A Bride For Samuel

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A Bride For Samuel Page 7

by Cyndi Raye

  “It ain’t your house no more!” Jacob groaned when the two rangers picked him up by the arms. He cried out, blood dripping from his wound.

  Callie stepped forward. “I’ve got the deed right here. Shows what you know, Jacob. This metal box was buried right here on the Double J, right under your nose!”

  “I’ll get you back for this!” Jacob screamed as they took him away. Several other law men outside were rounding up some of his co-horts.

  “I want every man who associated with him gone.” Uncle Jess leaned back, wiping sweat from his forehead.

  Callie put her arms around him. “I’m so happy to know you are safe at last.”

  He held her for the longest time. Samuel and his brothers stepped outside to help the law men while they made their way to the kitchen.

  She looked at her uncle. “I’m going to spend some time here with you, Uncle Jessie, but I want you to know something.”

  He nodded. “I think I already do. Does it have anything to do with the feller who jumped in front of me to save you?”

  She smiled. “It sure does. He is my husband.”

  He shook his head. “I am not sure how that came about but we got all day, my girl! I want to hear about this from the moment I was forced into that lunatic asylum.”

  Callie put on a pot of coffee. “Doris, can we get something to eat? My husband and his brothers must be starving by now.”

  She placed two plates filled with meat and potatoes on the table. “I’m way ahead of you, Callie, dear. Dig in. I’m so glad you both are back. It’s been quite a mess here.”

  “Thank you, Doris. How have you faired?” Jessie was always so good to her. She was a widow of ten long years and Jessie gave her a job when her husband died on the trail.

  “I’m fine. I’ll go fetch the others.”

  Callie noticed as Doris turned to leave, she pinched Uncle Jessie’s cheek. He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. Well, look at these two, she thought to herself. A romance was brewing right in front of her eyes.

  Callie hadn’t realized how pent up her emotions were. They all sat at the table, laughing, eating and talking about ranch stuff. A few times Callie chanced a look at Samuel but he was deep in a serious conversation with her uncle.

  Jessie dropped his napkin on an empty plate and cleared his throat. He took a butter knife and tapped it on the tip of his water glass. The room got quiet fairly quick. “I just want to say to all of you, the White boys, the rangers involved and my darling niece Callie that this old codger appreciates every single thing you all did to try to save me.”

  Callie sat on his right. She leaned over to place a kiss on his cheek. “I would have done anything to make sure you came back home to where you belong. I love you Uncle Jessie.”

  He patted her hand. “I love you, too, my dear child. Now, it’s time for an old man like me to go to bed. You are all welcome to bed down here and stay as long as you want.”

  After Uncle Jessie went off to his bed, Callie helped Doris clean up the dishes. The three brothers went outside with one of the ranch hands to take a look at the ranch. Callie was glad to have a few minutes alone.

  She sighed. It had been a long few weeks faking her death, losing her uncle and even dressing as a boy. The thought occurred to her she didn’t have to any longer.

  “Why the frown, honey?” Doris took the pile of plates from her and set them in the soapy water.

  “I kind of like my blue jeans,” she said, her voice cracking. Wearing them led her to the life she was about to live now. With Samuel.

  Doris grinned. “Well, who says you have to get rid of them. Why, your uncle bought five pair of them. You will have blue jeans coming out your ears.”

  Callie laughed. “Oh, Doris, I missed you so much.” She gave the woman a hug. “I’m going to miss you even more now that I’m married and will be living at the White Ranch. Well, that’s if I’m not sent back in three months.”

  Doris turned to her. “What kind of talk is this? A husband can send you back? I’ve never heard of such a thing!”

  “Do you remember when all of this happened and I sent the letter to Miss Addie so I was able to become a mail order bride since I needed a husband fast?”

  “I do. I thought it was a strange idea but you seemed to have pulled it off quite well and got yourself a fine man in the process.”

  Callie agreed. “There was a clause in the contract. If within three months the marriage bed wasn’t fulfilled, either one of us were allowed to have the marriage annulled and the other one had to agree.”

  Doris whistled. “That’s quite an arrangement. Let’s see, you haven’t used up much of the three months.”

  “No, it actually has been so fast I’ve hardly gotten to know him.”

  “Maybe you should wash your hands of the whole ordeal right now. Ask for an annulment now.”

  Callie hesitated. “I think he cares for me.”

  Doris turned to stare at Callie. “Do you feel the same way?”

  She nodded. “I do.”

  Doris grinned. “Well, then, what’s the problem? What are you doing in here washing dishes. Get on out there and tell your man how you feel.”

  Callie gave her another hug. “I love you, Doris. You and my uncle are perfect for each other.”

  Doris giggled in response. “I’m going to show him how much, too. After he gets a good nights rest because after that, he’s not going to have much time to do so.”

  Callie covered her ears. “Oh, Doris, please! I don’t want to know these things!” She laughed as she took off the apron and went outside to find Samuel.

  There was some things they needed to talk about. Now was as good a time as any.

  Chapter 7

  Samuel noticed Callie the moment she came outside. He turned his head. Even wearing men’s blue jeans and a wrinkled shirt, he thought she was beautiful. Her large hat covered most of her face but he knew what was under there. He knew the smile she always gave him, the creamy color of her skin and those eyes he wanted to gaze into and tell her how he never wanted to let her go.

  “Hey,” he called out, waving her over. They were talking to one of the horse trainers, Liam, who had Luke’s attention. He had been standing there, thinking about Callie the whole time.

  Now, here she was, walking towards him with the same determined demeanor, exactly like she had the day they first met.

  “Hi, Samuel. Can we go somewhere to talk?”

  He nodded, placing a hand in the small of her back. “Why don’t we sit on the porch.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s too close. Would you mind walking a ways? There is a bench under the large tree over yonder. We can sit there.”

  He nodded, walking alongside her, enjoying their brief walk even if no words were exchanged.

  Sitting on the bench, he looked out to see his two brothers in the corral with Liam. They were working with one of the horses. “This is a nice spot. Not too close, yet close enough to keep an eye on your surroundings.”

  Callie nodded. “Yes, it’s my favorite spot. Just enough shade to sit here and read a book. It’s not too often I get time to enjoy this space.”

  “What is it you want to discuss?” He was blunt and to the point. Which is a good thing because he had a feeling she was about to be.

  “Our marriage.”

  “Yes, we are married, aren’t we?” His smile made the corners of her mouth turn up. He loved to make her laugh because she seemed to enjoy life to the fullest. She would be a good wife for him.

  “We are. I was wondering, Well, I know my lazy uncle has been caught and everything can get back to normal now, but, I was, well,” she began to stumble over her words as if not knowing what to say next. It was unusual for Callie to behave this way.

  He turned to her, took her face in both his hands. “Callie, I love you.”

  She gazed into his intense eyes. “You, you do? Yes, I see that you do.”

  “Callie, do you love me?”

; She nodded. “Oh, yes, yes I do!” Callie flung her arms around his neck. “I really do.”

  Their kiss was sweet. He wasn’t sure who kissed who but her mouth on his was perfect. As if there would never be a bad day again as long as he held her in his arms.

  Until they heard shouting. They looked up to see his brothers shaking their hands in the air and clapping and hooting! Callie hid her face in his chest. “I, do you hear them?”

  Samuel flung his fist in the air, shaking it at his brothers. Their laughter and shouts continued on for another moment before they got back to their business of horses once again.

  Samuel reached for her hands, entwining their fingers and holding them against his chest. “Callie, are you prepared to spend a lifetime with me and my brothers? This is my life and my brothers and their wives are a big part of it, too.”

  She stared at him. Then flung back her head and laughed. Kissing him again, she shook her head. “Your brothers may be a bit on the wild side but I love that about you and your whole family. They’re not afraid to have fun, to be real in front of each other. Plus, they jump in when there’s trouble. You are the family I’ve longed for all of my life.”

  She snuggled against him.

  “I’ll always be here for you, Callie. No matter what.”

  She looked into his eyes. “I know you will and I feel the same way. My whole life it’s been my father and my uncle and me. I haven’t been around many women except for Doris for the last ten years.” She looked down at her blue jeans. “You may have to put up with a pants wearing wife for some time.”

  “I’ll take you and those blue jeans any time,” he told her. “Callie, I don’t want to annul this marriage in three months. Can we send a letter to Miss Addie right now?”

  “Right now? Even before we’ve discussed our marriage and all it entails?”

  He shrugged. “Nothing much to discuss. We’ll live on the White Ranch and you can come visit your Uncle Jessie any time you see fit. How about we invite him to the White Ranch first? We’ll do up a big celebration for family and friends, just like Ma did for Adam. That way he’ll know you are in safe hands.”


  “Yes, love?”

  Callie smiled. “I want to stay here with Uncle Jessie for a bit to catch up with him. Ease him into the fact I’ll be living a few hours away. Do you mind?”

  “Want me to stay with you?”

  “I would love it but you need to get that letter written to Miss Addie and let your Ma know what is going on. She must be worried sick.”

  He agreed. “I’m sure she’s unsettled right now not knowing how we made out. Okay, here’s the deal. One week.”

  “One week? I only get a week with my uncle?”

  “I can’t bear to be away from you longer than one week,” he told her, kissing the tip of her nose.

  She smiled at him. Their marriage was going to be interesting to say the least. With her smiling at him like so, he wasn’t sure how he’d ever get any ranch work done.


  Samuel knew his brothers would abandon him the moment they got home. He was left to tell Ma the whole sordid deal while the other two hurried home to their wives.

  He didn’t mind though. Samuel often spent time sitting on the porch with her, listening to her talk about the old days when his Pa was still alive. Even though she spoke of him less and less these days, there were times when she did rehash the past and he was always willing to listen.

  It was the one thing that worried him. The way she told tales of his Pa made the man look like this great, upstanding citizen, brave and gallant and filled with respect for his family. Maybe he was a hero in her eyes, but Samuel knew better.

  It made him sad knowing what he did.

  But, Ma must never find out. The three brothers had vowed to never reveal the secret to anyone. Not even Callie. It wasn’t a chance any of them were willing to take. Everything his Ma knew about her life with her husband would be crushed if she knew the truth.

  Samuel realized not telling Callie would not be a good start to their marriage but this was a secret he had promised to keep no matter what.

  He needed to speak with Luke. As far as he knew, Luke never told Abigail. How did he keep it to himself without feeling guilty? They seemed to be happy in spite of the fact Luke was keeping something from her.

  Would he be able to keep the secret from Callie?

  “What’s on your mind, son?” his mother’s soft voice rose out of the cool, evening air.

  He stared straight ahead, realizing he had been thinking too much about the secret for way too long. He turned to her. “Ma, I am in love with my wife.”

  She chuckled. “Congratulations. I was hoping to hear those very words from you.”

  Samuel began to push back and forth on the wooden rocker. “We will be separated for one week but I miss her already and it’s not even one full day. She’s a great woman, filled with laughter and adventure and that smile, it hurts my heart in a good way.”

  Samuel stared at his mother’s profile as she stared over the land she had shared with her family for so many years. A tear rolled down her cheek. Through all the tough years they endured, he never saw her cry. Not even when her husband died. Back then, she stood tall and proud, determined to raise her boys with every ounce of bravery she was able to muster. Samuel had known she put on a good front.

  And now, for the first time ever, she was showing her emotions. She seemed more reachable now, so normal.

  When she turned to her youngest son, he saw the raw love for the family in her eyes. “I’m so proud of every one of you boys. All I have wanted these past few years is to see each of you happy and with someone who melted your heart. Now you have found out what I was talking about all along. You would make your Pa proud.” She dished out a hanky from the sleeve of her dress to wipe the tears away.

  Samuel loved his Ma, they each had a special bond with her. The thought of keeping Callie from learning the secret was pushed to the back of his mind for now. This was the reason why. He would never let anyone reveal the secret and ruin this woman’s life. Not now, not ever. Even if it meant he had to hide this one thing from his wife. He didn’t feel good about the whole lie but he knew to devastate his Ma would be his undoing. His brothers felt the same way, he was certain.

  He still wanted to talk to Luke, to understand how he kept the truth from Abigail. How could a heart be so torn between a mother and son and a wife and husband?


  Callie had enjoyed the past week with her uncle. She turned to him while the wagon made it’s way towards her new home. “Uncle Jessie?”

  “Yes, my dear?”

  “I’m happy for you as well.”

  Jessie stared. “What does this mean? I am the same as I’ve always been, a rancher doing his job, living and loving my property until the day I die.”

  She patted his arm. “But isn’t it nice to have someone special in your life?”

  Jessie glared. He pushed his hat back while holding the reins with one hand. “Spill it out, girl! What are you talking about?”

  “I know you and Doris have a budding relationship going?” Callie laughed out loud at the look on his face.

  “A what? Budding relationship? I don’t even know what that means!” He raised his voice, his cheeks getting redder by the moment.

  “Oh, come on now, Uncle Jessie. It’s obvious the two of you care deeply for each other. Every time I turned around, she was touching your shoulder or you ran a hand down her cheek. Yes, don’t act shocked! I am observant.”

  He bit his lower lip. “That you are! Well, then, I confess. Yes, I’m in love with Doris. I’ve even been thinking of asking for her hand.”

  Callie wasn’t surprised, not one bit. She was so happy. This would make it even easier to live in her new home with Samuel. “Good for you, Uncle Jessie. You deserve every bit of happiness. Especially after what you been through at that asylum.”

  He had told her some
of the stories from his short stay there. Since the building was fairly new, there were only around two hundred patients there but it had the capacity to reach much more. The institution had plans to add many more patients, mostly from the working poor farms all over the state. She was so glad he was no longer there.

  Callie smiled to herself remembering their adventure. She was so anxious to see Samuel again. Boy, would he be surprised when she got there.

  “What you smiling about, girl?”

  “Seeing Samuel again. I can’t wait.”

  “It won’t be long now. Another hour and we’ll be on White land. I’m anxious to see their ranch.”

  “Uncle Jessie, will you stay awhile?”

  “Overnight, then I must get back home. I have a ranch to run. Jacob left me with a mess on my hands. I’m only leaving to make sure you get settled in. Besides,” he grinned as he turned his head so she could see his eyes dancing, “I’m anxious to get back to my darling, too.”

  Callie giggled. She never thought she’d hear her uncle talk about love. It was nice.

  She was so excited to get home. Home to Samuel. She shifted in her seat. It would be another hour until she saw him again. After a week, Callie had missed him so much she wasn’t able to sleep last night.

  That’s when she had tip-toed across the living room to find her uncle and Doris on the front porch, holding hands like two young lovers. It was so adorable. Before seeing them like that, she had been worried her uncle would be alone and planned to travel back and forth to make sure he was well taken care of. Now, she didn’t have to worry one bit.

  Doris would see to him, she probably had been for the last few years, except Callie had been to busy to recognize the looks between the two of them. She hoped her and Samuel would develop a long-lasting relationship.


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