Envy [The Angel Pack 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

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Envy [The Angel Pack 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove) Page 6

by Maggie Walsh

  Crew’s eyes flicked back to his and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Girls are beautiful, not guys.”

  “I disagree. I know men can be beautiful and I can prove it. You have a mirror anywhere around here and I’ll show you the proof, because you, pup, are fucking gorgeous.” Haven smirked.

  “Pup?” Crew asked with a raised brow.

  “It seems to fit. You’re a wolf, and I think you’re younger than me,” Haven said teasingly.

  “I don’t know. How old are you again? A thousand did you say?” Crew teased back.

  Haven chuckled. “A smart-ass, huh? That’s good because I like smart-asses. Actually, I really like your…smart-ass.” Haven smirked again.

  Crew busted out laughing, he couldn’t help it. Haven was so fucking hot, and adorable to boot. “Well, I guess you got me. I am younger than you.”

  “I hope I got you. You are my mate.”

  Crew stared into Haven’s beautiful milk-chocolate eyes and wanted to swim in them. He swallowed hard and released the breath he was holding. “Yes, I am. So what do we do now? Where do we go from here?”

  “Well first, I think maybe we should talk some more. Maybe you can show me around your little town here, and we can stop somewhere and I’ll buy you dinner. Then maybe if I’m lucky, you’ll let me kiss you.”

  Crew smiled. “I think we can do that.”

  “Good. Now I have something to look forward to all day instead of thinking my mate doesn’t want me.”

  Crew cringed from Haven’s words. “I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “It’s okay. I probably would have done the same thing if our roles were reversed. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a minute to breathe and just jumped on you and bit you.”

  “That’s okay.”

  “So, how about we start over, from right here, right now? We just met and introduced ourselves. I’m Haven Brooks. I’m a mountain lion shifter with the Winthrope Pride. I have spent the past seven months watching over and protecting seventy of my pride members after our pride in Napa was attacked by rogue vamps. We escaped, and made our way to a pride in Boulder, Colorado. They were gracious enough to let us stay with them until Storm was ready for us to move here. I only returned with fifty members though. Others found their mates or jobs, and whatnot, and decided to stay where they were. I just got into your nice town last night, and this morning, Storm asked me to be his second. Well his first beta, he called it, but his second. I love me a good steak, and I really love seafood. I am a cat shifter so…you know that just comes with the territory.”

  Crew gave him a big goofy smile as he laughed. Haven went on to tell him his favorite color, his favorite movie, song, recording artist, and so on. He asked Crew about what he liked and how he liked being an enforcer.

  After about an hour, they made their way over to the couch and sat facing each other as they continued their conversation. Haven reached out and absently took Crew’s hand in his as they spoke. They talked for hours about everything and anything.

  Crew loved just sitting with the man and talking, just getting to know him. Haven was a gorgeous man, but he was also a nice man. He was very sweet and considerate. He asked Crew about him and listened without interruption as Crew spoke, and he never looked like he was bored, or just humoring Crew. He looked like he was genuinely interested in what Crew was saying. He never scoffed or looked at Crew like he was stupid. Crew found himself so comfortable with the man in front of him. Like they had known each other for years.

  Their joined hands entwined and caressed each other’s as they spoke. Their eyes never leaving each other’s gaze, except when one of them threw their heads back to laugh at something. But then their eyes locked again immediately. After a few hours of this, their conversation turned toward Crew giving Haven a tour of Sanctuary and them going to dinner. They stood up, never releasing the other’s hand, and strolled out to Crew’s truck.

  * * * *

  “So I hear from my mate that you met your mate at the pack house yesterday,” Storm said as Haven came in and sat down at the table where Storm was eating breakfast.

  Haven smiled and took a seat. “Yes, I did. His name is Crew.”

  “I heard,” Storm said, laughing and shaking his head.

  Haven didn’t like the way his leader said that. His brow dropped into a deep V and he scowled at his leader. “What does that mean?” he growled.

  Storm’s gaze snapped up to meet his, and his face got hard from the harshness of Haven’s voice. “I meant no disrespect to your mate, Haven. I know Crew very well. I lived with him for seven months remember?”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t explain the way you said it.” Haven’s voice remained guarded.

  “And how did I say it?” Storm asked gruffly.

  “Like you were saying poor me.”

  “I wasn’t saying or implying that at all. I like Crew. I think he’s a nice guy. He’s a good enforcer and I think he’s smarter than most people give him credit for. I was laughing because I find it very ironic how we were all the way on the other side of the country and our mates were all the way over here. If Taylor had never gotten sick and needed Aaron’s help, then me, you, Aaron, and Seth never would have met our mates. I find it funny how many bonds we have to the Angel Pack.”

  “Oh,” Haven said as the anger melted away. “I apologize, Storm.”

  “It’s okay, Haven. You reacted the way any mate should react when they think someone is treating their mate poorly.”

  “Have you claim Crew yet?” Noah asked as he walked into the room. He immediately went to Storm and kissed him, then sat on his lap and turned toward the table. He snatched a piece of bacon off Storm’s plate and took a bite. His eyes closed as he moaned. “Almost nothing better than bacon,” he said happily. Haven had to smile at the little blue-haired cutie. His leader’s mate was too adorable.

  “Almost nothing?” Storm questioned with a smirk.

  “Sex with two hot mates way better than bacon.” Noah laughed. Storm laughed, too, and wrapped his arms around Noah, giving him a squeeze.

  “Well I’m glad we beat out bacon,” Bastian said with a laugh as he made his way over to the pair. He leaned down and kissed Storm in a heated kiss and then did the same with Noah, before taking the seat to Storm’s left. “Good morning,” he said to his mates and then again to Haven.

  “Good morning, Bastian, Noah,” Haven replied.

  Noah looked at him and smiled. “So?”

  “So what?” Haven asked in confusion.

  “So you mate Crew yet?” Noah said it as if to say duh.

  “Oh, that. No, not yet,” Haven answered.

  “But you mate heat?” Noah asked.

  “It’s ‘what about your mating heat?’ cutie,” Bastian corrected sweetly.

  Noah gave him a big smile and turned back to Haven. “But what about your mating heat?” he asked again and looked to Bastian for confirmation.

  Bastian reached over, squeezed Noah’s hand, and gave him a big smile. “That was perfect, cutie.” Noah leaned over and kissed Bastian’s lips.

  “I’m fine,” Haven answered and loaded up his plate with food.

  “Haven, I didn’t tell Bastian about the mating heat and I almost died because I waited too long. Don’t do what I did,” Storm admonished.

  “It’s not that. We just met less than twenty-four hours ago. It seems too forward for me to ask him to spend the next three days in bed with me already,” Haven explained.

  “But you have to. You need to,” Noah said and looked at Bastian again for confirmation. Bastian nodded at him and Noah returned his attention to Haven.

  “I’ll be going over this afternoon to see him and take him to dinner again.”

  “Why don’t you go after breakfast and spend the day together? Talk to him about the mating heat and how important it is. Although I think he already knows because of what happened to us and because of Aaron, Raith, and Rory.”

  “I have some things to do this
morning. I want to set up a new guard schedule and have a meeting with all the guards. We need to start training together again. I know the ones who were here with you, trained with the wolves, and the ones I had with me kept training with me, but I want us to get back together as a group. Then I need to bring the rest of my stuff in here to my room and set up my new office,” Haven explained.

  “Taking care of your mating is your top priority. You go to your mate, and I’ll meet with the guards. Bastian and I can work on a new schedule for now and I’ll have a few of the pride bring your stuff over,” Storm ordered.

  “Ooh, and I can start office,” Noah said excitedly and looked at Bastian.

  “Almost, cutie,” Bastian said encouragingly. “You would say, ‘I can start with your office,’ or ‘I can take care of your office for you.’”

  Noah gave his mate another big smile and looked back to Haven. “What he said.” They all started laughing.

  “Are you sure, Storm? I only just started. Hell I haven’t even started. Today was supposed to be my first day and I’m supposed to make your life easier, not harder.”

  “I’m very sure. Go take care of your mating first. We’ll hold down the fort until you’re ready to take over.”

  “Thanks, Storm,” Haven said and gave Storm a nod.

  * * * *

  Crew was starting to get worried. It had been four days since he met Haven and they spent every day together, but every night Haven would give him a quick kiss and head back to the pride. His mate’s heat must have started already, so why wasn’t the man all over him? Maybe Haven really didn’t want him, but was too afraid to tell him? Maybe he was just blowing smoke up Crew’s ass about how beautiful and sexy he thought he was? Crew’s chest tightened at the thought and tears started to burn the backs of his eyes. He blinked them away as he walked into the kitchen for breakfast.

  Everyone was already there and sitting down. He took his normal seat and reached for his orange juice without looking at anyone. His chest was really starting to hurt, and his heart felt like it was being ripped out. His stomach was all knotted and just the smell from the food in front of him was making him nauseous. He took a sip from his juice, hoping it would calm him, but all it did was make his stomach worse.

  “Are you okay, Crew?” Aaron asked in concern.

  He couldn’t even talk because of the boulder-sized lump in his throat. He tried to swallow around it, but it wouldn’t go away. So he just nodded as he stared down at his plate.

  “You don’t look so good, brother,” Raith said.

  “Crew, what’s wrong?” Micah asked, his voice full of concern.

  “I don’t feel so good,” Crew whispered in a pained voice. His eyes started to burn again and he felt flushed. His stomach twisted again, and he thought for sure he was going to be sick. His heart beat faster and he began to pant.

  “I get like that right before one of my panic attacks. Do you get panic attacks, too?” Bailey asked.

  Crew shook his head as a stabbing pain slammed into his chest. He couldn’t help the agonizing moan that came from his lips.

  Suddenly Aaron was kneeling down beside him on one side and Jesse on the other. “How do you feel, brother?” Aaron asked as he took Crew’s wrist and held his pulse.

  “Like I’m gonna die,” he whispered.

  Jesse placed his hands on Crew’s leg and back, trying to calm him, but it wasn’t working. “What are your symptoms?”

  “My chest feels like it’s about to split open, but it’s tight at the same time. My heart is beating so fast, it feels like it’s gonna rip through my chest. My stomach is twisting and rolling like someone is squeezing it and I have to hurl. My head is starting to pound, and my eyes burn. Plus there’s this huge lump in my throat the size of the iceberg that sunk the Titanic.”

  “I’m trying to heal him, but nothing’s working,” Jesse said in shock. “Ada, can you try?” Jesse asked Ryland.

  Ryland came around the table and placed one hand on Crew’s stomach and the other on his head. He closed his eyes and began chanting. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and pulled his hands away. “Nothing’s working. I don’t understand.”

  “Maybe Noah, can help?” Phenex asked from next to Ryland.

  “That’s a good idea. Healing is Noah’s special ability,” Ryland answered.

  “I’ll get him,” Phenex said, and walked to the wall. He placed his hand on it and walked through.

  * * * *

  “What I would like to try―” Storm was saying to Haven, but Bastian cut him off when Phenex appeared.

  “Phen, what is it?” Bastian stood quickly, his face in a worried frown. They all looked to him.

  “We need Noah, now,” Phen said seriously, and held out his hand to Noah. Noah jumped from Storm’s lap and ran to Phenex. Bastian, Storm, and Haven followed.

  “What is it? What’s happened?” Storm asked.

  “Something’s wrong with Crew. Jesse and Ryland can’t seem to heal him,” Phenex explained as they each walked through the wall.

  Noah stepped out into the pack kitchen and ran right to Crew. He was sitting in his seat, arms wrapped around his midsection and doubled over in pain. His jaw and eyes were clenched shut, and he was sweating profusely.

  “Crew, I help,” Noah said as he knelt beside him. He gently pulled Crew’s arms from around his waist and placed his hands on his stomach. He closed his eyes, and a white light appeared under his hands. The light got brighter and brighter, and then faded. Noah opened his eyes and they were full of confusion. His eyes began to mist with tears. “It no work. Why it no work?” he cried. He placed his hands back on Crew, one on his back and one on his front. “Jesse help?” he pleaded. Jesse knelt back down and placed his hands next to Noah’s. They both closed their eyes, and the light grew bright, but then faded. They both opened their eyes and looked at each other in worry.

  Crew screamed out in pain and grabbed his head. Haven ran to him and tried to wrap his arms around him, but Crew thrashed and screamed.

  Taylor moved Haven out of the way, and dropped down next to Jesse. “Ryland, grab onto Noah. Phen,” he instructed and held out his hand to Phenex. “All together now.” Noah and Jesse placed their hands back on Crew and Taylor brought his and Phen’s hands to lay over Jesse’s. They each closed their eyes and Noah, Ryland, and Jesse began to chant. The light was back, and it grew incredibly bright. Crew’s eyes snapped open, his body went rigid, and he screamed as loud as he could. His body went limp and slouched in the chair unconscious.

  Everyone pulled back from him and moved away. Aaron dropped down and checked his pulse and heart. “He’s alive.”

  “What the hell was that?” Storm asked.

  “I have no idea, but we need to find out. Aaron, are there any tests you could do?” Micah asked.

  “Let’s get him to the medical wing, and I’ll do a CAT scan and draw some blood. Then we can get him to his room to rest.”

  Haven immediately went to Crew’s side and picked him up carefully. He pulled Crew close to his body. “Which way?”

  “Follow me,” Aaron said and led them from the room.

  “What the hell happened?” Lexi asked.

  “I don’t know, but it felt like something was possessing Crew and then threw me out when I tried to help him,” Jesse explained.

  “Exactly,” Ryland agreed.

  “Me too,” Noah added sadly.

  They all took their seats and Bastian, Storm, and Noah joined them. “So what do you think it was?” Micah asked.

  “I have no idea, but I can tell you this―poor Crew was in extreme pain. I could feel it and see it inside him,” Jesse informed them.

  “This may be a shot in the dark, but I do know of something that may be the cause,” Zane added.

  Micah looked at him in curiosity. “What’s that, Zane?”

  “Voodoo,” he said simply.

  “What, like real voodoo?” Xander asked in astonishment.

  “I don’t kn
ow of any fake voodoo,” Zane snickered.

  “You’re right, Zane. This sounds exactly like black magic,” Ryland said.

  “And who do we know is the father of black magic?” Raith asked, his brow raised and face twisted in disgust.

  “Malachi,” Micah growled between clenched teeth.

  “Is there a way we can protect ourselves against this voodoo?” Taylor asked. “Because nothing was working until we all joined to help him. I felt our power press against whatever it was and force it out.”

  “I’m not sure, but with Rory’s help, we can start digging around,” Zane answered and looked at Rory.

  He nodded. “I’ll call Adam and Marcus. With four of us searching maybe we can find an answer faster,” Rory said and got up.

  “That’s a great idea, cousin,” Zane said and followed Rory out.

  “Great, now this motherfucker is hitting us with voodoo. What’s next, aliens, dinosaurs, and the Loch Ness Monster?” Micah asked in anger.

  Everyone tried to hide their smiles and laughs but it wasn’t working. Micah heard their snickers. He looked at each of them with hard eyes until his gaze landed on Jesse. His beautiful mate was turning red, biting his lip, and his eyes were tearing from trying to hold in his laughter. He pursed his lips together tight and narrowed his eyes at Jesse. “Go ahead.” The second the words left his mouth, Jesse burst out in tearful laughter and the rest of the room followed. Jesse held his stomach as he bent over laughing and tears ran down his face.

  “You all suck,” Micah huffed indignantly and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Yes, we all do,” Taylor said through his laughter, which only caused everyone to laugh harder.

  Still laughing, Jesse got up and straddled Micah’s lap. He took a deep breath and tried to control himself as he wrapped his arms around Micah’s neck. “It’s okay, babe. We know what you mean,” Jesse said, and burst out laughing again. The corners of Micah’s lips rose in a smirk and finally he began to laugh with them. He wrapped his arms around Jesse’s waist, pulling him against his chest as they laughed.


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