Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4)

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Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4) Page 12

by Sarah Carter

  “Aren’t you going to get into a world of trouble already?” Connor notes. “Go big or go home.”

  “Come here,” Lexi says, sticking out her hand. Connor grabs it. “This will startle you.”

  “Okay.” Lexi closes her eyes and then opens them. Connor looks around and then grabs ahold of her. “Holy crap. Ahhhh! What in the hell.”

  They are standing on top of a building. “Come on,” Lexi giggles, grabbing his hand. They come to a closed door.

  “I bet it’s locked,” Connor states. “How are we up here, anyway?”

  “Whatever you do, don’t let go of my hand,” Lexi instructs. “Seriously, do not let go.”

  He tightens his grip. “Okay. What’s going on?” Lexi pulls him forward, and they run at the door. They come through on the other side. “Whoa,” Connor gasps. He turns around and touches the door. “What did you do?”

  “I can’t say. I can’t explain any of this. I’m sorry,” Lexi whispers.

  “Pretty sure you need to,” Connor says.

  She looks up at him and puts her hand on his chest. “Connor, you will forget everything. You will forget I ever existed, and you would never see me again.”


  “Things beyond my control,” Lexi says.

  “What else can you do?” Connor asks.

  Lexi pauses and then smiles. “Come see this first.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I wanted to bring you here,” she whispers. They make their way down a few sets of stairs. Closing her eyes, she shuts down the security systems. “Check this out.” With that she opens the door.

  Connor walks in with his jaw down. “Where are we?”

  “Botanical gardens,” Lexi replies. “I thought you may like it.”

  He smiles broadly at her. “This is amazing. Thank you.”

  She looks up at him. It’s beautiful.

  Stumbling back, Connor exhales, “What the hell.”

  I can telepathically speak to you, but you need to talk out loud for me to hear it.

  “Seriously,” he stutters. “Do it again?”

  Lexi smiles. What do you want me to say?

  “How far away can you do that?” Connor asks.

  “Ummm, around the world,” she answers, shyly. “It’s how I communicate with the people in my life.”

  “Can you?”

  She smiles even more. “You have to know me, and there has to be a bond. Only a few can. My parents, Uncle Mason, Lana and Ashe and well, my Aunty Trinity.”

  “Do they all have abilities? Is that what this cult is?”

  Pressing her lips together, Lexi thinks for one second. “No, I’m the only one like me in the whole universe. They are all the same.”

  “Is that all you can do? That’s everything.”

  “It’s going to rain in twenty minutes.”

  Connor furrows his eyebrows. “No, there was no rain in the forecast.”

  “No, it’s going to rain. It’s also how I knew the bells were fixed on the first day. It’s also how I know everything. Why I am so smart.”

  “I’m not following,” Connor says, shaking his head.

  She closes her eyes and concentrates really hard. She really hasn’t been able to see him much. “Your mom had beautiful blonde curly hair. Big curls. She would always wear it in a bun. Like how I do. She would make you sugar cookies with pink frosting. You always said it was okay that she made it pink, it tasted better. She would read you Curious George every night at bedtime.” Lexi opens her eyes. “Her name was Primrose. Everyone called her Prim. What an unusual name.”

  He’s staring at her with an apprehensive look. “How do you know all of that?”

  “I can see time,” Lexi sighs. “Past, present, future. Yesterday, a hundred years from now. I see that your essay just got an A plus.”

  “So, you can see everything about me?”

  “I see what I want to see,” Lexi replies. “I can see whatever I want to see, except myself. I can’t see myself, but I also can’t see you. I can see glimpses but only if I concentrate. You’re like a black hole, and I don’t know why.”

  Narrowing his eyes with a harsh look, Connor says, “I don’t believe you.”

  “That I can do it, or that I can’t see you?” Lexi replies.

  “Both,” he says.

  “I can do all this other stuff, but I’m lying now,” Lexi laughs.

  Connor stares at her for a second and then smirks. “I guess you have a point.” Suddenly, there is a distant rumble of thunder. Connor goes and looks out the glass wall. Off into the distance there are storm clouds. “No way.” He spins on her. “You’re telling the truth. Holy shit. What are you?”

  “I can’t tell you that,” Lexi replies. “I’m sorry. This is all that I can tell you. If you breathe a word of this to anyone, you will forget I ever existed. You all will.”

  “How? Magic?”

  Trying not to laugh, Lexi nods. “Yes, a certain kind of magic.”

  “Is that why you can do this?” Connor asks. “Is it magic?”

  “We haven’t fully figured out how I can do these things,” Lexi whispers, scuffing her foot across the ground. “But, I’m the only one who can.”

  “HOW COOL!” Connor yells. “I would have so much fun!”

  Lexi shakes her head. “It’s not as cool as you think. Okay, sometimes it is, when I want to mess with people or help people. But, it’s very lonely. I’m the only one like me. I can’t be with anyone that isn’t in this secret society. And everyone in this secret society is scared of me or wants me for the wrong reasons.” She looks down. “That’s why I am going to become a crazy hedgehog lady.”

  “Screw them,” Connor snorts.


  “Aren’t you, like, the most powerful person on this planet?” Connor inquires.


  “Live by your own rules, then,” Connor suggests. “No one can tell you what to do. No one can mess with you. Right?”

  “Well, yes, but...”

  “No but,” Conner interjects. “Screw them. Kick their ass if it’s a problem.”

  Shaking her head, Lexi says, “It’s not as easy as that.”

  “What’s the worst thing you could do?”

  “What do you mean?” Lexi responds.

  He arches his hands wide. “What is the scariest, craziest thing you could do?”

  “Blow up the planet,” Lexi replies.


  “Well, not the planet, so to speak. But I could set off every bomb in the world all at once. I could eradicate the planet.”

  Connor steps back from her. “That’s kind of scary.”

  “I never would!” Lexi exclaims. “You asked, and I was honest. I like to save lives, not destroy them.”

  “What do you mean by save lives?”

  Lexi turns and looks out the window. “I can heal people from their injuries and whatnot.”

  “That’s awesome, Lexi,” Connor says softly; he reaches out and takes her hand. She turns to him, and he brings her towards him. Lexi knows she shouldn’t, but she lets him. Pulling her against his body, Connor undoes the bun in her hair. Her hair cascades down, and she shyly looks away. Connor gently takes her chin with his finger and turns her towards him. His beautiful blue eyes look deep into hers. “Do what you want, Lexi,” Connor exhales. “Don’t let anyone get in your way. If you’re really not doing anything bad, then screw them.”

  “It’s not as easy as that,” Lexi whines.

  “Why not?”

  She throws up her hands. “There is my father. He won’t let me date whomever I want.”

  “Who cares?” Connor scoffs. “What’s he going to do? Seriously? Look at you.”

  Shaking her head, Lexi says, “He’s my father. I would never cross him.”

  “I’m not trying to tell you to defy your parents, but don’t let this secret society rule your life. If you like me, go with it,” Connor whi
spers, grabbing her hand gently.

  “I do like you a lot,” Lexi sighs, looking at their joined hands.

  He pulls her towards him. “Then let’s try this. It’s not going to hurt anyone, right?”

  Lexi shakes her head, again. “No.”

  “Then do what you want. Anyway, you’re going to be eighteen soon. Then, he really can’t tell you what to do.”

  She laughs. “It’s not as easy as that. He’s very important and very powerful. I need to listen to what he says. I’m super important to this secret society. It makes things very complicated. It’s not as easy as defying my parents.”

  Connor places his hand on the side of her face. “Just try to make this work with me. Give it a shot. We can keep it a secret.”

  “I’ve never hidden anything from my family before,” Lexi states, looking at the floor.

  “You’ve never lied to them?”

  “Only about the other night,” she replies. Her gaze moving up.

  A smile sweeps across Connor’s face. “Did you zap your way home that night?”

  “No, someone came and got me.”

  “Why didn’t you just zap your way home?”

  Lexi shrugs. “I was scared. You saw. No one had ever seen my powers outside of this society. I was freaked out.”

  “You were freaked out?! I didn’t know what I just saw, and you disappeared into thin air. I didn’t sleep that night, that’s for sure.”

  Feeling a little bit panicked, Lexi asks, “Did you tell anyone?”

  “Who would I have told? What would I have even told them? Who would have believed me?”

  “That’s true.”

  “Honestly. You worry about me telling someone, but you have to realize, no one would believe me.”

  She nods. “Again, true. There may be one person who does.”

  “Who would believe that you have magical powers? Seriously?” The corner of his mouth turns up, and Lexi tries not to smirk. “I will probably wake up tomorrow and wonder if this really happened.”

  “Maybe it would be good if you thought it didn’t,” Lexi suggests.

  “Please,” Connor emphasizes. “Don’t hide this from me.”

  Looking him dead in the eyes, Lexi demands, “You can’t mention this to anyone.”

  “Again, who would I tell? Who would actually believe me?”

  Sternly, Lexi says, “I’m being serious.”

  “So am I!” Connor exclaims.

  “Every memory of me and my family will be gone,” she states.

  “Because of magic?” He counters.

  She looks down. “A certain kind of very powerful magic.”

  “I thought you were the only one like you.”

  “Please, Connor,” Lexi pleads. “Don’t press the issue.”

  He runs his hand down her cheek, and it makes everything in Lexi tingle. “All right, I won’t. I have to admit; this is pretty cool.”

  “Yeah, it is, but I’m lonely most of the time. People in this society aren’t very welcoming.”

  “That sucks. You’re awesome!”

  Bashfully, Lexi whispers, “Thanks,” and turns her gaze away.

  “So, I have to ask a question.”

  “What’s that?” she asks, looking back.

  Connor reaches up and twirls a tendril of hair around his finger. “The purple?”

  “Oh, it’s natural.”

  “What are you?”

  “I’m different. That’s all I can tell you. I’m sorry.”

  He grabs her chin gently with his finger and turns her head towards him. “Just...don’t hide things from me.”

  Lexi nods and then pauses. “There’s something I have to hide.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Something is going to happen tonight.”

  Connor smiles broadly. “Are you going to turn into a werewolf? It is a full moon.”

  She laughs. “No. My friends and I are going to take care of a situation. You can’t breathe a word of it to anyone.”

  “What’s going to happen?”

  “Payback is a bitch,” Lexi simply states, looking him dead in the eye.

  “You’re seriously going after him!”

  The corner of her mouth turns up. “I don’t know. I can’t say.”

  “I’m not going to tell anyone jack shit,” Connor declares.


  “What are you going to do?” he whispers.

  Lexi shrugs. “Not sure yet, but I’m very scary when I’m pissed off.”

  “I bet you are,” Connor laughs.

  She smiles and arches her arms out. “He won’t even know we’re there. We’ll be like a ghost.”

  “Members of this secret society?”

  Smirking, Lexi says, “Yes, elite members.”

  “Can they do stuff, too?”

  “I can’t reply to that, Connor. I will only tell you about me.”

  He nods. “Got it.”

  There is a heavy silence. “So...” Lexi finally exhales, scuffing her foot across the ground.

  “So...could you do this all your life?”

  She squishes up her nose. “Yes.”

  “Were you a hell child?”

  Lexi bursts out laughing. “I definitely gave my parents a workout.”

  “But, they aren’t your real parents,” he replies.

  “No, my real mom evil person.”

  “Do you look like her?”

  Shrugging, Lexi answers, “I don’t know. I don’t remember...I don’t remember much about her anymore. I think I blocked it out of my memory.”

  “Your parents seem really cool,” Connor says. He takes her hand and then starts to lead her down a path. She nervously interlocks their fingers, and he squeezes gently.

  “I couldn’t ask for better parents. I’m really close to them.”

  “That’s cool.”

  Suddenly, Lexi smiles and pulls on his arm. “Come watch.”

  “Watch what?” Connor asks, as they make it to a glass wall.

  “The lightning storm,” Lexi whispers.

  Connor looks out into the night sky. “There’s nothing.”

  “Wait for it...” she exhales.

  Suddenly, the sky is streaked with flashing color. “Wow, that’s amazing,” Connor says.

  He wraps his arms around Lexi and pulls her against him. She leans her head back. “I love storms.”

  “You’re amazing,” Connor whispers in her ear.


  “Can you really see the future?”

  Lexi laughs. “Yes.”

  “What’s going to happen in school tomorrow? I’m testing you.”

  She looks up at him. “I don’t really see us. I told you that.”

  “Tell me something,” he urges.

  Concentrating really hard, Lexi tries to see the future. It’s glimpses of scenes, but then one manifests. “Oh...uh, you’re going to get into it with Jackie.”

  “That could be an awesome guess,” Connor snorts.

  “She’s going to try and kiss you.”

  He jerks back. “Ugh, god no. She hasn’t tried that before.”

  The vision fades. “I can’t see what you do.”

  “Sure the hell isn’t going to be kiss her back. There’s only one person I want to kiss.” Lexi nervously looks down. Connor turns her to him. “Hey, look at me.” He brings her chin up with his finger.

  “No,” she whispers, looking back down.

  He brings her head back up. “Why?”

  “I’ve...” she starts.

  “What?” He gently replies.

  “I’ve never been kissed,” she barely whispers.

  “Really?” Connor responds.

  Lexi puts her hair behind her ear. “Yeah, no one has shown interest. Or if they did it was because of who I am to this society.”

  “Can I kiss you?”

  “Sure,” Lexi exhales, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. Everything in her tightens, but everything i
n her yearns for his touch.

  “I’ve thought about kissing you since I locked my eyes onto yours.” Connor slowly pulls her against him. “Your lips look so soft.”

  She gulps. “I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t be,” he exhales. Leaning down, he presses his lips against hers. It’s soft and gentle, and to Lexi it’s perfect. Finally, Connor pulls away. “Wow.”

  “Yeah, that was amazing.”

  He smiles. “I would have to agree with you.”

  They stare at each other for a second, before Lexi jumps at him and kisses him fiercely. Connor stumbles a few steps and then steadies them. Lexi kisses him passionately. He opens her mouth and grazes his tongue against hers. Lexi moans in his mouth. Finally, she pulls away. They both take ragged breaths.

  “Holy cow,” Connor stutters. “Where’d that come from?”

  “Sorry,” Lexi whispers, wiping her mouth.

  “No,” he says, grabbing her hand. “Don’t be sorry for that. Don’t ever be sorry for showing affection. I love it. By the way, I’m a cuddler.”

  “Never done that, either.”

  “We will definitely conquer that, too,” Connor says, smiling this dazzling smile. It makes Lexi’s cheeks heat up. How does he have this strong of an effect on her? It’s crazy.

  Nervously, Lexi asks, “Are you a virgin?”

  Connor bursts out laughing. “Yes, but almost wasn’t.”

  She laughs with him. “What?”

  “Almost did. Ready to go for it and just couldn’t do it.”

  Squishing up her nose, Lexi says, “Couldn’t get it up?”

  A shocked look sweeps across Connor’s face. “No. No! I didn’t love the girl. It’s not that I didn’t want to, but what if she got pregnant? I don’t want to have a kid with a girl I don’t even care about.”

  “Well, there’s no way for you to get me pregnant,” Lexi snorts, looking away.

  “Why do you say that?” He asks.

  “Trust me. There’s a better chance of Jackie becoming my best friend.”

  Connor looks like he’s thinking and then nods. “I could see that.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Lexi laughs.

  He shakes his head. “She, seriously, is getting annoying.”

  “Have you ever done anything with her?” Lexi asks, completely curious and nervous to know at the same time.

  Rolling his eyes, Connor groans. “It all started with a kiss. It was the end of eighth grade. The eighth grade dance. I had just met her. She just moved here. We were all hanging out as kids do at that age. We were all laughing and joking around. Joking around about daring each other to do stupid things. Someone made a passing dare. So, I kissed her. It was short and just a peck, but it all snowballed from there. Since then, she’s been relentless.”


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