The Future Is Yours: A Novel

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The Future Is Yours: A Novel Page 13

by Dan Frey

  The end of Rise of Skywalker acknowledged the oversight,

  (only 42 years late)

  which really begs the question: why did it happen in the first place?

  I suspect it’s a matter of how we understand heroes.

  Luke is an archetype we respect—a dashing young dreamer, saved by faith.

  So is Han—the roguish scoundrel, redeemed by love.

  But Chewie? The steadfast loyal friend who kept the Falcon running?

  There’s no arc, because none is needed.

  So there is no celebration.

  And he is expected to be grateful.

  The sidekick is always a second-class citizen,

  even though he plays as much a role as anyone else.

  When Han comes back heroically in the end,

  are we supposed to believe that’s entirely his idea?

  We have Chewie to thank.

  He is the moral center and soul of the team…

  but is treated as a subhuman animal.

  In the final shot of the film, he snarls in his guttural language…

  And I think we’ve all assumed it means something like “Go team!”

  But perhaps what he means is, “Where the fuck is my medal?”

  Only, there is no sympathy for him.

  He is isolated and unable to communicate.

  Even as he stands beside his friends, before an adoring crowd,

  he is fundamentally alone.



  April 25, 2021 7:24 PM

  Hey A.


  Hey Lei. How you been?

  Good thanks.

  I just wanted to say, I saw the TED Talk, and I thought the way Ben handled it was pretty shitty. Talking about the company and the tech like it’s all his. He left you out of the story and I’m sure it doesn’t feel great.

  It’s OK.

  We strategized on it with Paolo and Carrie.

  Everyone agreed: personal story, single founder, stronger message.

  And I always wanted to stay behind the scenes.

  I know what you’re doing to protect yourself, but I also know that it hurts.

  Whenever you want someone to talk about the feelings with, I’m here. I won’t even say anything to Ben.

  Thanks Lei.

  It means a lot.

  I’m worried if I start talking like that it’ll open a dam and all flood out.

  What will all flood out?

  April 25, 2021 7:45 PM

  You there Adhi? I’ve seen a lot of bubbles appear and then vanish.

  Sorry I’m just tired.

  Thanks for checking in.

  I’m good though.

  Have a good night.

  You too.

  EMAIL—APRIL 26, 2021

  From: Paolo Ventrini

  To: Ben Boyce, Adhvan Chaudry

  Hello Gents,

  Congrats on the TED Talk blowing up the Internet. Looks like it’s already having an impact. I’m getting hit up by VCs all over town, including some of the assholes that wouldn’t even take my call last week. My asst is into setting meetings; take a look at the calendar, we want to go back to back on this momentum.




  April 28, 2021 8:13 AM

  Knock em dead today A.

  I know you guys got a full one lined up.

  These guys should be so lucky to get a piece of you.


  Thanks Lei.

  Just trying to focus, not get in my head.

  Oh sorry.

  Your head can be a scary place, don’t get lost!

  Good luck.



  April 28, 2021 8:15 AM

  Knock em dead today babe! Saw the pic you posted on Insta, the new jacket looks awesome.


  Thanks Princess.

  I’ll update you when I hear more.

  April 28, 2021 5:02 PM

  Hey Princess.

  Do you see me as more of a Bentley guy, or a Maserati guy?


  How much?


  Wow that’s a great start!

  From Welder Bachman Kane.

  They were on the low end.

  6 meetings, 6 investors.

  All on board.


  (Drumroll please…)

  Babe, don’t do me like that.



  Fuck me.

  Soon as I get home:)

  I’m so happy for you!

  Is A happy too?

  Yeah, I think so.

  I mean he’s not exactly SMILING but still.

  Well, that’s not his style.

  He says it’s all Monopoly money at this stage.

  But it’s a LOT of Monopoly money.

  Give him a big hug.

  Or manly back-slap or whatever.

  Come give him one yourself!

  We’re having a little impromptu celebration tonight

  I think I can arrange to bring a +1 ;-)

  Oooh so flattered you picked me.

  And hey, maybe this could be a good opportunity to start our little Operation Cupid?

  You want me to bring one of my friends to meet Adhi, on like 3 hrs notice?

  It’s worth a shot.

  Come on, for the good of the company.

  He’ll be easier to work with if he’s getting laid on occasion.

  Gross. I don’t even want to think about that.

  But yeah I guess I can ask at least. Amy?

  Eh. I don’t think she’s really his type.

  Babe we have no idea what his type is. We’ve literally never seen him date ANYONE.

  How bout Cali?

  Kayleigh. Yes she’s single and smart but maybe a little out of his league?

  My boy is a millionaire now!

  Don’t give me that league shit, he just got drafted into the pros!

  Haha alright I’ll give it a shot with Kayleigh.

  Great. Reserved the lounge at OPAL. 9:00.

  Hon, you hate Opal. You said it’s a bougie hellhole full of douchey VC money

  I don’t hate the place, I hate being looked down on

  But those days are OVER

  Now that you got douchey VC money of your own?

  Exactly. See ya tonight



  April 29, 2021 11:22 AM

  Hi Kayleigh.

  It’s Adhi.


  Hey. Wow didn’t really expect to hear from you.


  Hope it’s OK I’m reaching out.

  Of course.

  I’m just saying, it wasn’t an obligation.

  Just wanted to clear the air.

  I’m sorry last night was a little weird.

  No need. We both had a lot to drink.

  The party was fun.

  Congrats on your success, I’m happy for you guys.

  Thank you.

  It’s not really something I typically do.

  You don’t raise 100 million dollars EVERY week?

  Come on you gotta step up your game!

  No. I mean going home with someone.

  Yeah, that much was clear. />
  Look, I came out last night bc Leila said you were a great guy.

  And I can tell, she’s right.

  But you’re also completely unavailable.

  Well you seem like a lovely person.

  I’m just not the romantic feelings type.

  Actually you seem to be quite in touch with your feelings.

  It’s just that they’re not for me.

  Pro-tip, don’t let a friend set you up if you’re already in love with her.

  Sorry about that.

  I’d appreciate if you don’t tell Leila about how things went.

  Lips are sealed.

  Just out of curiosity…

  You think I should tell her how I feel?

  NO. Jesus. Definitely not.

  That’s what I thought, just checking.

  Look, I don’t know you well or anything, but can I give you a little unsolicited advice?


  Oh brilliant idea, I hadn’t thought of that.

  I’m sure you have but it doesn’t show.

  You just started a business with her husband!

  It seems like you’re either playing some long con to try to get with her, or you’re trying to punish yourself.

  Maybe both.

  Right. Thanks for the armchair expertise.

  Take care of yourself Adhi.


  EMAIL—MAY 1, 2021

  From: Adhvan Chaudry

  To: Prisha Chaudry


  I am sending you some money.

  The company Ben and I started is doing well.

  We’re building a new type of computer.

  People invested a lot.

  I’m going to send you more like this every month.

  You should quit the dry cleaners, I know it has been terrible for your back.

  Thank you for raising me well.



  Hello Adhvan thank uou for the kind of message. You are good at computers can uou please help sit up my phone when you are here next. Photos are on it but sending them does no. I will make biryani. I can not quit of the cleners they are only the money but thank you.

  Now that your have some money you think to find nice girl to marry?



  I’ll be over for biryani tomorrow night.

  I would be happy to help you with your phone.

  Someday I will try to get married, I promise.

  I am sorry that my heart has not made it easier.

  I love you.



  From: Ben Boyce

  To: Adhvan Chaudry

  Dude check this out. Got a DM on my Twitter this morning. From my dad. No joke. Checked him out, looks legit far as I can tell…

  Quoted Text:

  Benjamin! Long time no talk! I’m sorry that it’s been a while. I’m sure it’s strange to hear from me now. I saw your online video recently of giving a public talk about a new technology, and I’ve read everything I can about it. Amazing! Seems like you are really taking over the world. I’m so proud of you and always knew you were meant for great things. Sorry I fell out of your life, at the time that felt like the only option, and when I was ready to be part of it again, your mom convinced me it was better to leave you alone. But I regret the years that I missed. My email is [email protected], I’d love to hear from you son.





  You excited about this?

  Have you shown it to Lei?



  I dunno how to feel about it. And no I haven’t told her…I mean, I’m just worried she’s gonna say I gotta go to therapy with him or some shit. Like right now I could just pretend I never saw this and ignore it, but soon as I tell her it’s gonna be a whole thing.

  What do you think? Is it worth engaging?



  Up to you obviously.

  The timing is certainly a cause for some concern.

  I don’t want to disparage him.

  But reaching out now is a little starfucky, if not outright golddiggy.

  I took the liberty of gathering what I could from the Prototype.

  From what I can see (social media, what’s available online…)

  It doesn’t look like your dad will be in your life next year.

  So, you can let that inform your decision as you see fit.



  Dude wtf?! I didn’t ask you to do that. I was looking for your input as a FRIEND, your opinion as a fucking HUMAN. I don’t want all my choices all tied up with our data.



  My apologies.

  I assumed you wanted that information.

  I had hoped it could spare you the difficulty of a tough decision.

  For what it’s worth, the data is not definitive in this situation.

  Maybe he’s present in your life, but not in the content you’re posting.

  I can certainly give you my “human opinion” instead.

  Bc more than I know the future, I know you.

  And I know what it’s like to grow up without a father.

  I know you’d love nothing more than for him to be proud of you.

  But I would hate for you to chase that, and get hurt or used in the process.

  So I advise you, as your friend, to proceed with caution.



  Yeah how bout I live my own life, and you do the same.


  From: Ben Boyce

  To: Carl Boyce

  Hey Carl…or should I call you Pops or something? I’m gonna go ahead and keep it at Carl for now. It’s definitely a little overwhelming to hear from you. And I’ll be honest it opens up some tough old memories. But I’m not totally shut off from starting to talk at least. Maybe we could hop on the phone sometime?



  Great to hear from you! Absolutely, we can take it all in stride. I know there’s a lot of history to move past. But I’d love to see you and catch up in person, that’s just how I roll, I’m a lot better in person than the phone. I’m living out in Philadelphia now, and truth is, it’s been a rough couple years. If you could wire me a small sum (a loan I will repay soon of course), I could catch up on a couple things around here, then perhaps get a ticket to fly out and see you and your lovely wife. It would be really good to catch up, son!


  Hey, it’s a busy time for sure on my end, we’re hiring a lot right now trying to scale up fast, but I could definitely make time for a short visit, either in Philly or out here. Meaning I could be the one to travel if that’s a burden. That said, I’m not really in a position to make a loan at this point.



  I know you’re in a crazy busy exciting time with all that’s happening at work, I just saw a new article about you online, and the guys at the garage are talking about your technology all the time! I don’t want to infringe on your life too much. Captain of industry! Mover and shaker! I love it!

  So I’m not sure what you mean about not in a position. The articles I saw certainly indicated otherwise! I wouldn’t be even mentioning it at all if it wasn’t a tough time for me, I’ve had multiple health situations the last couple years, and that stuff adds up. I know it’s been quite a while, but we’re family, and family is sacred. Also
I hope you do realize, I sent money to you and your mother for several years. Maybe she and her parents didn’t tell you about that but I did. They never liked me. I know it’s easy to paint me as a bad guy when I had to leave like that, but I honestly tried to do right by you, and I hoped you would try to do the right thing with me.


  I certainly was never aware that you sent any money. If that was kept from me, I’m sorry about that. We certainly could’ve used some money at the end when Mom was sick.

  As for what I can and can’t do, I understand how it looks from the outside but let me just try to shed some light on the truth of how startup money actually works. You see a headline about 100M and your eyes go wide. But that is money that the COMPANY has. And most of it isn’t in the bank, it’s just committed. As partial owner, I have a PORTION of that (which isn’t as big as you might think). But that money is not cash. It’s like stock in something that I can’t sell. Bc for one thing, we’re not publicly traded, and number 2, if a founder starts selling off his stake privately it looks REALLY bad, the value will quickly plummet, AND I would probably get pushed out of my job real quick bc the optics of it suggest I’m not serious about the co.

  What I do have is a SALARY. And my salary has to be approved by the Board, based on what I’ve made/could make other places. And it’s generally agreed in Silicon Valley that if you believe in your company then you try to take the lowest salary you can.

  So I’ll be fully transparent here, I’m paying myself a healthy paycheck, equivalent to low six figures for the year. Which, given the cost of living here, does not leave a ton of money lying around. I’m also still paying off a hefty chunk of student loan debt, as well as credit cards from the months I committed to this before there was ANY income. Plus my wife Leila and I would love to START saving for a house! If you want me to buy you a plane ticket, I could do that, but I’m not going to send you cash.


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