Mistress No More

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Mistress No More Page 1

by Niobia Bryant

  Also by Niobia Bryant


  Hot Like Fire

  Make You Mine

  Give Me Fever

  Live and Learn

  Show and Tell

  Message from a Mistress

  Published by Kensington Publishing Corp.

  Mistress No More




  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Also by Niobia Bryant

  Title Page


  Prologue - “hello, jessa bell”

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Jessa Bell

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Jessa Bell

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Jessa Bell

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Epilogue - “Goodbye, Jessa Bell”

  Back On Top

  Copyright Page

  For all the friends in the world who, like me, are always

  the ear to listen and the shoulder to cry on in their

  friendships, but would never abuse or misuse the

  information to betray a friend.

  Here’s to true sistah-hood.


  “hello, jessa bell”

  Ihave played the fool, but no more. I swear it this time.

  I made a choice. A scandalous choice. To have my friends or my man: the husband of a friend.

  I chose to have my man.

  I made a move. A bold move. I sent a message to three friends taunting them all that one of their husbands now belonged to me and only me. Only one truly had reason to worry.

  And I made a mistake. An unforgivable mistake. The man I loved—or thought I loved—didn’t love me. He didn’t need me. He didn’t keep his promises. He didn’t leave his wife. He didn’t come home to me.

  And now? And now I have no choice. I lost so much going for the gold only to be left with nothing but the bitter dust of fool’s gold in my hands. I risked it all for him. To have him, love him, fuck him on my terms . . . and I lost.

  I put my house in Richmond Hills up for sale and leased a home that we were supposed to share. I sent a message that cut all ties with the three women who considered me a friend. My lover and I went from making plans to spend forever together to him telling me we had to slow things down because of my message. Bullshit. If he had stuck to our plan, my message shouldn’t have mattered one damn bit.

  My celebration and triumph have been replaced by bitter disappointment from his bullshit.

  Now I have to make him pay.

  I cut my eyes up to the rearview mirror and I could see the fat and flushed face of Lucky, the tubby security guard of the subdivision where I lived along with my three friends and their husbands. I had no doubts that the message I sent yesterday had shaken everyone to the rafters of their stately homes. Not my concern. Not one bit.

  I revved the motor of my Jaguar, anxious as hell to get to the home of my lover. It was time for his wife to know the truth. No more guessing. No more games. I was putting his lying ass on blast. I was finally revealing which of the three husbands I had foolishly claimed as my own.

  My silver BlackBerry rang inside my purse on the leather passenger seat. Steering with one hand, I dug in my purse and pulled it out. It was him. I pulled my car off the road onto the grass as I looked down at the PDA.

  After ending things with a sorry-ass phone call this morning, I had threatened him before giving him the “click.” His calls had been nonstop ever since. But was he calling to take back the words that ended things for us or was he just worried that his cover was blown?

  I knew if I answered his calls, if I gave him half the chance to sweet-talk me . . .

  Taking a deep breath, unable to fight the urge or deny my love, I answered the call and held my BlackBerry to my face. “What?” I snapped, not hiding the anger I still had for him.

  I hated that I so badly wanted him to still want me. I couldn’t resist him. Deny him. Leave him. I just . . . I just couldn’t. Love never fades that quickly. And hope? Hope is eternal.

  Yesterday I thought I had everything made. Today? Hmph. What a difference a day makes.

  Chapter 1

  One month later

  Jaime Hall relished the feel of the cool cotton sheets against her naked skin. She stretched her long limbs before rolling over onto her side to clutch the pillow close to her body. With a soft moan that was filled with anticipation, she pressed her face into the softness and inhaled deeply of the lasting scent of her lover’s cologne.

  Just the thought of him in her bed and deep inside her walls made her wet as her heart raced.

  She wouldn’t have ever guessed she would spend her days and her nights lying nude in a bed waiting for a man to come sex her. Never.

  All her life she’d played the role of being perfect. The perfect daughter, wife, parishioner, soror, and friend. All roles, as if her life wasn’t shit but an ongoing play. None of it really gave her a chance to be herself or even know herself, for that matter.

  Until Pleasure.

  Jaime squeezed her thighs tightly, putting pressure on her throbbing clit as she craved that man. He was a stripper by night, her lover by day.

  The things that man knew how to do were scandalously sinful and she couldn’t get enough of him. It felt damn good, for once, to want something and to go for it. To get it. To have it. Damn good.

  So good that Jaime could care less that a faux friend had sent a text to her and two other friends boasting about her affair with one of their husbands. Jaime’s life did not revolve around figuring out the mystery or deciphering the puzzle of which of the men had betrayed their marriage with Jessa Bell. She’d left her husband and the months of verbal abuse and degrading sex behind. She was sure Aria and Renee gave way more of a fuck than she did about the guilty man. All she wanted that night was her freedom. That message had been just the right damn key to unlock the door to the prison of her marriage.

  The old Jaime had spent the day pretending not to care on the outside but filled with fright on the inside that the bullshit in her marriage would be exposed for all to see. The old Jaime cared more about what other people thought, cared, or wanted.

  “Not no more,” she said aloud, closing her eyes as she tried not to count down the minutes until her lover would walk through the door and into her bed.

  The new Jaime was ready to be fucked and fucked well. To hell with her marriage. Jessa. That stupid message. And Eric.


  Her heart raced as she rolled over to the other side of the bed and scooped up her cell phone. Disappointment flooded her like drowning waves. Flipping the phone open, she rolled her eyes. “What, Eric?” she sighed, sounding as bored as she truly was with his constant attempts at reconciliation. She reached for her monogrammed Louis Vuitton cigarette case and lighter.

  “We need to talk, Jaime.”

  “Talk about what?” she asked, lighting a cigarette. She had given up cigarettes, but the day they’d received that message from Jessa, her fears over a flaw in her marriage being exposed had sent her back to her habit.

  “I want my life back. I want my wife back. You know that.”


  Her eyes shifted at the sound of the bedroom door closing and a smile spread across her face as Pleasure took his hand from the closed bedroom door and reached for the hem of his T-shirt to pull it over his dreadloc
k-covered head. Tall. Muscled. Skin deeply bronzed caramel. Black tattoos scattered over his frame emphasized just how built he was to please.


  “I think we need to consider counseling, Jaime. We both have a lot to forgive . . . and forget.”

  Jaime barely heard her husband’s pleas as she watched Pleasure unbuckle his belt and ease his denims and boxers over his narrow hips. She bit her bottom lip as each delicious inch of his long and thick curving dick was exposed to her hungry eyes. She was ad“dick”ted.

  “Jaime . . . Jaime, you there?” Eric said into his phone.

  As Pleasure walked the short distance to the bed with his dick swinging across his muscled thighs, Jaime licked her lips in anticipation. “Yeah, listen, I’ll call you back,” she said, her voice a whisper filled with nervous excitement.

  She had to admit she got an extra thrill from having her soon-to-be-ex-husband on the phone begging her to reconcile while her new lover was flinging the covers away from her naked body.

  “Jaime, Pastor Richardson still wants us to meet with him tomorrow before church.”

  Jaime shivered as Pleasure roughly pulled her by her ankles to the edge of the bed. “I’m not Catholic. You are. He’s your priest. Not mine,” she reminded him, spreading her legs wide as Pleasure dropped to his knees and buried his dreadlock-covered head between her thighs to lick the lips of her pussy.

  “Aaah,” Jaime cried out, arching her back and circling her hips as she pushed her free hands deep between the thin locks to grab the back of his head.

  “Jaime, are you all right?” Eric asked.

  Her eyes popped open as she pressed her lips closed. She remembered that her cell phone accidentally dialing Eric while Pleasure fucked her on the floor of the back room of the strip club was how her husband discovered her affair. Even though she and Eric were done as far as she was concerned, she snapped the phone closed, not wanting to give him a repeat of hearing another man give his wife the pleasure he never did.


  Jaime ignored the ringing phone, using her hand to push it off the bed to the floor to land with a soft thud. “I missed you,” she whispered, her words floating up to the ceiling as Pleasure kissed a hot and moist trail up her thighs to her flat belly and then to the valley of her breasts. Her body shivered with each kiss. Her pussy ached. Her heart raced. A fine sheen of sweat coated her body.


  “I love your nipples,” Pleasure moaned against the sides of her breasts before his tongue circled a brown peak twice.

  Jaime cried out hoarsely, her hands coming up his strong back to dig her fingers into his broad shoulders. “Suck ’em,” she begged.

  Her wish, just like always, was his command.

  “You like that?” he asked thickly, cutting his deep-set coal black eyes up at her as he dragged the tip of his tongue around her nipple before sucking it into his mouth.


  “Yes,” she cried out, arching her back and not giving a damn that her expensive, bone-straight, jet black weave would be well sweated out by the end of the night.

  Back and forth he went from one hard nipple to the other until she was dizzy and high off his skills. Before Pleasure her husband had been her one and only lover, and even then she’d waited like a good girl for her wedding night—only to discover that they lacked chemistry. Fire. Passion.

  She found more of it with Pleasure’s dick inside of her for one hour than she had for many years of marriage. It wasn’t just that Pleasure had one of those tree trunk kinda dicks while Eric was average. Ever since she first laid eyes on Pleasure at that bachelorette party all those years ago the man made her sizzle just from looking at him.

  “What do you want from me, Jaime?” he whispered in the back of his throat, the faint sounds of a wrapper tearing in the background.

  Jaime locked eyes with him as she brought her hands up to ball his thin dreads within her fist. “I want you to fuck me,” she admitted, spreading her legs wide as he settled his muscled frame atop hers.

  “Right now?” he asked, his breath breezing against her mouth before he licked her quivering bottom lip.


  He smiled and it was filled with his confidence. His sexiness. His boldness.

  Pleasure growled a little as he used nothing but his strong hips to ease the tip of his dick inside her. Her pussy lips closed around him. Her juices caused her flesh to smack lightly in the air.

  “No massage tonight?” he asked before nibbling the side of her mouth.


  He gave her another delicious inch, her body spreading to accommodate the width of his dick.

  “No edible body paint?”

  Jaime tugged his dreads bringing his head down closer to hers. She sucked his mouth. “No,” she stressed.

  Pleasure offered her his tongue to suck as he slid another inch of dick inside her.

  “Just dick?” he asked.

  Jaime sucked his tongue deeply with a purr, still amazed that this man could make her feel so free. So wild. So freaky. “Just. Dick.”

  “What’s my name?”


  “And what do I give?”

  “Pleasure,” Jaime sighed in anticipation.

  He growled as he pushed the rest of his dick deeply inside of her until the soft and curly hairs of his dick tickled the clean-shaven mound of her pussy.

  “Fuck back, Jaime. Shit, give me that pussy, girl.”

  Just like he’d taught her, Jaime worked her hips, meeting him stroke for stroke until he took over again and worked her body and her walls until she was exhausted and excited all at once.

  Pleasure fucked her like there was nothing else in the world he’d rather do. He stroked her pussy with his dick and spoiled her body with his hands and lips and tongue.

  Lord, this man was made for sex, she thought, crying out roughly as he made her come again . . . and again . . . and again.

  Hmph. He was worth every red cent.

  Although Aria Livewell was sitting next to her husband, Kingston, on the leather love seat, she had never felt so distant from him. Never. That hurt like hell. Their marriage had been the kind that most people dream about. Great chemistry. Explosive sex. Communication. Teamwork. All of it. The whole nine. Not an unreal perfection but a good solid marriage that was destined to last fifty years or more.

  And then came the message that day, exposing the betrayal of a husband and a supposed friend.

  Aria felt anger burn in her stomach at the thought of Jessa Bell the Jezebel having sex with her husband. Planning to steal him away. Taunting her, Renee, and Jaime with that damn message.

  Aria hadn’t seen the bitch since, but first chance she got, Jessa’s ass was grass. Point blank. Period.

  The door to the office opened and both Aria and Kingston looked up as their marriage counselor, Dr. Matheson, strolled in. Aria eyed him. Tall, wide, and balding with a beard, the man looked more like a lumberjack or hunter. Still, after three sessions, she felt comfortable around the man and she especially loved that after calling him about a nasty, down and dirty fight last night, he’d volunteered to meet them for an emergency session on a Sunday. Aria was more than ready to get to the bottom of their shit.

  “How did things go last week?” he asked, folding his broad frame in the black leather club chair positioned in front of them.

  “The sex was awful,” Kingston blurted out, shifting in his seat and holding his hands out there like “There it is.”

  Aria’s eyes got round as saucers as she turned on the sofa to look at him. No, this Negro didn’t. “Well, it’s a little hard to be enthusiastic about having sex when all I can see is you in bed with Jessa’s no-good behind,” she snapped.

  Kingston jumped to his feet. “I did not cheat on you with Jessa or anybody else and I am sick and tired of explaining myself in my marriage over some other man’s bullshit.”

  Aria jumped to her feet and pointed her
finger at him. “Mr. Perfect cursing. Oh my Lord, hell is about to freeze over!” she exclaimed emphatically, damn well meaning to be sarcastic.

  Kingston eyed her, his handsome face tight with anger. “Why do you feel Kingston is Mr. Perfect?”

  They both turned their heads to look down at Dr. Matheson calmly sitting there but watching them with eyes like a hawk.

  Aria sighed as she plopped back down on her end of the sofa. Kingston adjusted his pants before he settled down on his end.

  She could hardly believe how badly Jessa’s message had fucked with her marriage. She couldn’t believe any of the shit that went down.

  She could see and remember that text clear as day. Word for word.















  How in the hot hell she could forget it? Especially when all three husbands had come home that night, all three denying Jessa’s words. All three claiming it wasn’t them.

  That bitch was supposed to be their friend—especially her friend—since their college days. Straight bullshit. No chaser.


  She shifted her eyes to Dr. Matheson.

  “Why do you feel Kingston is Mr. Perfect?”

  Aria bit the IMAN gloss from her lips as she closed her eyes and spoke the truth about how she felt. “He is too good to be true,” she admitted softly, feeling emotional.

  She felt Kingston stiffen beside her. “I am sick of this—”

  “Let her finish, Kingston.”


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