His Human Mate (Captives of the Dominars Book 3)

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His Human Mate (Captives of the Dominars Book 3) Page 4

by Stella Rising

  “Please let me down,” I beg, bucking against the chains, even though I know they won’t break. Doing so fulfills an instinct within me; the effort arouses fresh aches from my pussy, to the point where I’m not sure if I’d rather escape or get off. Either would be better than just hanging here with no ability to satisfy either desire.

  “That’s good, Sabine. Work on that begging for when I get back.”

  My blood runs cold, and I stop struggling. “Get back?”

  Tamrys nods. “That’s correct. I’m leaving. I’ll return in a little while.”

  He steps up to me and kisses my cheek.

  “See you soon. Behave while I’m gone, okay?”

  Chapter Five


  When the door closes behind Tamrys, at first I’m too stunned to truly react. It’s as if I can’t accept that he really just left me alone, chained up like this. My brain believes with total certainty that he’s going to pop back in and reveal he was only kidding. It takes a few minutes to realize that that’s not going to happen: Tamrys is not waiting outside. He might not even be in the building.

  I’m going to be stuck like this for a long time.

  When the realization finally sinks in, I scream as loud as I can. I shout until my lungs burn as badly as my backside.

  “Tamrys, you fucking asshole!” I howl, fighting against my bonds with every ounce of strength I possess. “You psychopathic piece of shit, this isn’t fucking funny!”

  I hope there’s a camera in this room so he can hear me, wherever he is. He can spank me until I bawl uncontrollably, I don’t care. He’s getting an earful—if not now, then later.

  After screaming and struggling to the point of exhaustion, I pause to catch my breath. Did he plan to do this to me all along? Is that why he brought me up here? Was torturing a defenseless woman not enough to satisfy his sick fantasies? He had to keep me prisoner too?

  Once again, the thought evokes a wave of excitement that originates from my pussy. With shame, I admit that I’d feel a lot better if I could come. Mentally, I send a command to my nanites to simulate an orgasm, but I feel nothing—I guess that’s not something they can do.

  Or, at least, not mine anyway.

  Bound in place with nothing to do but dwell on my thoughts, time slows down—I can’t tell how much goes by. I’d like to think I last an hour before I start concocting far-fetched theories about my imprisonment in an effort to escape the reality of the situation.

  At first I wonder if this is a puzzle—a test to see if I can escape. Maybe there’s a key to getting loose, and I just have to find it. The possibility fills me with renewed urgency; I try reaching around with my hands and feet, but all that does is make me aware of the growing soreness in my arms and legs. Maintaining this position is taking a toll on my muscles.

  When I conclude that there is no puzzle and that I am not escaping on my own volition, my next theory is that maybe I’ll be rescued. The creation of an alien megastructure in the bay surely has gotten the world’s attention. Although the military can’t carry out any official actions, maybe there’s a team gearing up now for a stealth mission into the aliens’ new base. Maybe they know I’m here, or they could just happen to find me when they infiltrate—either way, it could happen.

  Of course, it doesn’t.

  Tamrys may have called this place a headquarters, but I’m sure it’s also a veritable fortress, with defense mechanisms capable of repelling any human assault. There’s no way my people will break me out—I doubt they’ll even make an attempt.

  When I run out of fantastical ways I might escape, I finally give into my fury, shaking my head and screaming at the top of my lungs. “Goddammit, Tamrys! Get back here now! You can’t do this to me!”

  I yank at my chains, wondering if I could break the bedpost, instead of the chains. They don’t budge, though—and my arms are quickly running out of strength.

  “Tamrys, you fucking douche, I swear I’m going to—”

  “To what?” he says as the door opens. Grinning, he saunters inside, enjoying the mess I’ve made of myself.

  “Oh, fuck you!” I shout. “Don’t look at me like that, you disgusting piece of—”

  Before I can finish my insult, Tamrys reaches into his uniform jacket, takes out some kind of ball, and forces it into my mouth. As soon as it rests between my teeth, bands emerge from the sides and snap together around the back of my neck, sealing the gag in my mouth. A taste of chemical sterilizer fills my senses as my adrenaline surges. I press my tongue against the ball, but I can’t dislodge it—the band around my neck is way too tight for that.

  “I told you to behave,” Tamrys growls, softly brushing my cheeks with the back of his hand. “When I get back, I better not hear a peep out of you. Got it?”

  “Mmm!” I murmur angrily.

  I sure as hell do not!

  Chaining me to the bed is one thing—being gagged is just insulting. It’s not as though I can call for help—who would hear me? He only did this to irritate or humiliate me.

  “I’m going to pretend that was a yes,” says Tamrys. “By the time I get back, it better become one.”

  This time, when he leaves, it doesn’t take me very long to run out of gas. I scream and strain against my restraints like before, but now I feel a lot more certain that I’m not getting out of this until my captor opts to free me.

  Within minutes, my adrenaline runs out and my throat is too sore to make a ruckus. My ass, too, still tingles. I’d give anything to soothe my bruises, but can’t.

  Having no alternative, I give in to my fate. Slumping from exhaustion, I pass out into a deep, much-needed sleep.

  * * *

  Stifled laughter stirs me from my short, uncomfortable rest. Opening my eyes, I’m extremely groggy, but what I see quickly jolts me fully awake.

  Tamrys files through the door to my room accompanied by five more Dominars: three men and two women. As I’ve come to expect of the aliens, they are all shockingly beautiful: the men boast muscular physiques and regal, statuesque features while the women all possess perfect figures and exotic, elegant looks. None of them have Tamrys’s turquoise skin, but they do range in appearance from peach to puce. They wear uniforms similar to his, though not as decorated. Guessing from experience, I imagine they’re consuls serving directly under Tamrys.

  None of that matters right now, though, because they’re all staring at me, and apparently enjoying the view.

  “I believe you’re all familiar with Ms. Marchessault,” says Tamrys. “Her training is off to a rocky start, but no worse than I expected. Sabine, let me introduce you to Forta, Drev, Ya-Nel, Kolt, and Vika.”

  My jaw aches from being spread apart by the gag, my arms and legs feel like thin jelly, and I’m so horny I could cry.

  “Mmm, mmm!” I moan at Tamrys, making my displeasure unmistakable. Shaking against my bonds as best I can, I glare at the assembled aliens.

  “Like I said, she’s not yet embraced submission,” Tamrys explains to the others. “It’s too bad. If she’d greeted us with respect, I was going to remove her gag and let her participate in our meeting.”

  A meeting? In here? He wouldn’t!

  Sure enough, a panel in the floor opens, allowing a series of devices to fly out. One by one they unfold into chairs and come to rest on the carpet. At the same time, the posts I’ve been secured to separate from the bed, which folds up against the wall. I hoot in shock as the posts slide back as well, taking me with them. When all the commotion is finished, I’m left bound against the wall, on display for the Dominars as they sit down for their meeting.

  This is totally unacceptable!

  Temporarily invigorated by the indignity, I thrash in place for a few minutes, giving the effort all my energy and focus, but I’m too tired to last very long. It’s just as well, I suppose—I don’t need to give them the satisfaction of watching me struggle. I saw the way the other Dominars’ pants tented when they came in. It occurs to me that the six of t
hem could simply chat via their nanites. Did Tamrys bring them here to show me off? Perhaps—I wouldn’t put it past him.

  After I calm down, I start listening in to their conversation. Most of it involves deployment of staff to the various headquarters they’re building around the world, but there are some morsels I find interesting: among their first order of business is to release devices into the air and water to scrub both of harmful pollutants.

  “We hope in time to prevent humans from polluting the environment to begin with, but in the meantime this will help improve the quality of life for those in particularly affected areas,” Tamrys explains.

  “I can’t imagine the humans would object,” says Ya-Nel, a pink-skinned female.

  “No, that’s unlikely,” Tamrys agrees. “The real difficulty will be getting them to accept their leaders being forced to step down, having Dominar law enforcement bureaus replace their own, and having a local Dominar presence turn into an everyday reality.”

  “What sort of time frame do you anticipate?” Forta asks, his voice as deep and gruff as his muscles are thick.

  “It could be years,” Tamrys admits. “Humans don’t fall into line very easily, do they, Sabine?”

  I grunt with invective that needs no translation, causing the Dominars to chuckle.

  Sighing, Tamrys gets up and slips a key from his jacket pocket. Working quickly, he unlocks the manacles, freeing me from the chains. He’s careful to make sure I don’t fall over, pulling me into his arms the second the last manacle pops loose.

  “Come on, Sabine. You can sit with me,” he says, holding my shoulders until I’m certain I won’t topple over. I contemplate bolting for the door. I should try to escape while I’m no longer bound. Except, how would I get out of here? I can’t very well swim back to shore from here, and somehow I doubt I’ll have much luck trying to steal a shuttle. Being naked and exhausted won’t help my chances either.

  “Sabine, are you refusing? Did I not leave you hanging there long enough? Or are you eager to get spanked in front of an audience?”

  I shake my head, wishing he could also take off my gag. Wearing it while untied is somehow even more humiliating than when I was bound. Still, I have no desire to get punished while his pals watch, so I follow Tamrys to his seat and settle down in his lap. With his massive frame, he has no trouble accommodating me. His legs feel impossibly hard, ripped with muscle, but when he puts his equally bulging arm around my midsection, his touch is surprisingly gentle.

  As I sit and listen, one thought echoes through my mind: I can’t believe this is happening. I feel so… domesticated. Tamrys is treating me like a pet; he even strokes my hair occasionally. He speaks with the other Dominars as if I’m not here listening; at least they’ve stopped staring at me and are focusing on their work. Judging by their manner, I have to imagine this is actually pretty normal for them.

  On the plus side, their lack of concern for my presence means I can listen in with impunity. Any plan they discuss, I can remember it and try to pass it on to the world. Perhaps they won’t be so foolish as to reveal any terrible secrets in my presence, but if there’s a chance, I’ll be ready.

  The meeting continues for what feels like a long time, but if there’s one thing I’ve been trained to endure, it’s long, tedious deliberations. When they finally conclude, the Dominars stand and bow to Tamrys.

  “Thank you all,” he says to them. “Good luck with your assignments. I’ll be seeing you all again soon.”

  “It was nice meeting you,” says Ya-Nel, prompting the others to chime in the same.

  When they’ve finished, they bow to Tamrys one last time, then they all disappear. One by one, they simply vanish.

  “Mmm!” I mumble, flinching in shock. “Am I hallucinating?” I ask as Tamrys finally removes my gag.

  He laughs. “No, mate. They were holograms. They weren’t really here.”

  Holy shit!

  They seemed so real! I never would have imagined they weren’t truly present.

  “You’re serious?”

  “Of course,” Tamrys confirms. “There was no need for them to travel all this way.”

  Well, at least that makes sense.

  “Sabine, once I untied you, you behaved very well during our meeting.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I reply, too tired to launch into another rebuke.

  “You’re welcome. After everything you’ve been through today, I think it’s fair to say you’ve earned a reward. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, sir,” I respond, though I have no idea what that might imply. At this point, I’m inclined to trust that he’s not trying to trick me.

  While I’m still sitting on his lap, he spreads my legs apart, baring my pussy. He probes a finger inside, finding it plenty wet, a condition that hasn’t changed much since this whole ordeal began.

  “Looks to me like your body is trying to tell you something, Sabine,” he says, licking my juices from his fingers before sticking them back in.

  This is wrong! I try to tell myself. Tamrys is your captor, not your boyfriend! He shouldn’t be doing this to you, and you sure as hell shouldn’t be liking it!

  “Yeah, that I’m sick in the head,” I retort.

  Tamrys laughs, rubbing three of his fingers in circles around my clit. Clearly my body doesn’t care about what’s right or wrong, because I gasp, overwhelmed by bliss.

  If he can do this with his fingers, imagine what his cock—

  I try to force the unbidden thought from my mind, but it’s too late. Now I can picture how big he must be, and can imagine how incredible it would feel to have his mammoth rod inside me and—

  Unable to help myself, I groan and thrust my hips, eager for more.

  Tightening his grip around my stomach, Tamrys clucks his tongue disapprovingly. “Did I give you permission to grind against me, pet?”

  Fuck. Seriously?

  “No, sir,” I mumble.

  “What was that?” he asks, his fingers slipping deep into my drenched channel.

  “No, sir,” I say again, this time more clearly. My jaw drops as waves of pleasure emanate from my core. I clench my inner walls around his thick digits, desperate for more after a long, frustrating day.

  “When you belong to me, coming is a privilege, not a right. If you want to climax, you ask my permission first. Is that understood, pet?” he asks, not stopping his fingers. They drive in and out so fast and deep I can barely think straight.

  “Yes, sir,” I moan, my eyes squeezing shut.

  Tamrys lets go of my stomach so he can pull back my hair, stretching my neck.

  “Good,” he growls into my ear. “Then ask.”

  A quiet voice in the back of my mind begs me not to, but I have to—I want to, as bizarre and twisted as it might be. “Please, sir,” I sigh. “Can I come?”

  “Yes, you may,” he replies, working his fingers even harder. Beneath my thighs, his cock stiffens inside his pants; it feels as thick and hard as I imagined. Issuing a deep grunt that echoes in my head, he lets go of my hair so he can pump his fingers with one hand and flick my clit with the other. My legs kick and spasm uncontrollably and my eyes roll back in my head. I clutch his thighs so hard my hands start to hurt. The scream of relief and euphoria I let out fills the room until my throat burns. Climaxing with an energy and power I’m not sure I ever felt, I howl and cry from the pure intoxication.

  The orgasm seems to last for hours, as Tamrys never tires. When he senses that I’ve finally been sated, he carefully lays me down on the bed.

  “There’s food and water for you if you need it, pet,” he whispers in my ear. “If you need something, use your nanites to ask.”

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper, feeling the rich, soft blanket and pillows beneath me.

  “Good,” says Tamrys. “Now get some rest. Tomorrow’s going to be a historic day.”

  Chapter Six


  Sabine falls asleep so quickly, I hear her start to snore before the door to
her room can close behind me. At least she got what she wanted. My cock throbs inside my pants, still fully erect. Should I have taken it out and given it to her? Is she ready for that? She seemed pretty happy to get fingered; maybe I could have seen to my own satisfaction.

  It’s no matter—her training has only just begun. There will be plenty of time for me to enjoy my new pet, and when the time comes, she’ll want it even worse than me. When I felt her sweet little pussy, she was so hot and wet I’m surprised she wasn’t groaning like a lithkat in heat. She can only deny her body’s signals and needs for so long. She’s already learning the pleasure of serving her master; soon she’ll be dying to fulfill my desires so that I’ll give her what she craves. I can be patient until then.

  Catching the lift down to my newly finished residence on the Spire, I find the washing station, strip, and head in for a cleansing. Thinking of Sabine bound in chains, nude and helpless, I stroke my cock as steam billows around me. I take my time, enjoying the thought. I dream filthy dreams of her all night.

  * * *

  She’s still asleep when I arrive at her room the next morning to pick her up. Draped carefully over my arm is a black gown I had fabricated for her overnight: just tight enough to hug her figure in all the right places, but long and free enough to look elegant. She stirs as I enter, blinking a few times before jolting awake.

  Seeing me, she sighs a little too mournfully for my comfort. “It wasn’t a dream,” she mumbles.

  “No, it wasn’t. You’re still here, with me.”

  Gathering the blanket over her chest, she glares. “You spanked me. It fucking hurt, you dick.”

  Sitting down next to her, I nod. “I also gave you an orgasm so powerful you almost passed out from pleasure. I didn’t hear you complain about that last night.”

  Her cheeks flush in embarrassment, and the beautiful rosy hue sends a rush of blood straight to my cock. However, that’s not why I’m here, and we have a schedule to keep.


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