Seducing Sam

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Seducing Sam Page 21

by Verdenius, Angela

  Dropping to his knees before her, he gathered her into his arms, pressing her full against him so that his shaft was pressed between them, so tortuously good that he groaned harshly.

  Need scorched through him, simmering when he was teasing Carly, but now unleashed. He let it go, let it sear through his veins, feeling it pour through him in a fiery surge.

  One hand tangling in her hair, he angled her head to the side, giving him full access to her mouth, plundering it ruthlessly, kissing and licking, wanting everything she had and taking it without mercy.

  She gave to him, letting him in, not fighting him but seeking her own satisfaction.

  Leaving her mouth, he pressed an open-mouthed kiss below her ear, moving lower to fasten his lips over the pulse beating so frantically in her throat.

  Sucking her, drawing on her skin, marking her so that any man who saw her would know that she had a man of her own, that she was taken.

  But marking her on the skin wasn’t enough, not when her body creamed for him. Marking her inside, thrusting deep within her, knowing she was aware of who claimed her body, was a necessity, a base instinct to claim and hold and keep.

  And master.

  Lifting his head, breaking the kiss, Sam swept his gaze over her face, memorizing her in that second so that he could see her still in his mind when he took her the way his body demanded.

  Mastering her, taking her, filling her full of himself, so full she couldn’t forget who he was, could never forget.

  Turning her, he pushed her down to her knees, leaning over her to guide her hands to the floor to brace herself. “Stay right there,” he ordered, the sexual need spearing through him making the words come out in a guttural growl.

  Coming back onto his knees, he grabbed the wallet from the coffee table, flicking it open and almost snatching the condom out of the little compartment, ripping it open and fisting it over his shaft, rolling it down even as he came forward.

  Her derriere was lush, the moistness glittering coyly through the curls between her thighs, and with a growl he gripped her hips, the fingers of one hand digging in as he held her still. Fisting his shaft, he placed the tip at her entrance, feeling the heat lick out at him, her body’s cream of arousal gleaming around the tip of the condom.

  Grabbing her hips with both hands, he jerked her back onto him as he thrust forward, glorying in the sensation of their bodies meeting in a hard shove, the sound of her surprised gasp as he handled her rougher than previously.

  Holding her hips, he set up a punishing pace, pounding into her, controlling her with his hands, jerking her back against him with every thrust.

  Oh, the joys of watching the woman you claimed from behind as you took her. He loved it. The helpless line of her back and head, the thick fall of hair as she arched, her cries of lustful desire proclaiming her passion. Riding her hard and mercilessly, shorter and harder, shoving into her and feeling, seeing, her response.

  It made his blood boil. His shaft swelled, thickened, lengthened, seeking further inside her, tunnelling through her slick sheath, dragging and invading with every thrust of his hips.

  Wanting and needing more, his heart thundering in his chest, a trickle of sweat running down his spine.

  Faster. Harder. Deeper. Insatiable in his voracity for her. Her whimpers were his reward, the total surrender of her body as she blindly followed where he led, a prisoner of his desire, taking what he gave her, unable to do anything else, her sheath gripping him, his name sobbing in the air.

  He could hear the desire in her voice, the craven heat, knew it burned through her, knew she loved it.

  Spreading his knees wider, he jerked her bottom harder against him, grinding into her, pushing and pounding in hard, short bursts. His skin crawled with fire, his shaft burned, his sac was tight, the seed surging upward like molten lava ready to fill his shaft and burst forth hotly.

  For one wild second Sam actually started to withdraw with every intention of ripping the condom off, to have nothing between himself and Carly, to fill her with his seed and brand the walls of her sheath.

  The only thing that stopped him was her pushing back against him in a desperate lunge.

  Blinded by lust, he continued to ride her hard, fingers biting deep enough to leave marks later though he didn’t care.

  Needing more contact, craving it, he came over her, his much bigger, longer body making it easy. Chest to her back, loins shoved hard against hers, his arms coming down either side of her to brace his hands beside hers on the floor, he continued to thrust.

  The sensation of her arching under him was incredible. Pressing himself against her back, feeling her give to him, only heightened his need to master her.

  The erotic tension in him spiralled tighter, higher, drawing on his shaft and sac. He could swear the fire dancing along his skin danced behind his closed eyes. Throwing back his head, he gritted his teeth and pumped, the muscles in his thighs burning deliciously.

  Lifting one hand from the floor, he slid it under Carly, delving between her legs to find the tight little bud, rubbing it mercilessly.

  She exploded, stiffening, crying out, throwing her head back.

  The sensation of her sheath spasming around him threw him over the cliff, his seed pouring forth to fill the condom, his sac so tight, the shudders wracking his body as he came and came, holding onto her, arms tight around her waist as he held her tightly against him, hips jerking as he emptied himself.

  The last thing he remembered was roaring out, “So – bloody – Goddamn - beautiful!”

  He had no idea how long he lay half atop Carly. Drifting in the decadent aftermath of a mind-blowing love-making session, Sam could only smile dreamily and cuddle her against him.

  He really only came fully awake when she whispered, “Sam?”

  “Yeah?” His voice was hoarse.


  Chuckling tiredly, he rolled off her and onto his side, reaching out to gather her to him and snuggle her against his chest. “Wow, is right.” Patting her on her backside, he asked drowsily, “Did I prove anything?”

  He distinctly felt soft lips press against his shoulder before she lifted her head to look into his face. “I’m not sure. Maybe we should repeat it.”

  “I’m right there with you, honey. Just give me a couple of hours.”

  She laughed. “Sounds good to me.”

  “Hey.” He lifted his head to look at her properly. “Do you mean to tell me that I succeeded in making you want to get naked with me again?”

  A slight blush tinged her cheeks. “Um…”

  “So I was right?”

  “Will you get a big head if I agree?”

  “Depends which head you mean.” He grinned.

  She lightly slapped his shoulder. “Let’s amend that to right now, I’m feeling all relaxed and cosy. After I might get a little shy again.”

  “Then after, I’ll just have to start at the beginning.” He winked. “I can’t wait.”

  Coming up onto one elbow, she gazed seriously down at him. “Thanks, Sam.”

  Resting one arm behind his head, he studied her. “For what?”

  “Making me feel…” She glanced away.

  “Say it.”

  “You know.”

  “I want to hear you say it.”

  “You can’t always get what you want,” she said primly.

  “My hand is right near your delectable arse.” To emphasize his point, he patted her a little harder.

  “Oh yeah? Well maybe, Mr Stud, you can’t handle me that well after all if you have to resort to threats.”

  Interest sparked inside him and he quirked a brow. “Is that a challenge, Miss Not-So-Shy now?”

  She tossed her head, that silky fall of black hair falling around her shoulders and down her back. “Interpret it any way you wish.” Her eyes gleamed.

  “I think I’ve created a wanton sheila.” Sam rubbed his chin in consideration then grinned widely. “I can live with that.” Grabbing her
, he brought her down flush on top of him. “Challenge accepted, honey.”

  She shrieked.

  Hey, he was surprised himself at how fast his shaft got hard. And damned happy. And yeah, might as well admit it, damned proud.


  The beach proved not to be as harrowing as she’d feared, especially since Sam really did have eyes only for her. He took one look at the sarong draped around her hips and his eyes practically glazed over.

  Taking off his glasses to polish them, he said, “Steamed over again.”

  She looked down at herself. The bright yellow one-piece was pretty. The swatch of light material draped around her waist hid the tops of her thighs and some of her hips. She wondered if he realised it. Glancing up, she noted his arched brow as he continued to study her. Yep, he knew.

  But rather than insist she take it off, which for the life of her she couldn’t bring herself to do, Sam slid his glasses back onto his nose, wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her close and kissed the tip of her nose. “Thanks, honey.”

  “For what?”

  “For doing this for me.”

  How could a woman not fall for a man who made it seem as though she was taking this step for him? “I think that should be the other way around.”

  Resting his forehead against hers, he smiled. “Doing it together.”

  Warmth spread through her. “Yep.”

  “And later we can do something else together.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  Quiet, sweet Sam had a mischievous side that made her laugh, but his darker, sensual side made her shiver and her thighs press close together in wanton anticipation. It also accounted for the fact that she water-proof make-up on her neck to hide the love bite he’d shamelessly given her. That had taken some covering.

  “You are dangerous,” she chided, pulling back to pick up her beach bag.

  “Oddly enough, only with you,” he drawled, slapping her backside lightly.

  “Do you mind?”

  “Not at all. Let me do it again.” His eyes gleamed.

  Jumping out of his way, she pointed at his car. “Let’s go before I lose my nerve.”

  “I won’t let you.” Grinning widely, he opened the car door for her. “And I expect a hot reward when we return.”

  Shaking her head, she got into the car.

  The beach was crowded when they got there and Sam, holding her hand and carrying his surf board under his other arm, led her through the crowds until they reached one of the shelters. Dropping her beach bag under the table and pulling on a wide-brimmed hat, she followed him to the waters edge.

  The water was cold lapping around her ankles but she took another step in, enjoying the chill.

  Expecting Sam to bound past her into the water, she looked around to find him watching her with concern. “What?”

  “I’m thinking it’s not a good idea to leave you here alone.”

  “Why not?”


  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not a baby. Now take your board and enjoy the surf.”

  “I can surf later.” He started back towards the shelter with the surf board.

  Hurrying after him, she grabbed his arm and skipped in front of him, effectively halting his progress. Looking up at him, she placed her hands on her hips. “Sam Willow, if you brought me out here just to baby-sit me, I won’t be impressed.”

  “Not to baby-sit, honey,” he replied earnestly. “To enjoy ourselves.”

  “So enjoy yourself out in the surf, and I’ll enjoy myself playing in the water.”

  “We could have more fun together.”

  “Sam, no sex for you.”

  The expression on his face was priceless.

  Leaning forward, she said quietly, “You surf, I’ll play, and we’ll enjoy ourselves. You don’t surf, I don’t play, and you don’t get sex.”

  His eyes widened. “Are you blackmailing me?”

  “Bloody oath.”

  “But Carly-”

  “Go and surf.” She pointed out to the water. “Now.”

  He looked out at the surf then back at her. She could see the longing to hit the surf, but also the concern for her, and it filled her with warmth.

  “Sam, I love how you care, I really do. But this relationship works both ways, remember? You do what you like, and I’ll do what I like, and we’ll meet back here in about an hour.” She blew him a kiss. “And after, you can do whatever you want with me.”

  His face lit up. “Is that a promise?”


  In a fast move he cupped the back of her head and leaned down to kiss her hard and deep, leaving her with her mind whirling and her nipples peaking betrayingly. Grinning down at her, he said, “Love you, honey.” And then he turned and took his surf board into the water.

  Love you, honey. The words resonated in her brain. It was, she assured herself, just a term, nothing more, just a farewell kind of thing.

  But it made her feel all warm and gooey inside.

  Moving back towards the sea, she walked in up to her knees and ambled up and down the shoreline, enjoying the heat of the sun combined with the chill of the ocean. Finally the call was too much for her, and ensuring the drape of material was secured in a knot, she threw herself into the cold water and swam.

  By the time she met Sam back at the shelter, she felt so invigorated and happy that she didn’t care what anyone thought of the wet material clinging to her, especially when Sam turned, saw her, and his eyes went all hot.

  That told her more than anything that he saw her as desirable, regardless of how she was built, and that gave her the confidence to put a sway in her hips as she walked towards him.

  Several long strides and he met her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her carnally. So carnally, in fact, she wondered rather dazedly why no one called the cops. Surely a kiss as decadent as Sam was giving her warranted a fine for lewd behaviour in public.

  “Hey, hey! Break it up!”

  Oh shit, someone had called the cops!

  Mortified, Carly broke the kiss at the same time Sam lifted his head and frowned.

  “Bugger off,” he said.

  Shocked, Carly looked around for the uniformed cop to appear and chastise Sam. Instead, she spotted a cute, boy-next-door kind of face and recognised him as the cop who sometimes parked at Sam’s place, and was Sam’s old friend. Today he was dressed in a pair of damp boardies and had wickedly dancing eyes and a big grin.

  “Look,” the bloke said, “you can’t be indecent on the beach in public.”

  “You are, Alan” the voluptuous woman he was towing behind him by her hand said. “All the time. Everywhere.”

  “That’s different.” Alan looked Sam up and down. “Jesus, you better hide that boner you’re getting before someone notices.”

  Sam flipped him the bird.

  The pretty woman came up beside Alan, leaning her cheek on his arm and curling her other hand around his forearm. “Leave Sam alone, you big bully.”

  Carly recognised her now from the photos Sam had on his wall. This was his cousin Sophie, married to Alan, one of his friends and ex-housemate. He’d had great fun regaling the fall of Alan ‘The Chick Chaser’ Willow for his generously curved cousin, Sophie. Not that he’d added the generously-curved part; Carly had seen it for herself.

  “Now, Soph, the big jerk can take care of himself.” Alan grinned down at Sophie. “I’m the one needing taking care of.”

  “Pull the other one, its got bells on it.”

  “Really? Is that a new sex toy?” Alan’s eyes gleamed. “Can I have a look?”

  Ignoring him, Sophie moved forward to give Sam a hug. “Hey, Sam. Enjoying the surf?”

  “It’s great.” Placing a hand at Carly’s back, Sam drew her forward. “This is Carly.”

  “I’ve heard about you.” Sophie smiled, her eyes sparkling with pleasure as she held her hand out. “I’m Sophie.”

  Shaking her hand, Carly smiled. “I’ve seen your bo
oks on Sam’s shelf.”

  Surprised, Sophie cast Sam a look.

  “Whoa,” Alan said. “Doing some research, mate?”

  “I don’t read them,” Sam replied, adding hastily, “I’m sure they’re great. They hit the best seller lists often, but not my thing. I buy them because I’m proud of you, Sophie.” To Alan, he added, “I don’t need research, I do well enough on my own.”

  “He does,” Carly agreed before realising she’d actually said it out loud, and slapped her hand over her mouth in mortification.

  Sam grinned widely. “That’s my girl.”

  Sophie winced. “Ewww.”

  “Carly can’t help it, Soph,” Alan said to her. “She only has Sam to go by, whereas you have your own hunk of burnin’ love to please you. An experienced, almost-too-hot-to-handle hunk. Lucky chick.”

  “I am so sorry,” Carly apologised to Sophie. “That just fell out.”

  “Hey, I can handle the sex talk.” Sophie laughed. ‘But Sam’s my cousin, so – ewww.”

  “Don’t worry, you can’t offend Sophie.” Sam tugged Carly against him. “She writes erotic romance, so she’s delved into all kinds of depravity.”

  “With me,” Alan added.

  “It’s not depravity,” Sophie retorted.

  “Nope, not all,” Alan agreed. “Or at least, not all of it.” At his wife’s expression, he amended, “We do the depraved stuff, you don’t write about it.” At her arched brow, he said, “Or you do write about it.” Her other eyebrow went up. “Come on, Soph, confess. We do the down and dirty all in the name of research.” He smoothed his hand down his chest and grinned. “The things I do for you, my hot little honey pot.”

  “Please,” said Sam, “she’s my cousin. Let me emulate her – ewww.”

  “Emulate?” Alan snorted. “Now you’re spitting out big words like Mike.”

  “Mike isn’t a big word.”

  “Smart arses get tasered.”

  “I thought that was handcuffed.”

  Alan leered. “I save that for Soph.”

  Carly laughed, enjoying the banter.

  “Putting Alan’s depravity aside,” Sophie said, “We’re sitting at the tables under the trees over there with Mike, Maddy, Tim and Cindy. Join us?”


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