Friends With Extra Benefits

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Friends With Extra Benefits Page 26

by Luke Young

  Jim’s eyes followed it down.

  Glancing down in surprise, Caroline picked it up. “Wow, this is pretty.” She studied it closer. “Amethyst… that’s Kaylie’s birthstone, isn’t it?” She furrowed her brow as she asked, “Was this a gift?”

  Jim’s jaw dropped. Caroline recognized the look of extreme guilt on his face instantly. She glanced at Victoria and saw she was wearing a slightly embarrassed smile.

  Jim began, “I, uh, that is… just—”

  “I bought it for myself as a little present from the baby,” Victoria interrupted.

  Lifting her chin up, Caroline appeared to consider that possibility. “But the baby was due in April, so why would you get February’s birthstone? Oh, unless of course, you ran out to a jewelry store since you’ve been locked up in here.” She let that statement sink in and then added, “But wait, you couldn’t have. I’m so confused right now.”

  Everyone stared at Caroline, speechless, until Brian smiled and said, “Gee, what are you a cop?”

  No one laughed as the tension hung thickly in the air.

  Jim admitted, “Look, I bought it for her. It was just a little present, you know, for all she’s been through.”

  Caroline did her best to smile. “Oh, it’s lovely.” She added sarcastically, “That was so nice of you, Jim.”

  An awkward silence fell over the room as Caroline’s blood began to boil. After taking a deep breath, she said with an edge to her voice, “Is anyone else thirsty? I’m thirsty.”

  Brian, Jillian, and Victoria shook their heads no.

  Caroline shot a deadly look at Jim. “Are you thirsty?”

  He quickly nodded yes. Turning, Caroline rushed from the room.

  Jim watched the door close as he remained perfectly still. He slowly turned back to everyone and announced softly, “If I don’t come back in ten minutes, call 911.”

  Brian held back a laugh as Jim slumped from the room.

  Jim found Caroline next to the nurses’ station, red-faced and about to burst. She took one look at him and headed down the hall. Rushing after her, he caught up then followed as she walked ahead of him, looking down each corridor until she found one that was empty. Turning the corner, she quickened her pace and motioned from him to walk faster. Finally, she stopped at the end of a hallway. Turning slowly, she stared right through him, waiting.

  Jim opened his mouth to speak, made a face as he changed his mind, then groaned softly before he began, “I just wanted to get her something.”

  “That’s fine, Jim, but hiding it from me… that’s not fine.”

  “We weren’t.”

  “Oh, so she always keeps her jewelry under the sheets.”

  “Okay, so I didn’t want you to know about it. I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

  Caroline shook her head. “I can tell you that I would have been much better about it if you had actually told me. I would have helped you pick it out. When did you get it?”

  “This morning,” he admitted sheepishly. “Sorry, I’m not thinking clearly. I’m worried about Kaylie and just wanted to do something nice for Victoria since she was so concerned about the breathing tube and everything. You know, this is—”

  “I feel like you are sneaking around behind my back,” Caroline interrupted.

  “I’m not.”

  Turning toward the wall, she said, “I know you’re not, and I’m hoping it’s not, because she just gave birth. I mean, I suppose you guys couldn’t be having sex already, I believe you need to wait for a while after… Jesus, what am I saying?”

  Jim placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Look, I love you. I told you it’s over between Victoria and me.”

  Turing to look deeply into his sincere eyes, Caroline shook her head. “I know. I know… I’m just acting crazy.”

  She moved into his arms. He pressed his lips to the side of her head and kissed her, drinking in the scent of her hair. He held her for a long time before he pulled back, and they shared a passionate kiss.

  “Are we okay?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Just tell me before you buy another woman an expensive piece of jewelry.” Smiling, they both pondered that for a moment, realizing how odd it sounded.

  “I probably won’t be buying a lot of jewelry for other women,” he said with a completely straight face.

  “I should hope not,” she replied, playing along.

  After sharing a chuckle, Jim said, “We should probably get back. Do you want to hold Kaylie?”

  “Yes.” Caroline returned a genuine smile, pausing before giving him a serious look. “But let’s not keep anything from each other anymore. I want to know everything you’re thinking.”

  Jim thought, Everything? Wow, you really don’t trust me… Shit, I’m not sure I trust me.

  “Okay,” He replied. “You also… we should be completely honest with each other.”

  “We should be,” she replied.

  They stood together for a moment not looking each other directly in the eye.

  Jim took a deep breath and shrugged. “Good.”

  Turning, he opened his hand to her. She put her hand in his and they headed down the hall with their fingers intertwined.

  As they turned down the main hall, Jim felt her engagement ring against his fingers and asked, “So, what’s with wearing the ring?”

  She didn’t look at him. “Really, I forgot.”

  Jim wasn’t so sure the complete honesty had kicked in quite yet.

  Jim and Caroline returned to Victoria’s room to find Adam Rawlings sitting next to Victoria and gently caressing her hand. They were alone. Jim gave him a “Who the hell is this guy” look. Caroline’s face lit up when she laid her eyes on the handsome, brawny older gentleman who seemed to be getting pretty cozy with the one big problem in her world.

  Victoria said, “Adam, this is Jim and Caroline. Jim’s Kaylie’s father.”

  Wearing a big smile, Adam got up and met Jim in the center of the room. As they shook hands, Jim stood tall, trying to match Adam’s more-than-six-foot stature. Jim glanced down to see his tiny hand get swallowed up by the giant paw of the apparent ex-college football linebacker whose face probably graced the cover of GQ at least twice.

  Jim gave Adam an uneasy smile and murmured, “Hi.”

  “Congratulations,” said Adam.

  Jim nodded as he replied softly, “Thanks.”

  Victoria added, “And Caroline is his fiancée; we just found out they’re engaged.”

  Adam smiled at her. “Well, then, congratulations are in order for you, as well.” They shook hands as she beamed up at him. Turning her ecstatic eyes to Victoria, Caroline said, “Victoria, you didn’t tell me you had such a gorgeous boyfriend.”

  Jim watched closely as Adam and Victoria looked at one another, both unsure what to say. Adam began, “Well, we—”

  Victoria interrupted, “He’s my friend, but we’re planning a date really soon, aren’t we?”

  “As soon as possible.” Adam nodded.

  Victoria smiled. “Definitely… Adam owns a few restaurants in the area.”

  Caroline’s smile widened, if that were even possible, as she nodded, impressed. “Wow. Fantastic. We’re going to go see the baby and let you guys visit.”

  Jim appeared to be in a trance as Caroline grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door. He snapped out of it. “Yeah, um, nice to meet you.”

  “Great meeting you,” Adam replied

  Jim nodded with a slight frown as Caroline dragged him out of the room.

  In the hall, Caroline glanced up at him, her mood now a complete shift from ten minutes earlier. She smiled. “Let’s go see the baby.”

  “Okay,” Jim replied weakly as he followed her down the hall.


  A few hours later, Victoria visited Kaylie in the NICU, pumped out an ample supply of breast milk, and returned to her room for an examination before being released from the hospital. She was going stir crazy being trapped in her room, and as m
uch as she wanted to be with Kaylie every second, she desperately needed a good meal and wanted just two hours away to recharge her batteries. Kaylie was in more than capable hands with the hospital’s expert caring staff. After receiving discharge instructions, Victoria changed into clothes that Jillian brought for her.

  Jim and Caroline were booked on a flight for later that night, and the group planned to go to dinner before Brian dropped them off at the airport. After dinner, Victoria intended to return to the hospital, staying as late as she could before checking in to a nearby hotel for the night.

  As the group was heading through the lobby, Victoria’s cell phone rang. She answered and her jaw dropped. Stopping in her tracks, she stammered, “They… want us back up there. The nurse wouldn’t tell me what it is, but the doctor… He, um, needs to meet with us right now.”

  Jim and Caroline sat in Doctor Smyth’s office as he began, “We noticed Kaylie breathing irregularly, and we were able to detect a slight heart murmur.”

  “Oh, my God,” Victoria said.

  Jim took hold of her hand as the doctor continued, “Kaylie has what we call patent ductus arteriosus. I realize that it probably sounds serious, but it is quite common and easily correctible. Let me explain… When a baby is first born the umbilical cord is cut, and the lungs take over to supply oxygen to the body. The lungs expand, their blood vessels relax to accept more flow, and the ductus arteriosus usually closes within the first hours of life. Sometimes and more likely with a premature baby, the ductus arteriosus does not close on its own, and this is referred to as a patent—meaning, open—ductus arteriosus. Are you with me so far?”

  Victoria and Jim both nodded while wearing solemn looks. They barely comprehended any of that.

  “There are several options available to correct this condition. A medication such as indomethacin can be given. The medications can constrict the muscle in the wall of the patent ductus arteriosus and promote closure. These drugs can have side effects, such as kidney injury or bleeding. So we checked Kaylie’s lab values and found it would be too risky to attempt that course of action.”

  “So what other options are available?” Jim asked. With her lip quivering, Victoria glanced at Jim then back to the doctor.

  “Surgery can be performed to close the ductus arteriosus.”

  Victoria said, “I don’t understand. She seemed to be doing so well and—”

  Giving her a sympathetic nod, Doctor Smyth explained, “Usually the symptoms of this condition do not present themselves until a few days after birth. I will assure you that this is very minor surgery, and the risk of complications is extremely low, especially since Kaylie is otherwise a very healthy baby.”

  “And if she doesn’t have the surgery?” Jim asked.

  “We could wait to see if it closes on its own, but Kaylie’s blood pressure is already too high and putting a strain on her heart. I’ve consulted with Doctor Cardon who is one of the finest pediatric cardiac surgeons in the state. We both agree that the surgery should be performed as soon as possible. We would like to do it tonight.”

  Victoria looked at Jim. “What do you think?”

  He widened his eyes. “I think we have to do it.”

  “Okay… okay,” Victoria said as she gripped Jim’s hand firmly.

  “Good. Please wait right here. There will be some paperwork to sign.”

  The Doctor stepped out of the room.

  Standing up, Jim walked over to the window and stared out. Victoria stared up at Jim, on the verge of losing it. Turning to her, Jim said, “It’s going to be okay. She’ll be fine.”

  He opened his arms to her. Victoria got up and moved to him. They held each other tight.

  For the next three hours, Victoria, Jim, Caroline, Brian, and Jillian sat in the waiting room, worrying and struggling to cope with the weight off all that was going on. At just after midnight, Doctor Cardon came out wearing a confident smile.

  “She did beautifully. The surgery went as planned. She responded well to the anesthesia, and we were able to close the ductus arteriosus. She has a tiny scar between the ribs on her left side, but as she gets older, you probably won’t even be able to see that. That’s a strong little girl you have there, and she’s going to be fine.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Victoria said with her voice cracking a bit. “When can we see her?”

  “In about an hour. A nurse will come out to get you.”

  The doctor stood. Jim did also and shook his hand. “Thank you.”

  Handing Jim a card, Cardon said, “If you have any questions, please call me.”

  After the doctor left, everyone exchanged hugs. Caroline went from Jim to Brian and then even ended up embracing Victoria as they both cried tears of joy. Pulling away from her, Caroline said, “I knew she was going to be okay. I just knew it.”

  “Thank you for being here,” Victoria said.

  Jim smiled as he watched Caroline and Victoria finally getting along. Then his eyes widened as he said, “Don’t you have that exam tomorrow?” He glanced at the clock on the wall. “I mean today?”

  Caroline replied, “I do, but—”

  “There’s a 2:00 a.m. flight.”

  “I can’t leave you. I’ll just see if I can make it up.”

  Jim frowned, “With Professor Black, I don’t think so. You should go; I’ll fly back in a day or two.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Jim nodded as Brian said, “We’ll drive you to the airport.”

  “Okay, but call me after you see her,” Caroline said.

  “I will.”

  There were hugs all around again before Jillian and Brian left with Caroline. Jim and Victoria were brought in to see Kaylie in the NICU at just after 1:30 a.m. She was sleeping soundly, and they stayed by her side watching their baby girl for more than an hour with their hearts melting with joy.

  At 2:45 a.m., a nurse informed the new parents that there was a room reserved for NICU parents, and it was available. They were told they would be just steps away from the baby and would be awakened if needed. Both were exhausted and they gratefully accepted the offer.

  The room featured two small twin beds and an attached bathroom. Jim tried to call Caroline while Victoria was washing her face. He left her a voicemail since she must have still been in the air.

  Victoria came out of the bathroom wearing only a sleeveless shirt and panties, since neither had a change of clothes. She slipped past him in the tiny room, and they shared an awkward smile. Making her way to the bed, she slipped under the covers.

  Jim took his turn in the bathroom and came out in only his boxer briefs. Victoria stole a glance of his firm, muscular body and breathed out quietly. He moved to the open bed and got under the covers.

  They each turned on their sides to face one another. Jim said, “She’s going to be fine.”

  “I know.”

  “Goodnight,” Jim said.


  Jim turned off the night on the table between them, and the room was suddenly pitch black.

  Rolling onto her back, Victoria stared up at the ceiling, wishing Jim were in the bed with her, simply holding her all night. Jim was thinking exactly the same thing about Victoria. Less than forty seconds later, both exhausted parents fell into a deep sleep.


  The next morning, something pulled Jim from his sleep. He sat up in bed, groggy and confused and struggling to remember why he was in this strange room. Glancing over at the sleeping Victoria, he fought to clear his head. He watched for a few seconds, wearing a silly smile on his face, as she peacefully breathed in and out. God, she was pretty, he thought. And then it hit him; he actually was now a father. His smile faded. He quietly got dressed and headed out to see his daughter.

  As the nurse led him to Kaylie’s isolette, she told him the baby was doing fine. And although he could not pick her up yet, all signs pointed to a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Jim stared down at his tiny baby girl. She was still sleeping peace
fully with tubes and wires connected all over her.

  In his heart, he knew she was going to be fine, but she looked so helpless lying there in that condition; he felt horrible for her. Fighting the urge to have an emotional breakdown, he gently stoked her skin.

  Victoria made her way to the NICU about an hour later. She found Jim sitting next to Kaylie and softly talking to her. Jim looked up at Victoria, and they shared a smile.

  “How is she?”

  “She’s perfect.”

  He stood and let Victoria take his seat. She leaned down and touched her daughter as Jim watched them both while smiling proudly.

  Victoria glanced up at him. “Did you call Caroline yet?”

  His eyes opened wide. “No, but thanks for reminding me. Are you okay with her?”

  Victoria nodded. “Go.”

  Jim called Caroline and gave her an update on the baby’s condition. There seemed to be no hint of jealously in her voice when she found out he had shared a hospital room with Victoria. She even asked how Victoria was doing. He promised to call her back later that day.

  For the next three days, Jim remained in Miami at the hospital with Victoria and the baby as Kaylie’s recovery progressed. Jillian and Brian visited every day. Jim needed to return to school and was scheduled on a flight that afternoon. Before he left, he and Victoria met with Doctor Smyth, and they found out that Kaylie probably could leave the hospital in about two weeks. She now weighed more than four pounds and was making remarkable progress for a premature baby whom only days before had had surgery.

  In their hospital room, Victoria sat on the bed and watched as Jim packed his clothes. “I wanted to talk to you about something,” she began.

  After zipping up his duffle bag, Jim sat on the other bed across from her.

  “I decided to build an office behind the house. They break ground in a few weeks. I’m going to open a couples’ therapy practice and see how it goes.”


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