knew Theodora’s suspicions had merit. “You knew. You played a part in this. You wanted to get rid of Rhonda, and little brother helped you. I wouldn’t have believed you’d go that far. But you did, didn’t you?”

  “No. What are you talking about?”

  “You toyed with her. Made her fall in love with you, but when you found out she was pregnant, then she was a burden. A problem you didn’t want to handle. Instead, you thought you could wipe her off the planet. Because employees were always replaceable, right? That was your mentality.”

  “No. I would never—”

  “You wanted this. You brainwashed him into helping you. Groomed him to be the perfect boy. Wow. Take a bow. Aren’t you proud of him?”

  “I didn’t. I just wanted my sons to be successful.”

  “And he almost was, wasn’t he? However, he still needed a little more practice mastering the art of murder. Didn’t he? You planned this out.”

  “No. No.” He clenched my shoulder tighter, and I knocked his arm away.

  “Stop lying. You didn’t want to deal with that problem. You convinced Antoni to help you do your dirty work.”

  “No.” He shook his head and strands of salt and pepper hair flapped over his forehead. “That’s not true.”

  “You couldn’t push this little issue under the carpet. Could you? Just admit you fucking did it,” I challenged fighting the disgust threatening to pour out like a waterfall. “Instead of owning up to your responsibility, you thought you were invincible and could get rid of your mistake.”

  “I loved her!” The veins in Pop’s neck strummed as he watched me with a sick helplessness. “I loved her,” he whispered in anguish.

  “What in the ever loving hell is going on?” I glanced up and saw Richard standing at the door with his ruddy face wound in puzzlement.


  Did you ever feel that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? It was a cliché term, words you told yourself when you were having a shitty day, but that’s how I felt. Not only did I experience it, but I’d definitely been plucked away from reality and dropped into a surreal life with characters who couldn’t be defined in black and white. The players were shrouded in shades of gray. Cliché too, but nevertheless true as well.

  Take, for instance, Taylor, who I found out was the one who took the pictures of Roman and me that night. Initially, she seemed like she may have been in cahoots with Antoni, but he had held information over her head. How the hell would anyone have known Antoni would’ve been involved? Who would’ve known he was absolutely insane?

  Taylor wa
sn’t completely innocent. However, she led me out to Roman’s old bedroom grabbed a towel from his bathroom pressing it to my chest and ran to get help. The front of my dress was soaked in blood, and I tried not to dwell on it or I might faint. It was difficult not to mix and match the other fateful night with tonight’s newfound nightmare.

  I knew the gash was wide, but not fatal. Steady your breathing, Theodora. You’re fine. You’ll be okay. Not long after, Taylor returned with a brawny man in a dark suit, in the same uniform as the men who’d stopped me when I drove up to the estate earlier. He had a black leather messenger bag.

  I glanced at her with worry, and she smiled tentatively. “He’s one of my father’s men. He’ll fix you up.”

  I was too concerned about the burning pain on my skin to analyze motives. The distinguished man with sandy-colored hair and solemn gray eyes said in a calm but authoritative voice, “Let me see what we’re dealing with.” He looked down at my wound. “Yep. It’s going to need a stitch or ten, maybe twenty.” He seemed unfazed while I was about to lose my composure. Twenty stitches?

  “Here, down this.” Taylor thrust a bottle of Dom Perignon in my hand. “It’ll take the edge off.”

  I held the bottle between us for a few ticks, and I finally suspended belief shrugging (because why not?) and took a long gulp of the chilled champagne.

  I hissed when I felt the antiseptic sear my wound but willed myself not to cry. In this moment of pain, I wished Roman was here. Was he okay? I could see the fear mirrored in his face as he watched me, the agony in his eyes, the conflict he was fighting. But he jumped in. He helped me break free. He took on his brother. Roman was a driving force and he could take care of himself. Couldn’t he?


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