Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2)

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Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2) Page 16

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  “I don’t know. Stay here,” he told her as Wyatt ran past them. Gabe felt her clutch at his arm.

  “No! Gabe, please don’t go out there,” Emma pleaded, a fearful expression having replaced the smiles and joy he’d seen there only moments ago.

  At that moment, the sound of a gunshot drowned out the band and a shot hit a wall inside the hall. The people inside hit the floor, scrambling under tables and behind pillars, even as more people from outside ran into the Town Hall for cover. Gabe saw Becca grabbing onto Jake to stop him from running outside. Whatever she said to him made him stop and put his arms around her. When sirens sounded loud outside, everyone seemed to sigh in relief. It wasn’t much longer before he saw Sam run inside and head straight toward him with Wyatt right behind him.

  “Wyatt? What are you doing?” Gabe had a bad feeling but he already knew the answer.

  “I’m going to help Sam get this son of a bitch,” Wyatt announced, his jaw tense and his hands fisted ready to take on the world.

  “There’s no way Wyatt’s going out there,” Gabe said to Sam through clenched teeth.

  “I need him, Gabe. I’m going to deputize him and he’s going to do what he can to take this bastard down.” Sam looked him straight in the eye and dared him to argue. “This guy’s up in the church tower across the street. He has a chance to take out anyone he wants. I need to get out there and find out what it is he wants, but I need Wyatt on the roof of the Town Hall. I’m positive it’s Harris. I’ll get out to my cruiser and try to talk him down.”

  Gabe shook his head. “I don’t like it.”

  “I’m a sniper, Gabe. I’m more than willing to take this bastard out for shooting Emma, and killing Tim,” Wyatt told him. Gabe swore, and shook his head. He knew if anyone could do this, Wyatt could, but it didn’t mean he liked it. He walked away from them and back to where he’d left Emma. She was crouched under a table so he squatted down beside her and took her hand in his.

  “What’s going on?” Emma asked, her voice trembling.

  “There’s a man on the roof of the church, and he’s shooting at people. Sam believes it’s Harris and he’s sending Wyatt up on the roof of this building with his rifle.” He shook his head and sighed. “I don’t like it. For once, I wish Wyatt didn’t carry that damn rifle in his truck. If Harris sees him, he could shoot him. Sam’s going out to his cruiser to try and talk the man down.” He noticed a shiver flash over Emma so he pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her.

  Suddenly, he heard Sam on the bullhorn outside. “Is that you, Harris?” Emma gasped against him and he heard someone shouting, but couldn’t understand what he was saying. Sam spoke through the bullhorn again. “Give yourself up. I’m not letting you kill any more people.”

  He released Emma and motioned for her to stay put as he stood up. “I’ll be right back. I want to get a little closer. Stay here,” he told her and pushed himself against the wall before she had a chance to stop him. He moved along the wall toward the door and listened as Harris answered Sam.

  “I wanted to kill the woman responsible for my brother’s death but she stays glued to that damn cowboy of hers, so I shot her friend instead. Bitch didn’t die though.” Harris laughed, his voice echoing through the street. “I did kill her husband though for payback, just like his brother killed my brother!”

  “You didn’t kill Gabe Stone, Harris. You killed Tim Larson, a man who had nothing to do with you or your brother,” Sam told him through the bullhorn.

  “I did too kill Gabe Stone. I saw him, and I killed him,” Charles Harris screamed down at Sam. “And I’m going to take out more of his family and friends, before the day is over.”

  Gabe knew he had to do something to help end this. If the man knew the truth perhaps, he’d give it up so without giving it any further thought, he stepped out of the door. “You didn’t kill me, you stupid son of a bitch. You killed a good man for no fucking reason,” he yelled up toward the church tower. He heard Emma scream his name from inside the reception.

  “Get back in there, Gabe,” Sam yelled as a shot hit the door beside Gabe’s head, making him duck and take a step back.

  “This is a trick. I know I killed him,” Harris shouted out in frustration.

  “You didn’t kill my husband, you idiot,” Emma shouted from beside Gabe, where she’d suddenly appeared. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back inside the building.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” he shouted at her, not caring hundreds of pairs of eyes were on them.

  Emma shrugged. “I figured you were so I thought I might as well be too.”

  He took her by the arm and dragged her back to the table where he thought he’d left her in safety. He put his hand on her head and pushed her under it. “Do. Not. Move,” he growled at her. Their eyes met and they glared at each other. He shook his head, leaned down on one knee, and kissed her hard then stood, and went back to the door. Sam was still trying to talk Harris down.

  “Give up, Harris. This can end the easy way or the hard way,” Sam said through the bullhorn. He watched Sam jump behind his cruiser when a shot ran out and a slug hit the car. He saw Sam curse more than heard it. “I’m giving you one more chance, Harris. I won’t let you hurt any more people in my town,” Sam told the man in the church tower. More shots rang out. “Do what you have to Wyatt, but I’d like him alive,” Sam said into the two-way radio he’d asked a deputy to hand him.

  The next shot that rang out came from the roof of the Town Hall, after which no more shots came from Harris’ direction. It was silent. Gabe watched as Sam ran across the street to the front door of the church and disappeared inside with several deputies behind him. A few minutes later, Sam stood in the opening in the tower of the church.

  “You got him, Wyatt. Good shot, man, he’s still alive,” Sam yelled across the street to the roof of the Town Hall.

  Gabe sighed and walked back inside. He announced in a calm voice that it was all over. He pulled out a chair and sat down, placing his clenched fists on the table. Emma pulled a chair beside him and sat, putting her hands over his. He jerked them back from her touch and immediately knew from the look on her face he had hurt her. “I’m sorry,” he told her wishing he could take back the hurt and all of the bad events of the day. Jake and Becca walked hand in hand over to the table and sat down with Emma and him.

  “Definitely a reception we’ll never forget,” Jake said as he put his arm around Becca.

  “You got that shit right.” Gabe sighed.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Jake asked him. Gabe didn’t answer him because he was distracted when Wyatt and Sam walked into the room together. He gritted his teeth in an attempt to bite back his words. Sam noticed the way he glared at him and frowned as he approached the table.

  “Problem, Gabe?” Sam asked as he folded his arms across his broad chest.

  “Why is it you always have to get Wyatt to do your dirty work?” Gabe stood, narrowing his eyes at Sam.

  “Christ! Because he’s the best there is, Gabe.” Sam shook his head. “I’d have him as a full-time deputy if I could.” Sam stepped closer to him, ready to take him on. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d come to fisticuffs over a disagreement and probably wouldn’t be the last. “How many people do you think would have died if Wyatt hadn’t stepped in and made short work of things?” The two men stood staring at each while everyone seemed to hold their breath before Sam finally shook his head and strode away, leaving him to sit back down, anger still fueling his resentment.

  “He’s right, Gabe. Wyatt knows what he’s doing. He saved a lot of people today,” Emma said softly.

  He turned on her, his narrowed eyes meeting her surprised gaze. “It’s not your brother out there risking his life.” He watched as Emma stood up and stared down at him with glistening eyes before walking toward the doors and disappearing through them.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Jake asked him.

  Gabe took a deep brea
th and readied himself for yet another verbal attack. “She thinks it’s great what Wyatt did.”

  Jake looked surprised. “I do too. We all do. What’s your problem?”

  “I hate that it’s Wyatt who sticks his neck out every time.”

  “He’s a sniper, Gabe. It’s what he does, and he’s the best. He wouldn’t put himself in a position to get hurt. He does it because he knows he can.” Jake glared at him as if Gabe had no idea what his little brother was capable of doing with a rifle.

  He suddenly realized he was wrong. He stood up and stared down at his brother. “I hate it when you’re right,” he growled before heading toward the door through which his wife had disappeared. Gabe knew he was going to have to do some major groveling.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Emma blinked back the tears in her eyes as she headed out the door of the Town Hall. Taking a deep breath, she hurried toward where she knew Gabe had parked the truck. She climbed into the passenger side and folded her arms across her chest. She heard Gabe get in the driver’s side but refused to look at him. She heard him sigh.

  “I’m sorry,” Gabe said in a low voice. She felt his hand on her hair. He tugged on the strands. She jerked her head away from his hand and refused to look at him. He tugged on her hair again and this time she swung out a hand to slap him away.

  “Stop it, Gabe. It’s not going to work this time.” She turned to face him. “You’re wrong about what happened.”

  “I know that, Emma. That’s why I’m apologizing.” Gabe reached for her hair again. She slapped his hand away. He looked at her in surprise.

  She was very angry with him and his cute apologies weren’t going to work, not this time. “Take me home. Now,” she hissed at him.

  Gabe must have realized she really meant it this time because he dropped his hand, turned in his seat, and started the truck’s engine. They rode home in silence. As soon as the truck stopped near the back door, she was out of the truck. She entered the kitchen and went directly to the living room, not really knowing why she was so angry. Gabe had apologized and she needed to accept it, but he’d embarrassed her by yelling at her in front of everyone. Of course, she’d also thought Harris had completely ruined the reception but as she was leaving, she’d heard the music start up and people were starting to dance again. Soon Becca and Jake would be leaving for their honeymoon in Hawaii. She was pleased because it seemed nothing was going to ruin their day.

  “Hi Stacy. How did it go?” She smiled at the young woman who had descended the stairs and was now standing in the doorway to the living room.

  “Great. She’s so precious, Emma. I didn’t have any trouble at all,” Stacy announced with a smile. “She’s sleeping like an angel.”

  Emma grinned in response, but let her smile fade when Gabe walked past Stacy into the living room. He stopped in front of her and leaned in, wrapping his arms around her and whispered the words “I’m sorry” into her ear. She leaned into him and nodded, letting him know she had let her anger go. Gabe spun her slightly so they faced Stacy.

  “Hi Stacy. How’s my beautiful daughter?” Gabe smiled at the young woman and she noticed how Stacy blushed. Emma knew how she felt. She still blushed when Gabe spoke to her.

  “Stacy thinks our daughter is precious and of course, she is.” She looked over her shoulder at him. “I’m going up to see her. Stacy, thank you so much for everything.”

  Stacy nodded and as Emma climbed the stairs. She heard Gabe trying to convince the young woman to accept payment for babysitting, but Stacy refused. She heard the kitchen door open and close. Minutes later, she heard Gabe coming up the stairs. He entered the nursery, stood beside her at the crib, and stared down at their daughter. Emma smiled when he gently put his hand on Sophie’s stomach. “I can’t believe how fast she’s growing. It seems like we just brought her home,” he whispered.

  “She’s a month old already. It just flew by.” She gazed down at their daughter, still amazed she was here with them.

  “It won’t be long and she’ll be walking and then running.” Gabe smiled.

  Emma softly laughed. “I know. Her life will flash before our eyes.” She blinked back tears at the thought of her beautiful daughter growing up and venturing off to lead a life of her own.

  Gabe wrapped his arms around her. “You’re right.” He kissed her on the forehead and she closed her eyes at the sensation. “I didn’t know it was possible to love someone this much.” He shook his head and pressed his cheek against her hair. “I love her so much.”

  “I do too,” she whispered, wishing he could declare a love for her the way he did his daughter.

  “Come on. We’ve had a long day. Let’s get some sleep.” Gabe led her from the bedroom and down the hall to their room. They each undressed and crawled between the sheets. Gabe pulled her against him, pressed a goodnight kiss against her lips, but nothing more. It had been a long day and soon they fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Emma sat at the table waiting for Gabe to come in from the barn. She’d decided to finally put her heart out there and tell him she loved him. If he didn’t return the feeling and say he loved her, too, she’d just have to live with it. It was difficult for her to believe he could act the way he did and not care in some way. She knew he loved Sophie but wanted him to love her too. His love for Sophie was a start. They had the bond created by their daughter, but she wanted more. The doctor had told her last week at her appointment she could have sex again, but she’d put off telling Gabe because he would come in dead on his feet and collapse into bed. This was ridiculous, she thought as she pushed her coffee cup away from her. She wanted her husband and didn’t have the guts to let him know.

  Sophie’s cry came over the monitor. Emma left the kitchen to go feed her. She picked her daughter up from her crib and took a seat in the rocking chair Gabe had bought for her. She sat quietly while she fed Sophie, reveling in the beauty of her daughter. When she finished she held Sophie, and rocked her while talking to her softly. So engrossed in her daughter, she hadn’t heard Gabe come upstairs. She glanced toward the door to see him standing there, leaning against the doorjamb. He smiled as he pushed himself away from it and sauntered toward her. He squatted down in front of her. “I’ll never get tired of watching you breastfeed our daughter.” He ran his hand over Sophie’s head, ruffling the dark hair.

  “I know, but I also know you like feeding her.” She smiled at him, wanting to ruffle his dark hair the same way he had done their daughter’s downy fuzz.

  Gabe laughed. “Yes, I do. She looks up at me with those blue eyes and I just melt,” he said, gazing into her own eyes and making her insides melt with unspoken desire.

  She cleared her throat and glanced down at Sophie. “She’s just growing so fast. I can’t believe she’s seven weeks old already. It went by so quickly,” she whispered.

  “Seven weeks?” Gabe stood and moved alongside the rocker. He leaned in close and lowered his lips to her neck. Closing her eyes at the sensation, Emma laughed softly.

  “Yes. Seven weeks,” she said looking sideways at him with a shy smile. “Why? What are you thinking?”

  Gabe gently lifted Sophie from her arms and placed her in the crib while Emma pulled herself out of the rocker. When he turned to face her, she almost squealed when he scooped her up and carried her from the room.

  “I’m thinking it’s a week past the six weeks we couldn’t have sex,” Gabe said giving her a mock glare. “And you didn’t say anything.”

  Emma grinned and shrugged her shoulders. “I planned to tell you today. Last week you came in from the barn every night and went straight to bed.”

  Gabe looked self-conscious. “I know I did. I had to stay away from you and keep busy. I’ve wanted you every day.” He kissed her passionately, thrilling her and making her clasp onto him tighter. “I’m sorry, darlin’. What do you say we take a nice bath together, and then get reacquainted? I’ve missed you.”

  “I’m all for that. Just let me ge
t out of these clothes.”

  Gabe set her on her feet and cupped her face in his hands. “Let me take them off.” He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her, moving his tongue over her lips he slowly slipped it into her mouth, deepening the kiss. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his waist leaning into him. She could feel his hard arousal pressing against her belly. His fingers slid down her front side to the zipper of her jeans and lowered it slowly. She reciprocated by slipping her hands between them to open the fly of his pants. She cupped her hand over the hard bulge there. Gabe groaned.

  Her hands grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt, lifted it off over his head and shoulders, tossing it to the floor. She felt cool air hit her back as Gabe pushed her blouse off her shoulders with his lips never leaving hers. Her hands busied themselves fumbling with his belt. Gabe pulled back from her. “I can do this quicker,” he said through ragged breaths while his hands worked the belt open and had it pulled through the loops in no time. He dropped his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them never looking away from her.

  Emma laughed and then squeaked when he picked her up. “I thought we were taking a bath first,” she mock scolded.

  Gabe laughed against her neck. “I don’t think I can wait that long. I need you now, baby.” He carried her to the bed and dropped onto it so she landed on top of him. He rolled her under him and ran his fingertip over her eyebrows, down her nose to her lips. His finger touched her lips softly as he outlined her mouth then he leaned down and captured her mouth with his in a passionate kiss, which stole her breath and her heart.

  “God, I need you Emma,” Gabe whispered against her lips.

  She moaned and reached for him, pulling him close. “Gabe, I…need you.”

  * * * *

  Though the room was dark, Gabe’s mouth found hers like a beacon. He had Emma completely naked in mere minutes. Her mouth was hot and wet and he couldn’t get enough of it. He captured it hard, parting her lips with his tongue and tasting the recesses of her mouth. She kissed him back just as roughly. Her fingers thrust into his hair, massaging his scalp. Her hands cupped the back of his head, pulling him tighter to her as she moved her tongue into his mouth, hers dueling with his. He groaned a sound full of yearning. He moved over her, spreading her legs with his knees.


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