Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4)

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Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4) Page 4

by Sarah Carter

  She spins. A guy a few years older than her is standing there. He has blonde hair and vibrant green eyes, but not unearthly like hers. “Ashe! You are such an asshole!”

  Connor and Derrick look around. Connor asks, “Where did you come from?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” Ashe replies.

  “Dude Ashe, my dad is going to be pissed. Have you lost your mind!?” Lexi screams.

  “I couldn’t miss out on your first day,” Ashe scoffs, nudging her with his hand.

  Eyeing him up, Connor says, “You’re the boyfriend?”

  Ashe laughs and looks at Lexi. “Really?”

  Come on. Go with it. Please.

  “No,” he replies. Ashe looks back at Connor. “I’m not her boyfriend, and she doesn’t have one.” Suddenly, he falls with a bang. “Woman!” he yells.

  “Go away, Ashe. My dad is going to imprison you.”

  Derrick looks at her. “Your dad is going to do what?”

  Shaking her head in shock, Lexi says, “My dad is like a parent figure to him. We say that instead of grounding. My family is very strict.”

  “Dude, that was totally uncool,” Ashe says. “You don’t want to cross me.”

  Lexi stands up and looks him in the eyes. “You want to go toe to toe? Really?”

  “I’m not stupid,” Ashe replies, narrowing his eyes.

  They stand there glaring at each other for a few seconds and then burst out laughing. Lexi jumps on him and gives him a hug. “I’m so glad you are here.”

  “I can’t stay long,” Ashe says. “Supposed to be somewhere else. But you know, I hear my name...”

  “I know. I know. I should have known better,” Lexi groans. She smiles and then gestures to her side. “Ashe, this is Derrick and Connor.”

  “I’m her alter ego,” Ashe says, reaching out his hand. “We are three years apart but are pretty much the same person. Trouble with a capital T.”

  Connor looks at Lexi and laughs. “You’re trouble?”

  Her cheeks light on fire and she whispers, “I’m kind of a handful.”

  “Been arrested?” Connor asks.

  “She can’t be arrested,” Ashe says. Suddenly, he grabs his butt and yells, “Ow!”

  “Ashe, seriously? My dad is going to kill you.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Blah, blah, blah.”

  “Seriously,” she snaps. “One of these days you’re going to push the envelope too far with him.”

  “That’s when my partner in crime will come to my rescue,” Ashe says. “Ooo, sushi.” He takes a bite. “Mmmmm.”

  “Everyone’s eating my lunch,” Lexi groans.

  “You need second lunch like a hobbit,” Ashe teases.

  She could kill him. “Ashe, oh my god.”

  “Come on, that’s like one of the best books ever written,” Ashe says. “You eat like a hobbit.”

  Mortified, Lexi stares at him with her mouth open. He grins at her. She narrows her eyes. Next time I see you hitting on a girl, all bets are off.

  He stops. “That’s not fair.”

  Oh, cry me a river, boohoo.


  “She’s not talking to you man,” Derrick says, giving him a weird look.

  “I know what she’s thinking,” Ashe replies.

  “You need to go,” Lexi states.

  Ashe rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. “Fine, call me later.”

  She waves her fingers. “Fine, bye.”


  There’s a flash of light, and Lexi looks at the guys. They arelooking around. “Did we move?” Connor asks.

  “Yeah, what the hell?” Derrick replies.

  “I think it’s something in the air,” Lexi coughs.

  Connor frowns. “What were we talking about again?”

  “My boyfriend,” Lexi replies.

  He opens his mouth and then closes it. “I didn’t think you had one.”

  With a sigh, Lexi replies, “I don’t.”

  “Man,” Connor says, shaking his head. “My brain feels really foggy.”

  “Yup,” Lexi laughs nervously. “Anyway...”

  The first bell rings. “Oh, we have to go,” Derrick exclaims. He grabs a tray of sushi. “I will see you later.” He walks away, eating it.

  Lexi just points at him as he walks away and goes, “He stole my lunch.”

  “Yeah, you have no idea how much food that boy can consume. I think he may have a tapeworm.”

  “So, do I,” Lexi says. “I could probably out-eat him.” She takes one of the last pieces of sushi and pops it into her mouth. She chews with her mouth open. Lexi realizes making herself unattractive may be the only way to go.

  Connor smiles. “A girl who doesn’t hide her appetite. I like it. I like it, a lot.”

  “Oh come on, seriously,” Lexi groans, shoulders falling.

  “I feel as though this is a game,” Connor says, as he backs up. “Sorry for you. I really love games.”

  “No, no game,” Lexi articulates strongly. “We aren’t playing a game.”

  He smiles even more. “I have no idea what you are talking about Lexi Blakely.”

  “I want my car keys,” Lexi snaps.

  Running his hands over his pockets, Connor gasps. He pulls them out of his front pocket. “These keys?”

  “Dude!” she exclaims, going over by him. “Give them to me.”

  “Sure, here,” he counters. Connor holds them really high in the air.

  Lexi glares at him. “Give them to me, Connor.”

  “I am,” he replies. “Take them.” He grins broadly.

  Starting to laugh, Lexi finally gives in and she knows she can’t be mad at him. “Come on. This is totally unfair.”

  “Life’s unfair,” Connor says. “Now, we better throw everything away and get to class, so we aren’t late. Can’t be late on your first day.”

  “Fine,” Lexi groans. She cleans up the table and throws everything into the bag. They walk to the trash and throw it out. Lexi turns to Connor. “Can I have my keys?”

  “Nope,” Connor replies, shoving them back into his front pocket. “Won’t reach into there. So, we’re safe until after school.”

  Raising her eyebrow, Lexi says, “Who says I won’t reach into there?” A shocked look sweeps across Connor’s face. She smirks and then says, “I will see you later.” With that Lexi turns and walks away.

  She gets in the hallway and hears Lexi Blakely.

  It wasn’t me! Yell at Ashe.

  You have no idea what a disruption in time could do.

  Yeah, but you can’t have us be like brother and sister and not expect trouble. I see the future, and he time-jumps.

  I am going to punish him this time. See how he acts after being in solitary for a few weeks.

  You’re not going to do that, Dad. Relax. No one even realizes that it happens. The guys don’t even remember meeting him. It’s fine. You are surrounded by super beings. We can’t behave all the time.

  Yes, you can and you should.

  Dad, just leave him alone. I would know if he did any sort of damage.

  How do you know that for sure?

  Lexi stays quiet.

  Lexi Rose, what are you hiding?

  Nothing, Dad. It was fixed. It’s okay.

  What did he do!?

  Well, do you remember the time when he was 16 and he crashed that car.


  He went back in time and stopped it. It, sort of, created a ripple, and I saw it right away. I proceeded to yell at him, and he fixed it. Everything is back to the way it’s supposed to be. He’s got it down now. I let him know if something is amiss.

  You’re going to be the death of me. Both of you.

  I’m good!

  You haven’t used your abilities at all when you’re not supposed to.

  Well, if you put it that way...

  You can’t out the Neturu.

  I’m not Neturu, so I guess you’re fine. I’m not a shapeshifter. I’
m Kenga. I’m an uber being. Not the same.

  Yes, and you do keep out of trouble. Tell Ashe he needs to stop.

  You tell him.

  We both know he doesn’t listen to me. So, try to convince him to be careful.

  Okay, I will. I have to go to Economics now. Why are you making me take this stupid class?

  It’s good for you to know.

  Whatever. I have to go.

  Love you.

  Love you too, Dad.

  Lexi walks into class and there are only a few students there. The teacher is not at their desk. Lexi goes over and waits. Suddenly, she hears, “Oh my god! That hair!” She closes her eyes and turns to the voice. When she looks, she sees a blonde girl with these amazing crystal blue eyes. She kind of reminds Lexi of Connor. The girl walks over to Lexi with her jaw down. Lexi braces for comments. “Holy crap, woman,” the girl says. “Your hair is outrageous.”

  Sighing, Lexi goes, “Yeah.”

  “It’s so cool!” The girl squeals. “It looks incredibly soft. Can I touch it?”

  Raising an eyebrow, Lexi goes, “You want to touch my hair?”

  “Yeah, sorry, I’m a little forward,” the girl says. “My name is Madison. Everyone calls me Maddie. Madison Lee Rogers at your service.” She sticks out her hand.

  “Lexi. Lexi Blakely.” They shake hands.

  “Your hair is amazing. How long does it take you to do it?” Maddie asks, eagerly with a huge smile.

  Lexi reaches up and touches it. “I’ve been doing it for so long, it doesn’t take that much time.”

  “So cool. Did you just move here?”

  “No, I’ve been homeschooled my whole life. My family thought it was time I went out into the real world.”

  “Your parents let you dye your hair purple?” Maddie inquires with a grin.

  Nodding, Lexi says, “Yup, they are the coolest parents ever.”

  “Have you made any new friends yet?”

  “I don’t know if you would say friends, but I’ve encountered a few people,” Lexi answers.

  A voice says, “You’re in this class, too.”

  They turn to see Jackie standing there. “Oh my god!” Maddie yells. “The bitch parade must have just walked past. I think you may have lost your way.”

  Jackie narrows her eyes at Maddie. “I’m not surprised to find you two talking to each other.”

  “I know. Smart, cool, awesome people usually tend to gravitate to each other. Oh wait, do I need to explain what gravitate means?”

  A look of pure hatred creeps across Jackie’s face. “Whatever, Maddie. You think you’re so smart.”

  “My GPA is a whole point higher than yours, so I think that at least means I am smarter than you. Of course, most middle schoolers are smarter than you.”

  “Whatever, Maddie.”

  “Is that your only rebuttal? Whatever Maddie.”

  Her eyes turn to Lexi. “If you want to save your social status at all, I would steer clear of this one.”

  “Really?” Lexi gasps. She turns to Maddie. “Oh no, not my social status.”

  Maddie’s hand flies to her mouth. “Yes, you will forever be doomed to the dungeon of the social ladder.”

  “Do you play music?” Lexi asks.

  “24/7,” Maddie replies.

  “I’m in.”

  “Oh my god,” Jackie groans, rolling her eyes. “Losers stick together.”

  Lexi clicks her tongue. She turns to Maddie. “Do you like Flogging Molly?”

  “Like them? I love them. Why?”

  “I just got four tickets, and one just popped up as untaken. Wanna go?”

  “Hell yeah!” Maddie exclaims, showing the rock sign.

  Now, Jackie glares at Lexi. “I was supposed to go with them.”

  “What kind of music is Flogging Molly?” Lexi asks.


  “What kind of music do they play?”

  Jackie shrugs. “Hard Rock.”

  Maddie bursts out laughing. Lexi laughs with her and then looks at Jackie. “No. Sorry. Eh. You’re wrong. Celtic punk. You don’t get to go if you don’t know what their music’s like.”

  “You’re not going to get Connor,” Jackie states, staring her down.

  “Yeah, I’m trying to deter Connor,” Lexi says. Her heart sinks at those words.

  A smirk crosses Jackie’s face. “Not like you could get him anyway.”

  “Wait, what’s this about Connor?” Maddie interjects.

  Lexi turns to her. “He’s giving me hell. He stole my car keys this morning and won’t give them back. Now at lunch he declared that this is a game. I don’t know what he could possibly mean by that.”

  “Ohhh,” Maddie yells. “You’re in for a world of trouble. He likes you. He only gives girls a hard time if he likes them.”

  “How do you know?” Lexi asks.

  “He’s my cousin,” Maddie laughs. “I know him better than anyone. Oh, if he says it’s a game, it’s a game.”

  “No, no game,” Lexi whines.

  Jackie rolls her eyes. “Whatever, that’s totally not even true.”

  “Wait, are you telling me you know my flesh and blood better than me? Connor and I are the same age. We grew up together. We know everything there is to know about each other. What I do know, for a fact, is that he doesn’t like you that way. He never has. He also never will.”

  “Time will only tell,” Jackie replies.

  “It’s been two years,” Maddie says. “That window of opportunity passed a long time ago. Woosh.” She gestures with her hand.

  “Oh, we have a new student!” a voice exclaims.

  They turn to see a woman standing there. “Yeah, hi,” Lexi says.

  “You must be Lexi. My name is Mrs. Garrison. Are you excited about economics?”

  “Does anyone get excited about economics?” Lexi counters.

  Mrs. Garrison frowns. “Not very often, but I thought I would ask.”

  Lexi laughs. “I bet you make it fun.”

  “I try.” Mrs. Garrison replies. “There are two empty seats you can choose.”

  Maddie grabs Lexi’s arm and says, “She’ll sit behind me.”

  “That’s fine. Otherwise the other one is next to Jackie.”

  Her eyes widen, and Lexi says, “I will sit next to Maddie.”

  “Very well, take a seat.”

  Dragging her across the room, Maddie pulls her to a desk. Maddie sits down in the one in front of it, and then Lexi sits down in her seat. Maddie turns around. “So, Connor, I will warn you, he won’t stop.”

  “Does he do this all the time?” Lexi asks.

  “Connor? Ha ha ha. No. He rarely does, that’s why I know you are in trouble.”

  Lexi sighs. “You could be wrong.”

  “Not on this,” Maddie states. “I’m sorry, but he likes you. Do you not like him back? I could talk to him.”

  “It’s not that. Trust me,” Lexi says. “It’s just isn’t in my world.”

  “Your parents would stop you?”

  With a heavy sigh, Lexi replies, “It’s not like that. There’s so much mixed into it. Dating me would go nowhere, so I have to stop it before anything happens. I don’t want anyone hurt.”

  “Are you in an arranged marriage situation?” Maddie teases.

  “Sometimes I think that would make my life easier, but no, I’m not. I just can’t get involved with anyone.”

  “Someday you will meet someone and you won’t be able to stop it,” Maddie states. “That’s just how things work.”

  Shaking her head, Lexi says, “That’s not going to happen. Trust me. I’m going to be a crazy cat lady.”

  “No, no, no,” Maddie scoffs. “You’re original, so you have to have something original. Like be the crazy ferret lady. OR the crazy turtle lady. OR the crazy guinea pig lady.”

  “I want to be the crazy hedgehog lady!” Lexi exclaims.

  “See, be something original. Cats are dumb and dogs are overdone. Pl
ease, make sure you take care of them. Don’t let me read that they condemned your house and your dead, defenseless hedgehogs.”

  Lexi shakes her head. “I’m like my father. I’m super neat and clean. Like anal retentive clean.”

  “That’s good. So, I can talk to Connor for you. Tell him to knock it off.”

  “I don’t want you to do that,” Lexi says. “I would love to be his friend. He seems like a great guy.”

  “He is,” Maddie says. “He would treat you well.”

  “Can we please stop talking about it?” Lexi replies. “It’s depressing me.”

  Maddie smirks. “So, you do like him back.”

  “We don’t even know each other,” Lexi snaps. “How can we like each other if we don’t know a damn thing about each other.”

  “I don’t know,” Maddie answers. “How do you like each other since you just met? That’s a question you’re going to have to answer.”

  Lexi rolls her eyes. “We don’t know each other. We probably have nothing in common. I will make sure to be the exact opposite of what he’s looking for.”

  “I can tell you aren’t the type of girl to be fake,” Maddie comments. “Don’t start doing that.”

  Her shoulders fall. “No, I’m not fake. I take pride in myself and my weirdness.”

  “As well as you should. That’s why we are going to be friends. We can be weird together.”

  Laughing, Lexi replies, “The bottom of the social ladder.”

  “Do you really want to hang out with Jackie? I doubt it. Anyway, she thinks she’s really up there. She also thinks if you are popular you have to be an ass to people different than you. You will see that’s not how this school works. Connor is pretty popular. He’s not a douche.” Maddie shakes her head.

  “Derrick is nice, too,” Lexi declares. “I like him. He makes me laugh.”

  Maddie gets a dreamy look in her eyes. “He’s a cool person.”


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