Whole Again (Hometown Hero's Book 1)

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Whole Again (Hometown Hero's Book 1) Page 16

by Colleen S. Myers

  John snorted. “Don’t call her that. She might not like it.”

  Brae laughed. “This girl is your personal fantasy. Always has been. Just like Sara was mine . . .” He shifted foot to foot. “Anyway. What do we know so far?”

  John fell into his chair, and Brae pulled up his own. John gave him the lowdown. At the end, he grabbed Vicki’s hand and pressed it against his cheek. “That is what we know, which is nothing.”

  “I can check with some of our friends. Find out what we can about David. Remember Jackson? His brother is FBI. We’ll find out something. Also, I think you need a weapon.”

  John kissed her palm and looked up. “Yeah. We need to be ready next time. Can we get some body armor for us, too? Just in case. I think we’re going to end up hiding out, holed up somewhere for a bit. I think Bentley wants a protective detail.”

  “What about going back to your places?”

  “They won’t let us. They’ve already been vandalized twice, and they found some booby traps after the bombing. They’re not safe.”

  Brae nodded. “Makes sense.”


  John felt Vicki’s fingers flex against his jaw. His gaze flew to her face. He held his breath. Please, baby.

  Her eyes fluttered open. “John?”

  Tears stung his eyes. “Yeah, babe.”

  “What hit me?”

  He chuckled against her hand, blinking back tears. “Well, do you remember the bomb?”

  Her own eyes grew round. “Bomb?” Then they drifted past him to focus over his shoulder. “Brae?” Vicki’s eyelids drifted shut again.

  John rounded on Brae, a smiled splitting his face. “Did you see that?”

  “Hard to miss. She woke up. That’s a good thing.”

  “Thank God.” Thank you.


  Bentley knocked on the door around six that night. John stretched and opened the door. Bentley was looking even more rumpled than usual. He had the same clothes on as earlier and a new ketchup stain on his puppy dog tie. He held out a cup of coffee for John.

  John took the proffered beverage and waved Bentley inside. “What brings you by, detective?”

  “An update. We haven’t found out anything else. The lab didn’t find any prints. From the manufacturer, we think we know who made the bomb. We have ATFE all over that connection. You do realize that Mrs. Steiner has called in the feds.”

  John nodded. “Yeah, they were by earlier. All of them. Joonie leading the charge.”

  “They’re a menace. Vicki’s entire family.”

  Huh. John had seen how Bentley had looked when Christine walked in the room: poleaxed. “You appeared to like Christine well enough.”

  Bentley cleared his throat and tugged at his tie. “I didn’t really get to meet Mrs. Masterson.”

  John grinned at his fidgeting. Same old, same old. The toilet flushed, and Vicki staggered back from the bathroom to sit on the side of her bed. As soon as she saw Bentley, she tugged and adjusted the back of her gown. “Hello, Detective Bentley.”

  Bentley leaned forward. “I’m glad you’re safe, Ms. Masterson. Do you remember any details? Can you think of any other threats?”

  Vicki sighed and slumped onto her side on the bed. “No, no one. Just David, and I don’t think it could be him. If it is David, why keep coming after me? He was happy yesterday when he left Growing Strong. There is no reason to attack me. None. I gave him what he wanted.”

  “What about exes? His or yours?”

  Vicki’s jaw tensed. “He cheated on me at the end, but I don’t think he did before that.”

  What a fucking idiot. John added, “Are you sure?”

  “Well, no, I’m not sure, but it wasn’t too bad up until his dad died. And I never fooled around on him. He and John are the only men I’ve ever . . . uh.” She sat up and twisted her fingers together.

  Bentley smiled. “I get it. What about stalkers? Ardent admirers? Freaky fans?”

  “Fans of what? I’m nobody. I kept to myself. Too focused on what I was supposed to be to be much of anything myself.”

  “That’s not true. You are amazing. Just the way you are,” John said. God, now he quoted song lyrics. Love was making him sappy. He felt his cheeks warm under their mutual regard. “I mean it though. You don’t know how many people’s lives you’ve touched. And didn’t you do charity work?”

  “Yes, but mostly I donated money and kept house. I’m telling you, I’ve led a very boring life.”

  “Who did you associate with the most?” Bentley probed.

  Vicki sighed. “David—he was the only one.”

  John rubbed his chin, settling back. “What about his family?” Delilah was one cold, hard bitch. When she walked in the room, his skin crawled. If sheer Southern creepiness factored in anywhere . . .

  “We were talking about that, my mom and I. His dad died two years ago—suicide. David hasn’t been the same since. He and his mother were always close, but after that, they were inseparable. I never got the impression it was due to devotion. On David’s part at least. His mother, on the other hand, always gave me the willies. She hated me, too. I was not good enough for her little boy. But then, most mothers-in-law think that, don’t they?”

  Bentley hummed. “Maybe not. I’m going to look into this mother. Do you know much about her?”

  Vicki’s shoulders rose. “Actually, no. David kept us apart. I used to ask if he was ashamed of me. He used to say the exact opposite. That he didn’t like his mother much. But again, that’s a common boy thing.”

  Bentley continued. “So as far as you know, his mother has no reason to come after you?”


  Bentley pressed on. “And you’re sure David had no girlfriends?”

  Vicki’s mouth twisted. “I have no idea.”

  “So jealous lover is your theory?” John interrupted Bentley. Over that pretty boy? John’s hands clenched. If that turd was the cause of this, he’d regret it.

  He nodded. “That is the way we are leaning. So who did he cheat on you with?”

  “The cheerleader? I doubt it’s her. She’s at Berkeley. As far as I can tell, they were never involved. Just that one time at our place. And well, you know how that ended.” Vicki made a squinty face.

  John tightened his arm around her waist. “We’re fine. We’ll be fine. Hell, this isn’t the first time I’ve been bombed.”

  Vicki’s mother darted into the room and gave Vicki a hug. The two women clung to each other for a few minutes.

  John watched Bentley’s reaction with a grin. Bentley had straightened when she entered the room and adjusted his tie. “Hello.”

  John waved his hand to Christine. “Vicki’s mother Christine. Christine, Bentley. He’s heading up the investigation. You sort of met him earlier?”

  Christine tilted her head. “My mother said your name was Batterly.”

  “Yes, your mother likes to kid, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes, unfortunately.” Her words were dry.

  Everyone laughed.


  After getting the all clear and being prescribed bed rest, Vicki champed at the bit to leave. John bundled her up and out the door to the lovely nondescript safe house Bentley stashed them in. Boring white walls and generic furniture that looked like it came from Ikea’s bargain basement greeted them.

  John dropped his bag and let Vicki explore the house as he pondered their next steps. Together, of course. His own wanderings took him to the couch, a much bigger, more comfortable couch than the hospital. Praise the Lord.

  Vicki meandered back to the front, her hands in the pockets of her pants. The fit of her jeans drew his eyes, but this was definitely not the time to be indulging in fantasies. No matter how much he wanted to. Gah. John changed positions and held out his arms at the sad look on her face.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  Vicki waved and encompassed the house before walking into his embrace. “This is all wrong, John. We shouldn
’t have to hide. None of this should be happening!”

  He pulled her down into his lap and kissed the top of her head. This had to be hard on her. He was surprised she had lasted this long without some sort of breakdown. “It will be over soon. I promise.”

  Vicki shoved him away. “How can you promise that? Huh? How?”

  John held up his hands. “I’m not the enemy, Vicki. I’m here to help. I think the key is to follow the money. We list everything you have and what and where it goes. See if we find anything suspicious. Isn’t that what they always say on the cop shows? Follow the money? Let’s start with those shares.”

  Vicki grabbed her hair. “Gah, those shares. I wish I never got them. I’m having my mom give them to Bentley to bring to us. I’m signing those puppies today and overnighting them to David first thing. Then there is no reason for any of this.”

  “If that is the only reason for what is going on.”

  She slumped against him. “Yeah.”

  “What happens if you die?”

  Jesus, even the thought made his stomach curl. His hands tightened on her shoulders without him realizing. That isn’t going to happen. His new mantra.

  “Hmm? Well, I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “Well, think now.”

  “We had a serious prenup before marriage, and everything I had went to my family. I never changed it, not that I’m aware of. But David took care of the financial matters.”

  Their gazes locked.

  Vicki stuttered her words. “Do you think that’s it? That he’s in my will, and he doesn’t just want the shares, he wants everything?” A shattered expression crossed her face, making John’s heart clenched. This was bullshit.

  He cuddled her close. “Well, if it is, in two shakes, we can change that. Call Joonie. Get those shares sent and your will officially changed.”

  “Who do you think I should give it to? You?”

  John physically recoiled. Jesus. “Oh, fuck no. You would make me the prime suspect again. No, your mom would be best.”

  Vicki smiled. “I loved that reaction. Your eyes got all wide and full of fear. Um.” She played with a thread on the couch. “Does my money bother you?”

  Hrm. John shifted so he faced Vicki dead-on. This was important. She was it for him, and they needed to set one thing straight. “Wealthy or poor, vital or hurting. I want the person you are inside. The girl who grew up with me. The one who picked flowers and ignored the bullies to help a little girl who she thought was fun. A girl I looked up to and, yes, lusted after in equal degrees. You are that girl. And that girl is not defined by her social status or financial bottom line. I will admit that it might bug me a time or two, but I plan on being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company one day. I’ll catch up in net worth, and I’m secure enough to not let it bother me. Does that answer your question?”

  Vicki’s smile grew wide and tremulous. She covered her lips with her fingers. “That it does. It covers the question and more. John, would you mind terribly if I told you I was falling in love with you?”

  His heart stopped, his world narrowing to one pair of chocolate-brown eyes, one shaky smile, and one beloved face. “I would say that you need to catch up. I have been in love with you since I was eight years old when I saw you on the playground. And that love has only grown over the years until the thought of you consumed me.”

  His forehead rested against hers. His lips brushed hers, softly tasting of coffee and mint. Perfect wake-me-up on a day like this. For both of his heads. Ha.

  A grin split John’s face as he leaned forward and tilted his head to tangle his hands in her hair, his tongue in her mouth, his heat with hers. This moment defined his life now and forever.

  On a gasp, he backed up and stared at the gorgeous woman before him. Vicki’s eyes were dazed, unfocused, and shimmering copper in this lighting. He could drown in the sensation and love in those eyes. What had he done to deserve this amazing woman? It must have been good, ’cause, Lordie.

  “Are you sure? You hit your head pretty hard.”

  Vicki blinked, her eyes narrowing. Her hands gripped his face. “John, if you don’t make love to me tonight, you will know exactly how hurt I was earlier because I will pick up that pan over there, and I will brain you with it. Do we understand each other?”

  He closed his eyes and let her words pour over him, lightening his heart. There was his fierce woman. Perfect. His eyes popped open, a wicked grin lighting his face. “I understand. But that means I get to take control tonight? Know what that means?”

  “Uh . . . um . . . no.”

  Hah, he loved that she stuttered and turned tomato red when he teased her. “That means I do all the work, and you lay back and let me. No moving or I stop. No words other than more, or I stop. The only things I want to hear from you are whimpers, you understand?”


  John looked at her with intense eyes. Such beautiful brown eyes. The irises nearly encompassed the pupils and whirled with little happy lights. Lights she put there. How did she manage that? Her head might still ring a bit, but her heart sang. John was the embodiment of everything she’d ever wanted. And he wanted her to lay back and take whatever he gave her. Her womb tightened in response. Sheesh. She felt the flush on her face spread to her ears.

  Whimpering was all she was capable of anyway. She could do that. Any talk and he would stop. When did that start? Now? Wow, um. No words. She cleared her throat and made a small noise of agreement.

  John’s eyes lit up. “Good girl.” He leaned forward and picked her up. The sheer strength that took rocked her, especially with his leg. He walked toward the back, then hesitated. “Which way to the bedroom?”

  Aw, look at that. Men do ask for directions sometimes.

  She pointed to the back hallway past more lifeless landscapes and blank walls. The setting didn’t matter. It was the man before her that mattered. Her heart tripled its beat, and her hands curled around his shoulders, bringing her head closer to his neck. One taste. She wanted just one taste. She nibbled his ear, savoring the sweat and heat of him against her lips.

  His arms tightened around her legs, and he whispered harshly against her temple, “Do you want me to drop you?”

  She tilted forward and moaned directly into his ear before going airborne.

  What the—

  She landed on the bed with a squeak.

  John shook his finger at her as he stood over her, chest heaving. “Nuh-uh, remember, no noise other than whimpers and moans. Those are the rules. Nod if you understand the rules.”

  She nodded eagerly, going up onto her knees. She couldn’t believe this guy had had any doubts she wanted him. Prosthesis or not, he was all male. Hot, hard, and ready, if the bulge was any indication. Her breath grew wonky. Perfect.

  John whirled his finger in the air, then pointed to the headboard.

  Wait. What did that mean? Was she allowed to ask? No. No words. Huh. Her heart skipped a beat. She turned around and lay on her belly on the bed, hands reaching for the headboard. Was this what he wanted? She looked over her shoulder to gauge his response.

  His eyes were glued to her ass. Not literally, but they might as well have been. She felt the stroke of his hands along the back of her thighs. Heat pooled between her legs, a light shiver under her skin. Every touch a tease.

  “Keep your eyes on the pillow. No peeking,” he commanded.

  Oh, heavens. He was trying to kill her. She kept her eyes focused on the bed and listened to the sound of his belt buckle opening. The rasp of a zipper. Her stomach clenched. Have mercy. The urge to look overwhelmed her. She craned her head and snuck a peek.

  John spanked her ass hard. “No looking, naughty girl.”

  Holy crap, was she being naughty? The smile hurt her cheeks. She was. How about that?

  She heard his pants hit the floor, buckle thudding. Her eyes closed at the remembered image of smooth skin stretching, muscles rippling.

  A sigh slipped out.

  Rough finge
rtips grasped her waist as the bed dipped under John’s weight.

  “Stay still,” he whispered. His hand wiggled under her shirt, then his fingers slid under the band of her jeans toward her groin and stopped.

  “If I touched you there now, what do you think I would find? Would you be moist? Wet and eager for my cock or still warming up to the idea? Should I find out, do you think?”

  Vicki nodded into the pillow. Please let him find out now. The thought of his fingers pressing in between her thighs caused her to ache. She needed to feel him between her legs, taking her. But she couldn’t speak.

  His fingers swirled in her hair a few minutes longer. Waiting. One finger dipped down to tease her clit but never ventured farther. Instead, he got the button open and started wiggling the jeans down her ass, taking the panties at the same time.

  Air caressed her butt as her cheeks were exposed, barely covered by John’s white shirt. The cool contrasted with the heat being generated in her nether regions that John stoked to a fever pitch.

  His hands skimmed her belly and tugged the bottom edge of his shirt. He pulled and popped each button off, one by one. Ping. Ping. Ping. Until only her bra remained.

  “Front clasp?” His fingers tunneled in between her breasts, fingers rolling the hook. One flick, and her breasts hung free into the mattress.

  John urged her up onto her hands and knees, face in the pillow, hands on the headboard. Hips and ass in the air with John right behind her, bracing her, grinding her.

  Another wave of heat spread from her core. Her flesh moistened, causing her to moan.

  John dropped onto his hands and knees above her, pulling her back to his front. His mouth nipped her shoulder. “Perfect, moan. I want more. Just like that. I want to hear every emotion, everything you feel for me to come out loud and proud. Can you do that, baby? Nod your head.”

  Vicki nodded and kept her cheek planted on the pillow. A breeze drifted along her ass and then a hand.

  John moved so he stood between her legs behind her. His fingers probed up and down the seam of her ass. Slowly, teasingly, he stroked his cock along her folds, moistening the velvety tip. “Rest your head. I want you comfortable. Keep your head down, baby. And let me do all the work.”


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