Father Figure: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance

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Father Figure: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance Page 1

by M. L. Sapphire

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  Title Page


  Other Books By M.L. Sapphire



  There's More!


  Title Page


  Other Books By M.L. Sapphire
















  There's More!

  Father Figure

  By M.L. Sapphire

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any for or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright 2017 © M.L. Sapphire.

  All characters are 18-years-old or older and consenting adults. These scenarios are fantasies and are not meant to be a guide for your sex life. To prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, you should always practice safe sex. Thank you. Enjoy!

  Copyright 2017 © M.L. Sapphire

  All Rights Reserved

  Other books by M.L. Sapphire


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  “Come on!” Jessica yells. “Hurry up! While it's still sunny outside!”

  “I'm coming! I'm coming!” I yell back through my bedroom door. “Thirty seconds and I'll be out!”

  I rifle through the top drawer of my dresser looking for a bathing suit I haven't already worn this week. Every day has been over ninety degrees and going for a dip is the only way to cool off. It isn't like we're going to the beach, a party, or anything like that. Jessica and I are gonna go for a swim in her in-ground pool. I shouldn't care about what I'm wearing, but I do – I want to look good in case her dad, Scott, is home.

  “It's been more than thirty seconds, Amy, and I'm sweating my tits off. I'll be in the pool. Just come over whenever you're done doing whatever the hell it is you're doing in there.”

  “Okay,” I reply, but don't know if Jessica hears me: I can already hear her walking down the stairs. “I'll be over in just a minute!”

  Finally, I find my blue bikini with pink polka dots – my favorite. I got it four years earlier when I was a freshman in high school. It isn't the bikini itself that I like, but the way it hugs my curves. My body developed earlier than most of the other girls in school. By the time I was done with freshman year, I was fully developed. All throughout high school, I wore the same size.

  I drop my shorts and pull off my tank top and bra. After checking my naked self out in the mirror for a few seconds, I throw on the bikini and examine myself, head to toe. Sure enough, my favorite swim suit still fits perfectly. I throw a towel over my shoulder, kick on my flip flops, and head next door over to Jessica's house.

  She's already out in the pool. I can hear her splashing around before I get over there. The sun is directly overhead and even the short walk next door causes me to start sweating. I don't see Scott's truck in the driveway, but it could be parked in the garage.

  “Jeez, finally!” Jessica says, splashing me as I walk through the gate to her backyard.

  “Sorry,” I say. “I was having trouble finding a clean bathing suit to wear.”

  “Uh huh. Sure you were, weirdo. You gonna jump in or are you just gonna stand there looking over your shoulder every two seconds.”

  “I'm not -”

  “Amy, he's not here.”

  “Who's not here?”

  “My dad. He's at work. The station called him this morning and asked if he'd come in for some overtime.”

  “I... I wasn't... Why would you think that I...”

  Laughing, Jessica says, “Relax. It's no secret that you have a little crush on my dad. You told me you did when we got shitfaced at Ted Durgen's graduation party last month, remember?”

  Nope. I most certainly do not. All I remember is getting to the party, saying hi to Ted, and him handing me a bottle of Southern Comfort. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in my room with a headache that didn't go away for two days.

  “Of course I remember! I was just messing with you. You actually believed me?”

  “Amy, it's cool. I get it. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You never got to know your dad and mine was the closest thing to a father figure you've ever had. Any girl in that situation would develop a crush.”

  “I'm glad you're not mad. See, you understand me. That's why you're my bestie!”

  “If anything, I'm actually kinda happy about it. Like I told you at the party, dad's been a bit down ever since mom left. Knowing that the sexy little virgin from next door has a crush on him has to boost his self esteem.”

  “He knows?”

  “That you have a crush? Nah. I mean the way you treat him. The way you talk to him. Just getting attention from a young piece of ass is enough to make any older guy get a little hard. It's good for him. Just don't go fucking my dad – then I will get upset.”

  “Don't worry. You know me: I'm holding out until I'm in love.”

  “Uh huh. I bet you end up falling in love within the first two weeks of college.”

  “I don't know. There weren't any guys in high school that I could see myself falling for. Maybe college will be different.”

  “Maybe older guys are just your thing. Ever think of that? Ohhh, maybe you'll end up banging one of your professors!”

  “Well, I only have one thing to say about that.”




  Jessica and I spend the next couple hours swimming and laying in the sun. I can't believe that I told her how I feel about her dad. Well, I obviously haven't told her exactly how I feel. Jessica thinks that it is just a crush. In reality, it's much more than that.

  She is right about one thing, though: Scott was the closest thing to a father figure I've ever had. Even when I was just a little girl, he was the only grown man that I was around. I remember seeing him without a shirt on when I was still in elementary school. It was the first time I'd seen a hairy man-chest. I was too young for it to turn me on – but it definitely did something to me.

  Scott was always such a great dad. He used to include me in all the fun stuff he'd do with Jessica. Looking back, he probably just felt bad for me because I didn't have a dad of my own. Whatever the reason, he's always treated me very well.

  He used to take me and Jessica down to the fire station on the weekends. They had two dalmatians that were both super friendly and I loved playing with them. And even at that young age, there was something thrilling about being around so many big, muscular men. Scott's body looks like it's carved out of granite. All throughout my childhood, he was my biggest hero.

  Now that I'm an adult, he's my biggest fantasy. Unfortunately, I know that he'll forever remain a fantasy. Not only is Scott my best friend's father, but he's obviously much older than me. I'm sure he thinks I'm nice and maybe even pretty. I've caught him looking at my tits and ass more times than I can count, but that's just because he's a guy. They're programmed to check out younger girls. I sincerely doubt that a guy like him would really be attracted to a girl like me, though.

  We're laying out by the pool on our beach towels, chatting about
this and that. I've had my eyes shut for a long time under my sunglasses. I open them, look over at Jessica and notice that she took her top off.

  “You're tanning topless?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” she replies. “Why not? You can, too, if you want. No one's gonna see them except me and it's not like I've never seen them before.”

  I've never sunbathed topless before. I have very noticeable tan lines, which I have mixed feelings about. Sometimes, I like them. Other times, like right now, I wish they weren't there. I look around and realize that Jessica's right: no one can see us. Her backyard is surrounded by a fence and no one besides us is home.

  “Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna sunbathe topless, too.”

  “Good! Let those big, luscious puppies get some sun!”

  We both laugh, then go back to talking. Most of the conversation is about the college boys we'll be meeting in about a month. It's still hard to believe that high school is over. It seems like just yesterday that Scott dropped Jessica and me off on the first day of our freshman year. Where does the time go?

  Even though we're talking about college boys, I'm thinking about someone else. Jessica said that it's good for her dad to have someone like me being nice to him. I never really thought about it that way. It's almost as if I'm doing him a favor by flirting with him. Letting him know that he's still attractive. Maybe I should try to be even more flirtatious. I mean, Jessica said she was cool with it – as long as I don't fuck him.


  “Thank you so much for saving me, Mr...”

  “Captain Hanneman. But you can just call me Scott.”

  “Scott, thank you so much! If you didn't stop the fire when you did, there's no telling what would've happened.”

  I know what would've happened. You would've fucking died. That's what happens when you leave a hot stove with oil cooking unattended.

  “You're welcome. I'm glad you and your dog are alright.”

  “I wish there was some way to thank you. A strong and handsome firefighter like yourself should be rewarded for all your hard work. Here, let me give you my number...”

  “That's really not necessary.”

  “But, I'd really like to...”

  “Miss, I'm glad you're alright. And I appreciate everything you said. But giving me your number isn't necessary. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go check on someone at the hospital.”

  “Oh...kay. Well, if you change your mind, you know where I live.”

  Yeah. I know where you live because this is the second time in as many years that you've done something stupid that could've killed you. As I walk out to the rig, I shake my head. Partially because the woman is an idiot and will probably eventually burn her house down. But, also because I just passed up an easy chance to get my dick wet.

  Maybe I should've taken her number. She was really hot – both literally, after the kitchen fire, and metaphorically. I don't know what's wrong with me. Women throw themselves at me all the time but they just don't interest me. I don't know what it is. That woman was gorgeous. I would've loved tossing her around in the bedroom, fucking her 'till she couldn't stand up straight. But that's just not what I want.

  The problem is, I don't know what the fuck I want. Ever since my wife left, I've been lost. I get hit on by hot women all the time but I just haven't felt that spark with anyone. I'm too old to be going around banging every sexy piece of ass that offers me her number. I want a woman that I can connect with.

  My shift finally comes to an end and I can't wait to get home so I can relax. What a crazy day at the station, not that I spent much time in it. The entire shift was just one 911 call after the next. As if it's not hot enough outside already, wearing our protective gear was torturous today. Two of my men had to be treated for heat exhaustion after one of our calls.

  Now that my shift's over and I've been to the hospital to check up on my guys, I can finally head home and relax. Maybe I'll take a long, cold shower. Or, better yet, I'll go for a dip in the pool. All I know is that it'll be nice to get out of these clothes and cool off.

  Pulling into my driveway, I wonder if Jessica's home. She said she was hanging out with Amy today, but didn't say where. If she's not home, maybe I'll jerk off while thinking about that woman who tried to give me her number. I could get a good fantasy going about me teaching her about fire safety while I plow her from behind.

  Well, I guess jerking off will have to wait. As I'm walking from my truck to the front door, I can hear giggling coming from the backyard. Jessica must be back there with Amy.

  Her and Amy have been best friends since they were little. Amy grew up next door, just her and her mom. I always felt bad that the girl never knew her father. I guess he split before she was even born. I think that's what happened, anyway. She doesn't really talk about it much.

  I've always tried to be like a father to Amy. I know I'm not her father but, in many ways, I'm the closest thing she's got. Whenever I took Jessica out to do different things, I always tried to include Amy as much as I could. Every young girl should have a positive male role model in their life.

  Considering she didn't have a father, Amy turned out really well. It was an honor and a privilege to watch her blossom from the little girl she used to be into the charming young woman she is now. I feel the same way about Jessica, of course, but with Amy it's different. She's not my daughter.

  Once I get in the house, I take off all the gear that I still have on. I go upstairs into my bedroom and change into a pair of shorts and a tank top. It feels so good to get out of my sweaty uniform and into something more comfortable.

  My bedroom window overlooks our backyard and I walk over to it to see what my daughter and her friend are up to. When I look out the window, I can't believe my eyes. The girls are laying out in the sun, topless. I know that I shouldn't look and I do my best not to – but I can't help it.

  Not only has my daughter's friend matured into a smart, charming young woman – she's also blossomed into a sexy little bombshell. Amy's tits developed early and, as embarrassing as it is to admit it, I've been dying to see them for years. Now that she's an adult, I can't help myself from looking.

  My cock starts to grow in my shorts as I eye Amy's flawless young body up and down. Her tits look even more amazing than I'd imagined them. Not just her tits, though. Amy's sun-kissed legs look smooth and the thought of running my hands up and down them makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I reach into my shorts and wrap my fingers around my rapidly-growing dick.

  Should I rub one out while thinking about Amy? It wouldn't be the first time. I know that jacking off is the closest I'll ever get to having sex with her. Amy's my daughter's best friend. And, even if she wasn't, I doubt she'd wanna get with an old man like me. It's not like I'm old, old, but much older than her.


  Oh, fuck! Jessica opens her eyes and sees me staring at them through my bedroom window. Good thing she can't see where my hand's at. Both girls sit up and quickly cover their breasts.

  “Hey sweetie! Sorry, I wasn't trying to spy on you guys. I just got home from work and was just looking out the window to see what you guys were up to.”

  “Hi Mr. Hanneman!” Amy yells, looking up at me.

  Covering her breasts with one arm, she smiles and waves with the other. Everything about that young woman is attractive and it drives me a little crazy having her around the house all the time. When she was younger, having her around was no big deal. Even when Amy got into her early teens and started to really develop, being around her didn't affect me. But, now that she's eighteen – a fully grown, perfectly legal young woman – I can't help but look at her differently.

  Even her voice turns me on. Amy's voice is ultra-feminine and sometimes when she says my name, I can't help myself from imagining hearing her moan it as I ravage her flawless body. Seeing Amy wave at me, her luscious tits pressed against her chest by the other arm, the sun glistening off her ninety-five percent nak
ed body, and hearing her call my name has my cock standing straight up. I have to resist the urge to start stroking it right then and there.

  “Hi Amy!” I yell back. “How are you?”

  “I'm good,” she answers. “You must be hot after putting out fires all day. You should come join us in the pool!”

  My daughter shakes her head at her friend's suggestion. As much as I'd like to get wet with Amy, I'm sure Jessica would rather me give them their privacy. Besides, I can't go out there right now. Not with my dick standing straight up, anyway!

  “I'd love to, but I have a few things I have to take care of in the house. Maybe I'll go for a swim a little later when you guys are done with the pool.”

  “What are we doing for dinner tonight, dad?” Jessica asks.

  I hadn't really thought about it. All day long, I've been craving buffalo chicken pizza. I'm tired from working all day and it's too hot to be in the kitchen. I could do some grilling, but I'd have to run to the store first because I'm all out of charcoal. I really don't wanna go anywhere. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I make up my mind.

  “How's pizza sound?”

  “Perfect!” my daughter yells, then turns toward Amy. They talk back and forth for a few seconds, but I can't hear what they're saying. Jessica looks back up at me and says, “Amy's staying for dinner so make sure to order enough for all of us.”

  “You want me to order the cheesy bread sticks you like, too, Amy?” I ask.

  “Yes, please!” she answers, smiling. “Thank you, Mr. Hanneman. You're the best!”

  “You're welcome. One more question, then I'll leave you girls alone. I'm tired and don't feel like going anywhere. Should I have them deliver or do you girls wanna take my truck and go pick it up?”

  Again, they talk quietly among themselves for a few seconds.

  “We'll go get it,” my daughter says. “We haven't left the house all day. It'll be good to get out for a little while.”


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