A Bride For Samuel

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A Bride For Samuel Page 9

by Cyndi Raye

  Nora lifted her hand and slapped the Widow across her face. She cried out. Her sons came to her rescue, glaring at Nora. “That was not necessary,” Wesley yelled out.

  Samuel stepped forward. “Ma, please.”

  Nora shrugged him off. Callie broke away from Melody and stood by her husband’s side. Her hand touched his sleeve. “Samuel,” she whispered, letting him know she was right by his side. He gazed at her for a moment then turned back to the scene at hand.

  “I’ve known about the affair since it happened so many years ago.” She turned to her sons. “Your father was so guilt ridden he confessed one night and swore he would make it up to me. Then he died. I’ve been wanting to slap her face for the last ten years for allowing this one night to happen after I was helping to put food on her table. Why did you think we haven’t spoken in all that time? It was because I knew! I didn’t feel inclined to explain why to my sons! I never planned to tell you my business!”

  “What about Wesley and Russell? You didn’t know about them!”

  “I didn’t know about them. No one paid much attention to when they were born, except it was sometime after her husband died. Everyone assumed they belonged to her dead husband. How wrong we all were. How wrong to have forgiven him. He knew. He knew they were his sons. He had to.”

  “I’m sorry, Ma.”

  “Ma, I’m so sorry.”


  She turned to her boys. “You’ve kept this secret from me all these years. I don’t know how I feel. Angry. Hurt. Devastated. Bitter. All I know is I have to get away from every single one of you.”

  She turned to the widow. “Don’t you ever step foot on my land again. You fornicated with my husband and then accepted money as a bribe to keep your dirty deeds silent. Widow Young, shame on you! You’ve gotten all the money from my sons you will ever receive. If your boys need something, have them come see me. All of you had better steer clear of me for awhile. I don’t want to speak to anyone right now!”

  Callie watched as Nora stomped her way across the yard towards the house. She held herself tall, nodding to others as she passed by as if there was no exchange of words that just happened. Rusty touched her arm, speaking quietly to her while Nora nodded and then went inside.

  Callie wanted to run after her, tell Nora something to make her feel better but her place was here with her husband. She turned to Samuel. “It will all work out. She’s upset and angry right now. Give her time.”

  He gathered Callie close. “We tried to protect her from this and now look, it happened anyway.” He hung his head in shame.

  Callie saw the devastated looks on each brothers face.


  Samuel thought his Ma would at least be at the breakfast table in the morning but she was not leaving her room. Callie, Abigail and Melody had taken over, making breakfast for everyone. The hands came in as was their routine, standing behind their chair to bow their heads before sitting down to pass around the plates of eggs and flapjacks.

  His head hurt this morning. Considering he hadn’t slept much at all last night, he needed to apologize for leaving Callie alone. He’d wait until the meal was over. “Would you like to join me for a walk to the orchard this morning, Callie?”

  She looked right at him, her broad smile lighting up his mood. If anything, Callie’s sweet presence may help. “Of course. If you don’t mind waiting on the porch, I’ll help to clean up first.”

  A half hour later, she came outside while he paced back and forth. His two brothers had already went out to the southern end, checking the fences while Samuel stayed behind. He had promised he’d catch up later. He needed to speak with Callie before doing anything else. Or, making any more mistakes.

  He took her hand as they walked towards the orchard. She pointed upward. “The apples look as if they are ready to fall.”

  “I can pick some for you if you’d like to make some pies?”

  Callie laughed. “I think you are hinting at something, sir. Would you like some apple pie for dessert?”

  Samuel pulled her close, placing an arm around her slim waist. “I think that is an excellent choice.”

  She turned to him. “I don’t recall having much of a say in the matter. I believe you and the apples are in cahoots.”

  He looked up and winked at the apples hanging from the branches. He reached out and pulled one off, then held it to his ear. “Yes, uh huh. I believe so. You want to be a pie?”

  Callie giggled. She placed a kiss on his mouth. “Samuel White, you are a little devil. Of course I’ll make an apple pie just for you!”

  He coughed. “Well, there’s the thing. If you make just one apple pie, the whole ranch will be fighting for a slice of it and I may not get even one piece!”

  She stepped back and glared at him, even though her voice was full of mirth. “Samuel! I’ve been on a working ranch before! Did you honestly think I’d make only one pie? Well, how am I going to keep up my reputation as a wonderful, delightful wife of one of the owners if I only made one pie?”

  “You are too far away from me,” he told her as he pulled her close. His kiss deepened before he released her. “Sounds like I am keeping you away, Mrs. White. Maybe I should let you get back to making those pies.”

  She went back into his arms and gave him a long, drawn out kiss that lasted for quite some time. His arms tightened. He could do this all day. He knew she wanted to talk about last night and to be honest, he didn’t want to right now. All he wanted was to hold her close. But, Callie was his wife now and he would include her no matter what.

  “Samuel. Before you say a word, I know how devastated you were last night. Starting our marriage on the sour note of last evening was not what I wanted. I know you were distracted. Let’s get through this and start over.”

  Samuel covered her cheek with feathered kisses. “I do love you, Callie. You’re smart, beautiful and considerate. I know I picked the right bride even if you were originally meant for Adam.”

  She laughed. “I wasn’t meant for Adam. We are two of a kind, Mr. White. While you are working out things with your family, I’ll offer you my shoulder to lean on. And pie.”

  Samuel picked her up off the ground and swung her around. She giggled, shaking a fist at him. “Let me down, sir! I have pie to bake!”

  They spent the next hour picking apples between sweet kisses and hugs. If anyone was able to see them, well, Samuel figured they’d know how much in love they were. It was pretty obvious to anyone who bothered to pay attention.

  After filling her apron with a load of apples, Samuel walked Callie back to the house. He gave her one last kiss before heading out to meet his brothers.

  He gazed towards his Ma’s room, where the door was firmly closed. For a moment, he was tempted to try to go see her but at the last moment he turned away, gave his wife one more kiss and left, tipping his hat to Abigail and Melody who were working on the next meal. Time would tell if his Ma would ever forgive them.


  Callie began to work alongside her sister-in-laws, dropping the apples into a basket. “What will we do about Nora?”

  Abigail looked worried. “I tried several times to lure Nora out. She hasn’t eaten anything at all today. I’m sick with concern for her.”

  “It’s an awful thing to find out after all these years,” Melody admitted. “I knew.”

  Callie and Abigail turned to her. “What do you mean you knew? About the secret?”

  Melody nodded. “I’m not proud of that fact. Years ago when I would visit each summer with my parents, I overheard the brothers talking. They didn’t know I was in the barn. It was one of the reasons I married Tommy’s father.”

  Abigail frowned. “I never knew this. What happened?”

  Melody kept her voice down. Even though Nora was hiding in her room, the walls were not real thick. “The brothers made a pact they would never marry. They were afraid if they did, more people would know about the secret and it would become too difficult to keep
it from Nora. When I overheard them, I was madly in love with Adam. But knowing what I did, when Thomas became interested, I didn’t think I ever had a chance with Adam.”

  Callie finished for her. “So you married Thomas and later found out Adam was willing to marry after all?”

  Melody gave her a lop-sided grin. “Something like that. It was a bit more complicated. But, I have him now and can’t wait to start a family.”

  Abigail rubbed her belly. She hadn’t said much before now. “I know Luke is heartbroken. It was a hard decision for him to marry, he went through a lot of emotions and turmoil because he didn’t want to marry. Now, after all he’s been through, Nora won’t talk to anyone. Rusty said she told him to leave her be, that she needs some time alone.”

  Callie nodded. “I do believe that is exactly what we need to do. Let her grieve. It is a terrible situation. All we can do is love our husbands and stand by them. This will blow over soon.”

  Abigail agreed. “I hate to see her so devastated though.”

  Melody argued they should try to coerce her out of the room.

  “For now, let’s leave her be. I’m new here and don’t want her to resent me by trying to force her into something she doesn’t want right now. I think I can grow to love Nora White.” Callie meant every single word. She was anxious to have a relationship with her mother-in-law and hoped everyone came to their senses soon.

  “Ladies, we will have to take over until Nora decides to come out of hiding. We better have a plan of action.” Melody was right. They needed to work together.

  Callie set a bowl of apples on the table. “I can start breakfast since I’m already in the house.”

  Melody nodded. “I’ll be up to help you and then I can start preparing lunch. Since most of the hands are out in the field, we will make sandwiches or something light for the ones here. Rusty and the rest of the men won’t mind.”

  Abigail sat down beside them at the table. “I’m willing to do whatever you need done. I’m not sure I can do as much as the both of you put together. My physical body is winded by the end of the afternoon.”

  Callie saw the problem. “Melody and I can handle breakfast and lunch. Why don’t you peel potatoes for the supper meal. You can sit at the table or on the porch and won’t have to do any cooking. I’ll take over that job.”

  Are you sure, Callie? You just got married. I’m sure you want to spend time with your new husband.”

  She shook her head. “There will be plenty of time to do so, but for right now we all have to pull together and make this work. Sooner or later Nora will come out of her room and we don’t want to have a mess for her to clean up. Let’s show her how well we work together.”

  The three women clasped hands. “Sisters helping sisters.”

  She wasn’t sure if it was Abigail or Melody who said that but her hand was right there in the midst of it all. She had sisters at last. It was a great feeling.

  Chapter 9

  She slid out of bed, leaving Samuel to sleep. Her movements usually woke him up anyway and then he’d pull her back under the covers until she’d give him morning kisses.

  Not today. He never even heard her get up. After quickly dressing, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen. She had waited up for Samuel last night and it had been late until they fell asleep. Figuring she’d have to hurry if breakfast was going to be on time, she hurried over to Nora’s door.

  Callie picked up the full tray, frowning. It had been five days since Nora had retreated to her room without a word to anyone. Every single night, she left a tray for her mother-in-law only to find it untouched the next morning. At lunch, Abigail would knock and knock but Nora refused to answer. All three of her boys tried to talk her into coming out but they failed. She’d mutter for them to let her be.

  Melody came in just as Callie fired up the cook stove. “Still no luck with Nora. Her tray hasn’t been touched.”

  The two set about getting breakfast ready with heavy hearts. They tried over and over again to lure Nora out but nothing seemed to work. Callie worried Nora was ill. “Should we barge in to check on her? I’m getting worried, Melody. She can’t go on like this.”

  “I’ll talk to Adam. He was outside her door last night while you and Samuel took a walk. Nora spoke a few words so she must be fine.”

  “I’m still terribly worried. Maybe she comes out to get something to eat after everyone is in bed. I don’t know, but why wouldn’t she take what’s on the tray?”

  Melody giggled. “Maybe she doesn’t like our cooking.”

  Her words brought a smile to Callie’s face. “Thank you. I’m taking this so serious, aren’t I?”

  “We all are. Besides, it is serious but we have to give her time. She has learned her husband wasn’t the loyal person she thought he was. I remember Mr. White. He was a nice, hard working man. He loved his wife and his boys. I find it hard to believe what happened so can you imagine how she feels?”

  Callie nodded in understanding. “You do have a good point. I guess we have to be patient.”

  Samuel stood at the top of the stairs stretching, then made his way downstairs. “I smell something delicious.”

  Callie looked up at him. She thought he looked quite delicious but didn’t say it out loud. Her cheeks pinkened at the thought. She was being too bold in her thoughts of him. “Breakfast will be ready in five minutes. Take a chair, Samuel.”

  He sauntered over to Callie who was flipping the cakes over the hot stove. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he placed a kiss on her neck. “Good morning, Callie.”

  His kisses were feather light against her neck but it made her tingle from the touch. “Behave yourself, husband. I have work to do.”

  Samuel’s low growl was meant for her ears only but Melody made a tsk, tsk sound before he left her to stand by his regular chair. The others poured in ready to eat.

  “Looks like everyone is here,” Callie called out. Their heads bowed like they did every morning while the prayer was said aloud by Adam. Plates began to shift back and forth as chairs scooted around and flapjacks were passed around the table.

  Ranch hands quickly ate then filed out one by one to start their day. Callie was getting ready to start the clean up when Samuel made an announcement. “I spoke with Melody and Abigail. They are going to relieve you of your duties this morning.”

  Callie shook her head. “I can’t let them finish the work alone. Abigail is expecting.”

  Samuel raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t even ask why.”

  She set the dishes in soapy water. “Okay, why?”

  “I have a surprise in store for you. Are you ready?”

  “Samuel, did you not hear what I said! I can’t go and leave this work to my sisters to finish. It’s too much.”

  “Okay then, I’ll be back for you in one hour. Will that suffice?”

  Abigail and Melody pushed Samuel out the door. “Go on Samuel. Come back in an hour. Callie will be ready.”

  “What are you two ladies up to?”

  “Samuel informed us he wants to take you for a ride and show you the ranch. There are some very romantic spots on the White Ranch and you are not going to miss out.”

  “Well then, I guess we best stop talking and start working because I’m not going to leave and have you ladies finish all the work.”

  An hour later, Callie flung the dirty apron in the wash bin and freshened up. She pushed her hair back except for the blonde tendrils that always escaped. Pinching her cheeks, she looked in the small mirror over the night stand, satisfied she looked approachable.

  Callie went outside to wait for Samuel. Melody ran out and handed her a basket. “A little something for lunch. Enjoy,” she told her before going back inside so Callie wasn’t able to refuse.

  Samuel led two horses right up to the porch. “Your ride awaits,” he told her.

  She was excited to ride the range with Samuel even though she should stay at the house and help the others. It took the three of them to keep
the kitchen going. How had Nora done it alone all these years?

  Now that she had time to think about things, she hadn’t had much time with Samuel at all. Except for their evening walk last night, these past few days were spent worrying about his Ma and taking over the kitchen. She was sure Samuel needed this break as much as she did.

  It would be good for them to get out on the range and forget about their worries.

  Callie looked over to see Samuel giving her one of those devil may care looks. His grin told her one thing. He wanted to have some fun. Well, she was going to give him what he wanted.

  She pointed. “Race you across the field, all the way to those oaks down yonder!”

  “Winner gets prize of choice,” he teased.

  “Then I’ll be sure to win!” She hollored once before her heels dug in as the mare took off without a backward glance. Callie raced side by side with Samuel. Her hair loosened and she lifted her face into the wind. Before she knew what was going on they were down by the oak trees. She had gotten there first but had a feeling he let her win.

  “Let’s walk the horses for awhile.”

  “I won. Aren’t you going to say so,” she teased him back.

  “It’s because I let you win.”

  “I highly doubt that, Mr. White.”

  He moved his horse closer so there was a hair’s space between them right before he pulled her from the saddle and plopped her down in front of him. Samuel twisted his head and kissed her deeply. Her arms went around his neck. “Now that’s what I call a prize,” she told him, her smiles lighting up her face.

  They walked the horses for some time until they came to a field where the grass grew along the creek bank. Running water ran across stones and rocky areas. It was the perfect place for a picnic. Samuel took a rolled up blanket from his saddle and laid it out on the creek bank while Callie placed the basket she was given on the blanket before taking a seat.

  Samuel sat across from her. “What’s in the basket? I’m famished.”


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