The Marshal's Little Girl

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The Marshal's Little Girl Page 5

by Ava Sinclair

  Gage chuckled. “Well, tell them I said thanks for all the good times.”

  Celeste winked at him. “You take care of yourself, marshal.”

  He tipped his hat to Celeste and boarded the coach, settling in next to Billy. His little Billy. It still pleased him to use such an ironic name for this bundle of sweet femininity, but he felt as if her new name and new look helped brand her as his. Gage was surprised at the possessiveness she brought out in him, as well as the overwhelming need to protect and guide her.

  The idea that there was someone out there who wanted to kill her for what she knew filled him with a quiet rage. He’d seen a strong-willed, resourceful side of this young woman that indicated she knew how to take care of herself. That she would give herself completely into the care of another took not just sweet sacrifice, but a certain strength. He knew the things he did to Billy brought pleasure, but also pain, and she trusted him to decide what she felt, and when. It was an enormous responsibility, being her lover and her papa. The idea that someone else had been given that responsibility only to betray her was beyond contempt.

  “How long to Springdale?” Her head was resting against his arm as she asked the question.

  Gage pulled out the watch in his vest pocket and clicked it open, reading the face.

  “Half a day. Maybe more. There are a couple of stops along the way to change horses. We’ll have a chance to stretch our legs and get a bite to eat.” He paused. “You look mighty pretty in your dress, Billy.”

  She looked up at him adoringly. “Thanks, papa.”

  Papa. She’d called him papa. Across from him, the older woman smiled, completely misinterpreting the relationship. To her, ‘papa’ meant father. To Gage, it meant being the protective dominant lover of a woman who’d trusted herself to him, body and soul—a woman who looked to him for all her needs.

  He shifted in his seat and carefully positioned his coat over the growing bulge in his crotch as he dropped a kiss on top of Billy’s bonneted head, then turned his attention to the window. The vastness of the prairie spread all around him. He rarely traveled by stagecoach; the things made him nervous in open country like this. So much could go wrong—Indians, bandits. At least the lookout driver could see them coming. And Gage prided himself on being a crack shot as well. He reached to his hip to put his hand reassuringly on the pistol grip.

  It was late in the day when the stage pulled into the small town of Whittington. The horses had stopped twice for water at small way stations but could go no further. Gage helped the older woman disembark from the stage to be greeted by her happy daughter and two small children. He then turned to help Billy down. She’d fallen asleep against him on the stage, lulled by its rocking motion, and now looked much more alert.

  “Hungry?” he asked.


  His eyes scanned the small town. There weren’t many buildings—a small mercantile, a saloon, one boardinghouse, a telegraph office, a rickety stable. He took note of the people milling around, looking for anyone who may have been watching the stage. The townspeople scurried about, traversing the road from one building to the other. Small holdings dotted the landscape beyond the buildings, mostly farms. They were still too far from the mountains for miners to be about. Good, Gage thought. Miners were prone to drinking and brawling after a bad day of panning. Farmers were generally sober, unless there was a drought or a hailstorm. And that suited Gage just find. The last thing he wanted was something else to worry about.

  The saloon crowd was relatively sedate for so late in the day. There were raised eyebrows when folks saw a well-dressed cowboy walk in with what they assumed was his teen daughter. But this was the only place in town to get a drink and some food, and Gage wasn’t about to leave Billy outside unattended. He seated her at table and took the chair across from her. A woman came over wearing a tight black corset fringed in yellowing lace. Her huge, pillowy breasts bulged over the top, jiggling when she walked. Her frizzy hair, nearly the same washed-out color as the lace, was piled high on her head. She put a booted foot up on the chair between Gage and Billy, fixing her eyes on the handsome cowboy.

  “What’ll it be, stranger?”

  “Cold beer for me,” he said. “Sarsaparilla for the little lady. What you got to eat?”

  “Fatback and cornbread,” she said. “Peas, too, if you want ‘em. And, uh…if you fancy some dessert…” She let her knee fall to the side. She wasn’t wearing undergarments. “…I can deliver that later.”

  “Just the drinks and two plates of food,” he said, ignoring the suggestive comment and the tired-looking pussy between the flabby thighs. The woman dragged her foot off the chair and stomped off.

  “She likes you,” Billy observed wryly.

  Gage snorted. “I think she’d like anything that came in here with a cock.”

  Billy giggled and then grew serious. “A man like you could have her or anyone else. Why me, Gage? Why me with all the problems I come with?”

  He leaned over. “Because I can fuck any woman I want. But not just any woman needs me to take care of her, not like I’m going to take care of you. And if you doubt yourself again, I’m going to blister that little ass until it’s as red as that sunset outside. Got it?”

  “Yes,” she answered quietly, submissively lowering her gaze.

  The food and drinks came, this time without a side of suggestive offers. For such simple fare, it was surprisingly good. After they finished, Gage paid and left a few extra coins for the flirtatious server, who obviously worked more than one job in the town. Then he and Billy went to the mercantile, where he picked up a newspaper for himself and some peppermints for her. As he was heading to the counter, he saw Billy admiring a doll sitting by the window. He walked over.

  “She looks like you,” he said.

  “A little bit.” The doll was cloth, but the embroidered features were elegantly stitched. It wore a blue dress and bonnet that did, indeed, nearly match her own. “I’m too big for dolls, though,” she said, and her voice was almost sad.

  “No, you’re not.” He picked up the doll. “Do you want her?” She looked up at him and he could see unspoken longing in her eyes. He picked up the doll. “Billy,” he said. “You need to learn to ask for what you want. Don’t be afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid,” she said. “I guess I just feel…” She looked down, and he put a finger under her chin and tipped it up.

  “Undeserving?” he asked.

  Her nod was barely perceptible.

  “Listen,” he said quietly, looking into her eyes. “If I give you something, it’s because you deserve it, whether it’s a whippin’ or a treat.” He smiled. “I happen to think you’ve been such a good girl on this trip, and so polite in front of that rude lady at the saloon, that you’ve earned yourself this here traveling companion. All right?”

  Now she was smiling, too. “Yes, papa. Thank you, papa.”

  There it was again. The word that thrilled him for reasons he couldn’t even explain. Gage paid for the doll.

  Outside a fresh team had been hooked to the stagecoach. To Gage’s relief, they were the only passengers for the final leg of the journey to their next stop, the train station. Gage watched Billy as she sat on the seat opposite him, playing with her doll. Once in a while the stage would bounce, and she would shift uncomfortably in her seat.

  “Do you need me to take it out?”

  She knew what he was referring to. He’d given her a short break from the plug that morning, reinserting it before they’d left, but now it was making the ride difficult. She nodded her head, and Gage uncrossed his legs and patted his lap.


  She looked around nervously. “Here?”

  “No one can see,” he said.


  “Are you arguing with me, little one?”

  “No, papa.” She stood and carefully took a step toward him. Gage laid her across his lap and flipped her skirts up.

  “I love this littl
e ass of yours,” he said as his large hand roamed her quivering cheeks. “I can’t wait until we’re settled into a nice room and I can stick my cock here…” He twisted the flange of the plug. “And put my tongue here.” He dipped his finger down and strummed her clit. She moaned and then whimpered as he withdrew the plug and dropped it in his coat pocket.

  “But you don’t need to be filled with a plug to remember you’re mine. Sometimes filling that little mouth works just as well.” He slid her from his lap and looked down into her trusting eyes. “Would you like to thank me properly for your doll?”

  “Yes,” she said, and moved her hands to push aside the coat from over his lap. Her touch was deft as she undid his trousers. She took him into her sweet little mouth, pulling at the base of his shaft as her head bobbed up and down, her tongue lathing the soft skin ridged with veins. He was so hard, and he held her gently by either side of the head as he pushed himself in, the head of his cock hitting the back of her throat. He could feel the exhalation of air from her nose as it skimmed his curly pubic hairs. She didn’t resist, but relaxed her throat and breathed deeply as she deep-throated him, drawing her head back with tantalizing slowness before bringing it down again. Gage was fascinated as he watched his length disappear into her mouth. Her skill, juxtaposed against the complete innocence of her eyes from beneath her bonnet, her childish dress, her contented little noises… he could feel the tingling sensation that told him he was about to come.

  “This time, don’t swallow right away,” he said, his words coming between raspy breaths. “This time, I want you to show me…”

  The pulses began then as he shot spurts of cum into her mouth. He stood a little as he did, tilting Billy’s head slightly back.

  “Open,” he said hoarsely, as his cock slipped from between her lips. Billy obeyed, and the sight was so erotic that for a moment he thought he could come again just from what he was looking at. Her eyes were fixed on his, adoringly. From between her parted lips he could see the pool of cum filling her mouth.

  “You may swallow,” he said, and she closed her mouth, taking his seed down in one gulp.

  “Thank you,” she said, daintily wiping the corner of her mouth.

  Damn, Gage thought. She’s the sweetest thing.

  Chapter Ten

  “It’s such a grand house,” Wilhelmina said as she stared up at the sprawling Victorian manor.

  “The owner is a friend of Miss Dupree’s,” Gage told her. “He’s expecting us.”

  There had been a telegram waiting for Gage when they’d arrived at the train station. Dr. Adler had invited them to stay and had even sent a taxi to retrieve them. Situated just outside of town, the impressive house sat on a hilltop, dominating the landscape.

  A rather severe-looking woman answered the door. She wore a long black dress and had a white cap on her head. Her posture was ramrod straight, and she was nearly as tall as Gage.

  “Are you here for an appointment?” she asked after a moment of silent observation.

  “Uh, actually, we are here at the invitation of Dr. Adler. I’m Gage Chandler and this is my…”

  “Your little,” the woman said. She turned on her heel. “Yes, he’s expecting you. This way.”

  Billy slipped her small hand into Gage’s larger one as they walked through the massive mahogany paneled foyer and down a hallway. She suddenly felt very small, and the large woman who’d answered the door intimidated her for reasons she couldn’t quite understand.

  They were led now to a room she’d seen from the outside—a glass atrium. Exotic plants sprung lushly from huge pots, with exotic orchids adding splashes of breathtaking color in between. A bright blue and red parrot sat on a perch in the corner, preening. It cocked its head at them as they walked in. Now Billy let go of Gage’s hand and walked over, enchanted by the brilliant bird.

  “Do you like her?”

  She turned when she heard the question to see a tall, elegant man walk into the room. He wore a tailored suit and vest, despite the steamy heat. His eyes were kind behind a pair of wire-rimmed glasses. His dark hair was just beginning to gray at the temples.

  “She’s an eclectus parrot,” the man said, nodding toward the bird. “Her name is Rainbow. I didn’t name her. Bebe did.” He handed Billy a peanut from a bowl on a nearby table. “Here. You can feed her if you like.” When Billy looked at him doubtfully, he laughed. “Don’t worry. She won’t bite. Go on.”

  Billy accepted the peanut, took a tentative step forward, and held out her hand. The bird leaned toward her and took the peanut gently, then stood up, transferring the nut to one foot.

  “Thank you!” it said.

  Billy all but cried out in delight, and the man laughed as he turned to Gage.

  “That gets the little ones every time,” he said. “No matter how nervous, they can’t help but relax once they’ve met Rainbow.” He held out his hand. “Dr. Roman Adler. I assume you are Gage Chandler.”

  Gage shook the other man’s hand. “I am.”

  “Welcome. Any friend of the lovely Celeste Dupree is a friend of mine.” He turned to Billy. “And you must be Gage’s little Billy.” He extended a hand to her as well.

  “Yes,” she said quietly, allowing him to gently kiss her hand.

  The handsome doctor returned his attention to Gage. “Celeste wired me earlier. She didn’t tell me the details, but she said you needed a safe place to stay. I don’t know the details of your situation, and I didn’t ask. But please know that you and your little one are welcome here.” He glanced over to Billy. “She looks a bit pale to me. Did she weather the trip as well as you’d hoped?”

  “She is tired,” Gage admitted. “And she complained earlier that her stomach hurt.”

  “Does it?” the doctor asked.

  “A little,” Billy admitted.

  “Hmm. I’m not surprised,” the doctor said. “It’s been my experience that littles have a delicate constitution. I see all sorts of patients in my practice, but on two days a week I confine my appointments to couples like you.” He paused. “You’d be surprised at how far people travel to come here. That’s why I have such a big house outside of town. Papas and uncles can stay here with their little ones, since it’s obviously too far to travel back and forth in one day.

  “One of the most common complaints is stomach upset, digestion problems,” he continued. “Our littles are sensitive souls; that often manifest itself in stomach and bowel disorders. Tell me, Mr. Chandler. Has your little Billy ever had a thorough cleansing?”


  “Tummy medicine, delivered through a tube into her bottom. It’s the most effective remedy for all manner of digestive issues, and what’s more has very positive psychological benefits, even if the first few cleansings do seem frightening and uncomfortable to some.”

  Billy whimpered upon hearing the doctor’s words, and huddled close to Gage, sucking her thumb nervously.

  “Now, sweetheart,” Gage said, putting his arm around her reassuringly. “There’s no need to be afraid. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. And you do seem a little pale.”

  “I think this is something we need to see to immediately,” Dr. Adler said. “My little one is down for her nap at the moment. But her nurse, Ida, will be happy to take Billy up to the examination room.” He looked at Gage. “With your permission, of course.”

  Billy whimpered again, clutching Gage’s arm tighter. But to her horror, the large woman had come over and was peeling her fingers from off her papa’s coat. She began to cry.

  “Now, now. No need for tears,” Dr. Adler said to Billy. “Your papa and I are going to have a word and we’ll be up in short order.” Then to Gage: “Ida often helps me, and I prefer that papas give her permission to correct any little subject to medical treatment, for their own safety.”

  “No!” Billy said, her tone angry now. “I won’t let her!” And she realized as soon as the words escaped her lips that she’d gone too far.

s not your place to ‘let’ anyone do anything,” Gage said. His expression was grim. “Of course Ida has my full permission to correct Billy if she refuses to cooperate.”

  Billy felt as if her heart were breaking. Why was her papa allowing this horrible woman to leave with her? Ida was exceptionally strong for a female, and Billy was powerless to break away from her sturdy grasp. The larger woman hauled her, nearly tripping, up two flights of stairs and then down a hallway to a room. A plate on the door read ‘Exam Room 1.’ Once inside, the nurse slammed the door behind her.

  “You’re an unschooled little thing,” Nurse Ida said. “If Bebe ever acted like that, her papa would have hauled her over his lap and spanked her bottom cherry red no matter who was here.”

  “I’m not unschooled!” Billy said hotly, but fell quiet when the nurse fixed her with a stern gaze.

  “You mind your tongue, missy,” she said. Her voice was soft, and somehow her calm terrified Billy more than her anger. “One more saucy word from you and when your papa comes up here, the first thing he’ll see is your bright red bottom stuck up in the air. Is that what you want?”

  Billy shook her head.

  “I didn’t think so. Now disrobe.”

  “D-disrobe? What for?”

  “You can’t get a full checkup or take your dosage of medicine with your clothes on, silly girl!” the nurse said. “The doctor is on his way up and we need you to be ready.”

  Billy’s hands shook as she undid the buttons of her dress. Nurse Ida, grumbling that she wasn’t moving fast enough, stepped over to help undo the sash at her back and then pull the dress over Billy’s head.


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