The Tomb (Repairman Jack)

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The Tomb (Repairman Jack) Page 42

by Wilson, F. Paul

  He’d been facing away from her. He turned as he answered and she gasped when she saw his front.

  "Jack! Your chest!"

  He pulled the shreds of his shirt closed over his ripped flesh. The bleeding had stopped and the pain was receding...due to the necklace, he guessed.

  "It's all right. Scratches. Look a lot worse than they are." He heard sirens begin to wail. "If we don't pack this stuff up and get out of here soon, we're going to have to answer a lot of questions."

  Together, he and Abe dragged the deflated raft to the truck and threw it into the back, then they framed Gia and Vicky in the front seat. But this time Abe took the wheel. He knocked out the remains of the shattered windshield with the flat of his palm and started the engine. The sand was packed around the rear wheels but Abe skillfully rocked it out and drove through the gate Jack had rammed open earlier.

  "A miracle if we make it uptown without getting pulled over for this windshield."

  "Blame it on vandals," Jack told him. He turned to Vicky who lay curled up against her mother, and ran his forefinger along her arm. "You're safe now, Vicks."

  "Yes, she is," Gia said with a small smile as she laid her cheek against the top of Vicky's head. "Thank you, Jack."

  Jack saw that the child was sleeping.

  Gia slipped her free hand into his. Jack looked into her eyes and saw no fear there. It was a look he’d longed to see. The sight of Vicky sleeping peacefully made all the pain and horror worthwhile; the look in Gia's eyes was a bonus.

  She leaned her head back and closed those eyes. "Is it really over?"

  "For you, it is. For loose end left."

  "The woman," Gia said. It wasn't a question.

  Jack nodded, thinking about Kolabati sitting in his apartment, and about what might be happening to her. He reached across Gia to get Abe's attention.

  "Drop me off at my place first, will you, Abe? Then take Gia home."

  "You can't take care of those wounds by yourself!" she said. "You need a doctor."

  "Doctors ask too many questions. And the one I usually use is out of town."

  "Then come home with me. Let me clean you up."

  "It's a deal. I'll be over as soon as I finish at my place."

  Gia's eyes narrowed. "What's so important that you have to see her so soon?"

  "I've got some personal property of hers" —he tapped the necklace around his throat—"that has to be returned."

  "Can't it wait?"

  "Afraid not. I borrowed it without telling her, and I've been told she really needs it."

  Gia said nothing.

  "I'll be over as soon as I can."

  By way of reply, Gia turned her face into the wind coming through the glassless front of the truck and stared stonily ahead.

  Jack sighed. How could he explain to her that "the woman" might be aging years by the hour, might be a drooling senile wreck by now? How could he convince Gia when he couldn't quite convince himself?

  The rest of the trip passed in silence as Abe wended his way uptown. They saw a few police cars, but none were close enough to notice the missing windshield.

  "Thanks for everything, Abe," Jack said as the truck pulled up in front of the brownstone.

  "Want me to wait?"

  "This may take a while. Thanks again. I'll settle up with you in the morning."

  "I'll have the bill ready."

  Jack kissed the sleeping Vicky on the head and slid out of the seat. He was stiff and sore.

  "Are you coming over?" Gia asked, finally looking at him.

  "As soon as I can," he said, glad the invitation was still open. "If you still want me to."

  "I want you to."

  "Then I'll be there. Within an hour. I promise."

  "You'll be okay?"

  He was grateful for her worried look.


  He slammed the door and watched them drive off. Then he began the long climb to the third floor. When he reached his door, key in hand, he hesitated.

  A chill crept over. him: What waited on the other side?

  Nothing, he hoped. An empty front room and a young Kolabati asleep in his bed. He’d deposit both necklaces on the nightstand where she’d find them in the morning, then he’d leave for Gia's place.

  That would be the easy way. Kolabati would know her brother was dead without his actually having to tell her. Hopefully, she’d be gone when he got back.

  Let's make this easy, he thought. Let something be easy tonight.

  He opened the door and stepped into the dark front room. The only illumination leaked down the hall from his bedroom. All he could hear was breathing—rapid, ragged, rattly…from the couch. He stepped toward it.


  A gasp, a cough, a groan, then someone rose from the couch. Framed in the light from the hall was a wizened, spindly figure with high thin shoulders and kyphotic spine. It stepped toward him. Jack sensed rather than saw an outstretched hand..

  "Give it to me!" The voice was little more than a faint rasp, a snake sliding through dry straw. "Give it back to me!"

  But the cadence and pronunciation were unmistakable—Kolabati.

  Jack tried to speak and found his throat locked. With shaking hands he reached around to the back of his neck and removed the necklace. He then pulled Kusum' s from his pocket.

  "Returning it with interest," he managed to say as he dropped both necklaces into the extended palm, avoiding contact with the skin.

  Kolabati either did not realize or did not care that she now possessed both necklaces. She made a slow, tottering turn and hobbled off toward the bedroom. For an instant she was caught in the light from the hall. Jack turned away at the sight of her shrunken body, her stooped shoulders and arthritic joints. Kolabati was an ancient hag. She turned the corner and Jack was alone in the room.

  A great lethargy seeped over him. He went over to the chair by the front window that looked out onto the street and sat down.

  It's over. Finally over.

  Kusum gone, the rakoshi gone, Vicky home safe. And in his bedroom Kolabati was turning young again. He fought an insistent urge to sneak down the hall and see out what was watch her grow young. Maybe then he could believe in magic.

  Magic...after all he’d seen, all he’d been through, he still found it difficult to believe in magic. Magic didn't make sense. Magic didn't follow the rules. Magic...

  What was the use? He couldn't explain the necklaces or the rakoshi. Call them unknowns. Leave it at that.

  But still—to watch it happening...

  He went to stand up and found he couldn't. He was too weak. He slumped back and closed his eyes.


  A sound behind him startled him. He opened his eyes and realized that he must have dozed off. The hazy skim-milk light of predawn filled the sky. He must have been out for at least an hour. Someone was approaching from the rear. Jack tried to turn to see who it was but found he could only move his head. His shoulders felt glued to the wing back of the weak...

  "Jack'?" Kolabati's voice—the Kolabati he knew. The young Kolabati. "Jack, are you all right'?"

  "Fine," he said. Even his voice was weak.

  She came around the chair and looked down at him. Her necklace was back on around her neck. She hadn't returned all the way to the thirty-year old he’d known, but she was close. He put her age at somewhere around forty-five now.

  "No, you're not! There's blood all over the chair and the floor! "

  "I'll be okay."

  "Here." She produced the second necklace—Kusum's. "Let me put this on you."

  "No." He didn't want anything to do with Kusum's necklace. Or hers.

  "Don't be an idiot! It will strengthen you until you can get to a hospital. All your wounds started bleeding again as soon as you took it off."

  She reached to place it around his neck but he twisted his head to block her.

  "Don't want it!"

  "You're going to die
without it, Jack!"

  "I'll be fine. I'll heal up—without magic. So please go. Just go."

  Her eyes looked sad. "You mean that?"

  He nodded.

  "We could each have our own necklace. We could have long lives, the two of us. We wouldn't be immortal, but we could live on and on. No sickness, little pain—"

  You're a cold one, Kolabati.

  Not a thought for her brother—Is he dead? How did he die?

  Jack could not help but remember how she’d told him to get hold of Kusum's necklace and bring it back, saying that without it he would lose control of the rakoshi. That had been the truth in a way—Kusum would no longer have control of the rakoshi because he’d die without it. When Jack compared that to Kusum's frantic efforts to find her necklace after she’d been mugged, Kolabati came up short. She didn’t know a debt when she incurred one. She spoke of honor but had none. Mad as he’d been, Kusum was ten times the human being she was.

  But he couldn't explain all this to her now. He didn't have the strength. And she probably wouldn't understand anyway.

  "Please go."

  She snatched the necklace away and held it up. "Very well! I thought you were a man worthy of this, a man willing to stretch his life to the limit and live it to the ful1est, but I see I was wrong! So sit there in your pool of blood and fade away if that's what you wish! I have no use for your kind! I never have! I wash my hands of you!"

  She tucked the extra necklace into a fold in her sari and strode by him. He heard the apartment door slam and knew he was alone..

  Jack tried to straighten himself in the chair. The attempt flashed pain through every inch of his body; the minor effort left his heart pounding and his breath rasping.

  Am I dying?

  That thought would have brought on a panic response at any other time, but at the moment his brain seemed as unresponsive as his body. Why hadn't he accepted Kolabati's help, even for a short while? Some sort of grand gesture? What was he trying to prove, sitting here and oozing blood, ruining the carpet as well as the chair? He wasn't thinking clearly.

  Cold in here—a clammy cold that sank to the bones. He ignored it and thought about the night. He’d done good work tonight...probably saved the entire subcontinent of India from a nightmare. Not that he cared much about India. Gia and Vicky were the ones that mattered. He had—

  The phone rang.

  No possibility of his answering it.

  Who was it—Gia? Maybe. Maybe she was wondering where he was. He hoped so. Maybe she'd come looking for him. Maybe she'd even get here in time. Again, he hoped so. He didn't want to die. He wanted to spend a lot of time with Gia and Vicky. And he wanted to remember tonight. He’d made a difference tonight. He’d been the deciding factor. He could be proud of that. Even Dad would be proud...if only he could tell him.

  He closed his eyes—too much effort to keep them open—and waited.


  The preponderance of my work deals with a history of the world that remains undiscovered, unexplored, and unknown to most of humanity. Some of this secret history has been revealed in the Adversary Cycle, some in the Repairman Jack novels, and bits and pieces in other, seemingly unconnected works. Taken together, even these millions of words barely scratch the surface of what has been going on behind the scenes, hidden from the workaday world. I've listed them below in chronological order. (NB: "Year Zero" is the end of civilization as we know it; "Year Zero Minus One" is the year preceding it, etc.)

  The Past:

  "Demonsong" (prehistory)

  "Aryans and Absinthe" (1923-1924)**

  Black Wind (1926-1945)

  The Keep (1941)

  Reborn (February-March 1968)

  "Dat Tay Vao" (March 1968)***

  Jack: Secret Histories (1983)

  Jack: Secret Circles (1983)

  Jack: Secret Vengeance (1983)

  “Faces” (1989)*

  Year Zero Minus Three:

  Sibs (February)

  The Tomb (summer)

  "The Barrens" (ends in September)*

  "A Day in the Life" (October)*

  "The Long Way Home"

  Legacies (December)

  Year Zero Minus Two:

  "Interlude at Duane’s" (April)**

  Conspiracies (April) (includes "Home Repairs")

  All The Rage (May) (includes "The Last Rakosh")

  Hosts (June)

  The Haunted Air (August)

  Gateways (September)

  Crisscross (November)

  Infernal (December)

  Year Zero Minus One:

  Harbingers (January)

  Bloodline (April)

  By the Sword (May)

  Ground Zero (July)

  The Touch (ends in August)


  The Peabody-Ozymandias Traveling Circus & Oddity Emporium

  Year Zero:


  Reprisal (ends in February)

  Fatal Error (February) (includes "The Wringer")

  The Dark at the End (March)

  Nightworld (May)

  Reprisal will be back in print by the end of 2011. I’m planning a total of fifteen Repairman Jack novels (not counting the young adult titles), ending the Secret History with the publication of a heavily revised Nightworld.

  * available in The Barrens and Others

  ** available in Aftershock and Others

  *** available in the 2009 reissue of The Touch

  also by F. Paul Wilson

  Repairman Jack

  The Tomb



  All the Rage


  The Haunted Air






  By the Sword

  Ground Zero

  Fatal Error

  The Dark at the End

  Young Adult

  Jack: Secret Histories

  Jack: Secret Circles

  Jack: Secret Vengeance

  The Adversary Cycle

  The Keep

  The Tomb

  The Touch




  The LaNague Federation Series


  Wheels Within Wheels

  An Enemy of The State

  Dydeetown World

  The Tery

  Other Novels

  Black Wind


  The Select



  Deep As the Marrow

  Mirage (with Matthew J. Costello)

  Nightkill (with Steven Spruill)

  Masque (with Matthew J. Costello)

  The Christmas Thingy


  The Fifth Harmonic

  Midnight Mass

  Short Fiction

  Soft & Others

  The Barrens & Others

  Aftershocks & Others

  The Peabody-Ozymandias Traveling Circus & Oddity Emproium


  Freak Show


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  Document ID: b6812e48-67f4-4d76-b24f-7893093686ab

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  Document authors :

  Wilson, F. Paul


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