The Tomb (Repairman Jack)

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The Tomb (Repairman Jack) Page 14

by Wilson, F. Paul

  The light was waning when he saw the wall. He was leading his horse around one of the countless sharp twists in the path, wondering how they were going to follow the trail once night came, when he looked up and saw that the gully opened abruptly into a small canyon. He immediately jumped back and signaled his men to halt. He gave his reins to Watts and peered around the edge of an outcropping of rock.

  The wall sat two hundred yards away, spanning the width of the canyon. It looked to be about ten feet high, made of black stone, with a single gate at its center. The gate stood open to the night.

  "They've left the door open for us, sir." Tooke said at his side. He had crept up for a look of his own.

  Westphalen snapped around to glare at him. "Back with the others!"

  "Aren't we going in?"

  "When I give the order and not before!"

  Westphalen watched the soldier sulkily return to his proper place. Only a few hours away from the garrison and already discipline was showing signs of breaking down. Not unexpected with the likes of these. They had all heard the stories about the Temple-in-the-Hills. You couldn't be in Bharangpur barracks for more than a week without hearing them. Westphalen was sure there was not a man among them who had not used the hope of pocketing something of value from within the temple to spur him along. Now they had reached their goal and wanted to know if the stories were true. The looter within them was rising to the surface like something rotten from the bottom of a pond. He could almost smell the foul odor of their greed.

  And what about me? Westphalen thought grimly. Do I reek as they do?

  He gazed again toward the canyon. Behind the wall, rising above it, he made out the dim shape of the temple itself. Details were lost in the long shadows; all he could make out was a vaguely domelike shape with a spire on top.

  As he watched, the door in the wall swung closed with a crash that echoed off the rocky mountain walls, making the horses shy and causing his own heart to skip a beat.

  Suddenly it was dark. Why couldn't India have England's lingering twilight? Night fell like a curtain here.

  What to do now? He hadn't planned on taking so long to reach the temple, hadn't planned on darkness and a walled-off canyon. Yet why hesitate? He knew there were no rebels in the temple compound—that had been a fiction he had concocted. Most likely only a few Hindu priests. Why not scale the walls and have done with it?

  No…he didn't want to do that. He could find no rational reason to hesitate, yet something in his gut told him to wait for the sun.

  "We'll wait until morning."

  The men glanced at each other, muttering. Westphalen searched for a way to keep them in hand. He could neither shoot nor handle a lance half as well as they, and he had been in command of the garrison less than two months, nowhere near enough time to win their confidence as an officer. His only recourse was to show himself to be their superior in judgment. And that should be no problem. After all, they were only commoners.

  He decided to single out the most vocal of the grumblers.

  "Do you detect some flaw in my decision, Mr. Tooke? If so, please speak freely. This is no time for formality."

  "Begging your pardon, sir," the enlisted man said with a salute and exaggerated courtesy, "but we thought we'd be taking them right away. The morning's a long way off and we're anxious to be into the fighting. Aren't I right, men?"

  There were murmurs of approval.

  Westphalen made a show of seating himself comfortably on a boulder before speaking.

  I hope this works.

  "Very well, Mr. Tooke," he said, keeping the mounting tension out of his voice. "You have my permission to lead an immediate assault on the temple." As the men began to reach for their rifles, Westphalen added: "Of course, you realize that any pandies hiding within have been there for weeks and will know their way around the temple and its grounds quite well. Those of you who have never been on the other side of that wall will be lost in the dark."

  He saw the men stop in their tracks and glance at each other. Westphalen sighed with relief. Now, if he could deliver the coup de grace, he would be in command again.

  "Charge, Mr. Tooke?"

  After a long pause, Tooke said, "I think we'll be waiting for morning, sir."

  Westphalen slapped his hands on his thighs and stood up. "Good! With surprise and daylight on our side, we'll rout the pandies with a minimum of fuss. If all goes well, you'll be back in your barracks by this time tomorrow night."

  If all goes well, he thought, you will never see tomorrow night.

  Chapter Five




  Gia stood inside the back door and let the air-conditioned interior cool and dry the fine sheen of perspiration coating her skin. Short, slick, blond curls were plastered against the nape of her neck. She was dressed in a T-shirt and jogging shorts, but even that was too much clothing. Only 9:30 and already the temperature had pushed into the high eighties.

  She’d been out in the back helping Vicky put up curtains in the new playhouse. Even with screens on the windows and the breeze off the East River, it was like an oven in that little thing. Vicky hadn't seemed to notice, but Gia was sure she would have passed out if she’d stayed in there another minute.

  Nine-thirty. It felt like it should be noon. She was slowly going crazy here on Sutton Square. Nice to have a live-in maid to see to your every need, nice to have meals prepared for you, your bed made, and central air conditioning...but it was so boring. She was out of her routine and found it almost impossible to work. She needed her work to keep these hours from dragging so.

  She had to get out of here.

  The doorbell rang.

  "I'll get it, Eunice," she called as she headed for the door. Here was a break in the routine—a visitor. She was glad until she realized with a stab of apprehension that it could be someone from the police with bad news about Grace. She checked through the peephole before unlocking the deadbolt.

  The mailman. Gia pulled open the door and he gave her a flat box, maybe eight by twelve inches, weighing about a pound.

  "Special delivery," he said, giving her a frank head-to toe appraisal before returning to his truck.

  The box—could it be from Grace? She checked and saw it had been mailed from England. The return address was someplace in London called "The Divine Obsession."

  "Nellie! Package for you!"

  Nellie was already halfway downstairs. "Is it word from Grace?”

  "I don't think so. Not unless she's gone back to England."

  Nellie's brow furrowed as she glanced at the return address, then she began tearing at the brown paper wrapper. As it pulled away, she gasped.

  "Oh! Black Magic!"

  Gia stepped around for a look at what was inside. She saw a black rectangular cardboard box with gold trim and a red rose painted on the lid. An assortment of dark chocolates.

  "These are my favorites! Who could have—?"

  "There's a card taped to the corner."

  Nellie pulled it free and opened it.

  " 'Don't worry,'" she read. "'I haven't forgotten you.' It's signed, 'Your favorite nephew, Richard!'"

  Gia was aghast. "Richard?"

  "Yes! What a dear sweet boy to think of me! Oh, he knows Black Magic has always been my favorite. What a thoughtful present!"

  "Could I see the card, please?"

  Nellie handed it over without looking at it again. She was pulling off the rest of the wrapper and lifting the lid. The strong odor of dark chocolate filled the foyer. As the older woman inhaled deeply, Gia studied the card, her anger rising.

  Written in a cutesy female hand, it had round circles above the I's and little loops all over the place. Definitely not her ex-husband's scrawl. He'd probably called the shop, gave them the address, and told them what to put on the card. Or better yet, had his latest girlfriend do it. Yes, that would be more Richard's style.

  Gia bottled the anger that had come to a full boil within h
er. Her ex-husband, controller of one-third of the huge Westphalen fortune, had plenty of time to flit all over the world and send his aunt expensive chocolates from London, but not a penny to spare for child support, let alone the moment it would have taken to send his own daughter a card for her last birthday.

  You sure can pick 'em, Gia.

  She bent and picked up the wrapper. "The Divine Obsession." At least she knew what city Richard was living in. And probably not too far from this shop—he was never one to go out of his way for anyone, especially his aunts. They’d never thought much of him and had never been reticent about letting him know it. Which raised the question: Why the candy? What was behind this thoughtful little gift out of the blue?

  "Imagine!" Nellie was saying. "A gift from Richard! How lovely! Who'd have ever thought—”

  They were both suddenly aware of a third person in the room with them. Gia glanced up and saw Vicky standing in the hallway in her white jersey with her bony legs sticking out of her yellow shorts and her feet squeezed sockless into her sneakers, watching them with wide blue eyes.

  "Is that a present from my daddy?"

  "Why, yes, love," Nellie said.

  "Did he send one for me?"

  Gia felt her heart break at those words. Poor Vicky...

  Nellie glanced at Gia, her face distraught, then turned back to Vicky.

  "Not yet, Victoria, but I'm sure one will be coming soon. Meanwhile, he said we should all share these chocolates until—” Nellie's hand darted to her mouth, realizing what she’d just said.

  "Oh, no," Vicky said. "My daddy would never send me chocolate. He knows I can't have any."

  With her back straight and her chin high, she turned and walked quickly down the hall toward the backyard.

  Nellie's face seemed to crumble as she turned toward Gia. "I forgot she's allergic. I'll go get her—”

  "Let me," Gia said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "We've been over this ground before, and it looks like we'll have to go over it again."

  She left Nellie standing there in the foyer, looking older than her years, unaware of the box of chocolates clutched so tightly in her spotted hands, Gia didn't know who to feel sorrier for: Vicky or Nellie.


  Vicky hadn't wanted to cry in front of Aunt Nellie, who always said what a big girl she was. Mommy said it was all right to cry, but Vicky never saw Mommy cry. Well, hardly ever.

  Vicky wanted to cry right now. It didn't matter if this was one of the all right times or not, it was going to come out anyway. It was like a big balloon inside her chest, getting bigger and bigger until she either cried or exploded. She held it in until she reached the playhouse. It had one door, two windows with new curtains, and room enough inside for her to spin around with her arms spread out all the way without touching the walls. She picked up her Ms. Jelliroll doll and hugged it to her chest. Then it began.

  The sobs came first, like big hiccups, then the tears. She didn't have a sleeve, so she tried to wipe them away with her arm but succeeded only in making her face and her arm wet and smeary.

  Daddy doesn’t care.

  It made her feel sick way down in the bottom of her stomach to think that, but she knew it was true. She didn't know why it should bother her so much. She could hardly remember what he looked like. Mommy threw away all his pictures a long time ago and as time went by it became harder and harder to see his face in her mind. He hadn't been around at all in two years and Vicky didn't remember seeing much of him even before that. So why should it hurt to say that Daddy didn't care? Mommy was the only one who really mattered, who really cared, who was always there.

  Mommy cared. And so did Jack. But now Jack didn't come around anymore either. Except for yesterday. Thinking about Jack made her stop crying. When he’d lifted her up and hugged her yesterday, she'd felt so good inside. Warm. And safe. For the short while he’d been in the house yesterday she hadn't felt afraid. Vicky didn't know what there was to be scared of, but lately she felt afraid all the time. Especially at night.

  She heard the door open behind her and knew it was Mommy.

  That was okay. She’d stopped crying now. She was all right now. But when she turned and saw that sad, pitying look on Mommy's face, it all came out again and she burst into tears. Mommy squeezed into the little rocker and sat her on her knee and held her tight until the sobs went away. This time for good.


  "Why doesn't Daddy love us anymore?"

  The question startled Gia. Vicky had asked her countless times why Daddy didn't live with them any more. But this was the first time she’d mentioned love.

  Answer a question with another question: "Why do you say that?"

  But Vicky was not to be sidetracked.

  "He doesn't love us, does he, Mommy." It was not a question.

  No. He doesn't. I don't think he ever did.

  That was the truth. Richard had never been a father. As far as he was concerned, Vicky had been an accident, a terrible inconvenience to him. He’d never shown affection to her, had never been a presence in their home when they had lived together. He might as well have phoned in his paternal duties.

  Gia sighed and hugged Vicky tighter. What an awful time that had been...the worst years of her life. Gia had been brought up a strict Catholic, and although the days had become one long siege of Gia and Vicky alone against the world, and the nights—those nights when her husband bothered to come home—had been a battlefield, she’d never considered divorce. Not until the night when Richard, in a particularly vicious mood, had told her why he'd married her. She was as good as anyone else for rutting when he was randy, he’d said, but the real reason was taxes.

  Immediately after the death of his father, Richard had gone to work transferring his assets out of Britain and into either American or international holdings, all the while looking for an American to marry. He'd found such an American in Gia, fresh in from the Midwest looking to sell her commercial art talents to Madison Avenue. The urbane Richard Westphalen, with his refined British manners and accent, had swept her off her feet. They were married; he became an American citizen. There were other ways he could have acquired citizenship, but they were lengthy and this was more in keeping with his character. The earnings of his portion of the Westphalen fortune would from then on be taxed at the much lower US rate rather than the British government's ninety-plus percent. After that, he quickly lost interest in her.

  "We might have had some fun for a while," he said, "but you had to go and become a mother.”

  Those words had seared themselves onto her brain. She started divorce proceedings the following day, ignoring her lawyer's increasingly strident pleas for a whopping property settlement.

  Perhaps she should have listened. Later she often would wonder about that. But at the time all she wanted was out. She wanted nothing that came from his precious family fortune. She allowed her lawyer to ask for child support only because she knew she would need it until she revived her art career.

  Was Richard contrite? Did the smallest mote of guilt come to rest on the featureless, diamond-hard surface of his conscience? No. Did he do anything to secure a future for the child he’d fathered? No. In fact, he instructed his lawyer to fight for minimal child support.

  "No, Vicky," Gia said, "I don't think he does."

  Gia expected tears, but Vicky fooled her by smiling up at her.

  "Jack loves us."

  Not this again.

  "I know he does, honey, but—"

  "Then why can't he be my daddy?"

  "Because…" How was she going to say this? "Because sometimes love just isn't enough. There have to be other things. You have to trust each other, have the same values—"

  "What are values?"

  " have to believe in the same things, want to live the same way."

  "I like Jack."

  "I know you do; honey. But that doesn't mean Jack is the right man to be your new father."

  Vicky's blind devotion to Jack under
mined Gia's confidence in the child's character judgment. She was usually pretty astute.

  She lifted Vicky off her lap and rose to a hands-on-knees crouch. The heat in the playhouse was suffocating.

  "Let's go inside and get some lemonade."

  "Not right now," Vicky said. "I want to play with Ms. Jelliroll. She's got to hide before Mr. Grape-grabber finds her. "

  "Okay. But come in soon. It's getting too hot."

  Vicky didn't answer. She was already lost in a fantasy with her dolls.

  Gia stood outside the playhouse and wondered if Vicky might be spending too much time alone here. She had no children around here to play with, just her mother, an elderly aunt, and her books and dolls. Gia wanted to get Vicky back home and into a normal routine as soon as possible.

  "Miss Gia?" Eunice called from the back door. "Mrs. Paton says lunch will be early today because of your trip to the dress shop."

  Gia bit down on the middle knuckle of her right index finger, a gesture of frustration she’d picked up from her grandmother many years ago.

  The dress shop...the reception tonight...two places she most definitely did not want to go, but would have to because she’d promised.

  She had to get out of here.


  Joey Diaz placed the little bottle of green liquid on the table between them.

  "Where'd you get hold of this stuff, Jack?"

  Jack was buying Joey a late lunch at a midtown Burger King. They had a corner booth, each was munching on a Whopper. Joey, a Filipino with a bad case of postadolescent acne, was a contact Jack treasured. He worked in the city Health Department lab. In the past, Jack had used him mostly for information and for suggestions on how to bring down the wrath of the Health Department upon the heads of certain targets of his fix-it work. Yesterday was the first time he’d asked Joey to run an analysis for him.


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