Rising Sun (Fate's Intent Book 9)

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Rising Sun (Fate's Intent Book 9) Page 17

by Bowles, April

She started to get out of her shoes and at this point, we were all getting curious. Well—almost all.

  “This is so great.” Ryon muttered.

  He already seemed to know what was going to happen and we watched with zealous interest.

  The wind started to pick up a little stronger but it didn’t seem unusual to the coming men since they were on the coast and the most amazing thing happened. The grass under Ruby’s feet began to wither and die in a growing trail towards the beach. It was like she no longer even needed her hands and she could direct where she wanted the path of death to go.

  It became much less noticeable when it was on the beach. I couldn’t even be sure where exactly it was but I knew where it was headed. I could see the effects start to set in. The men acted like they had just walked a long journey, slowing themselves to get rest then one by one they began to drop dead.

  I looked at Ruby a few times while men kept falling after the others but she never looked tired like it was no longer weakening her. It truly was great.

  “How did you do that?” Jaylyn asked in awe. Apparently even they didn’t know she could.

  She shrugged modestly. “Ryon has been helping me master my gift.”

  “Why?” Adele’s harsh voice sounded unusually interested.

  “Because he can do anything now. Don’t be jealous. It’s just been brief lessons every now and then. It’s not like it’s sex. We stopped that a long time ago when it started to bring him guilt because you didn’t know.”

  Adele narrowed her eyes but Jaylyn let out an amused chuckle. “Can Ryon still even have sex? I know we forget sometimes but he’s dead.”

  Ruby shrugged again and Darius turned his complete attention from the image of them and looked at Ryon. It was a big enough move that I looked as well.

  “That is a fascinating thing we don’t know about you. Can you still preform sexually?”

  Ryon looked semi-insulted which was kind of nice but he just proved the accusations wrong. “Not that I have a need for it but the dead still can, yes. Could you imagine what Kole would be like if he could never have sex again?”

  Troy laughed. “He must be happy about that at least.”

  “I wouldn’t know.”


  It seemed he hesitated to answer. “I don’t see him that much these days. He secludes himself from everyone except for Ellie and Bryce because no one can hide from Bryce.”

  “Because he misses her?” Troy’s question made Ryon pause even longer and thankfully he paused the images we were seeing while we spoke of other things.

  “It’d be hard for you to understand what this feels like. We don’t feel dead. Even we forget sometimes and Kole isn’t used to being told no. No, he can’t see her. No, he can’t even think of her but that doesn’t necessarily work. Bryce can never truly have that control over him.”

  “But you come here.” Troy said. “You see Adele.”

  “But Adele isn’t Jay. Even in death, Bryce is always and will forever put her first. Kole just got in the way so he had to go.”

  Now I was getting interested. “Bryce didn’t kill him.”

  “But he always knew it would happen. Are you ready to see the good part or not?”

  I almost completely forgot why we were sitting here and turned my attention back to the image. “Yes.”

  They started moving again and we heard the end of the conversation that distracted us.

  “Not that it really matters to us.” Adele said. “Let’s deal with this.”

  “Gladly.” Ruby muttered, her voice sounding fierce again as she turned her eyes down the beach.

  After her incredible deathly performance, only one man remained and I quickly recognized that one to be Kanon or Chan actually.

  He stood in disarray over what had happened and that it was only him that was left standing. He didn’t see the girls until he took the time to look around. Jaylyn and Adele now stood at Ruby’s side and he was laced with fear. I honestly don’t believe he was expecting to see them or that they knew of his plans to try to kill us. He had no defense or men to command. The only thing he thought to do was run.

  A pointless effort, especially for our wives. Adele hardened the sand he ran on, trapping his feet that sunk within it and he collapsed to his knees. They approached him and he was reacting more in pain, probably due to broken ankles from the angle of his fall.

  “Hello, Chan. Nice to see you again.” Adele said.

  “H—how did you know it was me?”

  “Word gets around.”

  “About other things too.” Ruby said, angrily of course but her eyes were no longer red. “You should be thanking us. We just stopped you from proceeding on this fool’s errand. What made you think you’d succeed trying to ambush the world’s greatest? Even with an army, you’d fail.”

  “It wasn’t about winning.” He said, pain still on his voice. “They had to know.”

  “Know what?” Adele asked.

  “That this peace is only for them to keep what shouldn’t be theirs. The rest of the world can only see it for what it is and a band of consequences will follow in its wake. Creating those children have already begun to question others. You may kill me but the world will never forgive.”

  This was it. Ruby’s eyes turned red again and she bend down, driving her hand into his chest. “Maybe we hope they don’t.”

  She pulled her hand back with his heart dripping with blood in her grasp. I’ve only seen someone do that one other time. It was Trever.

  “An old friend taught me that. Quite effective, isn’t it?” She tossed his heart down on to his body like she was talking to him.

  “You really think that’s true?” Jaylyn asked. “The world thinks they made peace for their own selfish reasons? Why don’t they think that about us?”

  “We’re women.” Adele said. “It couldn’t have possibly been our idea.” She said it a bit sarcastically because it was true, that’s how the world would think. “But we’ll be here to face it just the same and that’s the world’s mistake.”

  The image faded.

  “It gets pretty boring from there.” Ryon said. “They turn right around and start to head back.”

  “Where are they now?” I asked.

  “They should be half way to Dorlin by now; still days from here.”

  “Thank you for showing us. It really was great.”

  “How long have you been helping Ruby?” Darius asked.

  “Few months. She didn’t want to tell anyone until she saw results.”

  “I think we just saw the results.” Troy said. “Touch of death without the touch. I didn’t know it was going to be that way. I thought she would just never drain her energy when she used it.”

  “We took it a step further. The control is all about her source of anger, what it takes to get her there. Usually, someone would always make fun of her in some way to set her off but we’ve been using something a little more real that you’ve actually just witnessed; someone threatening her family. Dirk mostly but Darius is in there a little too.”

  “Of course.” Darius said. “That makes complete sense. She’s been defensive from the beginning.”

  “It’s just what she needed to concentrate and progress just seemed simple. She’s quite proud.”

  “She should be. I haven’t even thought to try.”

  “I’m unsure when it would ever be necessary.” Ryon said. “Aren’t you strong enough now?”

  “You were once stronger than me or so you said. That means Zayden and Seth could be too.”

  “Not so much as you would think because of their other gifts.”

  “But you were strong.” I said.

  “Yes but I could only really use one gift at a time. If I was looking into the past, I wouldn’t be strong and if I wanted to be strong, I wouldn’t be able to look into the past. It’d be more difficult for you since you have more gifts. If you’re going to do anything from the wolf you can’t use your other gifts.”
/>   “But you were still stronger when you wanted to be.” Darius argued. “Or was that just talk? We’ve never tested it.”

  Ryon smiled a little over confidently. “I was stronger and still am. I can sense that about people when I am a wolf and I did the day on the beach.”

  “Can you help us master our gifts as you have with Ruby?”

  “Are you asking for help?”

  “Whatever you did, it didn’t take years so yes, at least I am.”

  “I could help, sure but for you, we’d have to go away for a while. It’d be too dangerous to be around people.”

  “Okay. When?”

  “Hang on.” I said. “You can’t just up and leave for who knows how long.”

  “I didn’t mean when as in now. I’d wait until the girls got back at least.”

  “And it doesn’t have to be all at once.” Ryon added as if he felt he needed to ease my mood. “A day at a time, maybe less. I can get us anywhere in the world in seconds. Probably some remote island would be best.”

  “Fine as long as you wait. Ruby will probably want some time with you before you decide to disappear.”

  Darius laughed but I didn’t think anything was funny until he spoke about why he laughed. “Don’t worry. I’d also like to spend the same time with her that she’s going to want from me.”

  I tried not to show amusement for it. I knew the conversation would continue and not that I don’t love Ruby, I just love her in a sisterly sort of way and wouldn’t feel right talking about what she does with my brother behind closed doors. Instead, I got up, ready to put this exhausting night of waiting to rest.

  “Okay. I think we’re done here. They’ll be back in a few days and you can discuss your intentions with her.”

  “More like her demanding them from me but I know what you mean.”

  “Thanks again for that.”

  There were laughs rumbling behind me but I didn’t stop nor look back. I let my feet carry me carefully all the way to my floor. I stopped outside of Seth’s room and gently pushed on the already slightly open door.

  Rift was on the floor by his crib and Seth was deeply asleep on his side, facing me. I’d almost believe he didn’t miss his mother at all but I knew that couldn’t be so. He was very attached to her. My hardest times are in the mornings when he asks for her or at night when he wants her warming hug and soft singing voice to drift him to sleep.

  I’ve tried the singing thing a few times but he seems to think it’s more play time when he hears it from me rather than rest time and we never get any closer to having him fall asleep. We still made it fun.

  I’ve enjoyed this alone time we’ve had together. I felt I knew him better and more importantly, he knew me. It was good for now. The moment Adele returned I knew he was going to be latched tight to her and I may not get any of his attention until he gets used to having her around again. I would be satisfied with being ignored because he needed his mother; I need her and I couldn’t wait until she returned to tell us all about everything we’ve already seen.

  Chapter 34


  The days finally drifted by and I finally watched my wife walk through the door that I’ve imagined her doing many times before.

  She hadn’t looked angry or happy. She wasn’t expressing anything at all except maybe a lingering sight of fatigue.

  “Welcome back.” I said.

  She seemed surprised at first that I didn’t rush over and plead on my knees about how grateful I really was to have her back, that I somehow couldn’t live without her guidance that much. I did miss her but I got over her not being around within just a few days of her absence. She forgets that we’ve had separation like this before, the only difference is this time was that I had Seth.

  I looked around when I thought of him and remembered Darius had taken the boys in the kitchen for a morning snack before it would have been time for lunch because they were complaining so. Dirk mostly.

  Adele finally smile a bit and hugged me. “Good to be back. I missed you.”

  “Any complications along the way?”

  “None. You?”

  I laughed as we parted. “Of course not.”

  I kissed her and her eyes traced the room. “Where’s Seth?”

  “Getting a snack or maybe even done by now. Seth!” I called to him and he was at my side in an instant with a cooked carrot in his fist, sucking on it. “Look who’s home.”

  I indicated with my eyes who I spoke of and his eyes followed.

  “Hey, baby. I’ve missed you so much.”

  Adele knelt down to take him in her arms but Seth responded differently than what I’ve envisioned. He didn’t leap at her with joy, not even a smile showed a place of existence on his still face. He seemed more scared and shy and hid himself behind me.

  Adele frowned and reached a gentle hand to him. “Seth? What’s wrong? It’s me.”

  He tried to hide himself even more and I nudged him out the other side. Even Rift was there to help with the process so he couldn’t hide again. “Come out of there and greet your mother.” My words were a bit agitated at first due to his behavior but I calmed to a more comforting voice as I crouched. “I know she’s been gone for a little while but she missed you very much. Don’t hurt her feelings.”

  Seth’s eyes moved from mine to hers. “Mama.”

  “That’s right.” Adele smiled, her hands open, still waiting for him. “Mama’s home now.”

  This is what I pictured. After the brief moment of getting reacquainted, Seth finally showed emotions of his normal self and lunged into Adele’s arms.

  She held him close to her as we stood up and I could see her relief even through her closed eyes. He hadn’t forgotten about her and everything seemed it would be fine. We were back together as a family and spent it for the first time over the lunch Darius had been preparing since the boys wanted a snack.

  “I hope you don’t mind.” He said to Adele.

  “Why would I mind? You couldn’t have known we’d be back this very hour but I’ll gladly take over dinner if you don’t mind.”

  He laughed. “No. We’ll all appreciate it actually.”

  “I’m surprised.” She looked around the table at the three of us.

  “What?” I asked.

  “None of you have asked us how it went.”

  “We already know.” Troy said, being the first to confess. “Ryon showed us.”

  “He’s been here?” Jaylyn asked.

  “A few times. You were pretty amazing.”

  Jaylyn grumbled. “You mean Ruby was amazing.”

  We looked at her with smiles.

  “Yeah.” Darius admitted. “She was amazing. Ryon told us he was working with you on your gift.”

  “He did?” She asked, sounding completely surprised.

  “After we heard you telling them, of course. I’ve asked him to help me next.”

  “And he agreed?” Adele asked.

  “Why do you sound surprised? He can do anything we can already. He could probably even help you unless you’re too proud to ask for it.”

  “I wouldn’t know but if he’s going to, he should only focus on one of us at a time. That just means I’m next.”

  She said it rather anxiously and we laughed. She always like to better herself and now a real chance has arose so of course she was going to take it.

  We sat around the table and talked after putting the boys down for a nap and it was mostly us that was doing all of the talking and it was mostly about the boys. They didn’t have much to say that we didn’t already know or nothing really worth hearing about.

  Chapter 35


  It was great to be back and see my little Bryce again. We were gathered downstairs when someone came to our door with a rather large package.

  “Ooh! I love presents!” I said with joy. “What is it?”

  Adele was reading a card and quickly held it against herself.

  “What?” Zayden asked. />
  “Nothing. It’s just mine.”

  “Yours? Like a sexy portrait of you?”

  It was a good guess he had to what it could be. It was big but only on the tall and wide sides. Its depth was only a few inches and it would probably be a good reason for Adele to hide it.

  “You might think so then again, you might not like it.”

  “What is it?” Troy asked.

  “It’s a charity painting Trever did for a fantasy gallery. You know, paintings of mythical creatures and stuff like that.”

  “Ours probably could have gone in that if it was soon enough.” I said, thinking to the one Trever did of Troy and I in the underwater scene.

  Adele began to act unusually nervous. “It was actually long before that but it won first place and was auctioned off.”

  “Then why do you have it?” Zayden asked. “Did you buy it?”

  “No. The buyer gave it back to Trever once he heard about Kole’s death and said we should have it.”

  I became more alert in the conversation to hearing the name for the first time in a while. “Kole is in it?”

  “It’s of both of us. He has his wings out and I’m kind of dressed in some of them to match.”

  “Why didn’t I know about this?”

  “Like I said, it was a long time ago. We only posed for it for about an hour every few days for well, almost a year, I guess.”

  “Can we see it?”

  Adele was hesitant and Troy took my hand. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “I’m fine. I do still miss him but I want to see it.”

  “Okay.” Adele took a breath and pulled the covered painting into view. “Nobody judge, okay?”

  “We won’t.” Zayden smiled. “Just show us.”

  She unwrapped the painting and revealed its image. Kole was there like she said. He was standing sideways, facing the left so his wings could be seen out his back and his eyes down in front of him. Adele was standing facing him with a hand up to his bare chest and she wore a black leather outfit with black feathers covering her left breast and a beautiful full thick black feather tail on the back of her skirt. It flowed down her legs to the floor and beyond.


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