Blank Space (Dirty South Book 1)

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Blank Space (Dirty South Book 1) Page 10

by Alla Kar

  The tires had to be as big as the mud tires on some trucks. I swallowed my coffee, glancing up at Cash who watched me from the corner of his eye. “Ever been in one of these?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, at my grandmother’s house. But I’m pretty sure you’ll be going more than ten miles an hour.”

  His eyes lowered. “I plan to.”

  He helped me into the passenger side, taking my coffee and placing it in the holder. I buckled myself in; my fingers tightened around the side of the leather seat. “Relax,” he said. “It’s only about two miles up the road.”

  The engine roared to life; Cash pressed on the gas, and we took off down a dirt trail that led deep into the woods around his house. Tall tree limbs hung lazily over the trail, blowing gently over our heads.

  Cash’s demeanor was content; his eyes focused on the road ahead of us. “Do you have to work today?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah. I have two classes today.”

  “I’ll have Joey drop you off and pick you up. He can take you to Friday night dinner and pick you up right afterward.”

  Friday night dinner would be Friday night horror. Since I had skipped the week before, and was living with my boss, I could only imagine the freak show that’d take place behind those beautiful walls. “Okay.”

  My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I dug it out to see a text from Frankie.

  Mayday. Jeremy kicked me out of the truck last night, and I had to walk home. Call me when you wake up, please.

  Damn. He kicked her out? I’d kicked his scrawny ass for that.

  “Everything okay?” Cash asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah, just Frankie drama.”

  Cash grinned and my lady bits tingled. I hated that his smile did so much to me. Maybe if he did it more often, it wouldn’t feel like fireworks in my chest.

  I’d spent most of my sleepless night thinking about his smile, the way he ate me alive the night before, and those eyes that I could swim in.

  “My brother has the hots for Frankie.”

  “She’s engaged,” I said, even though I wasn’t that fond of Jeremy, especially lately.

  Cash nodded, turning right down a small trail. “I know this. My brother can be—stubborn when he wants something.” He turned to look at me, his eyes telling me something that I couldn’t decode.

  I didn’t respond, mainly because I didn’t know what to say. Cash slowed a few seconds later, pulling the Gator into a small spot that looked worn and torn against the forest floor.

  Cash killed the engine, looked over at me and unbuckled my seatbelt. He got out, grabbed a gun from the gun rack behind our heads and offered me his hand. “Come on.”

  I took it, relaxing into the warmth of his strong grip, letting him pull me from the seat. I followed him around a cluster of trees to where a huge tree stand stood. Living in Savannah, I’d seen my fair share of them, but never one so large.

  The top was a thick camo canopy that looked big enough to shelter fifteen people. Cash gestured toward the ladder that disappeared into the floor of the stand. “After you.”

  Swallowing, I started up the ladder. Ryder and I never had a stand this big. His was a simple one that he and Dad made when he was younger. This was hunting for royalty, which made me giggle. I’d never really thought that Cash hunted, only that it was a good business and he made money off of it.

  I slipped inside, pushing myself up into the room—or it was big enough to be a room at least. It had bench-like seats with cushions surrounding the wall. A large comfortable chair in the far corner. Two huge windows were cut out where Cash would watch for his prey.

  “Cozy, huh?”

  I turned, my fingers pulling at the sides of my pants. Even though there was plenty of room, I still felt too close to him. Knowing I had only one way to escape, and this space wasn’t as large as the guest house, sending my nerves into overdrive.

  “Very cozy,” I whispered, my eyes locked on the window, anything to keep myself from looking at him. “How often do you hunt?”

  Cash watched me carefully, a small smirk on his face. He knew something I didn’t or he could see right through me. I didn’t know which one it was or which one was worse. “Often. I do own a deer stand company.”

  Taking a seat away from him, I tried to busy myself tying my boot. “I know, but I didn’t think you’d actually hunt.”

  Cash cleared his throat, which I’d come to realize meant he wanted me to look at him. “I’m from Georgia, Peach. I love to hunt. That’s why Ash and I started this company. We test out all of our products ourselves.”

  “You just don’t look like the hunting type.”

  Cash grabbed his gun. “Those suites you see me in are just for business. Camouflage is my favorite color.”

  Silently I watched as he aimed his gun out of the window, fixing his scope before turning to look at me. “Do you want to try?”

  Me? Try what? I hadn’t handled a gun since Ryder and I went hunting together. “I don’t know—,”

  “Get over here,” he said, reaching out to grab my elbow. He didn’t give me time to move before he pulled me to him, positioning me against his front. All the air sucked from the room, my heartbeat thudded in my throat, an invisible pair of hands tightened their viselike grip around my neck.

  Cash’s breath hit the side of my ear, his lips only a few centimeters away. “The first thing you want to do is hold your gun right. This one has a kick, so I’ll hold it against my shoulder. Put your fingers here.” Cash slid the palm of his hands against the outside of my own, pulling me tighter against his chest.

  I tried to focus on my fingers, but the minty smell of his breath against me had my head gone. The muscles in his chest felt strong and hard against my back. “Just like that,” he whispered. “Now you set your scope. Look through this with one eye, and close the other.”

  Carefully, I looked through the scope, adjusting it until I could see several hundred yards away. “Can you see?” he whispered, his right hand sliding against my hip, his strong fingers gently digging into me.

  “Yes,” I whispered, breathless.

  “Now we wait,” he whispered.

  Cash became quiet after that, his lips skimmed the outer shell of my ear, his fingers tightened on me. I can’t breathe. I felt my body tense, and I hated that it affected me so much. A soft chuckle vibrated against my neck. “Relax,” he whispered.

  Relax. How could I relax? My boss was behind me, and I wanted his lips to taste the skin of my neck. I wanted more than that. It wasn’t right, but it felt so good. “What’s next?” I asked.

  Cash made a small sound I couldn’t pinpoint and turned his head to nuzzle my neck. Jesus Christ. My already tense body turned rigid. Cash pressed his lips against my neck, his tongue running against the smooth path. “Cash,” I whispered, not recognizing my own voice.

  Suddenly the gun was sat down, and Cash had me straddling him over the chair in the far corner. My eyes blurred, and the spots where we connected lit flame. His huge palms engulfed each hip, his fingers stroked over the curve of my ass like he’d wanted to do it for a while. “Cash I—,”

  He wasn’t a great listener.

  He pulled one hand from my hip, sunk it into my hair and guided my mouth to his. It was hot, warm, smelled like toothpaste and hazelnut. There was only one small press of his lips before he pried my mouth opened for more. I was thankful I sat on his lap because if I had stood, I would’ve fallen. My knees grew weak, and I hadn’t put any pressure on them.

  “Jesus,” he mumbled into my mouth, his fingers pulling at the start of my hair. “Your mouth is sweet.”

  Sweet. Sweet like the coffee I’d drank or just sweet? Unable to stop the movement of my hand, I tangled my fingers into his dark mop of hair and pulled. “Please,” I whispered, not sure what I begged for. For my mind to clear the fog that surrounded it, or please don’t stop making my toes curl with your lips.

  Cash pressed me into him, the bulge in his pants pressed against my v, show
ing me he was as aroused as I was. Those two green eyes opened and watched me, my lips, my face. His heavy breathing hit my mouth, and each puff of air that escaped into my own felt like gold. “Do you want me to kiss you again?” he asked.

  What? I’d never had a guy ask me if I wanted him to kiss me. Sure, when I was in third grade Billy Owen asked if he could kiss my cheek, but this was different. He wanted my permission to continue; he didn’t just take it like other boys. And he asked me. I didn’t take Cash for a man who would ask permission. He was rude and ruthless at times.

  I wanted that more than I wanted to take my next breath. Impatience lingered in his eyes, but he hid it behind a kind face. He wanted this as much as me. The fact that he was my boss could be worked through later, right? Yes, later. Much later.

  Instead of answering, I didn’t trust my own voice, I lowered my head and kissed him. Our mouths were wet; tongues danced at a dangerously seductive rate. He groaned into my mouth and curved his palm over my ass, squeezing me into his large hand, the feeling of being powerless consumed me. I loved the strength he possessed, the feeling that I was so small to him.

  He may have asked for permission, but he controlled this. His mouth was in charge; his fingers knew what to do to me, how hard to squeeze and how fast to push up against me. “More?” he asked between assaults from his tongue, his voice deeper and more southern than before. “Can I have more of your mouth?”

  I didn’t hesitate this time. “Yes.”

  Cash groaned, lowered his palms to my thighs, holstered me up and lay me against the soft cushion of the bench. Oh God, he was above me. Positioned between my thighs, laying against my throbbing center, he stared down at me with hungry green eyes. “This is okay?” he asked, placing his palm beside my head.

  More than okay. I nodded, my body trembled when he lowered his mouth again. This time, when he kissed me, it was like the first time all over again. New. Fresh. Hot. Cash gripped my thigh and encircled my leg around his waist, dropping his mouth to my ear. “You show me how much you want me.”

  Heat exploded inside of my stomach; nothing made sense in my brain. All I wanted was more of him. I pulled him in closer with my leg, loving the feel of him pressed against me. Cash lowered his head and nipped my neck, then my ear, gliding his tongue against my jaw. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first damn day I saw you at your parents fuckin’ house.”

  Slipping my hand against his abs, I tugged at the front of his pants with my hand. He froze, his breath fell hard against my forehead, his eyes soft. “Not yet,” he whispered.

  Something heated my body, but it wasn’t lust. It was rejection. He didn’t want to have sex with me? His thick brows pulled in, and he sat up, dragging me up against him. “Not today, Peach. I’ll fuck you; I swear I will, but not today.”

  I imagined the pink hue that stained my cheeks, how ridiculous I must have looked. Anger took over, rejection clogged my throat. “I—We shouldn’t have done this,” I whispered, pressing against his chest.

  Something flickered in Cash’s eyes. “No, we should have,” he said, pulling me closer to him. “And I’m gonna do it again and again. You’ll fuckin’ love it just like you did now. Just not yet, Sydney,” he snapped.

  “Don’t tell me what to do. You’re not my bo—,” well shit, he was my boss. He was my boss. Christ I just made out and dry humped my boss in a deer stand.

  A smile shot up his face, and he lifted a brow. “Don’t go gettin’ cold feet on me now, Sydney. I’ve already tasted you, you’re mine now.”

  The hell I was. “The hell I am. You’re my boss, and I should have never gotten up this mornin’ and put on these too tight for huntin’ clothes!”

  Cash stood up casually. “You’re gonna scare off the deer. And I picked those out on purpose. They fit you well.” He sat back at the window and looked through the scope of his gun all nonchalantly.

  Oh, this man—

  Grabbing the half-empty coffee that Cash had brought me, I tossed it at him. Cash sat still for several seconds before he turned to look at me. The look in his eye was hard to pinpoint. It teetered in-between anger and arousal.

  He took a step forward, wiping the coffee from the side of his face, his fingers lingering over the scruff of his jaw. “Oh, you’re gonna regret that.”

  I wouldn’t because I was totally out of there. I stepped toward the ladder, and started down like I was in a race. “Sydney,” Cash said as a warning. I didn’t stop. My hormones bounced around inside of me like a lottery wheel. He’d turned me down and acted like it wasn’t a big deal. He was my boss; I had to see him every day. I lived with him now. Oh, brother.

  “Stop,” Cash called out, hurrying to catch up with me.

  Instead of stopping, I climbed faster, running full speed when my feet hit the ground. The Gator sat in the spot where Cash left it, the keys dangled from the ignition. The beast was a standard, but my grandpa taught me when I was in high-school.

  I scurried into the seat, pressed the clutch and brought it to life. “Sydney, don’t you fuckin’ dar—,”

  I pressed it in reverse and took off down the worn path. Cash stood in my review mirror, a look I didn’t know just yet on his face.

  But when he smiled I knew I was in trouble.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The fuckin’ man wouldn’t shut his mouth.

  I’d watched the piece of food stuck in between his front two teeth for nearly two hours. The damn sun had already set. I expected Joey at any minute with Sydney and oh, did I have things to handle with her.

  She’d poured coffee on my face, not that it was very hot, but that she did it at all

  Another red pen burst in my hand as I eyed the red stain on my palm from the one I’d snapped earlier.

  Ash cleared his throat, sending me daggers over the ten-page summary of our meeting. I’d lost myself reading the damn thing when I noticed the hazelnut Starbucks coffee that sat in front of our newest investor. Sydney’s favorite.

  Mr. Davis turned the overhead projector off and plastered a satisfied smile on his face. “Cash what do you think?”

  Damn. I didn’t think anything unless it revolved around Sydney’s ass in those pants.

  Asher groaned quietly beside me and sat up in his chair. “We think it’s interesting. Let us think about it and get back with you next week with some questions.”

  Mr. Davis’ grin widened, and he stood to shake my hand. I gathered my notes, which consisted of two entire sentences, and started toward the door. Asher caught me around the corner, grabbing my shoulder and twisting me to him. “What in the hell was that, Cash?”

  I groaned, wiping my palm against my forehead. “It was borin’, Ash. Can you blame me?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Who do you think you’re bullshittin, huh? You can’t bullshit the bullshitter. You were thinkin’ about Sydney. What happened?”

  Turning, I started toward my office, Asher hot on my heels. “Just tell me.”

  He’s worse than a toddler. “I took her huntin’ this morning and things got—fuckin’ crazy.”

  Asher shoved me. “You’ve been thinking about her sex all mornin’? She’s got you trippin’, bro.”

  “No. I was thinking about her throwing coffee on my head, and leaving me at the deer stand to walk back home. And I’m thinking about what I’m going to do to her little ass when Joey brings her in.”

  Ash stopped at the entrance of my door, bent over, and laughed hysterically. Ash had always been a dramatic little punk. “Bro, you’ve definitely lost your game. She dumped it on your head?” More laughter.

  “Yeah, I get it, it’s hilarious.”

  Asher finished his laughter on the way to his seat across from me. “I’ll spare your feelings since I can tell you’re on your monthly.” Ash leaned forward. “I was actually thankful for the meeting today. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Frankie.”

  I skimmed through my e-mails and gave him a long look, thankful for a
distraction that could keep my attention. “The engaged friend, right?”

  Ash gave me a bored look. “It’s obvious he isn’t right for her.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe it’s for her to realize not you.”

  “I should have never brought it up. Let’s go back to talking about you. At least Frankie didn’t throw coffee on my head. I’ve been a gentleman with her—sort of.”

  Scrolling on-screen I tossed Ash the bird. I had an e-mail from Mrs. Henry that I purposefully deleted. She’d be blowing up my phone soon.

  “So, you said Joey was bringing Sydney here? What time?”

  I’d tried not to look at the clock, but his question gave me an excuse. Nine p.m. Not our normal meeting time, but due to our colliding schedules, this was the only time we could fit a meeting in. My fist tightened against my desk. “A while ago. Where in the hell are they?”

  Ash reached for his phone. “I’ll text him. I know how hard it is to text with your fists.”

  I rolled my eyes, raking my hand through my hair. “I’ve gone batshit, Ash. I wanna see her now.”

  Ash grinned. “He’ll text back, chill out.”

  There was no calming down for me. My body had been humming with nerves since it happened. Since I trudged through the mud home, only to find that she’d talked Joey into taking her to work early.

  “He’s been looking at his phone nonstop lately because your secretary gave him her number.”


  Ash nodded. “Yeah, you know he has the hots for—,”

  The door burst opened, and Joey barreled in. “Mayday, Captain. Sydney didn’t have dinner at her parents’ tonight.”

  I jumped out of my chair, fists clenched. “Damn.”

  Frozen Paradise was packed. The loud thump of the bass rattled the windows of our car as we drove by, a slew of scantily clothed women stood in a line down the block. She better not be dressed like that.

  My feet bounced against the floor; my fists tight against my thighs. The nerve of her. She’d deliberately skipped out on Friday night dinner, and my rule. I needed her on the weekends, and this weekend she’d regret not obeying me. I had plans that’d take her somewhere she’d never been, but she’d have to wait until after our date that she would attend. She’d already said yes.


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